Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 112: Professional funny actor, Su Xian! 【Fi

Chapter 112, professional funny actor, Su Xian! 【Fives】

I saw a white figure towering up in the sky. Although it was just standing there quietly, the atmosphere of death was shocking.

It can be seen that it is a figure, wearing white metal "armor", the whole body is shrouded in airtight.

The prismatic white metal spliced ​​seamlessly and looked like a whole body. There were small silver crystals between the links, and there was a fist-sized crystal in front of the person, which looked very mysterious.

"Who are you?"

Looking at the white figure, Ling Lei's pupils shrank suddenly, their bodies tightened in an instant, and they were waiting for them.

Although he had never felt the spirit power fluctuations from Su Xian, it was obviously not the general generation that could withstand the eighth and sixth spirit abilities of the two.

Standing out of thin air, Title Douluo!

This made them immediately think of this sentence in their minds, but it seemed not.

After all, Title Douluo's record that they were members of the Spirit Hall, they were all familiar with them, and they had never heard of Title Douluo dressed up like this.

Not to mention the doubts of Ling and Lei, even Nangongqiu and the others were dumbfounded, not knowing where this monster came from and why they wanted to help them.

However, the characters of unknown origin have greatly reduced their pressure, at least they can take a breath.

Choose one, die!

At this moment, Su Xian moved, and saw that he lifted his finger slightly, four big white characters appeared in the void.

Not only was the imperial sergeant shocked, but even the team attacking the Spirit Hall was dumbfounded.

What a...what an arrogant tone!

"Your Excellency, if you are not a member of the royal family, I advise you to leave it alone, or you will easily get burnt."

Ling Lei's face was gloomy, and he coldly reminded that Qingyou also came to Ling Lei's side, ready to fight at any time.

What a joke, the two of them are Wuhundian Contras, their status is second only to the elders.

Let them choose one person to die, it is really a fantasy!

"Yo, threaten me. I like your domineering and unyielding appearance."

The corner of Su Xian's mouth was slightly raised, and the figure suddenly disappeared again. No one saw his movements or even knew where he went.

The three of Nangong Qiu below had their pupils shrunk, and their expressions were shocked.

I saw a white figure standing quietly in the sky above the soul sage who was fighting with them, and his armor was shining brightly under the sunlight.


Did not see him make a move, only heard a dull and heavy loud noise, and then the scene in front of the three people was drowned in a burst of dust.

The loud noise also attracted the attention of other people, especially when the two of Lei Ling were in the sky, seeing them more realistically.

I saw that the ground with a radius of ten meters in front of the Nangongqiu trio, seemed to have been violently attacked by the outside world, and actually collapsed directly.

In the deep pit, there was a figure lying motionless, gurgling blood flowing from under him...


In an instant, I fell into a dead silence, and the needle fell!

There was a clear throat swallowing sound from his ear, Ling Lei also swallowed subconsciously, his face was full of horror.

Looking at the figure that seemed to have never moved before, the two of them couldn't help taking two steps back.


Really terrible!

Even the cultivation base of their two Soul Douluo was unable to judge his movement trajectory. With such speed and strength, even facing ordinary Title Douluo, they had never been so afraid.

At this moment, there is only a piece of cold left in the bottom of their hearts!

Let alone fighting, the two of them didn't even have a chance to escape!

Choose quickly!

The same font reappeared in front of the two of them, like a reminder, Ling Lei and the two felt that their breath was almost frozen.

With two simple words, they could even feel the anger of each other, as if they could not help but kill them both in the next moment.


Without any thoughts of resistance, Lei Ling was about to ask for mercy. Suddenly he felt a pain in his back. Then the viscous liquid dyed his clothes and squirmed down on his back.


Ling Lei looked down at his waist, only to see a long sword blazing blood, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he looked at Qing You inconceivably.

"I'm sorry."

Panic flashed in his eyes, but the corner of Qing You's mouth showed a relieved smile, and the voice of the yin bird rang.

"Your Excellency, please keep your promise." Ignoring Ling Lei, Qing You looked at Su Xian and reminded expectantly.

Damn it!

Seeing Qing You's decisive move, Su Xian was also shocked, and he couldn't help but explode in foul language.

Sure enough, it was not only the enemy, but also your friend who stabbed the knife in the back!

Look, it's altogether, you know at a glance that this guy will live a long life!

Therefore, I must send him a ride and send him back to the tomb of Wuhundian to wait.


The white figure flashed away, and a figure fell like a meteor, slamming straight into the ground without a sound.

Qing You didn't know until he died, why Su Xian chose to kill him instead of Ling Lei, maybe this was good luck.

Those who want to die can't die, those who want to live can't live~


Holding tightly to the wound on his waist, Ling Lei looked at Su Xian strangely.

If Su Xian is not afraid of revealing his voice, he will reply with a classic line-I'm sorry, I am an undercover agent!

But now, obviously it won't work.

Ignoring Ling Lei, Su Xian set his eyes on the big tree not far away, slowly out of his palm, and a ball-shaped energy impact burst out suddenly.


The big tree was directly crushed, and a large pit with a diameter of 20 meters was formed on the ground, and in the center was a black cave with a diameter of 5 meters, which looked bottomless.

The smoke and dust are ballasted, mixed with black mist, and the two are scattered in the air together, not attracting attention.

"It's quite fast to escape..."

The corner of his mouth was slightly raised, Su Xian's eyes were full of playfulness, and he didn't catch up with him, just to tease him.

"Oh~ why force me to do it!"

Seeing that the Soul Master of the Wuhun Hall had wiped out a hundred people just by himself, Su Xian shook his head helplessly. There was no joy at all, but he felt blood loss.


The breeze blew, Su Xian's figure moved slightly, and disappeared in an instant.

Seeing this, Ling Lei also quickly ordered to retreat, not daring to continue attacking.

Seeing the black-clothed soul masters retreat, the Heaven Dou Army Soul Masters suddenly sighed in relief, ignoring the blood and sweat on their bodies, and sat on the ground without a demeanor.

Everyone looked at each other, then couldn't help but giggled, it seems that the sun has become less cold...

"Ahhh! Let you attack the empire army, I will kill you!"

Suddenly, a roar rang and attracted everyone's attention again.

Before Qing You's corpse, a young figure was holding a big stone to vent his anger.

"Ahem... what? I'm just in case he didn't die."

However, as everyone's gaze swept over, the young man's movements stagnated, and then silently threw a stone, as if nothing happened, said seriously.

Hearing this, everyone looked at the unrecognizable Qingyou, his forehead was full of black lines, "...".

Your Majesty, are you the monkey sent to tease you? !

(End of this chapter)