Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 114: The true nature of a man, the poisonous

Chapter 114 The true character of a man, the poisonous fight is returned! 【two】

After the attack, under the arrangement of Nangongqiu and others, the army began to clean the battlefield and bury the corpse.

After that, the army went forward for three or four miles, and after leaving the battlefield, they began to camp again.

No way, whether it is morale or vitality, the army needs to be adjusted again at this moment.

Otherwise, even if they arrived at Mocheng at this moment, they would be just a group of soft-footed sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

Besides, several of them were injured, and they need time to recuperate.

There is his own soul healer in the army, and he can heal quickly. Xue'an just consumes too much soul power, and there is no problem with the injury on his shoulder.

"You said someone repelled Wu... the black-clothed soul master team?"

Hearing what happened, Xue'an looked at Xue Bingning incredulously. He originally wanted to talk about Wuhun Hall, but he immediately changed his words.

This kind of thing is hard to say, nor can it be said, even if there is evidence.

"Well! That person is very powerful. With just one blow, the man in Tsing Yi was hit directly on the ground and lost his breath."

With excitement in her tone, a white figure flashed across Xue Bingning's eyes. He was domineering and invincible, and she admired her.

one strike!

Hearing this, Xue'an couldn't help taking a breath, killing the Contra with one blow, even a normal Titled Douluo couldn't do it.

No wonder, when I was knocked sap, I didn't notice it at all, it turned out that the other party was so strong!

"Can you see who he is?" Xue An asked hastily.

He didn't want revenge, unless he was crazy, he just wanted to get in touch to see if he could win the royal position.

No way, their royal family is too weak, not to mention the Royal Family of the Star Luo Empire, even some of their dukes, they are not strong or weak.

If there is a titled Douluo sitting in the imperial family, the sense of security it will bring to the empire cannot be added.

"He is wearing armor and covering his face, and he doesn't see the real face." Xue Bingning shook his head, feeling a little lost.

It's a shame to be such a hero, nameless and masked, not being able to see the true face.

"Oh~ that's a pity."

Xue'an couldn't help but shook his head. He didn't expect the other party to be so mysterious.

"By the way, is Qinghe okay?"

After reacting, Xue'an shuddered in his heart and asked again.

"Uh... he seems to be a little frightened, and is now resting in the carriage."

Xue Bingning's expression was a little unnatural, and she explained vaguely.

She went to the carriage before and saw the sweetness of the two of them. Su Xian was still lying on Xue'er’s lap, and Xue'er massaged him with ruddy face...

In that scene, she almost did not sweeten her to death, she retreated without asking anything.

"That kid, Citizen did such a great job, now he has learned to be afraid."

Thinking that Xue Bingning was playing cover for Su Xian, Xue An shook his head with a smile, his eyes were also extremely surprised.

I can't wait to see Su Xian's scared look, I think it will be very interesting.

"You should take care of your injuries."

Xue Bingning reminded him in a bad mood, looking at Xue'an's arm, full of worry.

"Okay, the granddaughter has spoken. I am an old man who doesn't listen." Xue'an said with a smile.


In the evening, the Chinese army camp.

The head of the army discussed the situation of today's battle. In general, ordinary sergeants suffered 25,000 casualties and 500 soul masters lost more than half.

Hearing this number, everyone was abnormally silent, their emotions suppressed.

The number of casualties is really too large, especially the soul master, which is the foundation of the empire.

After 250 people were lost all of a sudden, Xue'an couldn't help but tickling his teeth with hatred, wishing to pull out the body of the Spirit Master in the Spirit Hall and flog him.

Unfortunately, this is also useless.

"The army will rest for another night and will directly attack the city of Mo tomorrow!"

Her face instantly condensed, Xue An exuded endless killing intent, like a devil crawling out of hell, with scarlet blood eyes, roaring.


Hearing this, the generals immediately took their orders, and their faces were as serious as steel. Everyone carried an unfinished killing intent.

Even if you know that the army is exhausted at the moment, there should never be another accident on the road, or else there will be no need to fight this battle!

Watching the generals leave, Su Xian took out the gold coin card robbed from Soto City from the storage ring.

There was no reluctance on his face, Su Xian directly handed it to Xue'an's table, "Second grandfather, this is my personal sponsorship of five million, it is a compassion for the dead."

This matter is irrelevant, but his conscience is distressed.

Whether it is the Virgin or pretending to be kind, he thinks he should express something, five million is really not much.

There is a fight between the subordinates of the family and the subordinates of the future natal family, it is really...who is wronged!

If they don't **** suppress, the two groups will have to fight to death, which will be even more painful!

However, Su Xian felt that he needed to remind his mother-in-law Bibi Dong to see the situation clearly for the Martial Soul Palace who was the one who was provoking the trouble.

Otherwise, the fixed-installed soul-guided shells in his crotch really can't hide, it's going to show up!

["Brother, don't control it, this is the true color of a man!"——Don't cry from Bilian and Chu. 】

"Where did you get this money?" Xue An asked with a frown.

"Go with the old poison..."

Before Su's gossip was finished, a figure appeared in the big camp instantly, sat down without a word, took a sip of tea, and his chest was violently up and down.

Su Xian:.......

Damn it! Is it true that Cao Cao has arrived, can you still be more accurate? !

Looking at Dugu Bo, Su Xian couldn't help but become angry and roared, "I said old poison, you have to go so long to rob you, I let you be a thug, not a robber!"

If Dugu Bo was in the army, the Spirit Hall team would definitely not dare to act rashly, unless the ghost Douluo in secret also appeared.

However, in this way, the wolf ambition of the Spirit Hall would be made public. After all, ghosts... passers-by are known to be the elders of the Spirit Hall.

I'm afraid this is also the reason why the ghost doesn't do it directly, just to guard against variables.

"Huh! You can talk coldly, how can you get out of the old man who is entangled in the moon gate?!"

Dugu Bo roared angrily, if he hadn't absorbed a soul bone, it was not certain whether he could come back in such a safe and sound state.

"Chrysanthemum Douluo is here too!"

Xue'an's pupils shrank suddenly, only that things were getting trickier.

There were some surprises, and Su Xian felt a little normal. The two of them had always been in pairs. It would be strange if they didn't come together!

Chrysanthemum Douluo's control, Ghost Douluo's secret hand, it's wonderful! Su Xian couldn't help sighing secretly.

"Are you not hurt?"

With eyes wandering around Dugu Bo for a while, Su Xian said in surprise.

Dugu Bo:.......


I listen to you, and look at your eyes again, as if I wish I was hurt, damn!

"Huh! Although the old man's spirit power is lower, he is still a dignified title Douluo!" Dugu Bo returned domineeringly.

Su Xian:.......

Please get acquainted, and add the word "weakest" in front of Title Douluo, thank you!

(End of this chapter)