Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 305: The cooperation of a strong mouth! 【On

Chapter 305 The cooperation of the strong mouth king! 【One】

"Old Yao, don't hide, just come out by yourself."

Seeing Yao Lao so uninterested, Su Xian couldn't help reminding him with a stern expression.

One second, nothing happened...

Three seconds, very quiet...

Ten seconds, the atmosphere is a bit weird...


You bad old man, you have a personality, I like it~

"The soul of an eighth-grade pharmacist is still the No. 1 pharmacist in the mainland. It is estimated that if you sell it to the Soul Palace, you should be able to get a good price."

Su Xian stroked his chin thoughtfully.

Yao Lao:.......

"Since it falls into your hands, I have nothing to say."

Clouds and mists were steaming, the fairyland curled up, and a misty soul body appeared in front of Su Xian.

The white hair is flying, the immortal wind and the bones, quite superior.

Rao was reduced to a prisoner, still stroking his beard indifferently, and his face was quiet and deep.

"What do you two want, just put it straight."

Looking at Su Xian deeply, the old man Yao sighed, as if he had accepted his fate.

In his current situation, let alone facing Dou Zong, even Dou Huang could not be matched.

Not to mention, there are two fighting sects here.

Let alone fight, even escape is impossible.

"Hand over all the exercises, fighting skills, different fires, pill recipes, and alchemy techniques. I can consider getting you a body." Su Xian said domineeringly.

Yao Lao: 〒_〒

His face suddenly turned black, Yao Lao's face muscles kept twitching, his chest violently undulating like a gunpowder keg would explode at any time.

Suppressing his anger, Yao Lao said in a good way, "Little brother, no matter how you say it, I was also Senior Dou Zun before. Maybe I and your father still know each other. There is no need to be so unfeeling."

Know my father?

You are also crossing! ?

Seeing that Mr. Yao still wanted to make a relationship, Su Xian looked at him dumbly, his eyes kept open, silent.

Old Yao's heart trembled, and he stepped back, "Otherwise you and I will cooperate with each other, and if I teach you alchemy, will you build a flesh for me?"

As if for fear that Su Xian would not agree, Yao Lao reiterated his value.

"You also know that the old man is an eight-rank alchemist and the number one alchemist in the mainland. If there is an old man's guidance, the future will be limitless."

"Alchemy is a dead thing after all. If you don't have the guidance of a famous teacher, you have to think about it."

Speaking of the end, Yao Lao stood tall and kept his eyes straight, waiting for the fish to take the bait at any time.

Seeing that Yao Lao had become awkward and coaxing again, Su Xianman was speechless. When did he say that he was going to learn alchemy?

Some time ago, he had encountered the alchemy mastery of Taishang Laojun, but he didn't have so many stars.

Besides, he is now learning alchemy, it would be too wasteful of time.

Su Xian didn't get angry, "Shao Te, what nonsense, take out the storage ring by yourself, it's numb!"

? ? ?

Seeing that Su Xian didn't move at all, Yao Lao was immediately stunned, his eyes widened in amazement.


This is the refining technique of the number one pharmacist in the mainland, something that countless pharmacists dream of, you don't think about it.

Is it possible...this guy's cultivation has broken his brain?

His complexion was suffocated for a while, and the old man finally couldn't help it, "Little brother, don't you want to have the old man's medicine alchemy?"

"Isn't you in refining medicine? It's better to let you refining medicine at that time." Su Xian joked.

Yao Lao: ~_~

What you said is true, even I don't know how to refute it!

Seeing Yao Lao's depressed appearance, Su Xian was not embarrassed at all.

He just needs to make money. There is this big medicine refining expert around him, do he still need to refining medicine himself?

"Little brother, can you change other requirements?"

Yao Lao looked at Su Xian with sorrow and helplessness in his eyes.

"Yes, you stand still, I will break your soul apart, and then collect the storage ring!"

Seeing Su Xian nodding his head, Yao Lao thought there was a turning point. When he heard this, the little hope in his heart disappeared without a trace.

"Don't force me, or you would rather destroy the storage ring than give it to you."

The complexion that was originally calm suddenly became ugly.

Yao Lao looked resolute, and the cold bone in his hand was glowing with snow white light.

"Go on, I'll wait~"

Seeing that Mr. Yao actually planned to destroy the storage ring, Su Xian laughed instead in a hurry.

Sitting down on his own, he started drinking tea.

"Do you want tea?"


"Do you think he will ruin the storage ring?" Qian Renxue teased with a smile on her face.

"I see it, dignified Master Yao, that is a character who would rather die than yield."

"This fighting technique is not something outside of the body, it is his life, even if he is dead, he will bring it into the coffin."

"That's a shame~"


The two of you talked with each other and arranged Yao Lao's life clearly.

The latter was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, his lips trembled, and almost didn't explode in place.


You are forcing the old man to me, I didn't want to be like this.

Now, he won't be able to blew himself up, right?


"Is he angry?" Qian Renxue blinked Shuiling's big eyes and asked innocently.

"I don't see it. Ba% thinks this way of death is the best result for him."

"Oh, for so many years of patience and humiliation, and being able to die for the storage ring, Huangquan is also proud of it, everyone should also admire it.

Rubbing his chin, Su Xian pretended to be contemplative, and then turned on the strong mouth king mode.

Yao Lao:.......

Hearing these two people, Yao Lao was angry from his heart, his twisted face was filled with the flames of rage, as if he was going to run away at any time.

Just when he wanted to do it, the two began to talk again.

Qian Renxue said, "I feel he is angry, you see that his face has become a donkey face."

Su Xian's pupils shrank, full of trepidation, "What should I do, he is a Dou Zun, and hitting the two of us is not like playing around."

After finishing speaking, he patted his forehead again, and realized it, "Hey~ Forget that he is dead now, and he can't beat both of us at all. If you do it, wouldn't it mean you are looking for death by yourself."

Qian Renxue said, "That's right, but I hope that he will do it, and finally encounter such an opportunity. It's a pity not to compete with Dou Zun."

"What's the contest? I think he will die and break the net in 80%!"

Qian Renxue was so angry that Su Xian turned his head and looked at Yao Lao, who had no love, and said kindly:

"Look back and set up a burial mound for him, and write on it (the first medicine alchemist in the mainland, Yaochen, is tired of his belongings, so I will stop here

Venerable Yao would rather die than surrender for the storage ring. It can be called the strongest iron rooster in the world, and it is completely famous in the mainland!

Su Xian felt it necessary to start this name for him.


Yao Lao's originally ethereal soul was struck by the two's superb words, and his body trembled violently and faltered.

Killing and condemning the heart is nothing more than that! !

(End of this chapter)