Douluo: No thoughts

Chapter 25

"Tang San is my brother, we still have a father, but I don't know where he is?" Tang Wunian finished the situation in a few words. Tang Wunian really didn't know where Tang Hao was. He could only rely on Blue Silver Grass. The feeling between them roughly found the position of the Blue Silver Emperor, and more specifically, he had to become Blue Silver Grass, and Tang Hao solemnly told him that he should never become Blue Silver Grass in front of outsiders.

"It's over?"

"What else should there be?"

Dai Mubai wanted to ask, but didn't know whether to ask, she rubbed Tang Wunian's soft hair, "Does Xiao Nian have a good relationship with them?"

Tang Wunian glanced at Dai Mubai suspiciously, "Very good."

He and Tang San are the only disciples of the Tang Sect. Of course, the relationship is good, and now Tang San is still his elder brother by blood. Although Tang Hao doesn't care about them, he can feel that Tang Hao actually cares. them.

"Then why didn't you hear about them?" The relationship is so good that your children can be alone in the dangerous forest? Can you leave it alone for so many years?

"You never asked!"

"Okay!" Dai Mubai narrowed his eyes, and didn't want to say anything. His child hurts himself. If anyone dares to bully his child in the future, Dai Mubai must beat him so hard that he doesn't even know his mother.

Tang Wunian: I didn't want to say, you really didn't ask!

"Tang San is very strong. If he is the same age as me, I might not even be his opponent." Dai Mubai said slowly, "Your weapons are from the family?"

"You can say that." Tang Sect was originally a family sect, and the hidden weapons were inherited from the family, but there is no Tang Sect here. He and Tang San can also be regarded as family heirs, "If I am as old as you, you must Can't beat me."

Dai Mubai looked at the proud look of her own child, and the warmth in her heart was about to overflow, "Yes, my family's Xiao Nian is the best."

"Of course." Tang Wunian looked up at Dai Mubai, "Now you can't beat me."


Well, Dai Mubai couldn't beat Tang Wunian with all his strength, and he couldn't bear all his strength. Therefore, he was only beaten by Tang Wunian. Both of them knew that Tang Wunian was just verbal.

"Are your little things okay for me?" Dai Mubai was a little worried, and a little ecstatic. Generally, the things passed down from the family are not passed on. If you don’t want to equip yourself with things, does it mean that you’re right? He is very important.

"It's okay, things in our house can be given as gifts." Anyway, you won't use the real Tang Sect hidden weapon.

Tang Wunian didn't say the following sentence, and then remembered something, and looked at Dai Mubai eagerly, "I took something from the dean's shop, and the dean wants you to give him money within ten days."

He took the slab crystal before going to the forest, so today is exactly the tenth day.

Dai Mubai waved his hand indifferently, "No problem, I will send it to the dean tomorrow."

He didn't even ask how much money he wanted. There was no way. He Dai Mubai had a lot of money.

Tang Wunian glanced at Dai Mubai and kindly reminded, "Today is the tenth day, and the dean said that if there is a delay, he will come to talk with you in person."

"Ah ah ah ah ah!" Dai Mubai yelled and ran out, "Wonian, why didn't you say it earlier."

Being pulled out by the dean alone is definitely a horrible experience. He never wants to be caught the second time after going there for the first time.

Who on earth caused him to ruin his soft and cute thoughtlessness? It must be that fat man, he has long been seen as unruly about Wunian (?).

Fatty, you wait for me!

Ma Hongjun: Hmph, Boss Dai, come and fight if you refuse to accept it!

Looking at Dai Mubai's back, Tang Wunian smiled, with a very open smile, and a small pear vortex appeared on his cheeks.

This silly cat...

Tang Wunian looked at it for a while and then went back to the house to rest. The silly cat always treated him as if he didn't understand.

People are not grass and trees, so how can he not feel it after so many years of careful companionship.

Dai Mubai, whenever you dare to speak, Xiaoye dare to agree!

Xiu Nuo, who hadn't left, watched Tang Wunian closing the door with a smile on his face, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Tang Wunian knew what temperament he also knew. It was the first time he saw him so much that he was only happy after letting go. Maybe these two children could really work together to create miracles.

Xiu Nuo held a small ball in his hand, turned his slender fingers on it, and then crushed the small ball.

Forget it, let's meet Tang Hao!

After the small ball was broken, there was an aura that guided Xiunuo out of the village to the depths of the forest.

Tang Hao was waiting for him.

After a few years, Tang Hao still looks sloppy, but there is a look in his eyes, and his whole person is different.

Tang Hao felt it the moment the ball shattered. He thought something had happened to Tang Wunian, so he immediately rushed to see Xiu Nuo.

"What's the matter?" Tang Hao looked at Xiu Nuo coldly, his fingers were a little white. It wasn't that he didn't care about the children, but now he really didn't have the energy to take care of the two children.

Xiu Nuo's expression was sullen, if the person in front of him was Wunian's father, he would have already taught him, what happened to Title Douluo, don't think he can't beat him!

"You should know Dai Mubai!" Xiu Nuo didn't say directly, because Tang Wunian knew that someone secretly protected him.

Tang Hao was silent for a while, "Come with me, go to my place and say."

Xiu Nuo snorted, but also followed Tang Hao.

The two galloped into the mountain, and all the bumpy roads were flat in front of them.

The destination is surrounded by mountains, all souls are emerald, rippling sapphires in front of them, and the magnificent waterfalls that connect to the earth, make people feel refreshed.

Tang Hao didn't use his soul power to resist the impact of the waterfall, allowing his body to be soaked.

Xiu Nuo followed Tang Hao closely. Tang Hao glanced at Xiu Nuo before he acted again. With a wave of his left hand, it was three meters long. The giant Clear Sky Hammer with its head like a water tank was suddenly released, soaring into the sky, and falling into the air. Under the action of the huge soul power, Tang Hao's rapids revolved up, and Tang Hao also followed his Clear Sky Hammer.

The waterfall had been turned back by the Clear Sky Hammer for more than half of the distance. Tang Hao pressed his left hand on the stone wall behind the waterfall, and a piece of rock that seemed to be closely intertwined was so sunken in, and a portal appeared.

His figure flashed, and he had already got in.

Xiu Nuo didn't hesitate, and directly followed in.

Perhaps because of the waterfall outside, the cave is very humid. The cave is about three meters high and two meters wide, extending all the way inward. It was dark inside, and Tang Hao took out a pale golden gem from his soul guide, illuminating the surroundings.

Xiu Nuo followed Tang Hao, still wondering, why did Tang Hao want to live in a place where the sky is not visible? Why don't you ask the child? What happened back then that made the clear sky Douluo become like this?

When I reached the innermost point, everything around me lit up. I looked up and saw a stone hole appeared at the top of the cave wall. Here, there was a stone chamber measuring only about ten square meters.

There is no furnishings in the stone room, it is empty, but just below the stone hole above, there is a small soil bag. On the soil bag, a slender blue silver grass flutters in the wind. The blue silver grass looks more than ordinary grass. The leaves are longer, and the most peculiar thing is the golden fine lines on the grass blades.

Sitting in front of the soil bag, Tang Hao's expression suddenly became surprisingly gentle, and he stroked the blue silver grass blades with light golden fine lines extremely softly.

Xiu Nuo approached the blue silver grass, the blue silver grass swayed a bit more violently, and the golden thread on the grass blade seemed to be alive. In the slight rhythm, golden light and water waved like waves.

"what happened?"

Tang Hao and Xiu Nuo were both stunned. Suddenly, Tang Hao said in ecstasy, "Why didn't I expect that it was Xiao Nian's breath..."

"Tang Hao!"

Xiu Nuo yelled unbearably, "I don't care what's going on with you here? I just ask you, do you think Xiao Nian is your son?"

Tang Hao woke up from ecstasy, looked at Xiu Nuo's gloomy face, and said bitterly, "Of course Xiao Nian is my son, but he is also your apprentice."

Xiu Nuo took a deep breath, "I don't know what happened to you, but I know these are not what a child should bear. You don't care about him now, don't regret it in the future!"

According to the news that Xiu Nuo received, Tang Hao had been with a woman named A Yin before hitting Qian Xun Ji. No one knew where he came from. Now Xiu Nuo suddenly had a crazy hypothesis, if A Yin was not. Humans, but soul beasts, everything can make sense before, including why Tang Hao confronted Wuhun Hall, Xiao Nian is a pervert who is obviously a weapon, but has a high affinity for Blue Silver Grass, why not Let Tang Wunian have the slightest contact with the people in Wuhun Hall, why stay in this inaccessible place.

Tang Hao wants to resurrect Ah Yin!

Tang Hao brought Xiunuo here, just didn't want to hide Xiunuo anymore. Only by letting Xiunuo know why can he better protect Xiao Nian. Tang Hao's eyes were dim, "Xiao Nian he..."

"He was tempted by Dai Mubai." Xiu Nuo sneered, "The kid is very stubborn. If he looks for it, he won't look back. Dai Mubai is sincere to him."

In Xiu Nuo's view, it was because of lack of love that my little apprentice was so easily tempted, and it was Tang Hao's fault!

"Xing Luo's rules, you know, why don't you stop him." Tang Hao's eyes were sharp.

"I know!" Xiu Nuo was anxious, "I know what's wrong. I can manage his feelings. I think Dai Mubai is very good. People can at least hold Xiao Nian in his hand and spoil him, or do you think I can teach it. Will the students of Xingluo lose to the group of immortal students taught by Xing Luo? I am here only to inform you, not to ask for your opinion, Tang Hao, whoever does not ask has no right to speak!"

Xiu Nuo was also anxious, and directly helped Dai Mubai fix Tang Hao.

Tang Hao listened to Xiu Nuo's words and was silent for a long time. Lan Yincao seemed to be wise, feeling that Tang Hao's mood was depressed, and two leaves entangled Tang Hao's hand.

Tang Hao responded to Lan Yincao's comfort and said to Xiu Nuo, "As long as Xiao Nian is happy!"