Douluo: Possess Eight Magic Skills

Chapter 74: Detention (Part 1)

Bibi Dong's answer was beyond Mo Lin's expectations, but it was also reasonable. The accident was because Bibi Dong didn't show this aspect in the original book, and it made sense because Bibi Dong was a Titled Douluo after all, so it would be unreasonable for her to not know what was wrong with her body.

"Mo Lin, for so many years, even the great worship of our Spirit Hall has not been able to see the strangeness of my body. How did you see it?" Bibi Dong

Mo Lin didn't answer first, but directly used the restraining spirit to send the generals, his eyes released white light, and a deep black energy appeared on his body.

Bibi Dong suddenly felt that her two martial spirits seemed to be slightly pulled, but what was more obvious was that the strange and discordant feeling that had plagued her all the year round had weakened a lot.

Merlin took over the state of detaining spirits and sent generals, and explained:

"Master, this is my fifth soul skill. It can control all spirits, so I can easily feel and find elves, souls, ghosts and the like, and you are a part of ghosts. Species, called 'wraiths', once parasitized or attached to living creatures, this kind of ghost will fully amplify the host's negative emotions, and it is difficult for ordinary people to detect."

"Wraith." Hearing these two words, Bibi Dong already understood that when she killed Qianxunji and devoured his body and soul, she was not perfect, and Qianxunji's soul was not completely absorbed by her. , Chihiroji, this scumbag, naturally hates her behavior to the core. This soul, which was not fully absorbed and dominated by Chihiroji's negative emotions, has been parasitic in her body, constantly affecting her mind. And it wasn't until he became a Title Douluo that he realized, or felt that there was something in his body that he couldn't control.

Bibi Dong looked at Mo Lin impatiently, she couldn't bear the part of Chihiro Ji still alive, and this part was still in her body:

"Merlin, can you remove this thing from my body now?"

Mo Lin touched his chin and thought for a while, then said:

"As long as you, Master, do your best to reject this 'resentful spirit', it shouldn't be a problem for me to pull this thing out of your body now."

"Then hurry up!" Bibi Dong grabbed Mo Lin and instantly came to her room.

Merlin was a little confused.

'Aren't you just holding on to your spirit? Why are you pulling me here so excitedly? ’

Seeing Mo Lin's expression, Bibi Dong said calmly:

"My room has a special barrier, and it is not easy to be disturbed. What do I need to do?"

Bibi Dong was so urgent, Mo Lin, who had read the original book, naturally knew why, and immediately began to explain:

"Master, although the resentful spirit is now parasitic on your soul and merges with your soul, so you can't tell the difference, but I will fully activate the fifth soul skill in a while, and at that time, the resentful spirit will gradually merge with yours. There is a difference in the soul, you only need to mobilize the mental power to push the different part out, but you must follow my instructions, once the moment of rejection is too early, it will also cause irreparable damage to your soul."

Bibi Dong nodded, but the impatience on her face did not subside at all, she immediately sat on the bed, closed her eyes, and waited for Mo Lin to do something.

Mo Lin closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The first time he arrested a spirit was a resentful spirit that had been hidden for many years. He was still a little nervous.

When Merlin opened his eyes again, his eyes glowed more intensely than before, and said:

"Come, come quickly!"

Suddenly, a part of Bibi Dong's soul changed, and was constantly being pulled out by an invisible force.

However, after all, the resentful spirit is not a milder spiritual body like an elves. Feeling that he is gradually separated from the host, the resentful spirit also begins its resistance.

"Is it alright?" Bibi Dong said suddenly, her tone clearly containing anger and resentment.

'No, this resentful spirit is starting to amplify Bibi Dong's negative emotions, so hurry up. ’

Mo Lin stepped up his efforts and used all his mental power, soul power and soul to pull the grievances.

But the more "jin" Mo Lin used, the more fierce the spirit's resistance. Under its influence, Bibi Dong suddenly exploded with her titled Douluo-level spirit power. Lin spat out a large mouthful of blood, and the impact of the soul power was continuous, that is, Bibi Dong broke out unconsciously, and the soul power was not concentrated on Mo Lin, so that Mo Lin could hold on.

‘Damn this situation, can Bibi Dong still hear what I say? It seems to be on his own. ’

Mo Lin did not weaken his strength, but used the source of the soul, the dual hands, and the sky-penetrating scorpion at the same time when he had already used the restraining spirit to send the generals.

The source of the Qi body provided Mo Lin with more violent and sufficient soul power, the two hands were constantly repairing his body and stabilizing his soul and spiritual power, and Tong Tianlu released a kind of talisman that Mo Lin had stored in the past few years. ——Suppressing evil spirits, multi-pronged approach.

Simultaneous use of the four Eight Magical Skills is a great test for Mo Lin's body and mind. That is to say, both hands are a recovery-oriented magic skill, and there is no obvious conflict between the various magic skills, so they did not give Merlin created more burdens.

Now Bibi Dong's situation is very similar to the situation of Old Man Lu when he attacked Longhu Mountain. He seems to have fallen into the negative emotion of anger, but the main reason why Bibi Dong is like this is the strong resistance of the resentful spirits, so as long as Mo Lin Pulling out the resentful spirit can eliminate this situation.

However, Mo Lin was currently under the impact of Title Douluo's soul power. It was a bit difficult, and he seemed to underestimate this resentful spirit, which could be described as deeply ingrained in Bibi Dong's body.

The reason why it is so deeply easily amplifies the negative emotions of a Titled Douluo is because Bibi Dong has the most suitable soil for him, a heart full of revenge.

It was because of the revenge that Bibi Dong kept in her heart that this resentful spirit was never completely noticed by Bibi Dong, and was easily integrated into her soul.

Two lines of blood and tears flowed from the corners of Mo Lin's eyes, and the speed at which he healed his body with both hands still couldn't compare to the speed at which a Title Douluo-level spirit power attack caused damage to Mo Lin.

Immediately afterwards, blood flowed from the nostrils and ears, and the blood from the corners of the mouth gushed out like a mountain spring.

‘Is this the legendary seven orifices bleeding? It really hurts to death! ’

The resentful spirit seemed to see Mo Lin's tragic situation, and Mo Lin felt its ridicule very clearly through the restraining spirit.

At this moment, Mo Lin showed a strange smile,

‘As expected of the Douluo Continent, even a parasitic resentful spirit has grown to a certain degree of self-awareness? It's really amazing in the world. ’