Douluo See You For a Long Time

v1 Chapter 1057: Empire's counterattack

The infected took advantage of their high-end combat power to form a digging team, with a frenzied speed. The excavation of underground caves has begun.

   caused huge trouble to the construction of the Tiandou Empire. The shield machine used for underground engineering operations was destroyed 11 times in a row. Even with the large number of spare parts reserved by the empire, it could not be repaired in a short time.

   There are often explosions in the military camp, and many soldiers are sleeping in the middle of the night. It was sent to the sky by a violent explosion from the ground.

   More often, the infected people burrow out of the ground to launch surprise attacks. At the same time, cover more infected people and take this opportunity to break through underground.

They know very well that even if they can win once or twice in a frontal conference battle, they cannot always win against a strong empire. The key to their plan is to spread more infected people to every corner of the empire. .

  It is easy to deal with the infected people who gather together, but it is another matter to spread across the country.

   The empire’s troops stationed here have been harassed one after another, and it can be described as exhausted. Many troops had to order soldiers not to disarm at night.

   This is also nothing, the individual combat effectiveness of the infected is too strong. If you encounter a sudden attack, if you don't wear the armor, you will be killed for the first time if you don't have time to change your outfit.

   Even though most soldiers have practiced unarmed combat and gun shooting. Under the premise of not wearing power armor, it is by no means an opponent of those with abnormal physical fitness and even more abnormal energy in the body.

   But such an order will undoubtedly make the soldiers more exhausted. This era of unarmored nights is different from ancient times. In ancient times, sleeping without taking off the armor was at best panic. If you want to sleep, you can still fall asleep.

   But wearing power armor is another matter. This thing is designed for combat, so most of them don’t have the ability to lie down at all. This word is basically useless on the battlefield. Designers can design this function only after drinking waste water from nuclear radiation.

   The armor produced on the assembly line is definitely too late to be temporarily modified on the battlefield. So most soldiers want to wear power armor overnight. Then you have to find a way to stand and fall asleep.

   This kind of high-end skill, even on the earth, can only be mastered by a few scumbags who are often punished. Not to mention that the Tiandou Empire simply did not have so many years of compulsory education. Wearing armor, I couldn't sleep at all at night, and even if I practiced for a night, my back would be sore. After several days in a row, people were paralyzed.

   Fortunately, the reinforcements finally arrived, and the 400,000 vast army of profound energy was stationed, and immediately began to strengthen the surface of the barracks.

   In order to save energy, most of the legion’s shields are not spherical, but inverted bowl-shaped. The edge of the shield is about ten to twenty meters deep underground. This design is basically sufficient on the battlefield. But under the enemy's burrowing surprise attack, he suffered a great loss.

   Fortunately, the vast sea profound energy legion can be called omnipotent. After they arrived, they immediately used the vast sea profound energy to strengthen the ground. The strengthened ground is as strong as steel and more than ten meters thick, even with professional equipment. It is difficult to break through.

   The most important thing is when this soil layer is destroyed. The entire legion can sense the location of the destruction. This makes a surprise attack impossible.

   Before the infected people penetrated this ground, the army had successfully assembled, and after being anti-ambushed twice in a row. The infected people also realized the problem and gave up this meaningless sneak attack.

   The vast sea profound energy legion is like a sea **** needle, as long as they reach the imperial army, they are invincible.

   After suppressing the sneak attacks of the infected, the empire also began to counterattack. The profound energy of the vast sea rose into the sky, turning into golden yellow, and staining the entire sky.

  Complicated mechanical structures are generated little by little in the cloud. The infected people in the dungeon can see the scene in the sky through the monitoring screen. All showed an uneasy look.

   "All personnel do it, deploy defensive positions, maximum power." In the knowledge left by Chengying, there is content related to linkage defense. The overall structure of the underground base is to facilitate the use of this huge array.

   As the broadcast echoed in the dungeon, everyone immediately returned to their dormitory.

   The strong spirit power fluctuations connected the entire dungeon and multiplied as a whole, and the strong energy fluctuations coming from the underground can be felt casually on the surface. The purple light visible to the naked eye bloomed from the ground.

  The complicated parts in the sky are stitched together one by one. A huge ring is formed, and the chilling high energy condenses in the center of the ring, and it may burst out at any time.

   Since the beginning of the war, the most explosive collision is about to begin.

   The golden high-energy ball of light, fluctuating steadily, seemed to reach its limit soon. At the moment when it was almost suppressed. A bright golden light fell from the sky. It blasted fiercely in the center of Sky Crystal City through the soil layer on the surface, and all the soil within a radius of a few miles evaporated. The dungeon body with a strong purple glow was exposed below.

   The beam of light slammed down on it, making a weird sound like a bell ringing, and the closer one would even be directly stunned.

   The torrent of energy and the shock wave of a nuclear explosion are even more terrifying. Wherever it goes, no grass grows, and all tangible things turn into fly ash.

   The shock wave spread to that circle of city walls and stopped. On New Year's Day, there were many surface buildings in the Sky Crystal City, which completely turned into a desert under this gun, and the ground was covered with lavender sand. The desert you are talking about looks weird from a distance.

   is just at the very center of the explosion. The local area of ​​the dungeon still exudes a crystal clear purple light, and on the surface, the two sides are indeed a matchless winner.

But from a strategic point of view, it was the infected people who won. It is like a contradictory story. There are only two results. One is piercing and the other is no piercing. After the confrontation, there is no spear or shield. Damaged, it means that there is no piercing, but the shield has won.

Just as the saying goes, if you keep defending, you only need to make a mistake once, and the Heaven Dou army can win the battle. Therefore, under the defense, the first thing the infected will do the first time after this terrorist attack. The matter was not rest and reorganization, but when the enemy was consuming a lot of energy, they sent troops to counterattack, and saw the dungeon exposed behind the surface. Several exits were opened. A large number of infected people wore simple soul-guided armor and moved out of the dungeon. Kill it out.

   [To be continued]

   ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~