Douluo See You For a Long Time

v1 Chapter 1104: Conjecture of Soul Power

Chengying’s speculation, in the eyes of most people, is like a fairy tale. A person who is accustomed to the existence of soul power at birth, it is difficult to think of soul power as a man-made object in this world. From a human perspective, soul power is a strange phenomenon in nature.

This is like making modern people think that light is actually a natural phenomenon that is caused by interference. In modern people's view, light has existed since ancient times and should be a normal phenomenon in the universe.

But Chengying was different. He had traveled from a world without extraordinary powers. Therefore, these extraordinary powers in his eyes became more and more weird, as if this kind of power was specially designed. Generally used by intelligent creatures.

"Although you think your thoughts are a bit unfounded, but we don't have any particularly important foreign enemies. It's okay to study these advanced scientific research content.

Is it just that the nature of soul power has something to do with the thing you are doing? This thing should be just a kind of nano robot! I remember that the same thing is co-existing in the new human beings. Do you need to re-development? "

The Ice Emperor poked the slime again.

"The symbiotic with humans is not nano-machines, but nano-scale silicon-based organisms. To put it bluntly, we are not the kind of creatures we created, but like humans domesticating pigs, horses, cattle and sheep, we domesticated a kind of Microorganisms that live in symbiosis with the human body.

To be honest, this probability is very small, and we are very lucky. In order to borrow the power of another creature. Quickly popularize education and increase the computing speed of the human brain. If we hadn't had the accident at the beginning, we would probably still have nearly a hundred years to develop to where we are now.

Even now, with our technology, there is still a big gap when we want to make such nano-machines. My purpose in developing these nano-machines is actually very simple. It is to use the power of science and technology to simulate the spirit power. Of extraordinary power.

For example, closing a moving object. If there is spirit power, this kind of thing is very simple, and the spirit power will be like a hand. Easily move distant objects, but if you use the power of technology, it will become very troublesome.

If the object that needs to be moved is metal, it is relatively easy, but the object that the soul can move is almost any entity, similar to applying electromagnetic force to the object in the air. If you want to simulate this phenomenon purely with the power of technology , The difficulty is quite large.

To achieve the effect of applying electromagnetic force to objects in the air to achieve the effect of contacting with physical substances, it can actually be done with our current technology. However, large-scale machinery is required for simulation.

We are indeed developing in this regard, trying to miniaturize these machines, but what I am trying now is another way. It is also the one I think is closer to the correct one.

No matter how we miniaturize our machines, we need to hand over these machines to humans to manipulate objects in the air. This is not the same as the effect shown by the spirit power. After the natural spirit power enters the human body, it is impossible to give it to people. Specially install an organ to control objects in the air.

This is not impossible, but it is considered too troublesome. It is like wanting to know the mass of the planet under our feet. It can be calculated by its volume and density, or by the strength of its gravitation. The same can be done. It is not impossible to make a huge scale and to support it. The latter is not impossible, but it is too cumbersome to do it.

I am more inclined to believe that soul power is an extremely tiny unit, which can be manipulated by human consciousness. Then work collaboratively to achieve the effect of having an impact on the macro world.

I still have no way to make a unit that is so microscopic that it cannot be scanned by an electron microscope. It is already the limit of our technology to reduce the core of cold fusion to the nanometer level, and we have to ensure that these units can automatically capture elements and maintain The current limit of fusion reaction is this size.

The level of technology is not only reflected in the cannon giant ship, but also at the micro level. The latter is even more difficult than the former. At present, there are already a lot of things that these nanomachines can do, but there is still a long way to go before they can completely replace spirit power. "

With that said, Chengying directed the slime to revolve, only to see that slime turned into a liquid state, rotating around Chengying's fingers, after a few laps flexibly. Suddenly exploded into the scattered air.

The nano-scale volume could not see their existence at all with the naked eye, and a test tube not far away was suspended out of thin air, just like manipulating soul power to move objects in the air, but the ice emperor did not feel a single trace. The spirit power fluctuates.

"It can still be like this! Seeing you do this, I now start to suspect that soul power may be man-made, but it may not be a human being who made this thing, but a completely different and powerful creature.

In other words, besides moving objects, does this thing have any other functions? It can't be used for nothing after it's built. "

Cheng Ying was a little embarrassed: "The functions of this thing are still relatively lacking, and it is difficult to have various attack methods like soul power, but the intensity of the attack is not much worse.

For example, I can use these nanomachines to construct a fusion reaction ring, and then use the energy obtained by fusion to release a powerful attack. "

With that said, Chengying’s palm condensed a white halo, and huge energy gathered inside the halo. As long as the energy was released, the effect of a nuclear explosion could be apart from this. In addition, this thing can also create illusions, just like the illusion created by spirit power, but the disadvantage is that the created illusion is very fragile, and almost no entity is the same. "

With that said, in front of Chengying, there was a lively Pikachu. It's just that he casually poked his finger, and the illusory projection was broken.

"There is also his healing ability. This aspect may be the only place he is stronger than soul power. As long as you use it to record the data of the human body, you can easily rebirth, and only a few cells will be beaten up and down. , Because you can rely on it to reshape the body.

After all, this thing can adjust the parameters according to different species, and the pertinence is much stronger than the soul power that can be used by intelligent creatures. "

The Ice Emperor touched his nose and vomited: "You have spent so much money to make things, things that can be done. It seems that soul power can do it, and things that cannot be done, soul power seems to be able to do it. So what is the use of this thing you made?"

[To be continued]

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