Douluo See You For a Long Time

v1 Chapter 1240: Last hole card

The scorching flame burns everything in the surrounding universe, and even the atomic nucleus will be smashed by the high-temperature and high-speed particles. The so-called invincible shield, in such a storm, is nothing but a candle in the wind. broken.

However, the shield of the Rebirth Ankh is still strong, and against the raging flames, layers of indestructible physical defenses are recondensed.

"Come on! The last embers!" Rong Nianbing's roar was injected into the moves prepared in his hand. Some things, as long as you have seen them, you can imitate them!

"It's just an invincible shield! I can release it too!" Rong Nianbing has only one chance. Success will lead to life, and failure will lead to death! The potential of intelligent creatures often blooms between life and death!

"It will never fail! Open it for me! The Wall of Sighs! Release six times!"

Rong Nianbing understands the principle of the invincible shield, but it is impossible for him to directly release a perfect spherical shield, but it does not matter, the same is true for the regular hexahedron!

The six-sided wall of sighs formed around the spherical rebirth ankh, expanded, and finally enveloped it!

"Frozen for me!" Rong Nianbing used the remaining output to create incoherent ice cold, reduce the speed of molecular thermal movement, and fully resist the erosion of his protection from high temperature.

The last trace of embers smashed the wall of sighs violently, leaving riddled with cracks on the shield of the rebirth ankh, and finally, under the baptism of the cold, unwillingly dissipated invisible.

The **** of greed gasped fiercely. The five-hundred-fold increase of the big move has exceeded his understanding of the world. It consumes power that he does not understand at all, but he can still feel the exhaustion!

"Even if you are so amazing, under absolute power..." said the greedy god, his eyes widened suddenly: "Just...what a joke! Why are you sure you are not dead?"

When Rong Nianbing reappeared, he was wearing a regular hexahedral shield. Although this shield was vulnerable to the Purgatory Warriors Explosive Heat Wave Cannon, it could only last for a moment, but it was good for ordinary attacks. Said invincible, defense power can be increased to more than ten times the maximum output of Rong Nianbing.

Rong Nianbing's trump card not only didn't kill Rong Nianbing, but made him stronger. Now Rong Nianbing, as long as he bears this wall of sighs, he can completely abuse the God of Greed.

As for the energy consumption, it is indeed extremely huge, almost every second consumes the energy equivalent to the annihilation of three thousand tons of positive and negative matter.

This is almost equivalent to the accumulation of the Clear Sky Hammer or the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Pagoda absorbing energy for one month in the sun.

It seems to be a lot, but these two things are all old antiques that have been thrown into the sun for more than tens of millions of years. Wanting to drain so much energy is no different from idiotic dreams.

"Anything that can't kill me! It will make me stronger!" Rong Nianbing stepped out of the broken rebirth ankh. On the surface of the shield, one could still vaguely see that it became broken in the flames. But the flame tulips are still blooming.

The **** of greed stared at the mark, and his pupils shrank sharply: "Yu! Jin! Fragrant!"

He has not dared to leave the God Realm for the purpose of avoiding Tulip's exploration, but now it seems that these are meaningless. The Tulip's undercover is in the God Realm. What use is it for him to hide?

"No wonder the system keeps urging me to advance the main mission! No wonder! Did I have been exposed for a long time? Is the enemy that I have been evading finally facing?"

The **** of greed spit out a breath that was suppressed in his chest, after all, he still had to face it,'s a step forward!

Before becoming a god, the greedy **** was also a hero, even if he was fascinated by the glitz of the gods, he still had the spirit in his heart. Faced with a desperate situation, he turned away from his care and was ready for a desperate battle!

"Nice look! But how are you going to turn it over?" Rong Nianbing stared at the **** of greed, as if he saw himself in the desperate situation who created a brand-new magic of the fusion of the seven elements when he faced the enemy of his life. But the situation in front of him, at this time, he was even more desperate.

"Have you not noticed? Your barrier that trapped the gods has been broken, and this airspace has been emptied! There is no more stellar matter left in the range of tens of millions of miles! In such an environment How should you face me!"

During the battle, Rong Nianbing had already considered the possibility of the **** of greed breaking through the barrier, so he was distracted and released the gods. He fought against the **** of greed alone, and his prestige among the gods was no more than that of the others. God had to obey his commands.

After all, everyone wants to live, and if Rong Nianbing is defeated, everything will stop.

Therefore, under his command, the gods did their utmost to disperse the stellar material in this area and create a clean battlefield for the next battle. Without enough material to replenish the body, even if they have the ability to transform between mass and energy. , How can we replenish energy! The most is to detonate all of your body, how powerful it can be!

"It's really ambush on all sides! I have to say, in terms of strategy, you are stronger!" The **** of greed couldn't help sighing, even if the battle just now in the enchantment was defeated by the **** of emotions, relying on this In the arrangement of the outside world, he can also turn defeat into victory. At the level of calculation, the **** of greed completely loses.

"But what you can calculate is only what you can see and understand! If it is an existence that you can't understand at all, how can you calculate it! A wise man who has left his name through the ages will easily fall into a small It’s your bug, let alone you!"

The greedy **** raised his left hand, and in his palm, a long bow slowly condensed into shape: "Feel my last energy!"

Rong Nianbing's pupils shrank, and the **** of greed was burning his body. After this blow, there were almost no atoms left in his body! This is not a meteor.

Rong Nianbing made a decisive The six walls of sighs were all blocked in front of him. If he increased his attack by hundreds of times, he would not have a second rebirth ankh. If he is hit again, I am afraid. It's dying.

However, when he was fully guarded, the greedy **** suddenly raised the bow, bent the bow and set the arrow, the bow was like a full moon, all the energy and matter, all turned into the fuel of the arrow, tighten... launch!

It's just that the direction of this blow was not aimed at Melting Mind Ice, but launched in the direction of the previous sun.

Rong Nianbing quickly re-turned the wall of sighs into a hexahedral shield, and he suspected that the arrow was tracked and locked.

However, the terrifying arrow did not turn at all, and flew straight towards an unknown place.

"what are you doing?"

The greedy **** gave a weird smile: "Don't worry, let the arrow fly for a while!"

[To be continued]

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