Douluo See You For a Long Time

v1 Chapter 1296

As for the situation of this great immigration, Chengying knew better than any high-ranking Han Empire. This is not an ordinary civil commotion, but a disaster similar to the Resident Evil.

Those people are not bewitched by others, but completely brainwashed and become another way of thinking different from human beings. Similar to the Gestalt will of some insects, the continuation of their own life is no longer regarded as the most important by their physiological needs, and the will of the "mother bug" is the supreme command.

In this case, any persuasion and soothing will not be effective, and even if these people are forcibly captured, they will be obedient on the surface, secretly thinking of running away or causing damage.

The only way to completely solve them is to kill them from the material level. That is the simplest kill.

Chengying does not approve of massacre, but in this temporary chess world, if he still stubbornly guards certain bottom lines, there is only a dead end.

After a thousand white horses galloped on the water to a very high speed, they pulled up their horses' heads one after another, and after their wings were caught in the wind, all the thousand people actually flew up.

After circling a circle in the sky. It's like instinct. The white horses found the updraft at the junction of the ocean and the land. Hovering even higher in the air.

From a high-altitude bird's eye view, those camps and docks are just small spots, without observation equipment, and no radar. The best way to make your bombing accurate is to dive.

Convert gravitational potential energy into kinetic energy. In this way, when diving to the lowest point, the speed will reach the fastest, and it will be the most difficult to be hit by a long-range attack.

And the extremely high kinetic energy can be in a short time. Take the white horse to the sky. Coming to the airspace where bows and arrows cannot be hit, this is the destructive power that the army that has been flying in this era can bring. Ordinary soldiers are no matter how strong they are, without corresponding organs and auxiliary equipment. There is no way to fight gravity. And when the battlefield changes from a two-dimensional plane to a three-dimensional three-dimensional. The method of war has completely changed.

The white horse in the sky followed the traces of the fire on the ground, and then swooped down quickly. That speed has already broken the limit of the white horse running on the ground. But this terrifying high speed can only bring pleasure to the soldiers. The feeling of speed and speed has been engraved in their bones. In the future battle, even if the wings are removed, these thousand white horses can still lean on the plains. Jump and slide for several kilometers.

The ground is getting closer and closer, which is faster than falling. If it was an ordinary person, his face would have turned pale, and he would be fighting with each other. But Chengying's soldiers firmly grasped the reins of the warhorse. Hold the scissors in your other hand, ready to cut at any time. Those ropes connected with kerosene.

When there was only a hundred meters away from the ground, they tightened the reins abruptly. Why did you draw a U-shaped trajectory so suddenly, at the lowest point, the speed reached the fastest. At the same time, every soldier cut the rope on his body at this moment.

Whoosh whoosh, a canister that was not full of kerosene fell into the dock. The immigrants in the dock hadn't reacted yet. What happened? A few torches were thrown down from the sky. All of a sudden, the flames became a masterpiece.

As the saying goes, fire and water are merciless, even in this era, Huo Gong is still an extremely terrifying attack. On the one hand, the danger of fire to living things is almost engraved in instinct.

Although humans have learned to use flames. At that moment, in his bones, the fear of flames could not be erased. Long-term training is necessary to overcome this fear. Imagine those fireball performances in the acrobatic troupe, and you can imagine how difficult it is to overcome this fear.

On the other hand, even though the materials of the essence of heaven and earth can be made, these materials will become stronger. But there is no way to make these materials resistant to high temperatures. Even in the process of burning. It also makes the temperature of the flame higher. At the same time it seemed to be evaporated. Gather together in the sky, forming a cloud-like existence to suppress the performance of generals and fighters.

This is why this age of personal physical fitness has become so strong that he is not afraid of fire. Fire attacks can still cause terrible casualties.

A large amount of kerosene ignited the wood in the dock, even though these people had been brainwashed. The fear of flame instinct still cannot be removed. It's not that technical means can't do this. But the existing technology wants to remove the fear of flames, and it needs to pay a lot of costs. This fear is related to many human instincts, such as blinking, and many other conditioned reflexes, if it is removed forcibly. These conditioned reflexes will also disappear. The trouble caused is far greater than the fear of flames.

But compared to the ordinary rabble. Although these immigrants who were able to carry out their orders were extremely flustered, they were still able to forcibly overcome their fears and fight fires at the cost of a large number of casualties.

It's just the speed of fire fighting. Compared to the speed of setting fire, it is far worse. Bai Ma Yi, who had re-raised the height, found the ascending airflow easily by following the instinct to control the wind again.

After reaching a safe height again, they quickly found the next dock, which is now the familiar dive that fell from the sky, then dropped the kerosene and lit it.

A raging fire ignited in another dock. Not only the dock but also the camp was attacked. Destroying the camp and disrupting the order of the camp could seriously affect the rest of these immigrants.

Although these years have been brainwashed can be tireless mentally. But the physical limit still exists. Even if you are mentally tireless and have not slept for several days, it will force your brain to rest.

Five or six camps were successively attacked by Baima Yicong in the sky. Even if there are a large number of immigrants who have overcome their fears and are working hard to fight the fire, most of these camps cannot be occupied. Burn out. The construction of new ships will undoubtedly be slowed down.

Just when they thought that the white horse Yicong hovering in the sky finally had to return because they had thrown out all the ammunition. I saw this group of white horses just returned to the fleet at sea and flew out again in less than ten minutes.

Replenishing ammunition is too simple. Unlike ordinary carrier-based aircraft flying, it is the same as instinct for Baima, and almost all flight processes rely on updrafts. It consumes almost no physical strength on soldiers and war horses. As long as you take ammunition, you don’t need to do it at all. What kind of supplies can be attacked again.

The purpose of Chengying is to delay the speed of construction, as much as possible to kill and injure the vitality. Before dawn, these immigrants may not have any complete camps left.

[To be continued]

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