Douluo See You For a Long Time

v1 Chapter 1301: Forbidden curse

Chengying is also thinking about what is going on in Zhang Ren's immediate situation. Under the same request, the Destiny Guidance can have different effects.

And to achieve the same effect, the destiny consumed by different approaches may be different.

In this way, the Destiny Guide is more like a lever, an easy-to-use tool, head-to-head is the biggest waste of this tool, he is more like a key.

If you let the destiny guide to open a box and get the contents, then a timing destiny might be able to pry open thousands of boxes and take out the contents.

But if the power of this destiny is converted into an attack, the box is blown up, and then the contents are obtained, it may be exhausted after a few boxes at most.

In this way, Cheng Ying would know how to use the destiny guidance. In fact, the most suitable thing for this thing is to use the existing power.

Whether it is borrowing the power of the Sanguizi from Shenxiang or borrowing the power of Han Xin from the immortal, it is the same principle, and the power of both is far stronger than that of direct use.

But the power that can be borrowed is not necessarily human or God's. What is more easily borrowed and more widespread is actually the power of nature. The power contained in a typhoon sweeping the coast is equivalent to not knowing how many large Ivans. If they can be borrowed, they can easily destroy the most powerful legion in the world.

The flowing water in the rivers releases huge energy at all times, which is easier to borrow than hurricanes, or the snow on the towering peaks can also be easily driven by the destiny. Turned into an avalanche of terror, engulfing your enemies.

But these relatively high-end usages. There is no doubt that considerable computing power and basic physics knowledge are required. It is impossible for Zhang Ren to learn in a short time.

And this kind of operation is not so much a talent of the Legion, as it is to use the talent of the Legion as a forbidden spell.

In contrast, when there is a large army on hand, calling Huaiyin Hou to fight on behalf of Zhang Ren is currently the ultimate skill Zhang Ren can do to amplify the power of his destiny.

"Uncle Master just borrowed the power of Sanguizi from Shenxiang. In other words, the power that just came to you was not created by the destiny, but drawn by the destiny.

When Uncle Master just used the Mandate of Heaven, I couldn't use the same power.

With that said, the power of the super powers you have seen, especially the super powers who have died, I am afraid that they can be borrowed with the guidance of the destiny. "

Li Yuan’s words made Zhang Ren suddenly clear. The reason why he abandoned the military to join the army was because he had watched Han Xin command the army in a dream, and then he realized that his combat power was really small in front of the army. .

Then resolutely gave up the practice of personal force and began to study the art of war.

It is a pity, however, that Zhang Ren is serious about the art of war. It's really a little bit worse. To put it bluntly, military tactics are not suitable for him. What he is suitable for is the yin and yang of the soldiers, or the military acting skills he created himself...

In short, it is to improve the morale of one's own side by pretending to be force, and then through the talent of the army that speaks the law like the eye of fate, strengthen the soldier's trust in himself, cooperate with his own acting skills and special effects, and let the soldier perform supernormally. Opponents cannot show their full strength.

This has extremely high requirements for the commander’s acting skills. Not everyone can install a force. This requires a strong psychological quality, a shameless and tough mentality, and an innate temperament and acting skills. Obviously, Zhang Ren In this respect, even Han Xin in the original book also believes that almost no one can surpass him in this respect.

However, Chengying felt that it was not enough. Since Zhang Ren likes the golden style of painting, he naturally has to go all the way to the end. People in this era still don't have a deep understanding of special effects, and the special effects they have made are too exaggerated. , Lacking a real sense of shock.

To put it bluntly, it means that the art skills are not in place. From the abstract and painful perspective of painting in this era, we can understand how painful the special effects made by civil servants in this era are. Although a considerable amount of energy has been invested, the details are also abundant to the extent that funding explodes. But it just doesn't seem very real.

This is only one aspect of it, and the other is also a problem of imagination. It is also a picture of a thousand swords being sent together. Simply arranging a pile of swords in the air, it is more handsome without the treasure of the king and the infinite sword system.

Cheng Ying pondered, there is a chance that Zhang Ren will learn how Jin Shining pretends. Although the Street Lamp King is not likable, it is really hard to compare.

Zhang Ren and Li Yuan get along quite well, especially after discovering that his own legion has amazing talents and can fit this thousand white horses on him without affecting the use of Li Yuan’s own legion talent. Zhang Ren prefers Cooperated with Li Yuan.

The special effects of the dual legion talent were naturally created by Cheng Ying. Anyway, he had set Zhang Ren, and the next battle would be extremely difficult. He had to find a way to get Zhang Ren to call Han Xin out at the most suitable moment.

Cheng Ying remembers that Jose's ranking of various real-time strategy games in Tulips is not particularly high. Two people play a fair match, which is estimated to be 50-50. This level of command ability. Although the army can be flexibly dispatched by relying on huge computing power, but when the Huaiyin Hou came into such a big move, then wait for it to be In fact, this situation is the most effective way to solve the problem. The helpful military **** is actually Bai Qi. It does not mean that Bai Qi is better than Han Xin. After the number of people participating in the battle exceeds one million, Bai Qi may not be able to beat Han Xin, but Bai Qi is incomparable to Han Xin. All this stuff fights is annihilation war.

The reason why there is a saying that there are three missing one in ancient wars is because it is so difficult to meet each other. Even if you are surrounded, you have to leave a way out for the enemy to escape and chaos, so that you can chase and kill the rout enemy.

The top priority now is to wipe out the vitality of this group of brainwashed guys. Compared with Han Xin, he has a greater certainty that to win this battle, the most appropriate way of fighting to annihilate the enemy to the greatest extent is white.

It's a pity that Zhang Ren has never seen Bai Qi, and Chengying doesn't know where Bai Qi died. Without any clue, it is impossible to summon the Killing God.

When neither side was perfectly prepared, the army met on the east coast of the Han Empire...

[To be continued]

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