Douluo See You For a Long Time

v1 Chapter 149: Kill the chicken and the monkey

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The most desperate thing in a war is not hand-to-hand combat. The most desperate thing is that the enemy can hit you, but you are powerless. In ancient wars, the most important thing is to suppress the impulse of the infantry to charge in the harassment of the archers.

Seeing the colleagues next to him being hit by an arrow and wailing and falling to the ground, there will be great psychological pressure in anyone's heart.

Can suppress the impulse to charge, and then launch the charge after the enemy approaches, this can be called a strong army in ancient times.

But those troops faced only feather arrows. The defenders in Luolin City faced roaring cannonballs and dense bullets. All of them were crushed by their limbs and died on the spot.

Such a tragic way of death caused morale to drop to a freezing point in the shortest time. The military judge killed several soldiers who disturbed the military's morale. The result was mutiny and was killed. In the end, only a few soul masters left the army to suppress the army. Mutiny.

Originally, before the war, the officials and nobles in the DPRK were still considering whether they could take advantage of this opportunity to reap any benefits in the hands of King Rennes, but now they all lost their thoughts.

What are the benefits? It is a blessing to survive. The Tulip Duke has such a strong army, Luo Lincheng is defeated in a battle, and once the city is destroyed, these stubbornly resisting families will probably be liquidated.

Many people had the idea of ​​fleeing. The Duke Tulip did not besiege the city. As long as he fell down the wall with a rope on the other side, he could escape, and he could also pass on the situation in the city.

All these scenes were seen by Cheng Ying, and he did not chase the dignitaries who escaped. The spread of the news is also beneficial to his next strategy.

With his current siege method, he can't think of a way to defend himself in a short period of time. At that time, his soldiers pointed out that even if he didn't surrender, his morale would plummet.

After three days of bombardment, although the target was only the defenders on the city wall, the morale in Luolin City collapsed. Faced with the tulip army that had occupied the collapsed city wall, King Luolin unloaded his weapons and came out to surrender himself.

Cheng Ying is not very clear, this is a normal surrender process, or King Rollin has been emptied, and now he is throwing it out just to be a scapegoat.

Chengying just accepted the surrender of Luolin Kingdom without expression, and ordered him to be placed under house arrest. King Luolin breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Chengying did not kill him, and there might be a chance to be a puppet in the future, at least to keep him. Now, maybe there is still a chance to be a King of Peace.

With the toughness of the Duke Tulip, being a puppet under his hand may not be much worse than being a king.

It's just that he doesn't know. Chengying had already sentenced him to death in his heart. The feudal rulers of the old era had no room for survival under his new system.

Not only will he die, but he will also die extremely humiliating. Numerous true and false charges will be placed on him, and he will be judged in public, and then he will be judged in the name of the people after he has been criticized for incompleteness.

This is the usual method used by the Heavenly Party on Earth. Only in this way can the dignity of the rulers of the old era be completely stepped on their feet, and the confidence of the people of the new era can be established and the belief that they are humans rather than livestock.

What Chengying needs is a group of people who struggle for their own good life, not slaves who work passively in factories like livestock.

The reason why he is only under house arrest and treated him like a noble with delicious food and drink is because Chengying has not yet been able to judge him. It is not a problem to judge a king, and it is not a problem to kill the clan.

As long as you have the strength, you can judge anyone, but what really commits the anger is to judge in the name of the people. It is terrible. The mortal like a flock of sheep in the past stood up, took up a weapon, aggressively, in the red molten steel. By the side, he raised his hammer and steel gun to fight for his rights.

What a terrible thing this is, it is unacceptable to any beneficiaries of the existing system.

So he wants to keep the king, wait until when he is ready to fight the world alone, and then in front of the people of the whole country, he will be tried in accordance with the new, agreed-upon law.

It will be a success, not to mention subverting an era. Compared with the resistance of the real weak, stepping on the blood and bones of partners, just to bite the upper person, such a tragic failure is now It's so much better.

After conquering Luo Lin City, the first thing Chengying did was to get out of the list and Anmin. Although no one believed it, it still said that trust was built up little by little.

Regarding the military discipline this point, the shadow is very strict. If you say that you can't plunder, you can't. Some guys who think that this ban is just talking have their heads hung on the top of the city.

This scene was also spread out. Although it had a blow to Chengying's own army's morale, the soldiers who had long been accustomed to strict military discipline only lamented that this high-voltage line was absolutely untouchable.

They really know about high-voltage lines. Although it is direct current, the voltage of the specially made cancer cell battery is also very high, and there have been accidents of electrocution.

On the other hand, as compensation for not allowing looting, Chengying asked the various divisions in the army to ransack the homes of the nobles in the city, and arrested them under house arrest if they did not resist.

In addition, the Duke of Tulip also reported that the land was divided equally. Although the remarks that all people are born equal are shocking to the world, but the real benefits of dividing the land of the nobles who have been ransacked are all of a sudden to the city. People's hearts stabilized.

The resistance of those loyal to King Rollin was quickly suppressed. The people looked forward to the reign of the Duke Tulip. Cheng Ying selected some of the students who had been trained in the manor and had enough political consciousness to take over the city of Luolin. rule. This will be the focus of his rule for a long time in the To completely shuffle the city, it is extremely necessary to change to his own person. It just happens that the rich and powerful in the city are either bombarded or arrested. The right is just right. Falling into a vacuum period, just took over.

But Cheng Ying knew very well that if he wanted to rule firmly, he had to show even more shocking power. Otherwise, there would be a large number of city fox and social rats in Luolin City. These bully and hard-headed guys could not always maintain a standing army dedicated to watching.

You must find a way to deter this group of people. With this method, Cheng Ying had been prepared for a long time. During the great cleaning of the city, there were nobles clamoring.

"Duke Tulip! You won't be arrogant for long, together with the wolves of the king's city, in Luolin Kingdom, the 18th princes will definitely rise up to crusade. By then, a hundred thousand troops will besiege the city, and you will be killed if you have the great ability."

At that time, Chengying only ordered the artillery to aim and fire, blasting the group of people into scum, but in his heart he noticed the eighteenth princes. If they wanted to kill the chickens, then the eighteenth princes would undoubtedly be the most suitable!


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