Douluo See You For a Long Time

v1 Chapter 153: If you want to get rich, build roads, ha

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In the next battle in Luolin City, after the burning of the eighteenth-way princes were wiped out in smoke, no one dared to touch the tiger's whiskers of the Duke Tulip. The empire also shut up.

According to reliable information, Duke Tulip is stronger than the strongest in the empire, the White Tiger Douluo, if he wants to drive him away, he has to destroy one of the main battle regiments of the empire alive.

For a tributary country, I copied knives and went shopping to lose vitality, in order to promote the power of the country. The current emperor of the Xingluo Empire is not the Emperor of Qin and Hanwu. Where does this kind of spirit come from? He was also sensible, and he paid the tribute of the two empires by himself, which was called a lease.

To be honest, this kind of practice of renting land in one country and paying rent to another country is shameless, but if you have money and guns, you can do whatever you want.

The political leaders in the large and small counties of the Luolin Kingdom also had a bit of insight. They all knew that they had done it all. When they sent the limited household registration information and information to the city's main mansion, they ran away with other powerful families with money.

Everyone knows that the Duke of Tulip wants to equalize the fields. Before these people go, they sell all the real estate they have at low prices to reduce losses. It is also convenient for Chengying to occupy these territories.

After about three weeks, the original Luolin Kingdom has fallen apart and is in a state of separatism. The Tulip Duke has monopolized half of the northern Luolin Kingdom, plus Soto City and its surrounding villages on the north bank of the Cao River, with Luolin City as the boundary. , Became the new largest duchy of the Tiandou Empire.

The Kingdom of Barak was occupied by a city of Soto. I was very upset at first. I wanted to ask the Duke of Tulip for an explanation, but in a blink of an eye I saw the Kingdom of Luolin being beaten to death on the ground, and I didn't dare to put one more fart.

Chengying dispatched the talent pool cultivated in the manor before, stationed in various cities and towns, and took over government affairs in various places. The initial rule was extremely strict and the household registration system was enforced.

The unclear identity card produced by silver iodide requires one person to pass through the pass, staying in the hotel, etc., must verify the identity information. Once there are vicious incidents in various places, all people who have not registered their identity information will be subject to even sitting. .

Such a system is naturally opposed by the local soul masters. Although the household registration system is not as excessive as the mutant registration bill, it also imposes great restrictions on soul masters, depriving them of their superiority.

Murderers die, wounders are tortured, these principles that are normal to us are unacceptable constraints in the eyes of many spirit masters.

That kind of superiority that I am a soul master, killing is not normal, it is almost inscribed in the bones. For these people, Chengying's attitude is also very clear, either leaving the Duke leader or die, Chengying believes that these people will soon It will be really fragrant.

The internal security of the Duchy of Tulips was under a mature system and stabilized within a month. Because of the previous wars, a large number of winter wheat in the territory missed the planting time, and now it is difficult to replant it to have any effect.

Fortunately, there is enough food and grass in the shadow belt, and it is still the familiar routine of food for work. Before the summer harvest next year, most of the people's consumption will be provided by the ducal government.

Because of the matter of equalizing the fields before, the credibility of the Tulip Duke is still very secure. After several incidents like the gates of the city, this group of people was organized by Chengying's engineering team to repair the road.

Previously, the group of architects ran to the Caohe River and turned into bridge-building ghosts, saying that a cross-river bridge connecting the two sides of the river must be built to accumulate experience for the subsequent construction of the Doujiang Bridge.

Chengying’s funding is very sufficient, mainly because in the previous life, he saw those who save money and save money and didn’t know his mother who built bridges. He drove the Heshen simulator to build bridges, and he said that he wanted to give the driver the feeling of boiling sheep. It was really scary, he was really afraid that this artery of his territory would be turned into a disposable item.

As the saying goes, if you want to get rich, you must first build roads, have more children, and climb the tree of science and technology. The latter is compiled by Chengying himself. It is also more in line with the current situation of this era. The main contradiction of this era has not been completely separated from the sinister natural environment and backwardness. Social production.

More people are also able to feed themselves, forcibly synthesizing ammonia, making chemical fertilizers no longer out of reach. Nitrogen fertilizer combined with plant ash and the like, not to mention the absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium under three meters like Jinke La, can also make food production easy. Turning over, there is no problem with having children.

As for building roads, that is a must. How can he draw blood from the whole continent without a road...Ah! That is to provide high-quality light and heavy industrial products for the whole continent.

Railroads and highways go hand in hand. After all, transportation can't rely on storage soul guides. Conventional transportation still depends on trains. Anyway, there are many coal mines in Douluo Continent, and there is one next to Luolin City.

In shallow coal mines, the speed of mining with explosives is gratifying, with steam engine pumping, efficient levers, and deep mines without pressure.

As for export commodities, they are currently mainly large-scale light industrial products. Large-scale textile mills, chemical plants, and future chemical fertilizers can be exchanged for enough food to feed the people.

The most advanced float glass makes the glass liquid float on the molten metal tin. The price of a large piece of flat glass can be reduced to the price of cabbage. Even if people learn the craft of glass burning, they can also sell pirated products. Can't afford it.

In addition, factories for soap, high-grade liquor, perfumes, and agricultural machinery have also been put into operation, absorbing a large number of laborers. The people of the dukehood soon discovered that working in the factory is actually more profitable than farming, and a lot of labor-intensive labor is lighter. The workshop was also established.

The whole territory presents a kind of weird prosperity The simplest, electric transport vehicles like tractors, running around the territory, thermal power plants are operating at full capacity, and the scale is expanding every day. In order to charge the cancer cell batteries, there are some in short supply.

These are all happening silently this winter, and no one of the surrounding kingdoms knows it. Soon they will experience an economic and cultural crushing invasion. Cheap light industrial products will let their emperors see with their own eyes. Has the wealth of the country shrunk at a rate visible to the naked eye?

As for cultural invasion...

Let's put it this way... The full-color version of Meng Shu's paintings has already begun to be printed, and Chengying has issued a "Xiuer Project" to recruit artists from all over the mainland who are interested in art to show their talents here.

Not to mention these far away, mahjong and playing cards have long been popular on the whole continent, with simple materials and diverse playing methods, and their superiority has been verified countless times in history.

And Cheng Ying herself, not like a qualified lord at all, was obsessed with magic all day long, unable to extricate herself.


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