Douluo See You For a Long Time

v1 Chapter 1601: The countryside surrounds the city

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In front of the live broadcast screen, Liu Tianxin pointed at the missiles that were falling all over the sky at the same time, and said to the members of the order army: "See, this is what I said, the future information warfare must be fast, accurate and ruthless, and lose all the firepower." on a knife edge.

No matter how strong the defense is, as long as the firepower density exceeds its own reaction ability, it will be breached! "

The soldiers of the order army looked at the picture of the missiles falling all over the sky, thoughtfully, and began to understand how to use new spells to match new weapons.

When Liu Tianxin was concentrating on blasting soldiers and studying tactics and tactics, the time when he was transformed into his own people was much more radical. Although the transformation he experienced in a fantasy world, for him, it was equivalent to experiencing it personally.

Therefore, it is easy to do mass work. Under the joint oppression of the emerging bourgeoisie and the old land aristocracy, although the working people at the bottom are not in dire straits, they are still quite embarrassed.

If it weren't for the false prosperity brought about by the emerging soul guidance industry to stimulate the market, even if there is no guidance, mortals who can't survive will have to resist silently in despair until the population drops below the safety line again.

Time is different from Liu Tianxin, rooted in Tiandou City, and wants to transform the city subtly.

He went directly to the countryside, leading a group of grassroots cadres to share the joys and sorrows with the people. The wealth they created made the village prosperous for a short time, but soon ushered in the exploitation of the land aristocracy.

Shigang Village is a village mobilized by Shiguang himself. Wang Yanmai was originally an ordinary miner in the village. Every day, he goes deep into the mine that may collapse at any time to mine rare metals. For every ten baskets of ore on his back, he can get a copper soul coin. You can hear that a worker was crushed to death under the mine, but he still goes to the mine on time every day. He has never left the village in his life, and he can't think of any other way to live.

The only thing he can complain about is that the recent mine caves have collapsed more and more frequently, and sometimes people don't even use wood to reinforce them, just let people go down to dig them.

What he didn't know was that the reason why the aristocrats in the village would open mines so crazily was because the preliminary industrialization of Tiandou City brought a large number of new commodities, making it more and more difficult for the aristocrats to maintain a decent life. The industry and the emerging bourgeoisie bound to the soul industry have robbed a large amount of labor, so that if he wants to maintain his dignity, he can only oppress the poor in his own territory more severely and use more radical mining.

The moment Wang Yanmai was blocked underground by the collapsed mine, it seemed that he had expected such a day. He was numb and thought that he could face death calmly, but when he was really in the darkness where he could not see his fingers After being sleepy all day, he realized that he couldn't calm down.

Those who did not dare to speak, dare not think, and dare not complain, began to breed, and he began to curse, throwing money at the supervisor at the construction site, the manager who deducted wages, the worker who pushed him when he escaped, and the village chief. relatives of...

In the end, perhaps because I realized that I really had no hope of living, I began to curse the village chief. The words I didn’t dare to swear at first came out slowly, with a little timidity, but I realized that no one here can hold Whip, after punishing him, he began to scold more and more, and scolded more and more vigorously, until he couldn't breathe, he collapsed in the stagnant water of the mine, like a fish in the water, completely lost his vitality generally.

All this until the mine was dug open, and a pair of muddy hands stretched in, dragging him out of the muddy pit. He vowed to remember for the rest of his life that it was good to save him, but that person was just He said that everyone dug him out together, and asked him to thank all the miners who participated in the rescue.

That strange person has the appearance and skin of a nobleman, but wears the same clothes as their miners. He is busy in the mine every day, and his face is often covered with mud.

Since that strange person came, a group of people have been separated in the mine to cut down trees, build wooden tracks that can transport minerals up more conveniently, and push wooden track cars. Each miner can transport two or three times the ore.

Originally, it was only wages to survive, but it started to have a surplus. Wang Yanmai also gradually forgot the painful experience of being buried under the mine. Move out and buy a house of your own, maybe in your lifetime, you can marry a wife and have children, and you don’t have to worry about whether you can eat enough every day.

But the good times didn't last long. After they completed the new mine facilities and increased the output, the village head was very happy for a while, and even gave some rewards to the miners who built wooden tracks, but the good times didn't last long. The village head saw that The miners' faces gradually became oily, and they realized that they might have given too much.

Since it is easier to transport ore up than before, the wages paid for the same weight of ore should not be as much as before.

For this matter, the group of newcomers to the mine quarreled fiercely with the village chief's people, but in the end they failed to change the outcome of the reduction in wages.

After hearing the news, the miners were very depressed, and the atmosphere became extremely depressing. If there was no hope, they might become numb, but when they saw that a better life was in front of them, but their hope was severely shattered, they thought It seems that it has become extremely difficult to continue to live a numb life.

Anger was brewing, but the village chief didn't know that he was sitting on the crater. For thousands of years, oppressing these mud legs had become a customary rule. No one had ever thought about it, and they would resist.

Wang Yanmai was the first to stand up among all the miners. He threw the back basket on his back hard to the ground, picked up the shovel and pointed in the direction of the village chief's house:

"Everyone has seen what that idiot is! Everyone gave me my life! I risked my life today, and I just want to see if I can splash blood on his mother's face!

Is there anyone with me! "Speaking, he wrapped a bundle of explosives for mine blasting tightly around his body. It seemed that his behavior gave the miners the courage to pick up the shovels one by one, followed behind him, and moved aggressively towards the door of the village chief's house. direction to go.

But this time, they were stopped. The people who stopped them surprised them. It was the group of foreigners who they liked very much. After a few days of good life, they couldn't figure out why this group of outsiders stopped them?

Like that nobleman, the fair-skinned foreigner didn't explain anything, but just scolded them: "What about the organizational discipline I gave you? Have you all forgotten it? Can things be done with just a passion for blood? "

When everyone was angry, the outlanders separated collectively, revealing a guy with a bruised nose and a swollen face who was tied up. He was a familiar worker.

"Did you see? You are not united. There are always people who are smart and think this is an opportunity, a step for their own promotion. Without organization and discipline, you want to overthrow the oppression of the old society?

Have you thought about, even if you really killed the guy in Wubao, how to establish order after his death? Haven't you thought about how to deal with his relatives and property? Have you thought about how to deal with the revenge of the forces related to him?

It’s good to have a spirit of resistance, but get the **** out of here now, I’ll teach you how to rebel today! "

In terms of rebellion experience, time can be said to be among the top few in this world. Although only dealing with a soul master with three rings, Shi Guang himself could be crushed to death with one finger, but the rebellion cannot rely on one person alone, no matter how strong one person is, it is impossible to fight against the whole world.

Enemy against the whole world, that is the idea of ​​secondary school in adolescence. What time has to do is to make these people believe in their own strength, believe that they can overthrow the exploiters of the old era, believe that they can protect the fruits of their labor, and believe that they can Create a new order that is fair to everyone.

A group of mud-legged people began to learn to hold meetings to discuss issues, began to learn how to manage a village, began to understand why there are class divisions, and began to understand why wealth always flows to a few people. Gradually, they began to recognize the deception of the former village chief. Realize that every decision made by these moths is essentially to exploit them better.

The miners, who had endured for a whole month, took action on a moonless night. Unlike the vigorous anticlimax when they first started, this time there was almost no movement.

The organized miners supervised each other to prevent the traitors from appearing. Under the planned ambush, the village chief's family guard was knocked out without any reaction.

While the village chief was sleeping, he was bombarded by a cluster explosive on the wall. When he was dragged out, he was already like a dead dog. The miners solved the noble lord who had been on their heads for countless years without any casualties. Make them feel incredible.

The same thing was repeated in villages everywhere. The so-called situation of encircling the city from the countryside was about to emerge. The stubborn feudal nobles gradually became aware of the crisis, but they did not have any strategies to deal with it.

Although the mortals in their own territory have not yet organized, various rumors have given them the consciousness to organize resistance, and the suppression will only directly ignite the powder kegs that have reached the brink of explosion.

If instead of suppressing them, they improve workers' treatment to eliminate their sense of resistance, then their income will drop significantly. In this case, what's the point of them being lords? Is it true that it is for the benefit of one party? What are you kidding?

The situation of starting a prairie fire made William, who has been struggling in the God Realm, feel quite bad. Although he is not a member of that ancient eastern country, he still knows a little about the history there. It is not difficult to judge by contacting the bourgeois revolution in the West. After the liberation of the minds of the people is completed, what kind of terrifying explosion will the productive forces produce.

This made him uneasy. He felt that he might also need to establish some power of his own in the world. He couldn't expose his own body, but it was still possible to support an agent.

The Tiandou Empire has already begun to be infested with red, which makes him instinctively disgusted. Before he became a reincarnation, his Caucasian identity made him full of arrogance and prejudice against the ancient eastern country. Although he had to admit that that country had become A powerful nation to be reckoned with, but still dismissive of its institutions.

On the current battlefield, he seems to have found an opportunity to prove this point. As long as the agent he supports defeats Tulip's chess player on the ground, there is no need for him to assassinate himself.

Even in the worst case, if I can't find the opponent's body, so that the opponent's farm is strong enough to fight against the entire God Realm, the agent I left in the world can also have the power to fight against it.

In the true **** state with the power to tamper with the laws of all things, he was tricked by Tulip and had to lose all his abilities to participate in a duel. He has always been very dissatisfied.

Almost omniscient and omnipotent ability, but being intimidated by opponents, is too aggrieved. He attributes everything to the fact that Tulip has developed for too long, has too many people and too many technological advantages. In this world where everyone has a similar starting point, he believes that he can Do better than tulip chess players!

Star Luo Empire, White Tiger Duke's Mansion, Dai Yueheng was leading the soldiers to carry out military exercises, the sudden voice in his mind made his expression change slightly.

The self-proclaimed **** said that he chose him, which made him feel vigilant. In the eyes of soul masters, there is no such thing as evil gods, only true gods and soul masters pretending to be gods and ghosts, and Dai Yaoheng is obviously more inclined to be soul masters pretending to be gods and ghosts invading his spirit .

"Give up! I'm not a low-level soul master, I'm not the titled Douluo you think, that kind of garbage is not worthy of lifting my shoes, huh? You want to see miracles?

No, that's too boring, how about I tell you the color of your daddy's underwear? Or maybe I'll count the number of your confidante for you?

hehe! Why do you care about who I am? Even if I am really an evil god, can you get rid of me?

You ask me what can I give you? Boy, you are very good! It doesn't matter if you want knowledge or power!

Ha ha ha ha? Become a Title Douluo? Is your wish that simple? That was such a disappointment to me? I thought it would at least unify the No, I can’t directly make you a Title Douluo, it’s not that I can’t do it, but your foundation is too weak, that will only make you the weakest Titled Douluo, in the future he will have to abolish his cultivation base and practice again, so it is better to proceed step by step now.

Um? Do you think you can't retrain? This is true for mortals, but I am a god! Do you think God can’t handle even such a small matter?

Ha ha ha ha! Don't make me laugh! Come, let me teach you how to practice, first practice until you can beat Titled Douluo! "

Dai Yueheng tried his best to get rid of the erosion of his consciousness, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't block the voice. The voice in his mind followed him like a shadow, as if it had become a part of his body. He wanted to find out the essence of the voice, but also After returning in vain, he even went to find Duke Baihu. Although he didn't say what happened to him, Duke Baihu didn't find anything wrong with him.

【To be continued】

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