Douluo See You For a Long Time

v1 Chapter 1683: tnnd! Why not shoot!

The two ninth-level soul masters who participated in the plan were obviously still on the first floor, and they only knew that they were in charge of transporting logistics materials. Not far away, there were two Soul Mentor groups in ambush. A complete Soul Mentor group could easily suppress the Super Douluo. Even the mighty Bright Phoenix was extremely vulnerable against the firepower of the entire division.

It's just that they obviously don't know that the soul teacher group in ambush has been killed by a sneak attack. Now they will not have any reinforcements. Instead, the army of the Star Luo Empire is converging from the north and south sides.

The raging white flames turned into a tornado surrounding it. Two ninth-level soul mentors. Face the shields of the Soul Mentors. Yan Shaozhe may still be a little weaker, but he is able to fight against powerful individuals with ease.

In the flame tornado, the two ninth-level soul guides turned on the ninth-level soul tools for defense. They are all exclusive defensive soul tools. Everyone can take into account attack, defense and control, so that the soul master can survive. Very capable.

But everything also means that everything is sparse. In contrast, Yan Shaozhe focuses on developing his own martial arts. He knows every detail of his martial arts and masters every skill to the smallest detail. degree of peak.

In terms of individual battles, it is difficult for soul masters to compete with soul masters of the same level, not to mention that there is still level suppression in front of them. These two ninth-level soul masters are not the kind of powerful individuals with their own names like Starry Sky Douluo Ye Yulin. At this time, two fights are also miserable.

The shield on his body was crumbling, and the attack he released had no effect. It hit the Guangming Phoenix and penetrated directly, causing no damage at all.

In fact, Yan Shaozhe used the principle of refraction of light to distort and turn the light emitted from his body, creating a virtual image of the same size as standing upright. arrive.

The world that people see with both eyes is just an illusion that light brings to people. We think that a thing is somewhere because we are used to light traveling in straight lines, so the conditioned reflex believes that the direction of light entering our eyes , which represents the orientation of the object.

But as a phoenix of light, the ability is not only to control the power of light to attack and burn, but to slightly distort the path of light transmission, and to create phantoms for oneself, naturally.

In the original book, he didn't master this ability. After all, Douluo's technology system is purely based on brainstorming. For various optical principles, most of the strong are disdainful of it, thinking that it is something that only the weak need to study.

But after the new spells appeared, the various supernatural abilities displayed still attracted the attention of contemporary high-level soul masters. Yan Shaozhe also thought about it a little and developed the illusion in front of him.

It didn't rely on mental interference, but simply interfered with the enemy's sight. In essence, it was not much different from dazzling people's eyes with a laser pointer, but the latter enemy could react immediately and their sight was interfered. , the former caused the opponent to output desperately for a while, only to realize that what he was attacking was just a shadow.

While they were entangled with Yan Shaozhe, the troops responsible for transporting logistical materials had already begun to rout, and the white flames burning on them became more and more prosperous with the battle.

After being penetrated by the Soul Master Legion into the position, most of the Soul Masters with little combat experience panicked, and then used their soul power indiscriminately. Even the opportunity to escape was lost and was compensated.

The scene was horrific and could be called an army that was defeated. This picture is simply a replica of the Sun Moon Empire Soul Master Group's long-range crushing of the Soul Master Legion. It's just that the two ninth-level soul masters are fighting to the death, as if they have something to rely on. They have a kind of me. The confidence of a fan who can fight back.

This confidence continued to the north and south, and smoke rose at the same time. This meant that battles were taking place in these two directions at the same time, and the enemy theoretically should not have known that there was a group of soul teachers ambushing on the north and south sides.

There was a battle between these two places, and the two ninth-level soul masters who were suppressed by Yan Shaozhe suddenly widened their eyes, suspecting that there was a traitor among them.

But now is obviously not the time to consider the traitors among those people. The important thing now is how to escape. I was buried on my side. There were a lot of masters on the opposite side, and the younger brothers were beaten by the younger brothers. .

If I don't run at this time, I really explain it here, but there is still time to run where I want to. Apart from Yan Shaozhe, there are three other Titled Douluos.

A huge golden hammer slammed down from the sky and smashed into a soul teacher. Although it did not break through his shield, it directly caused him to fall into a dizziness.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the other soul teacher turned around and wanted to run the ninth-level flying soul tool on his back. If it was activated at full speed, the flight speed could even exceed Yan Shaozhe.

It's a pity that although the cruising speed of this thing is fast, its starting speed is not as fast as that of Super Douluo. Before it could fly far, it was kicked back by the golden figure standing in front of it. At the same time, an umbrella fell from the sky, He buckled to the ground.

The one who shot was Xuanji Douluo, the umbrella of Xuanji fell from the sky, and he was quite happy to get his revenge. Not long ago, in order to protect the Duke of White Tiger, he was besieged by the four soul mentors of the Sun and Moon Empire, and he almost fell on the battlefield. If Dai Yueheng hadn't arrived in time, relying on his powerful strength and illusion, he had delayed the four soul mentor groups, and even the Duke of White Tiger would not have been able to escape.

Now it can be said that the feng shui turns, and the two ninth-level soul masters were caught without the ability to resist. The war has gone on until now, and there are many prisoners of the other side in the hands of both sides, and there is no doubt that there are two more prisoners on the own side. A heavyweight chip.

No Title Douluo has been captured by the other side of the Star Luo Empire, these two are enough to exchange most of the prisoners.

Therefore, although they hated the powerhouses of the Sun Moon Empire, the experts from the Star Luo Empire did not kill them immediately, but captured them alive.

The soldiers who participated in this repeated attack immediately converged in this wetland, and the captured Sun Moon Empire soldiers got the method of how to drive these vehicles. , came to the complex terrain of Lanier Mountain, relying on the powerful strength of the Titled Douluo, over the mountains and mountains, and moved these precious materials back to the camp.

Even Dai Luoli couldn't help but light up when he saw the harvest of this robbery, and even couldn't help but have the idea of ​​giving up his previous adventure plan.

There are eight large-scale linkage soul guidance centers. Although it is much less than the one captured by the Heavenly Soul Empire, what he needs to defend is only a mountain pass, and it is not as large as Tiandou City. Eight large-scale linkage souls The guidance center and the shield generator are enough to defend this level.

However, in line with the principle of planning for the worst in everything, Delori did not give up the strategy of placing explosives and inflammables in the city, but ordered his subordinates to bury these things in a deeper place. On the one hand, there was a mistake during the battle, and he detonated these things and shot himself in the foot.

Although with these shields, a steady and steady defense is possible, but the worst plan and the enemy's death plan still have to continue.

Experts from the Star Luo Empire who were good at soul tools were invited over to instruct how to install these linked soul tools on the fortress. For a time, a large number of soul masters began to work on the city wall. The construction of , with the rise of the first shield, there was a burst of cheers from the entire fortress.

In the past, they had to hide behind the city wall, and shoot at the enemy from the shooting holes reserved on the parapet. Now they don't have to be so troublesome, they can just hide behind the shield and shoot at the opponent.

Although it needs to consume a part of the soul power for defense, the opponent also needs to consume it, which is better than consuming human life to offset the opponent's soul power.

When the members of the Star Luo Empire military were rejoicing, Dai Luoli had a vague sense of uneasiness. Everything seemed to be going too smoothly, and his reconnaissance ability was indeed beyond the expectations of the other party, but so It was easy to grab the materials, which was enough to determine the strategy, but it still made him feel a sense of disobedience.

On the battlefield of the game, Dai Luoli ranks lower than Orange, but he has a winning rate of more than 50% in the battle between the two sides. Most of the time, he relies on this kind of unreasonable intuition.

This time, he also chose to trust his intuition and prepare with both hands.

"Everyone, compared to the Sun Moon Empire, our number of spirit masters has a huge advantage. This aspect of our spirit masters is our strength. With the addition of shields for local operations, I think we have a certain strength. The surplus, I hope I can lead a part of the troops, scattered and stationed on the mountains on both sides, just in case.

After all, eggs can’t be put in one basket. In case a large number of ninth-level soul tools or some unconventional weapons are used manually, it is more dangerous for us all to gather together. "

No one objected to Dai Luoli's opinion. In their opinion, the other party could give up the duty of defending the city and take a group of people to leave. This is simply a happy thing. Now that defending the city no longer needs any technical content, and leading someone to stick here by himself, that is the military merit of the white bastard. At this time, Dai Luoli can give up the position of command, and it happens that no one is taking the credit for himself.

Dai Luoli didn't care about the strange eyes of others, and took his own legion and a large number of weapons wholesaled from the Sandstorm Group to the peaks on both sides, stationed here, and guarded against the enemy's surprise attack.

The tighter the defense of the fortress, the stronger the sense of unease in Delori's heart, always feeling that something unfortunate is going to happen.

And the few high-level officials of the Sun Moon Empire who knew the real plan were looking at the shields rising from the fortress with Juzi. Some people had sneers on their faces. They designed these shields by themselves. The things called shields are actually super bombs.

"Prepare to attack! You should be able to control when these linked soul tools explode. We try our best to launch the explosion when the enemy is the most arrogant. That's when the enemy's vigilance is at its lowest, and it's best for us to take this fortress in one go. Take it."

Everyone also agreed with Ju Zi's decision, and they all came to their own divisions and began to organize an attack. A total of 15 soul mentors, plus the Phoenix Soul Mentors, approached the fortress at the same time.

The Star Luo Empire officer who was in charge of commanding the battle inside the backing sneered when he saw this scene.

"Are you going to make a desperate attack while we can't use the shield proficiently yet? It's so naive to think that we really don't understand soul tools for so many years? Even if there is no ninth-level soul teacher, eighth-level We have also cultivated many soul teachers.

Come and give them a linked attack! "

As the order was issued, the purple-red light group above the fortress's city wall gathered, and turned into a torrent of energy and slammed into the shield of the Fire Phoenix Soul Mentor Group.

The huge amount of energy dimmed the shield of this top-level soul teacher group for a while, and the soldiers of the Star Luo Empire who saw this scene were immediately continue to attack, let them see how powerful we are , Competing with the total amount of soul power, you are still too tender! "

The long-range soul tool was placed on the city wall, and the dense long-range attacks like raindrops landed in the direction of the Sun Moon Empire's military camp, quickly consuming the Sun Moon Empire's soul power.

The army of the Sun and Moon Empire, which had just attacked aggressively and released a linked attack on the shield, had to choose to spread out and retreat under the fierce firepower.

Just as the generals defending the city had expected, the Sun and Moon Empire army fighting on the road was no match for the Star Luo Empire spirit masters.

When he saw that the enemy was about to retreat and escape, the officer immediately gave an order: "Link the soul cannon to charge me, charge me fiercely! Let these guys see how powerful we are.

Everyone should not be stingy with their soul power. This time they dare to attack, we will teach them a lesson and leave a group of soul teachers to let them know the pain. "

All the soul stones on the city walls are also cheering, and they frantically inject their own soul power into the soul tool, and no one has noticed that even if they want to stop the injection, they can't do it.

There are a total of eight interlocking soul guide books, on which are gathered eight huge light spheres, and the inside of each light sphere contains a huge soul power that Title Douluo trembles for. These light spheres are getting bigger and bigger. Anyone can see the tremendous power they can unleash when they explode.

It's just that as these light **** get bigger and bigger, the destructive fluctuations released become more and more unstable, and the officers in charge of the command gradually begin to feel that something is wrong?

"Launch, why don't you launch? What's the matter? Why can't you launch? tnnd! Why don't you shoot!"

【To be continued】

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