Douluo See You For a Long Time

v1 Chapter 1684: Tactical hedging

The general who stayed in the fortress also realized that something was wrong. Even if he didn't know the soul tool very well, he could still feel the huge energy above his head. Eight **** of light, each of which had more energy than an ordinary Title Douluo. Much larger.


It is very difficult to emit such a huge amount of energy and maintain stability in the process. As a general of a high-level soul master, this is very clear.


It was almost impossible for the sphere of light to be swelled to this extent in front of him. Those with more flexible minds had already realized that this was a trap. They directly passed the superiors and gave orders to their subordinates to evacuate.


"Retreat, hurry up! Run as far as you can, the thing above our heads is probably going to blow up." A general had just given an order and was about to disconnect himself from the soul tool, when he found that he seemed to be sticking On the Soul Guidance Device, even if both hands have left the Linked Soul Guidance Device, Yuanyuan still doesn't feel that any soul power is being extracted from his body and injected into the huge ball of light in the sky.


Others who were preparing to evacuate also realized this problem, and soon the news spread to the whole army. Now, no matter how stupid you are, you can realize that you have encountered a trap.


Regardless of whether the soul power will be drawn, everyone chose to evacuate, and it was a chaotic scattered evacuation as far as they could run. The quality of the feudal army was just like this. , Everyone has a number in their hearts. What are you talking about defending the city at this time?


Even if there is a severe punishment for escaping, it is better than being bombed to death here.


It's just that not everyone can escape. Only the quickest people escaped from the city wall. Most of the remaining people saw the sudden expansion of the light ball behind them. After the eight light **** inflated violently. Fusing together, the expanding white sphere of light reduced everything it passed to ashes.


The speed of expansion far exceeds the speed of their escape. The only thing that is fortunate is that in this huge explosion, everyone died almost without pain, and was instantly turned into steam by the explosion of high temperature and high pressure.


The army of the Sun Moon Empire also saw the huge explosion in the fortress of the Star Luo Empire. It was a terrifying explosion that even a ninth-level soul-guided cannonball could not create. It was almost equivalent to eight titles. Douluo took out his soul core. , used for self-destruction, the power can be said to be devastating.


Almost at the same time as the explosion, Orange also gave an order to charge the whole army!


The Trojan horse plan has obviously been successful. Under this level of explosion, it is impossible for anyone to hold the position. As long as this opportunity is taken to occupy the Lanier Pass and immediately build fortifications here, even if the Luo Empire gathers the army again, it will be too late. .


The Sun and Moon Empire's ability to defend its positions is much stronger than its offensive capabilities. Once the fortress soul masters sat on the city wall, the three-star American soldiers squatted there, and sent them as many as they came.


When Dai Luoli saw the brilliant explosion in the fortress, he realized that the problem was serious, but he still communicated as soon as possible, ordering his direct troops on the hilltops on both sides to stay put. The fortress was already a piece of ruins and rubble, and there were only a few broken city walls left. Even if the explosion was about to dissipate now, I was not afraid of death and rushed down with people and continued to hold on.


It is absolutely impossible to resist the bombardment of the 15 soul mentor groups in the Sun and Moon Empire. We must continue to wait here. Dai Luoli is on the top of the mountain with a telescope to observe the position. Although the explosion has melted the earth, those buried underground. The traps don't seem to be triggered, or only a fraction of them.


After all, when I buried these things in the ground, I considered that the enemy's attack might hit the city. If the enemy's attack detonated the underground bomb in my city, it would not be shooting myself in the foot.


Therefore, the bombs in these traps have quite safe insurance. In theory, even if they exploded overhead, they may not be detonated. Now it seems that this trick seems to have become the last hope.


On the top of the mountain, Dai Luoli chose to keep his troops in the dark, and watched as Orange led the army to occupy the Lanier Mountain Pass. The army of the Sun and Moon Empire was deployed very quickly. Link the soul guide, build the city wall, arrange the battery soul guide, and make this place a strict fortress.


The construction speed is fast. Obviously, it was premeditated. During the offensive process, the logistics and engineering troops have been brought here. The fortress can be repaired immediately after the occupation.


Relying on the original city wall that was still somewhat broken, the Sun and Moon Empire also showed its strong engineering construction capabilities. During the whole process, Dai Luoli did not stop him in any way. Just watched the other party complete the construction of the fortress and re-establish the temporary city wall.


On the other hand, he sent messengers to go around the trail to notify the rear to come for reinforcements. Although his direct troops were not weak in combat and were forbidden by orders, the number was too small. A large number of troops were directly killed in the explosion, and the rest were scattered In the wilderness, it is impossible to gather together in a short time.


Dai Luoli only hopes that the rear can send enough experts to support him. He has already disclosed the news that he has a backer, but because he needs to keep the information secret, he did not say what his trump card is.


The interior of the Luo Empire has long been riddled with holes. De Luo Li is very clear about this. With the powerful communication soul tool, as long as he dares to reveal his trump card, the Sun and Moon Empire will receive news the next day.


If the Star Luo Empire can dispatch a master in time, then Da Luoli has the hope of making a comeback. With chaos, the Star Luo Empire has a big advantage. Even if the main force has been dismantled, it is possible to win this battle.


It's a pity that after the messenger came to the rear, he made his own request and was thrown out.


The high-level officials of the Star Luo Empire were annoyed by the collapse of the front line. As a result, a messenger came up with such an ignorant suggestion. Even if the suggestion was made by the strong young general before, the high-level officials felt that it was too whimsical and attacked. The Sun and Moon Empire insisted, without more than ten Super Douluo leading the army, there is no hope at all, and the main force of the empire has been severely damaged, and three titled Douluos have been killed in battle.


The most important thing is that these high-level leaders are afraid. The Lanier Mountain Pass is the last barrier of the Star Luo Empire. If you continue to the east, it means that there is no natural danger in the endless Great Plains. The army of the Sun Moon Empire can drive straight in, directly. Attack Star Luo City.


At such a time, if the defenders of Xingluo City were removed and experts were sent to support the front line, the Sun and Moon Empire would take advantage of this time to make a sneak attack. Wouldn’t these dignitaries who lost the protection of the experts all die here?


The top executives of the Star Luo Empire obviously did not have the consciousness to sacrifice their lives for the country. The object of Dai Luoli's request for help was obviously wrong. If he chose to ask the Sandstorm Group for assistance, in order to continue his arms business, the Sandstorm Group might still be able to continue. will provide enough help.


But he subconsciously ignored this non-governmental organization. The limitations of his career made it difficult for him to believe that a non-governmental company would have any powerful armed force. After all, there has never been a monster like the East India Company in this world.


Just after Dai Luoli waited all night, only bad news came. There were only two counties along the way, and they were willing to send five hundred spirit masters to support this battle. This number can only be said to be better than nothing. Luo Li found a helpless thing, that is, if you want to win this battle, then you must go to the battlefield.


A general has been reduced to relying on personal force to win the hope of winning the first line of victory, which shows how embarrassed his current situation is.


It wasn't just his own reason that Dai Luoli would fail. The huge gap between the national powers of the two sides, as well as the huge disparity between the two sides in the military's right to speak, made De Luo Li even aware of Orange's possible conspiracy. Ways to make changes to your own strategy.


Up to now, he can only choose the last fight. After the Sun and Moon Empire rebuilt the city walls on both sides of the mountain pass, De Luo Li ordered the entire army to prepare for the attack.


What he wants to do is to catch turtles in his dreams! When the city wall has the ability to organize in the city, it is naturally protection, but if the city is in chaos, the city wall is just a cage.


As he entered the long-range diameter, a loud explosion suddenly came from the Sun Moon Empire's position. It was as if the city had been heavily bombed.


At the same time, a large amount of buried fuel was blown out and turned into bolides. Ignited everything that could burn in the barracks.


It is definitely not easy to put out the flames on the body with the contaminated fuel, and it is even more impossible to maintain order amid the continuous explosions.


One after another, the linked soul guidance center was blown up, and the shield covering the fortress seemed to be unstable in voltage. After a few flashes, it was finally completely extinguished.


The turret soul mentor who was on duty on the city wall could not continue to be deployed on the turret. Because of the massive burning, the rockets and missiles fell from the sky.


It not only brought explosions to the city, but also threw a lot of combustibles, which fell from the sky like napalm bombs.


These turrets, which were deployed in place without the ability to move, could not be extinguished by themselves after being ignited by flames. The soul master who drove the turrets had to escape and give up their weapons.


There was chaos in the city, and the sleeping orange was also awakened by the chaos. When he ran out of the camp, he saw the picture of fire and rain falling from the sky. The night seemed to be illuminated into day, and the whole place had turned into a pot of porridge.


Seeing this scene, Ju Zi's eyes darkened and she almost fainted. She knew very well that while her Trojan horse plan was successful, she also fell into the opponent's plan.


"Even my own people are counted in! You are so ruthless! What a ruthless dark strategy!" Orange never knew who his opponent was, but he was still shocked by the vicious strategy of the person in front of him.


When she wanted to come, the opponent must be the head coach of the Star Luo Empire. In this way, even if the main force of the Star Luo Empire suffered heavy losses in the previous battle, as long as she could mobilize enough support from the rear, she would be able to take advantage of the chaos of her own army. In one go, the fortress was snatched back.


Not only can you get it back, but you can also get a fortress with a complete city wall and a large number of high-level soul tools left. When the Sun Moon Empire wants to attack again, the human and material resources that need to be consumed are simply astronomical.


This is also the reason why Ju Zi's eyes are black. In her opinion, she has lost completely. Even if she has caused a heavy loss to the Star Luo Empire, the strategic goal cannot be achieved. A tactical victory can never make up for a strategic defeat. , even if his previous plan was killed, no matter how many experts from the Star Luo Empire were, it would be meaningless.


At this moment, he saw the fire rushing down from the mountain, and a large number of soldiers of the Luo Empire on the hillsides on both sides were killed from the hillside.


But what makes Tangzi feel strange is that the number of people killed seems to be less than he thought, and it's not a little, it's too little.


Even if there was chaos in the Sun Moon Empire military camp, with just a few people, even if they were all spirit masters, it would be impossible to defeat this fortress with a strength gap of more than ten times.


In an instant, Juzi realized that the situation was still turning, and immediately notified the major ninth-level soul instructors with the remote soul guide: "Organize your personal guards immediately, prepare to deal with the enemy's sneak attack, don't care about the fire in the city, this kind of ordinary Flame, your bodyguards should not be afraid.


We can't take care of other people's losses now, we must stop the enemy's sneak attack as soon as possible! Hmm... By the way, send a group of people to my side, the number of enemies is less than I thought, I am afraid that they will use more extreme On the other hand, Da Luoli faced the current situation, He can only be a dead horse and a living horse doctor. He treats all of his own people as cannon fodder and throws them out. If he gets started, he will blow up all the missiles. All the missiles are thrown out by him. Completely suppress the opponent's main force.


Buy yourself time to capture the thief first and capture the king first. The enemy’s commander is the empress. In this case, other soul mentor groups will not dare to risk sacrificing the empress and continue to attack. As long as they catch the commander on the opposite side, Then the battle will turn around.


Dai Luoli can be regarded as a character who will never give up until he is in a desperate situation. Even if he has no reinforcements, the fortress he has spent countless efforts to manage is completely occupied, and he did not choose to give up, but led people to kill it.


The soldiers of Delori can be said to be brave and not afraid of death. The soldiers who have been thoroughly brainwashed by the evil-eyed tyrant, including the soul master, have lost their fear of death and have become killing machines that only know how to execute orders.


In the face of this ferocious attack, the five ninth-level soul masters, along with their direct guards, just couldn't withstand the first wave of attacks, and they couldn't hold their heads up when they were chased by this group of guys who even blew themselves up.


On the other hand, Delori took some of the strongest masters in his army, rode a motorcycle with him, and went straight to the enemy's camp, preparing to catch the oranges alive!


【To be continued】


Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~
