Douluo See You For a Long Time

v1 Chapter 480: World War 1

The Seagod could not be found, and such a difficult enemy appeared in the world, and each of these two guys in front of him had the strength to stand alone against the Killing God. If the two of them join hands, it may indeed be possible to kill the arrogant guy who killed God in a short time.

In a sense, the Shrek Seven Devils helped their teacher carry a big pot. To kill the gods must have all been laid on their heads. For the gods of the gods, the one who can kill the gods must be the same level. They don't believe that there are armies or traps that can kill a second-level god.

Poseidon had obviously not realized the seriousness of the problem. Although it is troublesome to deal with these two at present, it is not impossible to solve them. Poseidon believed that after he became familiar with the abilities of these two men, he would naturally be able to defeat them.

Immediately he released the sea god's light, and the sea water condensed into a thousand-meter-high giant, and punched the two of them.

This kind of battle finally had the flavor of mythology, and it was not an exaggeration to say that it was the collapse of the mountain.

Facing the palms of the sea like a dark cloud, the two of them are like monkeys about to be crushed by Wuzhishan, with nowhere to escape.

It's just that at this moment, the demand metal gathered, like a Transformer, rapidly deforming and growing, and gathered together to become a steampunk-like metal giant.

The height of the metal giant is not much shorter than that of the water giant. I went to see the metal giant holding a huge warhammer in one hand and the other arm supporting the palm of the water giant.

The shock caused by the collision between the two is like an earthquake, and the entire holy city can feel trembling, and the sea god's pupils shrank suddenly to the size of a needle.

The kilometer-high giant has exceeded the range that Extreme Douluo can do. What's more, the power of this metal giant is huge. It is driven by the power of steam.

This time Poseidon could finally see the details of the opponent. This time the enemy controlled the mechanical power and used steam as its power. As Poseidon, he naturally knows a lot about steam. The three states of water, solid, liquid, and gas, are all powers he can master.

Although this opponent uses the steam power very cleverly. But the level is not more advanced than him. Although the divine power is similar to the other two, the danger is obviously much smaller.

You will come out of three, and the Seagod can basically be sure that Shupros was hammered to death by the three of them. Although the newly added strength is the weakest, after all, it can barely be regarded as the strength of a second-level god. If you want to win this time, you really have to use your real skills.

But before he could even think about it, the steam giant lifted the hammer in his hand. Tang Chen's best is the chaotic cloak hammer method. At this time, the use of a huge body to display is even more exaggerated.

The Water Giant just resisted the Ten Hammers, and couldn't withstand the continuously accumulated power, and it was blasted to pieces. The Sea God hidden in the Water Giant was also smashed and flew out.

Although the master of this metal giant is the weakest, he has mastered a very delicate hammer technique. To some extent, it made up for its inherent shortcomings, and Poseidon didn't dare to ask Dalian to take out his trigeminal machine and phantom his body in the form of Dharma, Heaven and Earth. Don't dare to deal with things in the form of a water giant anymore.

Just before he could take action, the battlefield suddenly changed from day to night. Starry, the night sky turned into a three-dimensional, stars dotted around the sea god.

Immediately, a Chaotianxiang dressed in a white robe with gold rims appeared on the stage, and the Star Trail Master was a big move when he shot, and the Milky Way exploded!

Countless stars with large basins gathered, gradually turning into the form of the Milky Way in a circular orbit, coiling around the top of the sea god, obscuring the sky for several miles.

Although Poseidon does not know what a supernova explosion is, what is a gamma-ray burst? But instinctively felt the danger, once the stars on the head were condensed in one place, it was the moment for the ultimate move to be released.

At this time, shouting people can't take care of the master style, and immediately prepare to interrupt the reading. Seeing the mage on the opposite side read the article, it was simply a stupid operation.

I saw Poseidon waving the trident, it was nine golden auras, the indeterminate storm, it was Poseidon's special skill, the God Realm's first control skill.

I saw that the nine auras were combined into one, just like Chaotian incense was put in the past, the fourth god-level powerhouse, the Seagod knew that today's things could not be good.

On this continent, a **** system has developed on its own. Right under the eyes of the gods, the Seagod now thinks about how to get out of his body and convey the current situation back to the gods.

Faced with four powerhouses of this level, Poseidon was no longer sure to defeat them. Even if they can win, they will suffer heavy losses.

But things backfired, Murphy's Law tells us a bad thing, if he could happen. Then he would definitely happen, the Seagod's indeterminate storm originally wanted to interrupt the spellcasting of the star track mage.

A loud roar came from the beach. A giant prehistoric centipede with a length of several hundred meters stood up and stood in front of Chaotianxiang. He abruptly withstood the indeterminate storm. Although he was restrained and unable to move, he did not. Death, the powerful vitality also made it violently spray a ball of venom towards the sea god,

The hand of God Meng Shu stood on the back of a mutant pterosaur with a wingspan of more than 50 meters. Behind him, a hundred meters tall Tyrannosaurus rex, plesiosaur, in the ocean, prehistoric overlord ichthyosaur, blue whale, and overlord squid , Nautilus, burst out of the water one after another.

The most frightening thing is that behind her is the Zerg-like biochemical army in StarCraft, and the marching Zerg army is terrifying.

The Poseidon became disillusioned because he discovered that the marine life within hundreds of miles nearby did not listen to his and began to evolve or degenerate on its own to become the most powerful form of the evolutionary branch. Attack him.

Any small fish can degenerate into a powerful Deng's fish. One can imagine how terrifying the many creatures in the ocean will become.

It's the fifth one. Poseidon felt his scalp numb, and he wanted to retreat unconsciously. This group of guys, each of them can stand alone for a long time under their own hands. They are all god-level powerhouses with the ability to guard against the sky. Five such powerhouses, working together, can beat his **** out.

Poseidon had an unknown premonition. If he didn't hurry to run, he would have no chance to run. However, the reality was that he had no chance to run.

Poseidon, who was about to escape at three times the speed of sound, was suddenly thrown back into the sea with a kick, and a huge wave raised a hundred meters high.

"Have you been kicked by lightning?" Yu Xikong stood in the air, surrounded by lightning, and the Seagod's expression changed in amazement. Thunder God is a second-level **** in the God Realm. In terms of divine power, he should be indistinguishable from the one in front of him. Thor had no ability to kick him away, and the speed in the battle was only ** times the speed of sound, never so fast. The thunder and lightning of the person in front of him was obviously closer to the essence.

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