Douluo See You For a Long Time

v1 Chapter 617: Orc Slave

Reduced prices of industrial products have a devastating impact on the development of a country's basic industry, and the Soul Beast Empire is obviously the most affected, and several factories have completely shut down.

Starting a job means losing money. The more you manufacture, the more you lose. But there is no doubt that industry needs a large number of skilled workers. Only when the skills and workers are mature can the cost be reduced, but only by producing more products can workers be The technology is mature.

Such a vicious cycle has caused the factory to lose more and more and cannot sustain it at all. Even if it is the will of the country to sustain it at a loss, it must have sufficient financial support. A small country with few people and self-sufficiency is not enough. That will only increase. behind.

But trade requires money. If the factory continues to operate, I am afraid that the soul beasts will not be able to get the money for food. The most troublesome thing is that many soul beasts only eat meat. In this way, their consumption is even greater than that of humans. .

In the Soul Beast Council, the top ten soul beasts once had an understanding discussion around the round table. This time the topic was whether to allow the slave trade.

It is also the most intensely debated among the recent issues. It is the Ten Thousand Demon King who raised this issue. He saw the situation of the soul beasts and continued to stray freely. There is no doubt that it is self-defeating, but is there anyone in this world? They will be anti-dumping, but they can't do it if they want to develop themselves.

So the Ten Thousand Demon King chose to use the special products of the soul beast in exchange for the opportunity of industrialization. What special products does the soul beast have? There is no doubt that the spirit ring is the most important of them.

If some weak spirit beasts that have not contributed to the development of productivity are sold as slaves, a large amount of funds will inevitably be obtained. Now the value of spirit rings is comparable to luxury goods, and it can be said that spirit beasts themselves represent wealth.

On the other hand, due to the convenience of squeezing the face of the deformed grass, the soul beasts transformed into a human form generally have a beautiful appearance, especially some of the soul beast's characteristics, such as ears and tail.

For humans, this is full of temptation. Let some cats, dogs, etc., as special slaves, be sold to me humans, and even get more funds than spirit rings.

This is the only special product that the soul beasts can get. As for the local products of the Star Dou Great Forest, mushrooms and fungus, although in reality they often appear on programs such as making money and earning money, they all make small money. The entire industry combined can not even sustain the development of an industrial type of work.

"I object! The lives of the people are not wasted like this. We can ask humans for advice, but it doesn't mean that we accept inferiority and sell our people in exchange for benefits. Isn't this inferior to humans?" Brigitte is the first One objection, the kind-hearted character of Emerald Swan, made him unable to accept the life and freedom of his tribe in exchange for development.

"I also object. It's not that we can't learn from humans, and despicable methods can be applied appropriately, but sometimes, once we bow our heads, there is no chance to stand up again.

A race has its own dignity. Watching a race that has survived by slavery, even if it flourishes in the end, it will only be a dream bubble. As long as a war, it can easily pierce the fragile appearance. "Ditian also expressed opposition.

He doesn’t care about sacrificing his own people. It’s not difficult to see from his ability to mobilize the beasts. It is possible to accept the sacrifices of his people, but it does not mean that he can accept his people as slaves. If a race is slaughtered, it will still It may stand up again, but if the spine is interrupted, then it is really impossible to stand up.

"What is there to oppose? Those low-level species have nothing to do with our dignity. They have no productive capacity and are a waste of food. They used to be nothing more than food. What happened to human beings now?" Jun Xiong said. Agree, he was able to join the council because of his strong strength.

The King of Ten Thousand Demons looked at the soul beasts who were all expressing their opinions, and looked at Rui Wenwen. Although she was less than a hundred years old, she was still an important figure in the council, whether it was the transformation grass or the initial funds for the establishment of the soul beast empire. , Or the book of pseudo-truth used on the road of industrial development, was brought by her, and she may be the most credited for the speech.

"Rui Beast, your opinion is the final result. I hope you can consider it carefully. You know better than me that there is nothing that does not need to be paid. If you want to rise, you must pay something. If you don’t pay those low-level souls Beast, we may have to pay the price of blood."

After that, the Ten Thousand Demon King looked at Di Tian and Brigitte again: "Have you ever thought about how many wars their beauty will lead to if we don't sell beautiful female slaves to humans."

How many soul beasts will die because of this, how many soul beasts will die in the factory, and how many soul beasts will starve to death because of the shortage of funds? This number is far greater than the number of slaves.

You may think that it is despicable to let the same kind betray their colors and become slaves, but what the **** is noble? Letting ten times a hundred times more people die from war and famine, is this particularly noble?

Just because those soul beasts are female, their lives should be more valuable than other soul beasts? They are our people, aren't the other soul beasts just fucking? I just let fewer soul beasts die. Is there anything wrong? "

The elegant Ten Thousand Demon King, who was usually sleazy today, actually exploded in foul language today, one can imagine how excited his heart is.

Rui Wenwen took a deep breath and coughed lightly, "I understand your opinion. Indeed, the lives of those soul beasts will not be more noble than other soul if there is no way out. , I will agree with your suggestion, and there is nothing wrong with even letting me sell myself as a slave.

But this is only a short-term expedient measure. It is indeed possible to withdraw funds, but it is far from enough. Even without calculation, I am also very clear that these funds are definitely not enough to support us to build basic industries. At that time, we have to sell again. What?

I hope to put this issue aside for now. I have some ideas that I need to try. If we succeed, maybe we won't be so short of money anymore. "Rui Wenwen has rejected the proposal of the Ten Thousand Demon King, but after so many years in the human world, she has lost too much soul beast innocence.

So she didn't completely reject the Ten Thousand Demon King's proposal, but she needed to try some different solutions.

Chengying once told her that in the future development trend, the proportion of industry will gradually decline and shift to the service industry-based tertiary industry.

The tertiary industry will gradually replace industry and become a pillar industry for the economic development of various countries. Rui Wenwen has been a national idol and has experience in this area. She wants to try it and go beyond the development of basic industries and directly enter the Internet field.

Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~