Douluo See You For a Long Time

v1 Chapter 69: A glimpse of a spot to know the whole le

The process of    training cannot be said to be completely smooth, because there is no time to waste with them, Chengying just tried some conditioned reflexes on them, and then directly used mental communication to order them to learn Chinese.

   After all, people are more difficult to tame than dogs. I want to tune the five big people into RB who listens to their words...Bah! What's so good about five men! Cheng Ying relied on his strong mental power to communicate with these language-sufficient guys using telepathy like Professor X.

   He can't read the memory, but there is no difficulty in sensing the superficial thinking. The mental communication can directly convey the thoughts, and it doesn't matter if the language is blocked.

   With this powerful communication weapon, coupled with scientific reward and punishment mechanisms plus death threats, five soul teachers learned to speak Chinese in an unprecedented one week.

   Chengying also learned the language of the Sun Moon Continent in the same amount of time. It’s good to have a strong mental power. He can learn everything very quickly. Anyone who has the ability to remember to remember must be a character like a master.

   Chengying can now guarantee that his Sun Moon Continental language will at least not be heard by the locals with accent problems, at least not like the characteristic English of the neon country.

   As for the Bingdi and his students, I can barely say it, but you will definitely know that it is a foreigner when you speak, and only Chengying has learned the local language.

   is a kind of hieroglyphic writing slightly different from that of the man, and there is no alphabetic writing. This also makes Cheng Ying understand a little bit why the core magic circle has been around for so long, and there is no systematic rune system.

The    rune system is largely based on alphabetic writing or cuneiform writing. The possibility that hieroglyphs want to produce runes is very small, but it is possible to explode black technology such as rune paper.

   As for the form on the mainland, Cheng Ying also inquired about it. A brief summary is that the mainland has just been unified, the bourgeoisie has sprouted, and the productivity is a whole level higher than that on the Douluo Continent.

   It's just that the government is a bit strange, it's a parliamentary system, probably the product of the big capitalists' compromise, but because the mainland has been almost developed, it seems that this is the last barren land.

   The people’s eyes are full of despair. The visionary has predicted that the rapid population growth in the near future will result in collective damage to the interests of small farmers and the low- and middle-level spirit masters who represent their interests.

   In the absence of the discovery of the New World, driven by the dissatisfaction of these people, it will not be long before the restoration of the imperial power. Of course, the inferences derived from these descriptions may not be accurate. Chengying intends to see it in person.

   After discussion, several people came to the conclusion that the first round of exploration was the Ice Emperor Chengying, who took the disciples, and Dugu Bo voluntarily stayed on the boat to guard his home. Because this was a social survey, he had little interest in it, but was more interested in the knowledge mastered by several low-level soul teachers.

   It happens that he can teach the crew the language of the New World even if he stays behind. After all, nothing can be done by himself.

   Everyone drove the End of the World into a hidden deep-water port, surrounded by steep cliffs. It is difficult to find them on land. After doing this, Cheng Ying took the disciples and flew to the land together.

   It is worth mentioning that Meng Shu was riding a dragon stick and flying with his sister. It looks a bit like a flying broomstick from Hogwarts.

   The group followed the guidance given by the soul teachers to the nearest city, Yuehui City on the east coast of the Sun Moon Continent, which is roughly equivalent to the capital city of a coastal province.

In terms of clothing, the Sun Moon Empire and Douluo Continent are similar, except that the cotton clothes worn by ordinary people seem to be better than Douluo's linen. There is not much difference in clothing habits, mainly practical, only a few. People who wear a badge symbolizing the soul teacher will wear long robes.

Walking along the gravel-paved road into the city gate, Bingdi and Chengying’s disciples couldn’t help being attracted by the city’s prosperity. It was just a coastal city with a level of prosperity that was not inferior to that of Tiandou City. From time to time, there would be double shafts. The carriage passed by, either transporting goods or transporting guests.

   Even Chengying noticed that there are buildings similar to bus stop signs in the city, and large-scale carriages will stop at regular intervals. The most primitive public transportation system has taken shape.

The streets are full of pedestrians looking in a hurry, everyone is busy with endless things, whether it is the poorest people in linen clothes or the wealthy merchants in silk, they are all working hard, bustling but sick. .

There is an open space everywhere in the city, where a group of people in the most tattered clothes gather. They may have some defects, but they are scrambling around a few commoner Xiaosi, promoting their strength, trying to get Employment of the other party.

   And that Xiaosi's eyes are very thief, in addition to cruelly exploiting himself to pay the rebate, he will only choose the strongest person for employment.

Chengying took the disciples around the city for a while, then came to a wine shop, covered a booth with a few coins from the soul master, ordered a few simplest dishes, and asked, "Tell me. Look, what do you all see?"

   "A lot of people! It's not much worse than Tiandou City! If I didn't know it, I thought this was their Meng Shu was the first to jump out and shout.

   Chengying covered his face: "You can't teach a child, you should go back and learn to paint..."

   Meng Shu is not lost, because the teacher just taught him how to use color to reflect the texture of the girl's skin, and his ultimate goal is not far away.

   "Their traffic is very convenient. I noticed that their roads are wide enough for four carriages to drive side by side. This should be an important reason for them to be so prosperous." Posesi tried.

   "There are indeed factors in this aspect. Transportation costs determine the prosperous degree of the business, and it is also an important indicator that affects the degree of social division of projects. What else do you see?" Chengying felt that most of them didn't talk about the idea.

"I noticed that they all have the spirit of contract. They have to bargain for everything, and then abide by the rules. It seems that behind the entire system, there is a complete set of rules. Even a soul master cannot destroy it at will. This is what our mainland has to do. If you don't have one, you should learn too." Chao Tianxiang frowned and looked at the noisy street outside the wooden window, feeling something wrong for some reason.

   "The strictness of the law is indeed an important condition for the progress of the times, but do you really think that such a law is reasonable?" Cheng Ying said a little bit.

   "This...I don't think it's fair, but I can't say what's wrong. Selling one's labor in exchange for compensation seems to be fair, but the result doesn't seem to be the case." Chaotianxiang couldn't think of an answer.

   "Teacher, I probably understand something..." Under Chengying's encouraging gaze, Tang Chen expressed his impression of the city.

   [To be continued]

   ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~