Douluo See You For a Long Time

v1 Chapter 985: Ice Emperor's Single Mission

The containment item is the real thing that Chengying picked up from the matrix world. Even if it is just a bunch of useless data in reality, it still has a real effect in the low-dimensional interface of the game.

After Bingdi glanced at it, the idea of ​​work came out uncontrollably in his mind. It's just that she really doesn't have a career of her own right now, and the thoughts in her heart start to quickly screen out the possible careers and the jobs she is willing to accept.

For Bingdi, if she must find a job, she can choose according to her own interests. Therefore, her interests will very likely become her upcoming work.

Chengying was also curious as to what job Bingdi would randomly find. He lay at the door and looked at the end of the corridor. The little brother with only his head left saw this scene with a dazed expression.

I saw Bingdi rushed back in a hurry, and threw down Chengying in the shocked gaze of Brother Head, and the two of them wandered all the way to the underside of the hospital bed.

The Ice Emperor was very imposingly riding on Chengying's waist, leaned down and kissed. A certain degree of intimacy is allowed in the game. Kissing is still possible, as long as both parties are voluntary.

But this game still has a bottom line. There is absolutely no way to make behaviors. In order to ensure this, you can't take off your clothes in the game, and there are no corresponding organs in the character model.

Of course, Tulip native has immersive virtual games with appreciation organs, but those are R18 games. The main content is this aspect, and they are strictly regulated.

At the moment the ice emperor seemed to be able to only ride on Cheng Ying and kiss, but the effect of the containment object seemed to be too strong, so that the two of them had no tools at all, but the ice emperor still made quite sultry moves, which belonged to that This is a type that a male can't bear. However, Chengying has no tools to commit crimes. He could only watch, at this moment, he even had the urge to quit the game forcibly.

The guy outside didn’t know the limits of the game. He heard the movement under the bed, looked at the vibrating hospital bed, and fell into doubts about life. This kind of monster can be used wherever this kind of monster is rampant. These two people are also out-and-out monsters. !

Three hours...for three full hours, the ice emperor stopped and recalled at least what had happened. The ice emperor’s face seemed to be on fire. He used small punches to hammer your chest continuously. Fortunately, this is in the game. The body, otherwise Cheng Ying will be hammered away properly.

"Ahem! This is just a special effect of the containment object, I understand! Let's go on! Go on! There is a document on the table, that is an experiment record, which is about the head brother." Cheng Ying quickly found them from the operating room where they were. A record of the experiment was made.

The experimental record recorded a drug test called vno-9. Chengying handed the experimental record to Bingdi and explained: “This experimental record records a drug test. Brother Rentou is the subject of the drug test. He was injured in the early years of fighting and lost one of his feet.

The experimenters here injected him with the drug in batches. Makes him possess extremely powerful recovery ability. Grow their own feet. But it was also because of this weird change that he was terrified of the test. Try to escape many times.

He looks alive at the moment. Only one head is left. As for his body, I think you have already guessed it. That's the headless body we saw before. So you should guess what I want to do. "

The Bingdi is not stupid, and naturally guessed what Chengying meant: "We are going back and get the corpse over. This guy's self-healing ability is strong enough to grow a foot alive.

In this case, he would connect his head and body, and he should be able to grow together soon. It already seemed that his corpse was still alive. As long as there is light, it will be alive and kicking. "It's really alive and kicking in the literal sense.

"Let's go! Put the curtain here, the corpse will move when it sees the light, and it will be extremely powerful. The two of us must have trouble with our current body. When we get it out, try to cover him with this thing. "After that, Chengying pushed the stretcher and ran towards the room just now.

The two men lifted their headless bodies on a stretcher in the dark, covered them tightly with curtains, and then quickly pushed the corpse into the corridor. The lights in the corridor. The corpse began to move through the curtain.

Chengying hurriedly pushed the car to the operating room, and rushed in before the corpse was activated.

After entering, Cheng Ying pressed the corpse, and Bingdi also pulled out his head from the life-saving instrument in the horrified gaze of Brother Rentou. He lost the support of the instrument, and Brother Rentou showed a painful expression on his face.

However, Brother Rentou is not angry, after all, in this state, it doesn't matter whether he can put his head back. Whether it is a successful recovery or a failure to die, it is better than hanging on a machine as a decoration.

Bingdi quickly brought Brother Rentou's head and body to each other, and the painful look on Brother Rentou's face disappeared as soon as the two touched. The wound on the neck healed instantly.

"Goo... uh..." Then Brother Rento lay there very smoothly, with weird noises constantly in his throat. This time his body did not continue to twitch, and it seemed that the body's IQ was also online after connecting to his head.

"In a sense, the development of this drug is still very successful, at least the self-healing ability it brings is really reliable." Cheng Ying muttered.

After about five minutes, Brother Ren Tou recovered, and it seemed that it didn't take long for the head and body to match. The first thing he does when he wakes up is to touch his neck. Even if he looks at the separation of his head and body, he will feel the phantom pain in his neck. Not to mention that he knows it personally, and it feels so sour.

"Thank you." This was the first sentence that Brother Rento said to the two of them after speaking.

"You're welcome." Cheng Ying said, "You haven't asked your honorable name yet?"

"My name is Igor." Igor replied and asked, "How about you?"

"Cheng Ying, that one is Ice Emperor."

Igor didn't have any doubts about their names, even if the Ice Emperor didn't sound like a name.

After all, the nickname of the game is not a real name, and not everyone takes the kind of personal name.

This is basically the consensus of the gaming industry. The game character does not have any doubts about the player's name.

Of course, there are indeed some players who will use such game mechanics. Give yourself some weird names, such as master, elder brother, dad, Onixa, etc. It does not rule out that players with weird XP will name themselves brute, bitch. In this case, it is not theoretically possible. Forbidden, as long as you are not afraid of social death, you can take it!