Douluo: Starts From Blowing Up the Spirit Ring

v2 Chapter 265: Strong

"Let Blazing Academy become an affiliate of Wuhun Hall?"

"How is this possible? The college will definitely not agree to it!"

Huo Wu's eyes widened when he heard the words of awakening.

She didn't expect that the Blazing Academy had such a purpose after waking up.

This kind of thing, with her current status in Blazing Academy, really can't help at all.

"I don't agree, I have to try it before I know it!"

Su Xing said with a smile.

Now, the colleges and universities still have the capital to dare to say that they disagree, and after the Wuhun Palace has resolved all the three sects, the colleges will not be qualified to say that they disagree.

In the original work, the major colleges were severely suppressed by the Wuhun Hall because they disagreed. They couldn't even open the school in their original place, so they joined forces to find Shrek Academy.

Awakening doesn't mean that the major colleges must be succumbed now, his main goal is still the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

In the words of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, because of Yu Xiaogang, Awakening has no good impressions on them, except for Yu Tianheng.

As for the Clear Sky School, Tang Chen was killed by him, and Tang Hao could be regarded as the one who killed him. He was still planning to kill Tang San, so he never thought of subduing Clear Sky School.


Huo Wu opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say anything. She didn't object to waking up to gather Blazing Academy.

She was even willing to help, but with her current energy, she really couldn't help awakening anything!

"You can't move easily, just rest obediently, and subdue college affairs, I can do it myself!"

"Don't worry, I will not force the academy, if the academy disagrees, then forget it!"

Seeing Huo Wu's appearance, Su Xing smiled and comforted the other party.


Hearing that Wake said, Huo Wu didn't say anything anymore.


At noon, Su Xing brought two Title Douluo, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo, to the dean's office.

"His Royal Highness Saint Child, as well as the two elders of Wuhun Hall, are you here this time not just to see Huo Wu from our academy?"

The dean of Blazing Academy immediately asked Su Xing directly after seeing the awakening.

To be honest, seeing Awakening and the two titled Douluos following Awakening, the dean of Blazing Academy is also very stressed, but he represents Blazing Academy, so you can't persuade him!

What's so special, the old man is just a Contra, he actually followed with two Title Douluos, awakening this holy son, the pomp is too big!

"President, what do you think the future situation of Douluo Continent will be like?"

Su Xing did not directly answer the dean's words, but instead asked with a smile.

Hearing the words of awakening, the dean of Blazing Academy fell silent.

He knew the purpose of awakening as soon as he spoke.

Awakening was telling him that in the future the entire Douluo Continent would belong to the Spirit Hall, so Blazing Academy must also obey the Spirit Hall!

As long as you are not a fool, you can see that Wuhun Palace has the ambition to unify the mainland.

As the dean of one of several colleges, it is impossible for him to fail to see this. Moreover, people from the Spirit Hall had already come to win him over before.

It's just that the previous wooing was rejected by him.

Waking up is the heaviest.

"His Royal Highness, Blazing Academy is just an academy. The academy never participates in any struggle. It only trains soul masters for the Douluo Continent!"

After the dean was silent for a while, he looked up at Su Xing and said.

"The college doesn't participate, but don't the students who come out of the college participate?"

"That's all right, Wuhun Hall does not need Blazing Academy to give in. As long as the students who graduated from your academy, all join our Wuhun Hall!"

After hearing this, Su Xing said with a smile.

In the world, there has never been an absolutely neutral force, and the dean's words seemed like a joke when he woke up.

"Our college can't do this. It is their freedom where students want to go after graduation!"

When the dean heard the words of awakening, he looked ugly and refused.

In that case, what is the difference from Blazing Academy's succumbing to the Martial Soul Palace?

Awakening aggressive and strong attitude made the Dean's face very ugly.

The dean knew that the strength of the Spirit Hall was huge, far beyond the comparison of Blazing Academy.

But Blazing Academy is not a vegetarian either. It has always been the top academy in Douluo Continent. It has a very high reputation. He is not afraid of what Wuhun Palace would do directly to Blazing Academy, so he dared to refuse to wake up.

"Well, if the dean is unwilling, then forget it!"

"For the sake of Huo Wu's face, I won't force you!"

"Elder Ju, Elder Ghost, let's go!"

After Wake looked at the other party directly for a while, he smiled disdainfully.

Then, Wake took Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo directly and left!

From the dean's attitude, it is not difficult to wake up, and it is impossible for the other party to give in for the time being.

The other party is really not afraid of Wuhun Hall. If Wuhun Hall really dares to touch Blazing Academy at this time, it will be very troublesome!

In the final analysis, there are still many people in Wuhundian, all of them graduated from major Only the colleges have the confidence to reject Wuhundian.

Even if the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect in the original work was almost destroyed, the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect was destroyed, the major colleges refused to succumb to the Wuhun Temple, and the Wuhun Temple did not directly act on the major colleges, but only suppressed it.

"President, aren't we afraid to offend the Spirit Hall like this?"

"The power of the Spirit Hall is getting stronger and stronger, and it will definitely be able to unify the mainland in the future!"

Seeing that they had awakened and left, the vice president couldn't help but said with concern.

"It's okay, if the Wuhun Temple really does it, it won't care if our major colleges succumb to it!"

The dean shook his head, and then said.

"Well, what the dean said is right, but what I am more worried about is our refusal, which will be offended and wake up!"

The deputy dean then said, this is what he is more worried about.

"Don't worry about this. After a few years, when Huo Wu grows up, just let Huo Wu act as the dean of the Chihuo Academy!"

The dean laughed again when he heard the words, obviously he had already dealt with it a long time ago.


Hearing what the dean said, the deputy dean was a little speechless.

After doing it for a long time, it turned out that the dean had left a hand long ago!

If this is the case, he will no longer be able to sit in the position of the dean, and he will be heartbroken.

It's just that he didn't object to the dean's decision, and he even felt that the dean's decision was good.

If Wuhundian could really unify the mainland in the future, with the relationship between awakening and Huo Wu, letting Huo Wu serve as the dean of Blazing Academy would undoubtedly benefit Blazing Academy even more.

Worthy of being the dean, scheming!

"It seems that I am worried for nothing!"

The deputy dean shook his head and smiled, and put away the worries in his heart.
