Douluo’s Endless Fusion

Chapter 23: New ways to obtain energy

Luo Chuan picked up the clothes, with a visible footprint on his abdomen.

Too ruthless, this woman's cultivation base is much higher than him, even if she doesn't use spirit abilities, her power is also great.

"To integrate the nine-hearted begonia, I need 50,000 energy duplication, 10,000 energy fusion, a total of 60,000, I knew I would not rush to improve my physical and spiritual attributes before."

Luochuan got up helplessly, how should we solve this energy problem now?

He clutched his stomach and walked out of the room. When Shen Jinming saw it, the corners of his mouth twitched and said: "Second prince, why are you injured again?"

In the past half month, Luo Chuan has been injured from time to time, and it seems that he has not completely recovered.

"It's okay."

Luo Chuan waved his hand, unwilling to say more. He thought about energy and asked casually: "Guardian Shen, I don't know where I can often see a soul master dying?"

"The execution ground, every day criminals are executed, beheaded, strangled, and among them are soul masters, but for you, the second prince, it may be a little bloody."

Shen Jinming said subconsciously.

Luo Chuan stopped, his eyes flickered, and he patted his head: "Why didn't I think of this, such a big empire, how can there be no execution ground!"

During this period of time, he only focused on cultivation, and he was half tired every day when he came back from the academy. He didn't have much thoughts about energy. He really didn't think about this approach, and he planned to make a fortune when he hunted the soul beast in two days.

"Tell me about the execution ground. How many spirit masters are killed every day?"

Luo Chuan said slightly excited.

"not much."

Shen Jinming shook his head, "His Royal Highness, you also know that soul masters are a very noble existence in Douluo Continent. Even a low-level soul master, as long as it is registered in the Spirit Hall, can get subsidies and is more competitive than ordinary people in doing other things. , But the proportion of soul masters themselves is small, so there are not many executed. It is estimated that there will be a few a month, and when there are more than a dozen, it is mainly ordinary people who commit crimes."

Luo Chuan nodded. This is indeed the status quo. If you want to become a soul master, you must awaken your soul power, and most people cannot reach this level.

"I understand, is there any soul master executed today?"

Compared to killing them with his own hands or letting his subordinates kill them, this kind of executed soul master is completely a pie in the sky for him.

"I don't know, I'm not responsible for this, but if your Highness wants to know, your subordinates can ask, but why does your Highness ask this?"

Shen Jinming was slightly puzzled.

"Only by seeing more blood can I build a strong heart, and I can learn something in the process of seeing them."

Luo Chuan spoke righteously and gave a high-sounding excuse.

Shen Jinming nodded slightly. This is indeed a good way to learn, and most people can't think of it. After all, not many people like to go to such a place, including him.

"Yes, my subordinates will go to inquire and reply to your highness soon."

"Go, I hope I can have a result before I practice sword and eat breakfast."

Luo Chuan waved his hand, walked out of the palace, and continued to learn swordsmanship.

Although he still has a lot of scruples about Qian Renxue, he has to admit that this woman is indeed very strong, better than him in all aspects, and so is his swordsmanship.

Luochuan studied hard for half a month, but there was still a gap, which was brought about by his cultivation and also because of his experience.

"I'm going to attack the youngest."

Qian Renxue suddenly spoke when she was performing swordsmanship.

Luo Chuan's body shook slightly, and he glanced at Qian Renxue with a cold expression on his face. He did not speak, but became more alert in his heart.

If he hadn't had a showdown with Qian Renxue, he would definitely be assassinated by Qian Renxue at the moment.

He was overwhelmed by his assassination of the three princes, and he couldn't stop it even if he wanted to control it. Even the other party deliberately told him that he didn't dare to leak it out.

"You are going to hunt the soul beasts in two days. There is just a proof of an alibi. They won't doubt you." Qian Renxue said lightly.

"If one day you need it, should you let me back the pot?"

Luochuan said helplessly.

"You should hope that my actions go smoothly, it won't take this day."

Qian Renxue gave Luo Chuan a playful look, and keeping this guy really had this effect.

It's too suitable for this **** to do this kind of thing.

"You bad woman is really bad."

Luochuan complained.

"Everything in this world is connected by interests. If it's not a bit bad, how can it be a big deal?"

Qian Renxue should have this attitude in her life experience and education.

"Except for benefits, there are feelings in the world. Family affection, friendship, and love can't be exchanged for benefits."

Luo Chuan didn't quite agree with Qian Renxue's words.

The latter's face was cold: "I don't believe this. For the benefit, parents can kill their children, friends can betray, husbands and wives can turn against each other!"

Speaking of this, Qian Renxue's eyes showed pain. Her mother wanted to kill her...

Luo Chuan put down the sword, saw the pain in Qian Renxue's eyes, thought for a moment, and walked over and said seriously: "What you said will indeed exist, I don't deny it, but it is definitely a rare minority."

Qian Renxue's face was full of mockery: "It's ridiculous, you are too embarrassed to refute me? Just now I said to solve your third brother, but you didn't blink your brows. It means that you don't care about family affection at all. You saw me. Your real body and your eyes are straight. It means that you are just an animal thinking with your lower body. Only desire is left. Will someone like you have love? As for friendship, I guess you will betray your friends too?"

Luo Chuan's face became stiff, and he was so stupefied that he didn't know what to say, and he said: "I still don't approve of it. I want to save the third brother, but you don't allow it, and I frowned.

As for you... I want to say that a man will do this. This is instinct. If I don't respond, you will be dissatisfied, and even call me not a man. "

"You are just arguing." Qian Renxue sneered, not believing Luo Chuan's words.

"I know you should have encountered a lot of bad things, but I will prove to you that this world is not only beneficial, at least not all, otherwise it is not human."

Luo Chuan said very seriously, this is his values.

"I have to see how you prove it."

Qian Renxue didn't care, and stab Luo Chuan with a sword.

This Luo Chuan was so scared that he hurriedly avoided, "Are you crazy? This sword has opened up."

"Aren't you practising actual combat recently? This is also a kind."

Qian Renxue's face was cold and did not stop, the sword light flew over Luochuan, his face paled a lot in fright, and he evaded and resisted the sword light in a panic.

In less than ten minutes this time, Luo Chuan was sweating profusely and his clothes were cut into strips, which was rather miserable.

Seeing Qian Renxue leaving leisurely, Luo Chuan once again learned the horror of women.

He went back depressed and changed his clothes, ready to go to the academy after breakfast. At this moment, the figure flashed and Shen Jinming appeared.

"His Royal Highness, I asked. The execution ground will deal with a group of executed prisoners every half month. Two spirit masters will be executed tomorrow, a 27-level great spirit master and a 36-level soul master."