Douluo’s Royal Knight

Chapter 165: Escape on

   "Where are you going."

   The voice of Eos came out of the freezing mist.

At this time, the ice emperor looked in the direction where the ice emperor’s fury hit the Eos beast. At this time, the ice emperor still couldn’t believe that the Eos beast was still safe after being hit by the ice emperor’s fury hit with all his strength thing.

   The Ice Emperor had changed from his soul beast form back to a human form at this time, and then the Ice Emperor waved his hands to dissipate the ice mist.

   Bingdi exhaled after seeing the scene inside.

Because when the ice mist dissipated, what was revealed was a huge block of ice. At this time, the Eos was indeed in the ice. The previous sound was only the Eos coming from the ice. .

   And Eos did not escape the freezing of ice.

   Ice Emperor looked at the Eos beast frozen by his Ice Emperor’s Wrath and said with a smile, “You don’t have the power to act at all now, you can only speak out here.”

Eos looked at the proud ice emperor in front of him and smiled, and then said to the ice emperor inside the ice cube, "So the creatures in this world of you don’t have any wisdom behind them. They thought that after the ice sealed me, Is it safe and sound? So naive."

   Then the eyes of the Eos beast flashed colorful light, and then the Eos beast looked at the ice emperor and said, "Next is your end, the three kings of the far north."

   "The cutting blade."

At this moment, the ice block was cut directly from the inside, and the body of the Eos beast appeared in front of the ice emperor again. This time it was no longer separated by the ice block. This time the Eos beast It really appeared in front of the Ice Emperor.

At this time, the ice emperor looked at Eos in shock, because the ice emperor’s wrath of the ice emperor had become very powerful under the blessing of the permafrost, and it was the ice of the ultimate ice. Wrath of the emperor, but under this circumstance, the Eos beast can actually emerge from the ice of the wrath of the ice emperor, and its strength is definitely self-evident.

   At this time, the Eos beast smiled and looked at the Ice Emperor and said, "Is there such a shock? This is our strength, and you are next."

   Said that the Eosmon's hands turned into sharp claws again, and then attacked the Ice Emperor, and the sharp claws of both hands kept waving at the Ice Emperor.

At this time, the Ice Emperor had previously launched the permafrost domain and his own strongest attack spirit ability against the Eos. The Ice Emperor’s wrath caused the Ice Emperor’s soul power to directly consume nearly 70%, let alone an attack. Now, it is more difficult for the Ice Emperor to be able to keep up with the attack of Eos.

   Just when the ice emperor was stunned, the claws of the Eos beast had directly attacked the ice emperor's waist.

   Ice Emperor body guard.

   Ice Emperor directly used his remaining 30% of his spirit power to use the Ice Emperor's body when the sharp claws of the Eos beast hit his waist.

   The sharp claws of Eos directly hit the ice emperor's waist.

   Ice Emperor was attacked by the Eos beast and immediately flew backwards.

   The ice emperor stabilized his body and looked at the Eos in front of him in pain. At this time, the ice emperor’s waist had a claw mark on the shield at this time.

At this time, the ice emperor did not expect that even if he used the ice emperor’s body, he did not resist the attack of the Eos beast, and it was not a spirit ability, it was just the hardness of the Eos beast’s claws. Directly broke the ice emperor's ice emperor body.

   Eos beast slowly walked to the front of the ice emperor and said, "Did you see it? This is the gap between you and us."

Speaking of the Eos beast, he unconsciously glanced at the direction of the Dark Death Beast, and found that the Dark Death Beast did not pay attention to his side. Then he looked at the Ice Emperor again and said to the Ice Emperor, "Ice Emperor, extremely One of the three kings of the North, I will now give you another chance to make a choice, whether you choose to stand on my side or be killed by me."

   Bingdi looked at the Eos beast with an angry expression and said, "Anyway, it was defeated by you. What's the point of not standing on your side."

  Eosmon smiled strangely and said, "You don't think I and that guy are very good, right?"

   Ice Emperor at this time would have no wisdom at all if he could not hear the meaning of the Eos beast.

   Bingdi finally asked the question he had been buried in his heart, "Who are you anyway?"

   The Beast of Eos looked at the Ice Emperor in front of him and thought she was about to choose now, and now only needs to tell the Ice Emperor some of the stakes.

Eos looked at the Ice Emperor and said, "My name is Eos, and that guy’s name is Dark Death Beast. Don’t think our relationship seems to be very good, but there must be a battle between us, I believe you After listening to what I said, he will stand on the same front with me."

   Ice Emperor looked at the Eosmon and said, "Are you so sure, do you think you will definitely be on your side."

   Eos beast paused and said, "Hahahaha, that's because you don't know what we are going to do."

Then the face of the Eos beast no longer had a smile. The face of the current Eos beast was full of seriousness, and he said to the ice emperor, "I, the Eos beast is to build all the soul beasts, humans still have A never-seeing island where all creatures can live, I want all lives to live in my own dreams."

Then Eos once again turned away from the Dark Dead Beast, and then said, "But the Dark Dead Beast is not like this. The Dark Dead Beast is to delete all the lives on this continent, humans, soul beasts, plants, and animals. These things are within the scope of his deletion, even the sky, the earth, and the ocean. It is what he has to do now to return this world to nothingness. Do you understand now, so which person do you want to stand for? "Team"."

   While talking about the Eos, watching the Ice Emperor seriously flashed a glimmer of color once again.

   At this time, the Ice Emperor looked at the Eros and didn't expect that they had such a big plan.

   And judging from the words of Eos just now, their respective plans are in conflict.

   Ice Emperor stood up at this time, and then quietly looked at the Eos beast in front of him. At this time, the Ice Emperor did not speak.

   And the Eosmon didn't speak at this time, and silently looked at the Ice Emperor.


   on the other side at this time.

  Dark Death Beast has two sharp claws like spider legs on its back.

   At this time, Xiao Bai's hands became bear claws.

   At this time, Xiaobai rushed towards the Dark Death Beast, and the Dark Death Beast also rushed over.


   There was a loud blast, and the extremely cold ice covered on Xiao Bai's bear claws separated from the lonely darkness that appeared on the two spider legs behind the dark dead beast at the same time, turning into two black shadows standing in the sky.

When we were separated again, Xiao Bai had already become his own body at this time, Ice Bear King, who had suffered some damage from the collision with the Dark Death Beast before, and Xiao Bai at this time was not as radiant as before. Xiao Bai's body was already a little bleak in the collision with the Dark Death Beast.

   On the other hand, the dark death beast at this time has nothing to do, on the contrary, the spider legs behind the dark death beast at this time become more and more black.

   Dark Death Beast looked at Xiao Bai in front of him, and rushed up again, and the spider's legs on his back kept waving towards Xiao Bai.

   Xiaobai's bear claws at this time constantly resist the attack of the Dark Death Beast.

   At this moment, the Dark Death Beast said, "Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie, your bottom plate has exposed your flaws."

   just kicked the dark death beast against Xiaobai's stomach, and then Xiaobai's body flew out towards the back.

   Then the Dark Death Beast immediately appeared behind Xiao Bai, and then attacked Xiao Bai's body, and then thrust the two spider legs behind him against Xiao Bai.

"Ah ah ah ah ah"

   Xiaobai made a violent scream after being stabbed by the spider leg of the Dark Death Beast.

Then Xiaobai used his bear claws to split the spider legs behind the Dark Death Beast, and then retreated back. At this time, the Dark Death Beast did not chase Xiao Bai, and then he was a little away from the Dark Death Beast. After the distance, he immediately covered the wound behind him with his own ice.

   Then, after Xiaobai sorted out his wounds, the Dark Death Beast seemed to have discovered something.

   The Dark Dead Beast's eyes stared at the direction of the Eos Beast and the Ice Emperor at this time, and at this time the little white hair attacked the Dark Dead Beast.

   "Ice Polar Meteor."

   The powerful meteor was used directly in front of Xiao Bai, and then immediately attacked the Dark Death Beast, but at this moment, the Dark Death Beast's attention was focused on the direction of Eos Beast and Ice Emperor.

   After seeing the ice pole meteor that Xiaobai attacked, the Dark Death Beast seemed to not want to hide its strength at this time.

   The Dark Death Beast stretched out his right hand directly, and then directly caught the ice pole meteor of only Xiaobai, and then Xiao Bai's Ice Pole meteor was directly destroyed by the claws of the Dark Death Beast.

Then the Dark Death Beast teleported directly in front of Xiao Bai, and directed a blow to Xiaobai’s stomach to suppress the enemy’s destruction. Then Xiao Bai fell into a coma after being hit by the Dark Death Beast’s move. .

   And the Dark Death Beast directly carried Xiao Bai's huge body and flew in the direction of Eos Beast and Ice Emperor.


   Just when Eos was about to speak to the Ice Emperor, the Dark Death Beast flew over.

   Dark Death Beast shouted at Eos Beast, "Eos Beast, what are you talking to that ant there."

   After hearing the dark death beast's voice, Eos's face changed slightly, and then it changed back at an extremely fast speed.

   then smiled and said to the Dark Death Beast, "Nothing. It's interesting to talk to these ants. Hahahaha"

   At this time, the ice emperor saw Xiao Bai's face slightly changed as he was being carried by the Dark Death Beast.

   The guy in front of him had previously fought with him when he was on the hill. At that time, his strength was completely crushed by himself, but now Xiaobai was caught by this guy.

You must know that although Xiaobai’s strength may not be as strong as that of his own, but based on his judgment of the guy in front of him when he was in the hills, Xiaobai should still be able to fight him, even if he couldn’t fight it, he wouldn’t be so easy. Was taken down.

   And looking at the guy in front of him at this time, he definitely defeated Xiao Bai with ease. It seems that the strength he showed when he was on the hill was definitely his hidden strength.

   And just now this guy called the woman in front of her by the name, it seems that this woman really didn't lie to herself, this woman is called the Eos beast, as for this black-robed man is the Dark Death beast.

   The plan that Eosmon told him just now seemed serious.

   At this time, the Dark Death Beast said to the Eos Beast, "What can I say to these ants, it's easy to say, or what deal did you make with these ants."

   A hint of danger flashed in the eyes of the Dark Death Beast.

  Eosmon smiled and said, "How is this possible? We have to know that the data we create is stronger than these ants. How can I make some deals with these ants."

   It is impossible for the current Eos beast to turn his face for the ice emperor and the dark death beast.

   One is that Eos must now restore data with the Dark Dead Beast. You must know that the Devouring Power of Dark Dead Beast is one of their ability to quickly restore data.

  Second, they are now going to deal with the power of the Royal Knights together to prevent the power of the Royal Knights from recovering.

  三 is also the most important reason.

   That is, the current strength of Eosmon is not as strong as that of Dark Death Beast. It is necessary to know that Dark Death Beast does not have those Digimon that can beat him with the same data.

   Eosmon is not among the few Digimon.

Moreover, Eos was only able to recover about three and a half of the data at this time, while the Dark Death Beast had recovered nearly 40% of the data. You must know that when using data, he is not an opponent of the Dark Death Beast. The death beast's data is more than half of his own data.

   Dark Dead Beast looked at the Eos Beast and said, "It's better not to have any relationship with these so-called ants. If you let me know what little actions you are behind me, don't blame me, you know?"

   The black energy behind the Dark Death Beast has once again increased a lot.

   At this time, the Eosmon smiled and said, "Why? We are now in a cooperative relationship. I would like to remind you that you should not do anything behind my back."

   Dark Death Beast looked at the beautiful face of Eosmon and said, "That's the best, now let's take care of the two ants in front of us."

   As he said, the Dark Death Beast threw Xiao Bai in his hand to the ice emperor's side, and then the aura on his body rose directly.

   And the colored light on the Eos beast at this time also lit up. It seems that the Eos beast was to make the Dark Death Beast temporarily relieve her, and at this time it directly gave up the transaction with the Ice Emperor.

   At this time, the ice emperor blocked Xiao Bai behind him, and then transported the whole body's spirit power to prepare for a joint blow from the Eos and the Dark Death Beast under the crotch.


   At this time, Bibi Dong and Golden Crocodile Douluo both felt a very evil aura erupting from a place in Wuhun City, and their speed unconsciously increased a bit.