Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1: However, Long Ma has already seen throug

   Chapter 1 However, Long Ma has already seen through everything

   "Wow hahaha, my stupid and weak brother, accept the reality, you eat and sleep all day, sleep and eat, you are lazier than pigs, I exercise all day, fight all day, how can you be my opponent!"

  Under the Dragon's Nest.

  Altana waved her strong dragon wings, and with a majestic look down from the sky, she looked down at her younger brother, who had four feet in the sky, showing his belly, and uttered an arrogant mockery.

  As a green dragon who has just entered the young dragon stage, Eltana is already more than ten feet long, and the strength of her limbs and dragon wings is comparable to that of the stupid younger brother below.

  Sometimes, Altana even felt that if they were both young dragons, the red dragon might not be as strong as her, although she had never seen five-colored dragons of other races.

   Thinking of this, she felt a little lighter.

   As the most cunning member of the five-colored dragon, and at the same time as strong as the red dragon...

   When I am an adult, Sylvia will definitely not be able to beat me. At that time, her treasure trove...

   The young dragon's mouth was split even further, and saliva kept dripping.

   "You are the stupid one, your muscles are going to burst your brain!"

Seeing Long Jie's expression, Isaac, who was showing his belly below and expressing his surrender, turned over with a swish and slid into the jungle with the agility of a mouse. Of course, he was thinking that Long Jie was stupid. But I didn't dare to say it, I just deliberately left a voice like a dog screaming: "I will come again, next time I must win you!"

Isaac is also a young dragon, but he is not as "distorted" as Long Jie. As a standard green dragon, he has slightly slender limbs, dark green scales covering his body, a crown of thorns on his head, and narrow pupils. And vertical, as if you can see the light of cunning flickering inside, of course, there is also a huge head that is disproportionate to the size.

   His body is about nine feet long, and his head alone accounts for one-third of his appearance.

   But this is not a distortion. The green dragon family, including most of the other giant dragons, before entering adolescence, their heads and feet will appear too large.

   Speeding into the jungle, Isaac was careful not to let his front paws fall, or bump into vines and thorns.

   On his front paws, there was a small bloodstain.

  It's not his, his injuries are all on his head and back. The blood is Altana's.

   "You thought you won, but I didn't lose either!"

   The young dragon's eyes showed success.

   Green dragons rely on their brains, and something like muscle is not as important as a brain!

  Wait, when my research comes to fruition, I'm more muscular than you!

  Altana did not chase the stupid brother, the stupid brother targeted her, but her goal was not below...

   restrained her own expansion, she did not look up at the dragon nest halfway up the mountain.

   The adult dragon mother is not something she can provoke for the time being!

   Alas, it still grows too slowly, and the treasure house of Long Ma has to continue to be stored there!

  I haven't finished today's exercise task. Should I find that ogre, or am I going to tease that violent wild boar?

   flapped its wings a few times, and the young dragon quickly went away.


  The depths of the dragon's nest.

   Sylvia, who was entrenched in the treasury, slowly opened her eyes and looked towards the direction where the two young dragons were leaving. She seemed to be able to see outside.

   In fact, she does see it.

As a standard adult green dragon, she is only half a step away from the legendary rank. She has already awakened a variety of supernatural abilities, one of which is supernatural. As long as she is in the nest, all birds and rodents around the nest will be destroyed. Formed a supernatural link with her, and through their eyes, she had already seen the "war" between the two cubs!

  The two guys didn't let her worry.

   Needless to say, if she wasn't very sure, she only had a relationship with Merifiz in those years, she would have to think that this guy really has the blood of the red dragon.

   This guy has already attracted her extra attention!

  The little ones are not good cubs, they look lazy and useless on the surface, they have never won a fight with the big ones, and they stalk the big ones.

Sylvia's eyes showed a sneer that "have seen through everything". Compared with the arrogant and irritable eldest daughter, the youngest is the most classic green dragon, completely inheriting her good character, selfishness, cunning, and distinction. against the rebellion of other five-colored dragons.

Other five-colored dragons, once fighting, must win and lose with real guns and live ammunition, but the green dragon is different. The green dragon is good at showing weakness, and is good at giving in purposefully. Of course, this kind of showing weakness will only happen in the face of strength. This is a rebellious behavior that is different from other five-colored dragons when they are similar opponents.

   The little one thought he was hiding well, but how could he hide it from her? If she couldn't even see through the mere young dragon, wouldn't she have lived in vain for more than a hundred years? How can I still be qualified to be the queen of this forest of thorns!

Xiao actually awakened the spell-like ability and possessed the caster level. The most important thing is that he has been hiding it all the time, and he has never used it in front of her and Altana, even if it has been ruthlessly by Altana. Beaten up several times.

Green dragons are born magical creatures, but under normal circumstances, most green dragons will not be able to awaken their spell-like abilities until they are teenagers. Excellent, at least until they are teenagers. Casting spells, even 0-level tricks, is extremely rare.

   In other words, these two guys are already potential threats!

   "Both can't stay!"

   "But don't let them go like this!"

   "Over the years, I have paid a lot for this family. Now that they have grown up, they should be rewarded!"

   Almost in the blink of an eye, Sylvia had already made a decision.

Five-color dragons are not metal dragons. They never care about family or not. Green dragons have always prided themselves on the three virtues of "most cunning", "most selfish" and "most rebellious". In fact, if not raising offspring involves the inheritance of real names In some aspects, she was about to kick the two dragon cubs out early.

  Because of these two guys, she hasn't even left the Forest of Thorns all these years, God knows how much her loss is.

Of course, she didn't leave the Forest of Thorns, and she didn't go to the surrounding areas to loot, but it wasn't because she took care of the two dragon cubs so little. She simply didn't trust her treasure trove. Greedy Heart" guy!

   "Deathrattle tyrant... Worship of the Dragon Cult... and the vile orcs of Bel Klein... Is it White Crow, or Sword Song?"

  In the eyes of the Queen of Thorns, countless conspiracies are jumping.

   The new book is open, thank you for the collection recommendation


   (end of this chapter)