Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1100: Guild Wars (9)

  Chapter 1100 Fierce Battle (9)

(already edited)

  In fact, if we had encountered them at any other time, even if there were still only six of these magic sunflowers, it would be impossible for them to be in such a mess.

   But unfortunately, under the continuous interference of the one above the sky, not only all the magic sunflowers here are injured, but almost none of them are protected.

  It is also because of this.

  Storm-Silver Hand rushed over, they had taboos, even fear.

  Laila's "Chain Lightning" blasted over, and they also had to guard against it.

   Isaac's "Extreme Effect-Delayed Explosion Fireball", it goes without saying.

   Wave after wave, just in the blink of an eye, when Isaac's "Instant Cast-Spell Remaining Power-Strength-Extreme Effect-Death" came out again, and replaced it with lightning energy...

  It seems that the six-headed magic sunflower has lost all countermeasures.

   It is the blazing lightning waterfall, when everything in the dark space is submerged.

  The only counterattack the six-headed magic sunflowers could do was to manipulate the "Destruction Balls" and shoot them all at Isaac.

  The "Destruction Balls" are all dark void spheres. Although the previous contact with the Storm-Silver Hand failed to have any impact on the Storm-Silver Hand, these void spheres also did not disappear.

  At this time, the Mokui were driven by them at the same time, and flew out together...

   "Rainbow Shield!"

  With a move of Isaac's mind and will, the colorful shield that had been suspended above his head appeared in front of him again.

  Multiple "Destruction Balls" came into contact with the colorful shield, before the energy field that blocked and destroyed all spells, but disappeared in it instantly.

  At the same moment, the lightning waterfall completely drowned all the magic sunflowers, even the storm-silver hand was swept in.

  However, Storm-Silver Hand is naturally immune to all lightning damage, so it is naturally completely unaffected.

   It's where Dove-Hawkhand is located, the only hollow in the waterfall with lightning.

  While in it, the surrounding lightning energy, no matter in terms of strength or power, has reached a terrifying level, but it didn't affect her at all.

  Nature is exactly what Isaac shaped through "shaping control".

  After the blow, the light of the lightning quickly disappeared, and the space quickly darkened again.

   Around, the six-headed elder Mokui seemed to have all fallen down.

  All of them were injured, and after receiving such a blow, four of the six elder demon sunflowers fell almost on the spot.

  The other two ends, although there is still a bit of life left, but it is really just a remnant, and even the ongoing spell cannot be maintained at this moment.

   Didn't wait for them to have any further struggles.

  Storm and Dove, their figures flashed like lightning, and the passing of the long sword extinguished their last flame of life.

   "Eight more!"

   Above the sky.

   Within the twilight shield, a slender figure, looming, gradually emerged.

  Through the direct recognition of the magic effect, the number of surviving magic sunflowers below is completely under her control.

  Although there are some surprises about that person's spell, whether it is the method of casting, the power, or the degree of control.

  However, she was also relieved that the six-headed Felin Mokui fell directly after this blow.

   Ferrin Mokui is not easy to mess with!

   This is the limitation of the "Shadow Shield", which is what she has grasped. In the normal environment of casting spells, it is impossible for her to fight against so many Mokui elders by herself.

  So, before the "Shadow Shield" dissipates, it is absolutely necessary to keep all these magic sunflowers here.

  At this time, in the blink of an eye, all the elders of the seven-headed Mokui have been eliminated, which means that the remaining eight heads basically have no way out.

  Although there is no doubt about the resurrection of the dead Mokui, especially the leader of the Mokui, with the method of Felin Mokui.


She did know, however, that the reason why Felin Mokui was able to reappear a thousand or two thousand years ago revealed a much stronger magical power than the ancient legends. They captured the mystery of the "Misser energy core" of the magic dynasty, and integrated this mystery into their souls, so that their souls were extremely closely related to the essence of magic.

   This is what it is, the extraordinary ability of Felin Mokui to spontaneously cast all known magic.

  But also because of this, when they were imprisoned here by the magical power of the "Stone of Karthus", their souls, including their life essence, were also bound here.

  As long as the "Shadow Shield" has not dissipated, even if they die, it is impossible for these magic sunflowers to be resurrected outside.

  The only thing that can revive them is the other magic sunflowers who are also trapped in the "shadow shield".

  At this time, with the abilities of those Felim Mokui who were hiding in the ground and within the Gray Cloak Mountain...

  As long as this side is here, all the magic sunflowers will be solved.

  Those shrinking Felin Mokui must not be revived!

   That is to say, as long as there are no more variables in this battle.

  After the first battle, even if she didn't make any more moves, Efraska's chances of winning were absolutely certain!

   "The lady treats this person differently, but there is a reason for this."

   "With his magical ability, in the future, he is basically sure that he can restrain that one!"

  While sensing the actions of the magic sunflowers below, at the same time, strands of strange colors are also flickering in this person's eyes.

Although there is no small factor in the smooth solution of those magic sunflowers by the person below, it is because of her shot, which precisely destroyed the magic sunflowers in the two areas and attempted to merge them all together, thus reducing a lot of contingencies s method.

  But it is also undeniable that the ability of the person below is beyond her estimation.

   It even made her a little bit regretful that she hadn't been able to return earlier, and she hadn't been able to see with her own eyes how he used the "Well of Radiance"!

  An instinctive premonition that this ritual, which avoids Kelben and Lila, is willing to waste several legendary spells even if it is on the verge of a decisive battle, is by no means an easy design!

  So... Even at this moment, this person still has reservations, even a lot of reservations!

  However, she doesn't have much taboo about this and this one.

   When it’s not a future change, this person is not level enough, nor is he not ambitious enough.

   Rather...Compared to all other people, the identity of this giant dragon is its natural limitation!

  Ms. promised him the "evil magic priesthood" so that he could join the magic **** system in the future, and then integrate into the local **** system. This is already the limit.

  Any other gods will not allow the dragon **** to take a step further in the **** system, let alone reach the sky in one step!

  Because of this, in the future, this power can be borrowed!

   Ladies and gentlemen, this should have been planned long ago!

   His eyes flashed.


  The woman raised her finger quickly, yet gracefully.


  Through the essence of magic, it directly points to the inside of the giant mountain.

  Just on Kelben's side, another "dissociation technique" was being cast with a rune staff.

   separated by a layer of rock.

  On the opposite side, the multi-headed Elder Mokui is also manipulating the "Destruction Ball" to dissociate the surrounding rocks.

   At the same time.

   "Lord of the Underground!"

   There was another magic sunflower, and its body fell directly to the ground.

  The spell was cast in an instant, the power of the earth surged immediately, and green light was born again. In a blink of an eye, a huge shadow of spirit was formed with his body as the outline.

  The endless power of the earth, the feeling of being in control.

  But I never waited for this feeling to develop further...

  Suddenly, all the magical power suddenly lost control.

   "Frenzied magic area!"

   I am already familiar with it, and I am already prepared for it.

  The first moment when the spell got out of control, facing the impact damage from the frenzy of magic, this elder magic sunflower immediately moved.

   Also this moment.

   "Automatic Instant Spell-Lord of the Underground!"

   Simpson is in the shot.

  Although before that, under the continuous interference of the person above the sky, it was Kelben's legendary spell, the bombardment made the body almost flattened, and the flesh and bones were broken, and the injury was quite serious.

  However, at this moment, it is impossible for Simpson to sit still.

  In an instant, the "automatic instant spell casting" was completed, and the endless power of the earth was instantly controlled.

   Without hesitation.


  At this moment, the "Disintegration Technique" is on the opposite side, and the "Destruction Ball" is on this side. The rock layer separating the two areas was instantly shattered.

  When the figures of some people on the opposite side are reflected in the eyes of the magic sunflowers here.

   Simpson's "Lord of the Underground" form's spell-like ability has already begun to be used.

   Not only him, but beside him, there is also an Elder Mokui, who also performed the "Lord of the Underground".

  Although they haven't given up their plans to get out of the siege, but at this time, these magic sunflowers have made the worst plans.

  The "Lord of the Underground" form, the continuous "earthquake technique", is not just for burying the opposite side.

  With the scope of influence of the "Earthquake Technique", and this is still a tunnel environment, this kind of spellcasting, no matter how well controlled it is, also involves itself in it.

  Simpson and the Elder Mokui cast the "Lord of the Underground" at the same time. This is exactly what has been revealed, and they are going to fight for their lives!

Moreover, because the person above the sky has already interfered with the creation of the "frenzied magic area" for the companions who acted as "bait", this also means that they cannot directly exert an instant influence on them, so This "earthquake technique"...

   "Time stands still!"

  Ferrin Mokui were performing spells one after another. Naturally, Isaac and the others did not stop.

   It was Kelben who used the "dissociation technique" to break through the isolation layer.

  Isaac and Laila just slowed down by half a step, and they also started casting spells one after another.

  As a warlock profession, there is almost no consumption of ninth-level spells. Isaac's "Time Standstill" is approaching the completion stage in a short time.

Laila and Alustri, Galeron and Luha, Imsford and several Beren liches, including the necromancer under Isaac's command, except for one Beren left with a legendary spell Except for the fact that the Lich and the Ghost Archmage did not participate, everyone else's spellcasting was almost at the same pace as Isaac's.

  It means that the isolation layer is instantly dissociated by both sides at the same time, and it is directly shattered, and both sides can see the possibility of the opposite side...

   "Instant - Legendary Dispel - Range Dispel!"

   On the side of Mokui, they had already prepared for this, and they also had a sufficient reserve of legendary spells.

  An Elder Mokui, the claw is just a flick of a finger.

   Suddenly, a dark green light flew towards the opposite side.

  But I never waited for the dispersal effect to really unfold...

   "Instant-Legendary Dispel!"

   But it was also well prepared. The Beren Lich, who had not participated in the casting of the spell, cast the last legendary spell immediately.

  The same rays of light, intersecting in the sky for an instant, immediately canceled each other out and dissipated in mid-air.

   "Lightning Speed!"

   But it was half an hour earlier than this offset.

  Storm and Dove, the legendary feat was activated in an instant, but the two figures flashed like lightning, they had already smashed through the barrier of the two "Destroying Orbs", and directly rushed into the space of Mokui's side.

Almost at the same time, the blazing white brilliance of the silver fire was also shining on the two of them at once. The sacred and blazing power bloomed in just a moment, and a fire was already ignited from the essence of the two chosen people. An extraordinary feeling.

  At this moment, this is the final battle!

  To completely eradicate these magic sunflowers means that the battle of Efraska will be settled.

  At this juncture, Feng Feng and Dove have no reservations about the use of "Silver Fire" at all!

  But of course they are brave enough. A large group of Mokui are in front. They all say to kill and kill them directly. Obviously they want to contain them, so as to create more opportunities for this side.

  But on the side of the magic sunflower, there is a sufficient reserve of magic skills, but there is no fear of it at all.

   "Legendary Dispel!"

   "Legendary Dispel!"

   Another Elder Mokui at both ends, and two legends dispelled.

   One note was to disperse the two people directly.

  Another note is also a range dispelling, but it points to Isaac and others again.

  The ghost master has not made a move, but he has been preparing for it for a long time.

  The dark green light over there is flying.

  In ghost form, he was looming in the darkness, and with a scream, he was greeted with a "Legendary Dispel Spell".

   Waiting for these two legendary spells to cancel each other out in the sky.

  At the same time, the space where the magic sunflower is located, the storm and the blazing flames ignited on Dove's body were also instantly dispelled.

  Most people, no matter Isaac and his side, or Felin Mokui's side, everyone's spells have almost come to an end at the same time.

   "Lord of the Underground - Earthquake!"

   "Lord of the Underground!"

   "Meteor burst!"

   "Rainbow Law Wall!"

  Looking at it, Isaac has already made a clear analysis of the spellcasting of the four magic sunflowers, including the crimson leader.

   None of these four had performed legendary spells.

  In addition, one who has already escaped from the "Frenzied Magic Area".

   This is five people, no, it should still be four people.

  Crimson leader Simpson has performed three legendary spells, and he has no stock left.

  Of course, although Simpson does not have a stock of legendary spells, but with his triple "automatic instant spell casting" ability, it is naturally impossible to ignore the threat.


   These positions are certainly not a small threat, but at this time, the time for the one above the sky to interfere with the cooling has passed.

  In an instant, he had a general grasp of the battlefield.

   "Time stands still!"

   Azshara's spell was cast, and everything in front of her fell into a stasis instantly.

  (end of this chapter)