Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1150: opportunity

  The six-armed snake demon's cut-off of the rear path undoubtedly poses a fatal threat to everyone in Imbutu.

   Facing the interception of this whole team of six-armed snake demon guards, no one dared to say that they could break through with confidence.

   However, the threat is deadly, but at the same time...

   Just like Isaac's judgment, for everyone in Imbutu, at least, in their own view, this interception by the six-armed snake demon guard is also their opportunity!

  The six-armed snake demon has come out. It can be seen that the general attack on the devil's side is about to start.

  Even if they haven't started now, but thinking about it, as long as they show the power to defeat the Hexavillier Guards, the demons will definitely not be able to sit still.

   And once the demons' general attack really starts...

   Naturally, that mysterious person will show up.

   This is exactly where their opportunity lies!

   For this opportunity, everyone in Yinbutu had already previewed it.

   It's just that they didn't expect that this way of cutting off the back would actually kill all eight-headed and six-armed snake demons!

   Before such a tackle...

   It was the people who fought in the devil's palace, and they didn't even notice the sneaky appearance of these six-armed snake demons.

  However, from within the sealed tunnel that was incomparably blazing with sacred radiance, a rough roar sounded like a thunderous explosion, and it suddenly shattered the sky.

  Amidst the roaring sound, the infinite divine destructive power erupted in an instant. In just a moment, the raging holy flame was burning, and a huge and incomparable holy light sword swept out of the tunnel.

  Unimaginable power!

  Sweeping with a sword, even in the abyss level like the demon palace, the final dark and evil essence is completely shattered under the destructive power of this lightsaber.

  Seeing the opposite side, the dark space is cut off by the flames...

   "The Holy Artifact of the God of the Brave!"

  Isaac's eyes flashed, but there was no surprise.

   And it is the power of this sacred weapon that is breaking out.

   It seems that a warning has been received, within the demon palace, within the sacred field spread from the sacred artifact of suffering.


  The blazing lightning storm flooded the palace in an instant.

  Although the Tanar'ri demons have the ability to be immune to lightning, they were all ignited by holy flames when they were swept by this lightning storm, and they all let out miserable screams.

  In the blink of an eye, many low-level demons have been burned into the grid.

  Even some advanced demons with extremely strong vitality, including a small number of glamorous demons, retreated in fear as if they were severely injured.

   It seems that the lightning of this lightning storm is also formed by the blazing holy energy, which naturally restrains the Tanar'ri demons!

   "Crown of Thorns!"

   "The Dauntless Sword!"

   "The Rod of Punishment!"

  The figure of the Wolf Snake Demon Warlord was no longer in the Demon Hall.

  Using the magic-like ability "Invisibility" that can be cast at will, General Hewlett is touching the ground invisibly, standing under the dark sky.

  The power of the Holy Artifact exploded one after another on the opposite side.

  This powerful demon warlord, in the evil and cruel eyes, there is also some dignified look.

  He also experienced the "Three Saints' Eastern Expedition".

  Although Enduru was the main character in the two "demon wars", at least he was no stranger to the Holy Artifacts used by the Church of the Three Gods in those battles.

  These human races, carrying such three sacred artifacts, entered here, and their purpose...

   In his heart, the Warlord Wolf Snake Demon had some doubts.

   However, this does not hinder his decision.

  Seeing someone holding up the "Staff of Heaven's Punishment" and releasing divine power of punishment, in a blink of an eye, the siege of the demons was smashed.

   Immediately afterwards, they retreated straight to the sealed tunnel.

  Naturally, they would not be given a chance to evacuate. General Hewlett snorted: "The Scarlet Legion is attacking, and they will all be left behind!"

  No matter what the purpose of these people is, since they are here, General Hewlett will naturally not show any mercy!

  As for the purpose of these people... After solving them and imprisoning their souls, there is always a chance of torture!


  I've been waiting impatiently for a long time.

  Many glamor demons floated into the air one after another.

  The size of a glabra is generally more than 15 feet, and even more than 18 feet in a slightly advanced form. Compared with ogres and trolls, it is much larger.

   Such a super-large body, and such a scale.

   At this time, only one flew up.

  The monstrous evil fluctuations suddenly caused the special level where the demon palace is located to shake the whole ground.

  The wind and clouds are changing color, and the lightning is like a torrential rain.

   Such a terrifying momentum...


   It was leading the team back to the tunnel, as if they wanted to forcibly break through the blocking of the six-armed snake demon guards and evacuate from this demon sac.

  Holding the "Scepter of Heaven's Punishment" aloft, Archbishop Fielding was releasing divine power all the time.

   And just beside him, wearing the "crown of thorns", in the abyss environment of the devil's bag, both resonate and seal the enchantment, shaping the sacred realm of Archbishop Timothy.

  Both landed, and the eyes of both of them shrank.

  The Bewitching Demon Legion is the most powerful legion force in the hidden layer during the Demon War period under the command of Altaba.

  Even though the losses suffered by the glamor army due to the two demon wars were heavy, but if they came out in full force, their overall strength might still surpass those of the six-armed snake demon.

   Such a Tanar'ri Legion burst out...

   Their crisis is coming!

   But at the same time, their chance has come!

   It's just the next moment.


   "Why not?"

  In the first moment, the two archbishops glanced at the bewitching demon army, and then, both of them, their expressions changed suddenly.

   Not only them.

  At this moment, although they are also in the Devil's Palace, they are not in the battlefield area.

One seemed to be invisible, but even the demons' "seeing through invisibility" and even "true vision" were perfectly staggered by it, showing the figure with the ability of "extraordinary stealth". But also wrinkled.

   There are six-armed snake demons cutting off the retreat.

   There is an army of glamorous demons launching a strong attack.

   And on their side, the three holy artifacts were revealed again. With the power of the sealing barrier, there is some hope of breaking out of the pincer attack.

   In such a situation, the demon general and the mysterious man should show up.

but now…

  Although Master Moen has always maintained the state of mind of "stopping water", his eyes still wrinkled slightly after all.

With their strength, despite the help of the sealing enchantment, although there are three holy artifacts, and even, there is Queen Sambrier behind who brought the "Crown of Nalfio", ready for the final response at any time, but this , but it is still impossible to confront the demons head-on.

   Fortunately, they are not trying to eradicate the devil completely.

   Their sole purpose is to snipe and kill the mysterious incoming enemy that poses a direct threat.

   It is precisely because of this that the actions of the three archbishops are both sneaking in and responding, but in fact they have only one purpose.

   Draw out that mysterious enemy, and then... create opportunities for him!

  The monks of the God of Suffering are willing to be poor, lonely, and aloof from the world every day. They are the most typical ascetic monks, but this does not mean that they are weak and powerless.

  In fact, the monasteries of the God of Suffering are often built in the most dangerous places.

  Although the monks have nothing to do with the world, they are fighting against monsters every day, silently guarding the borderline between civilization and barbarism.

  For example, the "Double Martyrdom Gate of San Soros", which was built in the Tuspur Mountains, because Butu blocked the forefront of demons and monsters.

  For example, the "Yellow Rose Monastery" was built in the Galena Mountains, and it is also close to the White Worm Glacier, which is also the most dangerous wild area in Damara.

  Can gain a foothold in such a place, how can these monks say they are weak and powerless?

   This is just that they are adhering to the doctrine of suffering, thinking that it is the most sacred act for others to bear the suffering!

   To die for the correct belief is the most glorious thing for the followers of the suffering God!

  However, whether it is a priest or a monk, these are only His followers after all, not Himself after all.

  Adhering to the teachings for a long time, these followers will also have faith burnout.

  So, followers of the God of Suffering can also "ask for rest" by praying to Him, and within a period of time, they can let go of their vows to the God of Suffering.

   This is a tradition of the Church of the God of Suffering!

  However, very few people know that behind this tradition, there are actually some secrets of the church hidden!

  Daily, the doctrine of the God of Suffering emphasizes "commitment" and "persistence"!

  But during this special "rest" period, after legally letting go of keeping the oath, some special people in the church are often able to perform some tasks that are usually not recognized and cannot be completed.

   Such as, assassination!

  Usually pay attention to "bearing suffering" and "persisting in enduring". For some evil tyrants, the Church of Suffering can only endure.

  But once some members, especially those who possess the highest combat skills, ask the gods for a "ten-day rest", and then they can legally let go of their vows.

  These evil tyrants who can only endure at ordinary times have become their assassination targets!

   Often speaking, monks are the ones who carry out such assassination missions!

   Moreover, in order to remain undetected after the assassination mission is carried out, it can still maintain the image of "kindness", "weakness" and even "fool" of the Church of the Passion...

  The church of suffering, the more powerful the monk, the more exquisite assassination skills he has mastered!

   As the monk leader of the "Double Martyrdom Gate", Master Moen is just a legendary monk comparable to a legendary assassin!

  In the rare situation where he is attacking from the front and it is difficult to break through the demon's obstruction, he is the first executor to snipe and kill the mysterious person!

  With the cooperation of the three archbishops, even though this is the lair of demons, Master Moen still sneaked in without a trace, and lurked again.


  The Archbishop and the others have already done well enough.

   It was another fierce battle, another response, and they lured out both the Hexapod Guard and the Glauber Legion, and restrained them as well.


With a calm mind, Master Moen calmly passed through the obstacles of the battlefield, sensing outside the palace and beyond the tunnel. Archbishop Ernest activated the holy power of the "Fearless Sword", but when those six-armed snake demons jointly activated it, Before the "Abyss Infusion" launched, it was quickly blocked.

  But on this side of the battlefield, not to mention the mysterious person, none of the demon generals he knew about in the monastery information has shown up...

   "Not quite right!"

  In his heart, Master Moen vigilantly felt some bad feelings.

   "Two minutes, at most three minutes, if that person never shows up..."

   "The Queen may have to use the power of the Holy Crown in advance!"

  The Crown of Nalfio is a powerful sacred artifact blessed by the three saints. With the power of this sacred artifact, the power of the sealing barrier can be exerted to the limit.

  The original plan, the timing of this launch was when the mysterious person showed up.

  In this way, even if there is a demon general beside him, Master Moen is quite sure that he can complete the assassination.

But now, the mysterious man has not shown up for a long time. Once the queen is forced to activate the holy power of the crown in advance, the demons will be alert and adapt. Without the opportunity of "sudden suppression", if he wants to succeed Complete the assassination, I'm afraid...

  However, although there is a sense of vigilance and something bad in my heart, but in the always quiet eyes, Master Moen's firmness is restrained, but there is no change at all.

   To die for your faith, this is the supreme honor of a follower of the Suffering God!

  The plan is a change, nothing more than that he dedicates all of himself to forcibly reverse this change!

The monk of the God of Suffering can work part-time in various sacred occupations without any professional punishment, such as priests, paladins, and various related advanced occupations. In addition to being a legendary monk, Master Moen also has Possesses a powerful divine ability!

   If there is no opportunity, then he can only force it to create an opportunity!

   Of course, it's not that far yet.

   Now, he still needs to continue to lurk and wait for the opportunity!

   And it was this legendary monk who was patiently lurking while secretly observing and sensing the changes in all parties.

  The two battlefields quickly reached a fever pitch.

  Waving the sword of fearlessness, Archbishop Ernest roared again and again, as if he had turned into a white bear in the sky, holy and violent, brave and invincible.

However, even though he is naturally compatible with the Fearless Sword and can fully display the power of this sacred weapon, there are a lot of eight-headed and six-armed snake demons on the opposite side, and all of them are advanced races. Also inaugurated the Serpent Demon of the Dark Guard!

Even with the power of the holy artifact, Archbishop Ernest couldn't repel these six-armed snake demons. Instead, he had to rely on the tunnel, or even use the diffused barrier power inside the tunnel, Only then can these six-armed snake demons be contained temporarily.

   But anyway, he held back.

   has his restraint.

   Over there in the Demon Palace.

   Two holy weapons, one attack and one defense, there are mystics casting spells, priests doing magic spells, paladins and monks fighting demons...

   "It's time to make a move!"

  Seeing the battlefield in the demon palace, it is actually under the siege of many demons, mainly the glamor, and they are all moving to the entrance of the palace.

  Although Isaac was just a bystander, his eyes lit up at this moment.

   Right now...