Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1151: make the most of


   "Useless trash!"

  The figure of General Hewlett stepped down from the sky.

   In the end, the sealing barrier restricted him, and it also restricted the glamorous.

  In the enchantment, the high-level Tanari is the most powerful, and the "high-level teleportation technique", which is especially difficult to guard against in a group attack and melee, cannot be used.

  Because of this, the siege launched by the Glauber Legion was the one that had never been able to crush the resistance on the other side.

  Seeing that with the cooperation of the two holy artifacts, the opposite side was about to escape out of the palace.

   At the same time, on the other side of the entrance tunnel, the six-armed snake demon guards still blocked all support.

  General Hewlett cursed secretly, but at the same time, in his blood-colored eyes, there was also a cruel and bloodthirsty look.

   Has been sealed for hundreds of years, but this Warlord of the Wolf Snake Demon is also full of resentment, waiting to vent!

  Since the Bewitching Demon Legion can't take down the opponent...the mouth is cursing secretly, but in fact the Wolf Snake Demon Warlord's heart is just right!

  Under the situation that the six-armed snake demon guard blocked the opponent's response, General Hewlett didn't mind, and came to vent himself!

   "Kill them all!"

   On the one hand, it is the telepathic ability between Tanar'ri and Tanar'ri, and on the other hand, his voice of order is directly transmitted to the hearts of the leaders of the Misty Demon Legion.

  The glabra also possesses "true vision".

  When the Wolf Snake Demon Governor stepped down, these glamor demons were immediately discovered.

  Knowing that this person is probably going to take action himself, and also understands this cruel method against those who do not obey orders.

   Immediately, the most powerful leaders of the Misty Demon Legion no longer dared to just follow behind and ordered their subordinates to surround and kill them, and rushed to the direct battlefield one after another.

  Being able to become the leader of the glamorous demon army, these demons, even the people of the six-armed snake demon guard, have the power to fight.

   At this time, only one kills.

   Even the sacred field with the "crown of thorns" and the "seal enchantment" that came from it was suddenly stretched to the limit because of the defense line of the layout.

   Almost at this moment.

"not good!"

  Suddenly, the expressions of the two archbishops, including quite a few mystics, suddenly changed dramatically.

  A blush like blood, a terrifying figure completely different from that of the Glaze, entered their field of vision extremely quickly.

   Almost the next moment.

   It's not just them anymore.

   All the paladins and monks, even Master Moen who was lurking behind the demon army, and even further away, Isaac who was behind the demon palace, all changed their gazes at the same moment.

   "Wolf snake demon!"

The wolf snake devil is born with the magic-like ability "Invisibility" that can be cast at will. With this, as long as there is a sufficient distance, and it is outside the scope of the "See Through Invisibility" and "True Sight", then it is Isaac, also It was impossible to sense his existence from afar in such an environment where demons danced wildly.

  However, "invisibility" is not a panacea.

   Not to mention that when it got close to a certain distance, it was the archbishop and the mystics who immediately noticed it.

  It's just the "invisibility technique". Once you attack or cast a spell, you will immediately get out of the invisible state. This is extremely limited.

  At this moment, the appearance of the wolf snake demon is exactly like this.

  Looking over there from a distance, the figure of the wolf snake demon suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

When the giant cold iron ax was swung, it was so abrupt that even the sacred field was torn apart by the infinite evil power. Whether it was a paladin or a monk, just one confrontation had already beheaded him, and even killed him directly. Just smashed, there is no way to stop it halfway...

  Isaac's eyes lit up unconsciously!

  The wolf snake demon is rare, which is even more rare in the bottomless abyss, even more so than the Ballow demon.

  Typically speaking, in each layer of the abyss, there will be at most one wolf snake demon.

  However, he is no stranger to the wolf snake demon.

  In the early years, in the war launched by Karinsay against Tethyr, a powerful wolf-snake demon appeared.

  The wolf-snake monster back then, within a period of time, was even able to chase after the queen of Tethyr.

  Of course, Queen Tethyr at that time was far inferior to what she is today. She was able to fight the wolf-snake demon, but she relied more on her powerful sacred weapon "Crimson Wings".

   "This wolf-snake demon is definitely stronger than the one back then, even, much stronger!"

  Although it was only a glance, Isaac already felt it.

   It's hard to say who is stronger or weaker than Greensack for this wolf snake demon. After all, he has almost no direct contact with Greensack.

  However, he can be absolutely sure that the three giants of the six-armed snake demon under his command, even in their heyday, are still inferior to this wolf snake demon!

  Such power... Undoubtedly, in the absence of Altaba and Ndulu, this person already has the qualifications to control this demon palace.

  However, what is truly terrifying about the Wolf Snake Demon is not just about its power and destruction!

  It is comparable to the Ballow Demon, and even, in many cases, the Ballow Demon is afraid of them. The horror of the Wolf Snake Demon lies in their inner characteristics!

  The Wolf Snake Demon has an extremely powerful spell resistance, which is almost equal to that of the Barlow Demon, which is enough for them to ignore the siege of many spellcasters!

  The snake head of the Wolf Snake Demon is so poisonous that it can even pierce poison immunity. Even the Tanari Demon itself, which has the ability of poison immunity, is afraid of this poison!

The wolf snake demon also has the ability of "penetrating strike", most of the "damage reduction", as long as their attack is hit once, the subsequent attacks can directly ignore the "damage reduction", this ability , but also makes many Tanar'ri demons fear!

  However, the most difficult thing about wolf snake demons lies in their persistent fighting ability!

  The Wolf Snake Demon possesses an unbelievable "quick self-healing" ability.

Although "rapid self-healing" is not like "regeneration", once a limb is damaged, only "rapid self-healing" cannot regenerate a limb, but "rapid self-healing" is not like "regeneration", it will be affected The restraint of certain damage is directly ineffective.

   That is to say, no matter what the situation is, with "quick self-healing", the wolf snake demon can recover a certain amount of vitality every six seconds.

   As for how much this "certain" is...

   "The most basic 'quick self-healing' attribute of the wolf snake should be at least around 30 points!"

   "That is to say, only with this most basic 'quick self-healing', the wolf snake demon can also recover the life of a 'healing technique' within 30 seconds!"

With such "quick self-healing" and the spell-like ability "Vampire Touch" that can be cast at will, coupled with the teleportation ability of the high-level Tanar'ri, you can retreat at any time... If this is not within the sealing barrier , but it lasted to an unimaginable level!

Even if the teleportation ability is limited, so as to "quick self-healing", and the "penetrating strike", even "snake bite" is also a huge threat. It is afraid that it is difficult to find in the devil's palace. This wolf snake demon's Tanar'ri!

   Such a powerful demon naturally has the qualifications to control the demon palace!

   Similarly, such a powerful demon is also qualified to participate in high-end battles!


"not bad!"

   "After the research of 'Adamantine Binding' is completed, before Altaba, this wolf-snake demon is qualified to be the first choice of experimental subject!"

   "And if everything goes well, then maybe he will be useful in the cold place and the great glacier!"

  In Isaac's eyes, intense interest flickered.

   Right now.

Seeing the killing of the wolf snake demon, and the leaders of the glamor demons are also cooperating with each other. More demons, even if they cannot be killed directly due to space, are the "Hammer of Chaos" and "Shadow". Evocation" was raging, because in the blink of an eye, everyone in Butu had fallen into a desperate situation...

   "Wolf Snake Demon Warlord Hewlett!"

  Master Moen finally moved.

   "Double Martyrdom Gate" is a monk group established during the "Three Saints' Eastern Expedition". It participated in the demon war quite deeply.

  Therefore, in the monastery, there is information about many powerful demons in the "hidden layer".

   Among all the powerful demons, the danger of this wolf snake demon must be ranked in the top three.

  This category of "all" not only includes Enduru, but also the return of Altaba!

   That is to say, in the absence of Altaba and the exile of Ndulu, the warlord of the wolf snake demon is undoubtedly the strongest demon in the demon palace!

  Such demon warlords have killed themselves...

  Master Moen's first reaction was to look around.


"still none!"

   Deeply, the eyes of the master monk wrinkled again.

   It stands to reason that even the Warlord of the Wolf Snake Demon made a move in person, so the mysterious man should also make a move. After all, he is a real legendary spellcaster!

  But the reality is, don't talk about making a move, he can't even observe suspicious people or even suspicious places!

   "Could it be...didn't come into contact with these demons?"

   "Even... the breaking of the 'Rainbow Law Wall' may be just a cover, it didn't really enter here, but just to lure us in, let us have contact with these demons first?"

   As soon as this thought flashed, Master Moen's heart skipped a beat.

   It's not impossible!

  He thought about the situation when they sneaked in here before the enchantment effect was activated.

  At that time, the demons here did not have any commotion, nor did they seem to be alert, nor did they seem to have had any conflicts!

  Combined with the current situation...

   "Or, he also sneaked in. He hasn't had any contact with the devil yet, and is hiding in the dark, watching us and the devil with a cold eye!"


"not good!"

  Even in the "Zhishui" state of mind, Master Moen's complexion suddenly changed.

   If the mysterious enemy is hiding in the dark here, it is a threat.

   But if it's not here...it's even more serious!

   If it’s not here, it’s outside.

   If you are outside...

  At this time when Archbishop Ernest had also made a move, the queen didn't have many guards around her!

   Without any further hesitation, in the darkness, the figure of Master Moen fluttered silently like a ghost.

   Almost only his side moved, and the surrounding demons didn't even have time to notice, let alone react.

Suddenly, above the sky, above the dark sky, it was already extremely powerful, it was already able to pass through the sky, and penetrate the sacred light to the side of the demon palace. At this moment, the infinite blazing light was surging again up.

   "Destroy the evil!"

  If the blazing sun falls directly, if the endless flames, if the rainstorm is falling.

At this moment, even the dark sky can no longer hinder the coming of this divine power. Even, under the cover of the endless rain of flames, the dark sky is ignited, and the evil essence is burned into infinite Black smoke is spreading.

  And when the obstruction of the dark sky is no longer there, when the rain of flames directly covers the demon palace...

In just a moment, even this power full of sacred and destructive essence has not had time to cause harm to the demons. First, it has an extremely strong repulsive and disgusting effect against "chaotic evil" and "Tanar'ri demons" , has already oppressed the soul will of all demons.

  At this moment, even the Warlord of the Wolf Snake Demon, even those of the Hexa Snake Demon Dark Guard, could not help but stagnate in all their movements.

The Bewitching Demon Legion and the Succubus Legion are even more like being suppressed by mountains. Those who fly above the sky are falling immediately, and those who are already on the ground are also figures that stop at once, and their entire bodies are trembling. stand up.

   "Sure enough, there is someone behind!"

  In such a rain of flames, where Isaac was, there were also fluctuations in the void.

   He is no stranger to this phenomenon.

  The red-robed bishop had used this method before, and it could even confront his "Legendary Concealment".

  However, the activation at this moment is much stronger than that of the red-robed bishop.

   This is the "Devil's Bag", where the palace of Altaba is located.

  Even though Altaba is no longer there, he can bring such divine power directly to such an abyss level...

   "It's not just the four holy objects in the core of the enchantment operation!"

   "This should be a new sacred essence, and... it should still be far stronger than the previous four, at least, in terms of faith power, it is far stronger than those four!"

   "Unless there are no accidents..."

  In this rain of flames, the power of the three holy gods all had a powerful increase, not as before, only the holy power of the "God of Suffering" was enhanced.

  Isaac's eyes flashed, but he somewhat guessed the situation over there.

   "It should be 'Crown of Nalfio'!"

   Only this one, which has received the common blessing of the three saints, and, as a symbol of the king, has been absorbing and storing the power of faith all year round, can do all this at the same time!

  However, even if it is the "Crown of Nalfio", this is the core of the "Secret Layer". Isaac doesn't think that how long such a divine power will affect this side!

  Otherwise, why would the people of Yinbutu need to be so troublesome? Wouldn’t it be more useful to directly and continuously send down divine punishment than this kind of fighting?

   "Walking like flying!"

   "Lightning Speed!"

  At the same moment, Master Moen's figure suddenly turned into a flash of lightning.


   "Triple Evil Smite!"