Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1152: queen

  Since the "Three Saints' Eastern Expedition", the Church of the Three Gods has been like one.

  In Imbutu, believers in any one of them must also believe in the other two.

   Thus was born the "Three Holy Knights" who absorbed the power of three gods at the same time and fought against evil spirits!

  Although generally speaking, the most advanced "Three Paladins" are "Priests" and "Paladins".

  However, the monk of the God of Suffering can take part-time sacred professions without any professional punishment, including related advancements.

  The "Three Holy Knights" are also on the list of their part-time advancement.

  Master Moen is an advanced part-time job with the "Three Holy Knights".

  The "Triple Evil Breaking Slash" launched with bare hands at this moment is precisely the powerful ability launched by superimposing the holy power of the three gods.

It was because many demons were intimidated by the power of "Evil Extermination" of the sealed barrier. Using "Flying Steps" combined with "Lightning Speed", Master Moen exploded in just a split second, and his figure was already flying like thunder and lightning, and he shot directly at the wolf. Behind the snake demon warlord.

   Unarmed, punched!

   "Battle Qi Strike (Magic-Law-Adamantine)!"

   "Improved Fighting Chi Strike (Legendary)!"

  Master Moen's unarmed fist is already the essence of a natural weapon with the rank of "Legendary-Lawful-Adamantine"!

Among them, "Legendary + Lawful" perfectly restrains the Tanar'ri Demon. Even a legendary demon like the Wolf Snake Demon Warlord, whose powerful damage reduction ability is also absolutely restrained by his unarmed attack .

   Again, the "Triple Evil Breaking Slash" is launched!

  In just a split second, Master Moen punched the back of the Wolf Snake Demon's head. The holy and blazing destructive power had already condensed into a miniature sun.

   But that's not all.

   "Skull Crusher!"

  Legendary Specialty - Skull Smashing Strike, the slashing attack performed by monks with bare hands will have the characteristic of "decapitation".

  In this sudden explosion, Master Moen activated the characteristics of the three legendary specialties to launch the "Triple Evil Smite"!

   Such a blow, coupled with the power of "Evil Elimination" of the sealing barrier, the timing is the most precise point...

   "Dancing Sky!"

  At this moment, General Hewlett, there was a sudden flash of cold light in his eyes.

The strongest version of the "destroying evil" attack carried out by the "Crown of Nalfio" has indeed affected him, but is this place in the "devil's bag"? After all, is this place still his? The territory, at least for now, is under his control!

  In this abyssal environment, the "Mie Xie" attack can affect him, which is the limit, and it won't make him completely lose resistance and struggle.

The monk's lightning came from behind, although General Hewlett was hurt by the divine destructive power under the shroud of the rain of flames, but his spiritual will was already very fast, and he was able to recover from the "reaction" Evil effect" and "disgust effect", struggled out.

  The monk's speed is extremely fast.

   And it also moves silently, like the most perfect assassin.


  Using the head of a snake, General Hewlett has a "global vision", and even a "global vision of true knowledge"!

  The mind and will broke free from the influence of the sealing barrier in an instant, and everything about Master Moen fell into his field of vision immediately.

very powerful!

Whether it is the strongest professional ability of the "Three Holy Knights" or the powerful power of the legendary monk himself, even General Hewlett must admit that this master monk indeed has the possibility of posing a threat to him .

   If he stood still and allowed this legendary monk to attack, he might be instantly killed by him!

  However, with his "global vision of true knowledge", how could he not respond to the attack at all?

   It was the legendary monk behind who was launching the "Triple Evil Smite", and the "Dancing Sky" attribute of the cold iron giant ax in the hands of the Wolf Snake Demon Warlord was also activated at the same time.

   Wukong, after activating this feature, the weapon can attack by itself within four rounds, and all attacks and performances are the same as when the user is equipped with it.

   This is a very powerful feature. In terms of value, it can be equivalent to the "+4" attribute, which is equivalent to the "+5" of the "beheading" special effect.

   Once this characteristic is activated, in the hands of the wolf snake demon warlord, this accompanying weapon with the characteristics of "dancing in the air + beheading" immediately flew up, as if being controlled by someone, and swept behind him with incomparable power.

   And at the same time.

   "Spell-like ability instant - telekinesis!"

   "Violent force!"

  Spell-like abilities do not require specific language and actions, combined with this special "instantaneous feat".

  The Wolf Snake Demon Warlord was just a thought of the mind.

  From behind him, an invisible but violent impact hit the body of the legendary monk.

   "Snake Bite!"

  At the same moment, the snake head on the wolf snake demon's neck hissed, and it flew out like a sharp arrow.

  The snake head's attack is completely independent of all other actions of the wolf snake demon. Whether it is activating "Dancing in the Sky" or instant "Telecontrol", none of these will affect the snake head's attack.


  At the same time as the snake head rushed out.

   Corresponds to "snake bite", the supernatural ability of piercing poison immunity was activated at the same time.

  The "Diamond Body" of the legendary monk has immunity to all toxins.

  But the supernatural poison ability of the wolf snake demon can penetrate such poison immunity and cause double physical damage to the target.

   Once the target's physique attribute is reduced to 0 in such a highly poisonous attack, the target will directly transform the wolf snake demon into the humblest original demon.

   This supernatural poisonous ability is an important reason why many high-level Tanar'ri are also afraid of the wolf snake demon.

   In just one moment, without looking back, he made a triple response to the legendary monk who attacked and killed him from behind.

  General Hewlett still hasn't stopped.

  The abnormal and highly oppressive environment of the sealing barrier at this moment is not his favorite combat environment, let alone the demon army that restrains him.

   Naturally, he would not be under such high pressure to fight to the death with these incoming enemies from the Church of the Three Gods when the demon army could hardly make a normal move.


  Using "telecontrol", a violent impact erupted in an instant, knocking the figure of the legendary monk who leaped forward, and stagnated.

  General Hewlett's figure turned around, giving way to the monk's attack, and at the same time, a roar directly shattered the sky.

  Suddenly, infinite dark evil energy ignited ragingly on him.

  The upper side echoes the dark sky, and the lower part resonates with the essence of the abyss. Only one surge of such dark evil energy surges, and the entire demon palace, as if something is about to erupt from the ground, violently oscillates.

Although the Wolf Snake Demon Warlord is not an abyss lord, he is still half a step away from the wolf snake demon lord who is similar to Lord Barlow. Therefore, even if Altaba is not there, even Enduru will be exiled After all, the Warlord Wolf Snake Demon still cannot control the lordship of this hidden layer.

However, although he still can't control the real lord's authority, as the actual controller of the demon palace, he can get "care" from the essence of the abyss to a certain extent, and can resonate with the essence of the abyss. Normal.

  Of course, as the core center of the hidden layer, the Demon Palace is quite special.

  General Hewlett is certainly able to echo the resonance of the essence of the abyss here, but he is not the only one who can do this.

   That is to say, just his words, this echo, this resonance, is far from reaching the level of "boiling" the essence of the abyss.

   To achieve this step, it is necessary to resist the high-intensity oppression of the sealing barrier, but this requires one person to work together.

   Queen Angelina!

  El Taba's Serpent Demon Queen!

   is also the controller of the six-armed snake demon guard!

  At any other time, General Hewlett's roar may not be able to call her to work together.

  But at this time, the six-armed snake demon guard was also suppressed and weakened by the sealing barrier, and then, the archbishop in charge of the "Fearless Sword" immediately launched a strong attack.

  This is different!

  Queen Angelina couldn't possibly see damage to her six-armed snake demon guard, right?

   It was in response to the roar of the wolf snake demon warlord.

  In the demon palace, another dark evil energy surged with infinite power.

   Two-phase echo.

  The ground of the palace was endlessly cracked.

   Endless smoke of darkness is erupting, just facing the rain of flames that is constantly falling from the sky.

  Although the sacred and destructive nature of the rain of flames still runs through this dark and evil force.

  But in the end, both the damage and the repulsive and disgusting effect are all weakened by this dark force.

  Furthermore, those Tanar'ri who were bound by the sealing barrier all recovered from the beginning.

  However, compared with such a change, it will be earlier.

   It was when General Hewlett counterattacked and dodged again, and also resonated with the evil power of the abyss.

  Master Moen, Archbishop Timothy and Archbishop Fielding, this will naturally not be ignored!

   "Proficient in evasive reflexes!"

  Being hindered by "telecontrol", he couldn't catch up with his shadow all of a sudden, and blasted the wolf snake demon's head with "skull-crushing blow".

  Seeing the giant cold iron ax sweeping "Wukong" again, and the snake head pounced on it.

  Heart still, Master Moen's figure swayed naturally, and with a slight distance difference, he dodged the first attack of the cold iron giant ax exquisitely.

   "Triple Evil Smite!"

  Since you can't catch up to the back of the wolf snake demon's head, let's blow his snake head off!

  The head of the snake that activated the supernatural poisonous ability was rushing towards it. Like a miniature sun, Master Moen's punch, filled with endless divine destructive power, also landed on it.

  The Church of the Three Saints has been hostile to demons all year round. Even though this is the first time Master Moen has encountered the wolf-snake demon, he is no stranger to the wolf-snake demon's ability.

  That’s right, the venom of the wolf snake demon, this is the diamond body that can pierce him, and can break through his poison immunity.


  Master Moen also knew that such a highly poisonous poison could damage his physical attributes and make him weak, but it was impossible for him to be fatal in just one blow.

   As long as it is not a fatal injury, and there are three archbishops on his side, Master Moen naturally does not think that the poison of the wolf snake demon will not be dispelled and purified!

   In exchange for the damage from the poison, in exchange for blowing up the snake's head, and even with the "quick self-healing" of the wolf snake demon, there is no chance of recovery, but Master Moen did not hesitate at all.

   "Righteous Bash!"

   At this time, Archbishop Fielding's coordinated attack also arrived.

  The seven-level divine spell in the domain of Divine Condemnation, which guides the holy energy from the heavens and causes powerful damage to enemies within the range.

  Divine arts in this field are also extremely special.

  The divine energy it channels.

  There is no harm to people of the good camp.

  For those of the neutral camp, the damage is halved.

  But for people in the evil camp, it not only hurts the powerful, but also causes "blindness" if the will can't resist.

In addition, if the target is not only an evil faction, but also an "outsider creature", such as the typical Tanar'ri demon and Baatezu devil, the damage caused by this magic spell will also receive an additional bonus. enhanced.

  At this moment, in the melee environment of the Demon Palace, and the enemy is the Tanar'ri Demon, it is naturally the most suitable time to cast this magical technique!

  Bishop Fielding waved the "Scepter of Heaven's Punishment", and the incomparably strong heavenly holy power formed a fiery and shining sacred field in a blink of an eye, which was exactly where the wolf snake demon and Master Moen were enveloped.

   Archbishop Timothy is not slow either.


   Also comes from the domain magic slot.

  The nine-level domain magic in the domain of suffering, the archbishop of the **** of suffering, while maintaining the divine state of the "crown of thorns", released extremely powerful negative energy at the same time.

  However, he did not bombard the Wolf Snake Demon and the others.

   "Death Art" does not distinguish between targets, and at this time, breaking the siege is the key.

  The powerful cloud of negative energy swept directly towards the outside of the demon palace.

  By using the "destroying evil" power of the sealing barrier, these three legendary priests started to explode at the same time.

  But at this moment, Isaac's eyes turned away from them instead.


  Looking towards the north side of the Demon Palace, sensing the nature of the abyss that suddenly surged up, a color of interest flickered slightly in Isaac's eyes.

  He has mastered both "Abyssal Language" and "Purgatory Language".

   At the moment when the sealing barrier deterred many demons and the battlefield suddenly fell into silence, the roar of the wolf snake demon warlord naturally came to his ears clearly.


   And like the Warlord of the Wolf Snake Demon, they can also summon the response of the essence of the abyss together, so as to fight against the suppression of the three holy powers in the sealing barrier.

  People like this...

   "Six-armed snake demon!"

  He had a team of six-armed snake demon dark guards ahead, but he quickly made a judgment.

   This should be a mighty hexapod, comparable to a warlord of a wolf snake, directly commanding an entire hexamo guard!

   If there is no accident, this six-armed snake demon is probably the same as the wolf snake demon, only half a step away from mastering the "power"!

  Precisely because of this, the combination of the two of them is the strong reaction that can shake the essence of the abyss.


   "Wolf snake demon!"

   "Again this six-armed snake!"

   "Altaba is not easy!"

   "I'm afraid, it was really designed by Orcas, and it will be reduced to this day!"