Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1153: reserve

  Chapter 1153 Reserved

  Altaba is a powerful lord who truly rules the entire abyss level, and the age of his existence is much older than the "rising star" like "the angry lord".

  Ancient, although it does not mean that it must be strong, but there is no doubt that there is enough time to accumulate, which must have advantages in some aspects.

  Isaac saw this advantage at this time.

  Wolf Snake Demon Warlord!

  Six-armed snake demon queen!

  Another team of Serpent Darkguard, plus the glabra army...

   It is only revealed now that the power existing in this demon palace is already extremely powerful.

  If it weren't for such a seal restriction, if it weren't for the Church of the Three Gods inviting out multiple holy artifacts, there would be no comparison between the two sides in a head-to-head battle!

   Moreover, this is not all the power under Al Taba's command.

  Isaac didn’t ignore it, Altaba’s most powerful deputy, the real Balor Lord Enduru, is not here at this time!

   "There are countless abyss lords in the bottomless abyss, but it is very rare to have the Lord Barlow under his command."

  The powerful Barlow Lord of the Balrog can even compete with some secondary abyss lords.

  Being able to subdue such a demon lord is a symbol of strength and status.

  The abyss lord who can do this step, even including the former abyss lord, Isaac has a clear understanding, except for Altaba, there is only one.

  Spider Queen!

   According to the legend, when the Spider Queen entered the abyss for the lord of the elves, she was deprived of all her divine power. Therefore, within a period of time, the Spider Queen was undoubtedly the real Lord of the Abyss.

  However, the method used by this vicious empress who almost killed the elf **** was not ordinary.

  No one can tell when this man regained his divine power.

   But there is no doubt that this time is absolutely short.

   Moreover, after gaining the divine power, this person pulled up a "drow pantheon" very quickly and became the master of the pantheon.

   Now, according to reliable news, it is even marching towards powerful divine power.

   Such a person is the one who has obtained the follow and allegiance of the Lord Barlow, and even more than one Lord Barlow is competing to be proud of being his champion fighter.

  Being able to be the same as this one, both of them have dominated the lord of the Barlow Balrog, Altaba's influence in the bottomless abyss, at least, the influence it once had, this is absolutely extraordinary!

  Perhaps... this is probably the reason why he will be targeted by Orcas, right?


   Just when Isaac was paying attention to the six-armed snake, his thinking also diverged.

  Suddenly, his heart jumped again, and his eyes turned away again, but they turned to those succubi that he had paid attention to earlier.


  Although it was a little slower than the Warlord of the Wolf Snake Demon and the Queen of the Snake Demon, it completely surpassed the reactions of the Snake Demon Guards and the leaders of the Snake Demon.

  A roaring violent flame swept towards the people of Imbutu from the direction of the secret door.

   "Spell-like ability-fire storm!"

   "Baro Balrog!"

  Isaac couldn't be more familiar with this.

   But, it's Balor, but...

   "It shouldn't be Enduru!"

   Lord Barlow like Enduru, let alone whether he will be reborn here after being exiled, even if he will, this will certainly not be a sideline.

  While having this judgment, Isaac is also certain in his heart. The previous speculation,

  If such a Balor can guard it in person, it will be the place where the "Shadow Crown" is sealed!

   "Wolf snake demon!"

   "Six-armed snake demon!"

   "Baro Balrog!"

   "Furthermore, there are also the Hexavil Dark Guard who have also reached the legendary level, and the leader of the Glauber!"

   "Not to mention the power gap of ordinary legions, but the high-end power, the gap between Hell Gate Fortress and this side is also huge!"

   During the heyday of Hellgate Castle, Greensack and his "Seven Giants" were the legendary Tanar'ri.

   Moreover, Greensac would not be stronger than the wolf snake demon and the six-armed snake demon here.

Among the "Seven Giants", the most powerful Big Three of the Hexapod are obviously not as good as the Wolf Snake. At most, they are compared with the Dark Guards who are also the Hexapod. The Barlow Balrog who shot from time to time, the difference is not small.

   In terms of high-end power, whether it is quantity or quality, compared with this side, Hellgate Castle is indeed far behind!

   This is also normal.

  Altaba is the real abyss lord, and even after the abyss lord, he has a huge influence, at least he used to be.

   And Green Sacra went to the abyss, at most he was a stronger demon warlord.

  The two are not at the same level, and there is a huge gap between the forces under their command, which is naturally nothing more than normal.

"Big Three!"

   "A group of legendary ranks!"

   "It's a bit troublesome to directly perform forced slavery."


   His eyes slowly swept across the battlefield.

   At this time, the suppression of the sealing barrier has already been resisted and weakened by the joint efforts of the wolf snake demon and the six-armed snake demon.

Although the rain of flames is still penetrating through the dark sky and the dark smoke, it has also been greatly consumed, and it just fell on the demons, that is, on them, burning out a path scorched marks.

  Of course, the suppression of the sealing barrier is being quickly resisted.

  But everyone in Butu seized the opportunity to counterattack with all their strength, but it has already achieved results.

   Not only the multiple powerful damage spells, but also blasted open the gate of the demon palace.

   What's more, under the cooperation of Master Moen and Archbishop Fielding, even the Warlord of the Wolf Snake Demon suffered serious injuries.

  Master Moen's "Triple Evil Breaking" was superimposed with "Improving Dou Qi Strike" and "Skull Crushing Strike".

  Combined with the "Big Strike of Righteousness", the holy energy can do especially heavy damage to Tanar'ri Demons...

  General Hewlett is already flying back.

  Of course he will not let him go, and Master Moen is chasing after him like a shadow.

   "Advanced Gale Combo!"

   "Sharp strike!"

   "Skull Crusher!"

  Master Moen's hands turned into two legendary-level adamantine sharp blades. While chasing and killing at high speed, the wolf snake demon warlord was enveloped in a storm.

   However, the Warlord of the Wolf Snake Demon is not overwhelmed.

   "Dancing Sky!"

  The giant cold iron ax sweeps across the air!

   "Instant - telekinesis!"

  The invisible magical energy no longer bursts violently once, but "trips" onto the master monk's footsteps every round.

   At the same time, General Hewlett has not yet given up his sympathy for the essence of the abyss. On the contrary...

   "Vampire Touch!"

Stepping back quickly, in the blink of an eye, he fell back into the group of glabres. General Hewlett caught Master Moen's slash with one claw, but the other claw landed on a glabres. a ride.

  The **** magic energy suddenly surged.

  In just a split second, the life breath of this glabra was already weakened to the extreme.

   Correspondingly, General Hewlett's vitality suddenly rose sharply.

   Although this temporary increase in vitality could not directly restore his hammered snake head, the brutal aura of the Wolf Snake Demon Warlord was restored in a blink of an eye.

  The magic-like ability "Vampire Touch" that can be cast at will, which is cast in the hands of the wolf snake demon, the recovery effect is comparable to "fast self-healing 30".

  And when these two medical effects are superimposed...

   "That's why the teleportation ability of the Tanari is limited, otherwise, there will be a suppression of the enchantment. He alone can beat Yinbutu to collapse!"

   "It seems impossible for both sides to suffer!"

   "He took a breather here, and there are also signs of action on the side of the six-armed snake demon and the Barlow flame demon. Because these people in Butu can escape, it is the greatest victory!"

  Of course, by this time, none of the three archbishops of Imbutu had yet cast the legendary magic.

   This is also possible, just to cause some hindrance to the Tanari.

  However, considering that priests are naturally inferior to mages in the field of legendary spellcasting, and there are no archbishops here, it is time to perform ritual spellcasting.

  It's really hard to say how much impact their legendary magic can have.

   But thinking about it, it is not easy to pose a fatal threat to the "Big Three".


  Looking across the battlefield, another strange color flashed in Isaac's eyes.

  Of course he knows that the real target of these people in Imbutu has never been Tanar'ri!

  The reason why these archbishops have not used legendary magic is probably quite a big reason, and this is precisely because of this!

  Not only the archbishop, but also the master monk who was chasing the wolf-snake demon warlord in the gale, why not the same?

  Legendary monk's "escape technique"!

  Legendary monk's deadliest "penetration attack"!

   This one has been kept unused!

   "I can't beat it, but I still have to keep it like this. No matter how suppressed by the enchantment, it is also resisted by the dark energy of the abyss. It is hard to deal with these Tanar'ri giants!"

  However, it is of course very difficult for the people of Imbutu and the giant Tanari to lose out.


   "Even if they are all in their prime, it's not difficult to handle them!"

   After all, it’s just a matter of making decisions, and it’s not about directly enslaving and dominating, but directly letting the Tanar’ri giant fight him endlessly...

   Take care of these, the Tanari giants who have been imprisoned for hundreds of years, this is too much maneuverability!

  Isaac's thoughts flowed smoothly.

   This is the time.

  A coquettish crimson flame also appeared above the battlefield.

  With a decapitating sword in one hand and a flame whip in the other, the blazing flames of purgatory are burning fiercely, and the infinite magic power radiates instantly. Naturally, it is Enduru's deputy, the extremely powerful Barlow general Berkeley!

   "Evil Aura!"

  A dark and hopeless halo of terror that appeared on the battlefield, which had already been completed, immediately spread to the bottom.

   And at the same time.


  Using a spell-like ability, the ninth-level spell was quickly cast, and the terrifying destructive energy surged in the sky in an instant.

  It is precisely because of this spellcasting that he has been keeping invisible all the time, at least the figure of the Balow flame demon who has remained hidden has finally appeared in front of everyone for the first time.

"it's time!"

  Seeing this, Isaac, who had been hiding behind the palace and watching from the sidelines, finally moved.

  If this Barlow Balrog had not participated in the battle, with his "true vision", there might still be a little possibility to break through his "legendary hiding".

  But this one is already participating in the battle...how could those succubi and the like be alerted to his approach?

Although he has the certainty of handling these Tanar'ri giants, before he really makes a decision, Isaac still has the idea of ​​​​taking the "Shadow Crown" and the professional inheritance of the "Nar Magic Binder" first. Yes, in this way, we can analyze the "Adamantine Binding" at a faster speed, and verify it with the "Chaos Dual Burning Ritual"...

  Already aware of the situation of the strong demons, Isaac will not wait for the two sides to decide the winner.

  Away from the battlefield, his figure soon arrived at the target place.

  With the methods of the wolf snake demon warlord and the six-armed snake demon queen, at this time, the suppression of the demons by the sealing barrier has weakened quite a bit.

But even so, at the edge of this underground space, which is also the closest to the sealing barrier, the scorching aura of sacred energy and the invisible strong vibrations still force the Tanari to be unable to approach at all, let alone Said to enter the secret door.

  When Isaac came here, the secret door was still open.

   This is exactly the state when the Tanari escaped one after another when the upheaval happened before.

  Before the transformation of the enchantment has completely subsided, it is impossible for those succubi who escaped to enter the "sea of ​​fire" to close it.

  Don't say they can't make it.

  Even Isaac came here, and the "Legendary Concealment" was once again confronted with the detection effect of the enchantment, which appeared faintly.

It seems that this is the enchantment effect that should be strengthened and activated with the "Crown of Nalfio". Even though it has been weakened by the essence of the abyss, in this area, the strong sacred effect is still Not inferior to the time when the red robe bishop activated and targeted it.

   "It seems that we still need to wait some more time."

   Did not break in by force.

  Although it is possible to break through, it is impossible to hide the attention of some caring people from the inevitable fierce magical effect confrontation.

   Just wait a little longer.

  Because the people of Butu can't last long!

   It seemed that he had followed his thoughts.

   "Space lock!"

   Stop as soon as you say it, the figure of the Wolf Snake Demon Warlord who had been retreating stopped suddenly.

  The ferocious wolf head, in the pupils of which endless ferocity and tyranny suddenly erupted.

   At this time, his vitality has completely recovered to its peak state.

  Of course, the snake head that was completely smashed will definitely not recover for the time being.

  However, this did not hinder his outbreak at all!

  The figure stopped in an instant, and the cold iron giant ax was also in the "dancing sky" state, and Zhengfei fell into his grasp.

  With an ax in hand, the magic-like ability "Space Lock" was once again centered on its own location, and it was directly cast.

   It was the shimmering emerald green barrier that was forming, and Master Moen rushed in again like a shadow, his hands became blades, and he slashed directly at the wolf snake demon's head and neck...

   "Penetrating Strike!"

  (end of this chapter)