Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1230: close up

  The gods themselves may be able to master spells beyond level 9 without restriction.

  However, this does not mean that the gods can grant such authority to others, even their voters.

In fact, not to mention ordinary gods, even the Goddess of Magic, who is in charge of the magic priesthood and directly controls the powerful divine power of the essence of magic, is also subject to the supervision of the gods, and it is impossible to be within the scope of the rules. Granted to his chosen, such unlimited spellcasting ability.

  As for how that Ms. Silinxi achieved a breakthrough under such restrictions, this is not in Isaac's current exploration.

   What he can be sure of is that the elect of the Winter Goddess obviously has no such qualifications.

The only thing this person can do is to study and master it through the promotion of the power of the domain. It is far from a powerful version that ordinary ninth-level spells can match, and it is even a "pseudo-level 10 spell", but it cannot be a real magic spell. tenth-level spell.

  In a sense, some ninth-level spells of the elf high magic are actually similar to this.

   It's just that it's rare for an ordinary elf high mage to have the special form of Electlia now, and it's just that it's stronger.

  And since it is not a real tenth-level spell...

Don't say that Eleclelia may not have prepared in advance for the current encounter. Even if she did, it would not be very accurate, or even accurate enough. In fact, this is the same for Isaac What real threat.

  His spell resistance, on the premise, is to limit the effective targeting that Eleclelia can carry out, basically only those damage spells of the "Spell Creation Department".

  But the damage spells of the Conjuration and Creation Department cannot be targeted, and they are basically concentrated in categories such as "Mist Cloud" and "Acid Rain".

   This "disaster storm" at this time is actually similar.

Although it is a powerful and continuous spell, Eleclelia can constantly adjust the direction of its subsequent attacks by focusing on casting spells, but Isaac will not stand still and wait for its attack to come !

   With all kinds of teleportation abilities, this kind of "spell creation magic" can't fall on him at all.

  Besides, someone else might consume a lot of teleportation spells because of the continuous pursuit, which may be too much for him in the end, but he naturally doesn't need to care about these.

   But at this time, Isaac is not going to spend any more time with this man.

   After all, this is the Angsa Mountains, and there are not a few dracolich.

  Although these dracoliches are not a threat to him, and it is unlikely that he will see through the "Legendary Concealment" he has strengthened again, but at this time, he is still not prepared to have any direct communication with these dracoliches.


  The figure flashed again, and once again avoided the "disaster storm" in advance.

  Seeing that the Snow Queen gathered with the leader of the Ice Demon, and at the same time drove the storm towards him again.

  At the same time, in the distant sky, those white dragon liches who were already patrolling were also flying towards this side.

   "I admire the queen's method, but this time, the opportunity is mine."

   "If the queen is still interested, wait until next time, when you have prepared in advance, how about we come again?"

   With a wave of his hand, a "Great Disintegration Technique" was finally released instantaneously.

  No matter how high-level and powerful Eleklia's "Catastrophe Storm" is, it is not beyond the normal magic system after all. It is neither a legendary spell nor a tenth-level magic.

  Such divine arts are still absolutely restrained by the "Great Disintegration Art".

  The cracking field spread out in an instant, and in an instant, all the magical energy effects in the core area of ​​the "disaster storm" were completely shattered.

  Although the absolute coverage area of ​​the storm is beyond the effect range of the "Great Disintegration Technique", when the core area is disintegrated, a huge hollow appears in the entire storm...

  Elecleia's eyes flashed, but after all, she didn't chase after her.

  With a wave of the frost scepter, the remaining force of the storm dissipated in the surrounding wind and snow.

  As the other party said, this time the opportunity is indeed in the hands of the other party. Although she is proud, she still doesn't have the heart to understand this.

Even, it's not just this time, not just now, if in the next time, she can't think of how to break the advantage of the opponent, see you next time, such an opportunity, I'm afraid it still won't be in her hands hands.


   "It is possible to weaken his magic resistance through special magic research, but..."

  Considering this one, under the joint efforts of her and Wadsworth, they are all hidden like a cloud dragon poking their claws, but also calm and calm from the beginning to the end...

  Elecleia's frown in her heart became deeper and deeper.

   It is really difficult to grasp this one.

   It is even more difficult to make adequate preparations.

  However, at this moment, she doesn't doubt that this guy is really going to target Protans.

   With such a teaming up, she is confident enough to completely eliminate Protans in the first battle.

   This is a good thing!

  However, we have to be on guard, after solving Protans, will there be any further changes!

  He pondered for a moment in my heart.

  Eleclelia gradually suppressed the violent will that spewed out of her eyes, and her entire state also changed from detachment to the material level.

   "Your Excellency, there is no need to pretend to be flattering."

   "Jared's matter, let's expose it."

   "Novella Long Bingfeng, in principle, I also agree to your joining, but how about the specific arrangement, I think, before everything officially starts, the three parties need a formal meeting!"

  Eleklia put away the displeasure in her heart, and although her face remained indifferent as before, her words were no longer choking.

  However, Isaac shook his head.

  “There is no need for the tripartite talks.”

   "I will find the queen, just those who don't want to have contact with the Dragon Witch Cult."

   "Not only Protans, if Nofralon's side goes well, there may not be no other cooperation between me and the Queen in the future!"

  This word...

  Elecleia couldn't help but move in her heart.

  In fact, she also has a little tentative intention.

   It is possible to test this person, what is the connection with the Dragon Witch Cult, and Sammaster?

   Now, at least judging from the attitude shown by this person, this is in line with her wishes.

  And... She also believes that such an attitude is reasonable when it is upright!

  Based on her judgment, this person's identity is very likely to be an antique among the five-color dragons!

   Such a primitive dragon has no tradition of cooperating with the Dragon Witch Cult.

  Sammaster was never very popular with them.

   Even, Electlia has no doubts that if given the opportunity, these primordial dragons would never miss it, completely destroying Sammaster.

  In this case, it is understandable that this person does not want to have contact with the Dragon Witch Cult, and it is completely reasonable!

   Take this into consideration.

  This last sentence "Cooperation in other areas in the future"...