Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1231: true

  Chapter 1231 is true

   "I am waiting for news from the Queen."

   "Leave it alone."

  Eleclelia was pondering, but Isaac no longer stayed.

   Once again, he nodded slightly to the Snow Queen, but without any sign, his figure disappeared into the sky.

   But it is his side that is leaving.

   Never had a minute.

  Amidst the howling wind, some huge figures flew over quickly.

   Naturally, those white dragons and white dragon liches arrived.

The one headed by    is a giant body, like a dracolich transformed from an ancient white dragon.

If Isaac was here, he would be able to recognize that this ancient white dragon lich is the leader of the many white dragons living in the great glacier, and one of the core members of the Cult of the Dragon "Polar Calamity" Zelindo .

  Although Bailong is useless, this one is definitely not bad.

  Capable of leading many White Dragon clans, "Polar Calamity" Zelinduo not only has the strength of the dragon itself, but also is a true legendary powerhouse, and also has an unknown level of professional enhancement.

   Within the big glacier.

  Excluding the "former King of Justice" and the "Ice Queen" here, Zelindo should be firmly in the third place.

   And, this is what it used to be.

  After Sammaster completed the breakthrough reform of the dracolich ceremony, if the Ice Queen didn't have some targeted preparations, Zelindo even had the ambition to challenge this one.

  Of course, he is not in a hurry to show such ambition right now.

   Ordered by Sammaster, he is now leading the White Dragon Clan to serve the Queen!

   One flew here, and Zelindor's cold soul flame was a wave: "Queen, what happened?"

   "Jared is manipulative with the 'instructing technique'. I was going to find out and deal with him. Unexpectedly, this person's magic ability is not trivial, but let him escape."

  Elecleia didn't hide it from this one.

  Although the previous battle was short, the momentum of the battle, especially the momentum formed by her own spellcasting, was not small.

   If such a thing is purely concealed, it cannot be concealed from Zelinduo.

   In addition, although some of the words of that person before spoke to her heart, but the mistake must be a last resort, otherwise, she did not want to turn against Sammaster.

   She is the only one who understands the power accumulated by the Dragon Witch Cult in Vasa, so she cannot be indecisive.

  So, that person's words are at most a potential retreat for her, or in other words, preparations in advance.

  Of course, because of this, all kinds of suspicions about that person in her heart, but she has no intention of discussing with Zelin.

   "Jared Manipulative?"

  Following the Snow Queen's line of sight, Zelindo only glanced at the Ice Demon, and unknowingly, the ancient white dragon lich's eyes frowned slightly.

  Eleclelia's ice demon minions are manipulative!

  The first reaction in his heart was just thinking about it. This is referring to Elecleia?

   Or is it referring to the alliance between Eleclelia and the Cult of the Dragon?

   "Queen, please tell us more about this person's situation."

   "If you need, I can summon Vasa to cooperate with you in the investigation."

  Zelindo didn't neglect, and asked again.

   "This person is not using his true face. Apart from his unfathomable magic ability, it is difficult to judge whether he is a human race, an elf, or whether it is possible that he was changed by other races."

Eleclelia shook her head slowly, but before Zelindo could ask any further questions, her cold voice continued, "But don't bother Perilesburg with this matter for the time being. Since this person dares to provoke me, I will naturally respond to him. Later, I will personally ask the goddess for divine enlightenment..."

   Haven't figured out yet how to get over this matter.

  Eleklia simply used the name of "asking for divine enlightenment" to delay it for a while.

  However, she did have plans to ask for divine revelation.

   Not only is it necessary to explore the exact identity of the mysterious person, but more importantly, she also needs to think carefully about how she can grasp the inch between Sammaster and that person!

   "Then I will wait for the queen's news."

   Hearing the "revelation", Zelindo also nodded.

  Living in this extreme northern place, although he is not a follower of the Winter Goddess, he always has the awe he should have for this cold and fickle Goddess if it is not necessary.

  However, on the one hand, he agrees with Elecleia's meaning, on the other hand, the White Dragon Lich still doesn't let go of his desire to pay more attention to this matter.

  But he didn't notice it at all, let alone thought that, as he kept staring at it, there was a flash of displeasure in the depths of Electlia's snow-colored eyes on the opposite side.

  Although in name, the white dragons sent by Sammaster are all obedient to her.

  But, the reason why she said it for that person is because she said it from the bottom of her heart...

  Compared to her ice demon guards, these white dragons are not her real followers after all!

  She had no doubt that once she had any conflicts with Sammaster, or if Sammaster issued an order, these white dragons would definitely abandon her immediately.

   "In the attack on Sausar, consume them more!"

   "Once Novellaron's side starts, Protains is also a good choice to interrupt their spine!"

  Electlia nodded slightly calmly, but she also confirmed some long-standing thoughts in her heart.

Inevitably, I searched the surroundings again, especially for Jared, who was also interrogating, but don't say that the state of the "command technique" is not over yet, and Elecleia is not planning to use the "miracle technique" on him. "This kind of method, even if the "instructing technique" is over, they also can't ask any actual information.

   After a while, the white dragons continued to linger on the side of the mountain range, while Electlia led the people back to the Ice Castle in a hurry.


the other side.

   With accurate positioning, he was directly teleported over a super long distance. Isaac, who was on his way, had already arrived in Imbutu at this time.

   "This trip is worthwhile!"

   "Dare to claim to be the strongest voter of the Winter Goddess, this one really lives up to her reputation!"

It was not directly teleported into the castle of the conjurer, but appeared in the mountain range some distance away from the demon castle. Isaac became invisible while flying towards the castle of the conjurer, while still Reminiscing about the harvest of the Great Glacier and his party.

   Don't see Eleclelia's hands are bound when she faces him.

  However, regarding the method of the Snow Queen, even if she has not yet performed the divine power call, only the special form of "false tenth-level magic", this is what makes Isaac, in fact, also have to look at it differently.

   "Promote the power of the field and combine it with divine magic!"

   "Although the current level of the Conferred God Dragon is difficult to directly achieve this step, but..."

   "The state of the power of the secret ritual, this is different!"

  (end of this chapter)