Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1328: cautious

  Chapter 1328 Cautious

   (I ate some seafood that was packed last night, and went to the bathroom five times in one night. I wanted to make up the manuscript, but now I have to owe one more)

  Lagon has actually been here for a while.

   Nothing more.

   On the one hand, he has suspicions that someone, or even some, of the Lord of Talismans may be suspected of designing him by taking advantage of this incident, so he is not in a hurry to act quickly.

   On the other hand, it is also more critical. When the target is a legendary dragon like Ivy Ke LS Grand, even if she is in a state of dragon madness, he will not be careless.

  If there is no certainty of keeping Ivy Kelan, he will come over, and he will also shrink back.

  So, before he actually made a move, he had to observe all aspects of the blue dragon carefully enough.

  One side is to try not to arouse the vigilance of the God of Storms as much as possible, at least not to arouse his direct hostility.

  On the one hand, approaching the edge of the battlefield, with the eyes that have added several "magic analysis" effects, he can already directly see the magic aura on the blue dragon...

  At the first moment, the purple flames in Lich's eye sockets shrank suddenly.

   Dazzling magical aura!

   It even enveloped the entire body of the blue dragon!

  In this field of vision, the blue dragon looks as if it has transformed into a shining dragon, extremely dazzling and dazzling.

  Such aura intensity...

  Even if he was mentally prepared, at this moment, his heart skipped a beat.

   "Holy Artifact!"

   "Far from being one or two, it should be more than one holy artifact!"

   "There is also this legendary spell effect, most likely it is a permanent legendary spell effect..."

   "This trigger technique is also unusual..."

   His eyes quickly observed and analyzed, and Lagon's eyes shrank again and again.

   Even his treasury might not be able to make up the number of holy artifacts on the blue dragon.

   Not to mention, it is also a legendary spell effect and a trigger.

  So full of preparations...

  If it wasn't for his falling into a dragon madness, it would be impossible to pretend, and Lagon would even suspect that there was some conspiracy in it?

   "It will not be a conspiracy!"

   "'Sharp Tooth' will not put itself in the danger of dragon madness just to design people!"

   "Besides, she has no need to target me, let alone the possibility of calculating me!"

   "She's going to... I'm afraid she's going right at the dragon madness!"

   "But the influence of Dragon Madness has not been blocked by her preparations, even if it is only weakened..."

   "That's why she attacked Calimport again in such a state!"

   While making such a judgment in his heart, Ragon already had some money, how to keep the sharp teeth.

  The most important key is naturally the "trigger technique"!

"As long as this problem can be solved so that she can't get away in an instant, and then, in the situation where the God of Storms is holding her back and making her fall into a frenzy and cannot extricate herself, then there is enough time and space to come. Solve her other problems step by step, and finally leave her here completely!"

   Such a precise response, for others, may even be the first step, to analyze and grasp the "triggering technique", which is difficult to be precise.

  But for Ragon, it is not a problem.

  So... you can shoot!

   Until now, Lagon really made the final decision to keep this blue dragon in Calimport completely!

  However, there is still no rush to make a move.

  Front, the constant attack from the God of Storms and the ancient brass dragon gradually suppressed the blue dragon.

Here, Ragon is observing and judging the "triggering technique" more carefully, while still analyzing the effects of the holy artifacts on Ivy Kelan's body, as well as the permanent legendary spell Effect.

   The more it came to this time, the more calm he became.

   "This trigger condition should be related to the strength of her life energy. With the current fighting strength, she should be able to last for a while!"

   "These holy artifacts are consistent with the rumors during the turbulent years, and basically come from the era of the Sean Dynasty..."

   "This is interesting!"

   "Is there someone who has been planning on her for a long time?"

   "As for this legendary spell effect... it seems to be a kind of 'legendary protection'!"

  Lagon quickly and meticulously discriminates and analyzes the phenomena emerging from Ivy Corglan.

  With his level of spell knowledge, and at the same time, he has an all-too-familiar grasp of the ancient secrets of Kalindsay.

   Just a moment.

Seeing the front, Ai Wei Ke LS Grand, even in the state of dementia of the dragon madness, has gradually begun to adapt to the pincer attack of the God of Storms and the ancient brass dragon. A flanking posture...

"it's time!"

  Lagon did not wait any longer.

  Although we have to wait, the injury on the blue dragon will inevitably be more serious.

However, considering the condition of the "trigger technique" on the blue dragon, it should be related to the intensity of her life energy, and the extent of this limit is only known by the blue dragon himself, and Lagon will not go there. Guess this boundary to determine the timing of your shot.

   "First solve the 'trigger technique', and then specifically suppress the power of the holy weapon..."

   With just a flash of thought, the magic sacred artifact "The Staff of the Archmage" was raised in Lagon's hand.

   "Legendary Dispel!"

   "Target dispelled!"

   This legendary spell was cast in an instant.

  When the magic energy surged, suddenly, a dark green light shot out.


  The **** of storm in the form of a giant spirit did not show any surprise, and even let out a cold snort.

  Although he was chasing Ivy Coglan, he had long been aware of the approach of this Lich, even if the Lich remained invisible.

  Looking at it now, since it is casting the "Legendary Dispel"... This lich is indeed coming for the blue dragon!

  However, he didn't wait for more thoughts to emerge.


  Suddenly, it doesn't matter if it's the God of Storms, or it's Lagon who instantly casts the "Legendary Dispel".

   Almost at the same time, the expressions of the two of them changed.

  An almost identical dark green ray shot out from the front of the battlefield.

   This is Lagon's "Legendary Dispel Spell", which is locked on the "Trigger Spell".

  The simultaneous shooting of this dark green ray is a counter-offset operation that directly targets this "Legendary Dispel".

  When these two "Legendary Dispel Spells" were in midair, the instant offset was completed.

"How can it be?"

  Lagona's expression froze for a moment.

  Even the God of Storm's expression suddenly changed.

  He has never been able to notice that there is this person in front of him!

   "You are ready to respond."

   "He gave it to me!"

  Isaac's voice sounded.

  (end of this chapter)