Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1405: Continuous changes


 Thinking about the possible changes in the situation, Isaac also frowned slightly in his heart.

 Judging from today's battle, an ordinary siege is basically meaningless to Protarnes.

If Sammaster wants to deal with him, "Dragon Madness" should be the most important method, followed by legendary spellcasters like Ogason and Eleklia, and powerful ones like Wadsworth. Combat strength.

 Among the powers at this level, there is only one person who may be able to send a message to him, and this is only Eleklia.

Moreover, there is only a possibility of being subpoenaed.

Even less so with the Golden Dragon King’s Court.

 Be it Lares or the Golden Dragon Council, these are not easy to monitor.

 No matter which side takes action first, the possibility of receiving the message immediately is not very high.

 And if there is no accurate information...

When Protarnes was not in trouble, he had many broken scales of the original golden dragon, but he would not use this as a basis to rashly find out the whereabouts of Protarnes. , let alone, through the legendary ritual, to poison the golden dragon king from a distance!

 “Elaklia may not be trustworthy.”

 “Except for this Snow Queen…”

With a flash of thought, Isaac suddenly felt something in his heart.

Since Sammaster has already revealed his traces, it can be seen that his identity will soon be disclosed among the major factions of the Cult of the Dragon.

In this way, some arrangements may be made.

“Firla is also a high-level member of the Sambia faction. At this time, it’s time to get in touch with him!”

“If there is Eleklia outside and Fiera inside, whether the Golden Dragon King Ting takes action first or Sammaster plots first, there is a possibility that he will know about it at the first time!”

 For a triple agent like Philla, Isaac still fully believed in his abilities.

But besides that…

“Spell storage must be accelerated!”

Protarans alone has such ability. If you add Larendra Magar, Lareth and Tamarand, plus the "Claws of Justice" Havaran and Azak, it will be even more powerful. On the Golden Dragon Council, there are more ancient and ancient metal dragon members, and even members...

“The free storage of dark energy cores can continue.”

“But the total daily level is only about level 15, which is too insufficient.”

“To quickly make up for the lack of dragon scale etching, the only way is to use resources!”

Moreover, it is not ordinary, etching is done with "spell storage"!

With a flash of thought in his mind, Isaac finally made a decision.

 “Etch with the Capture Spell!”

 "Capture Spells", which uses spell counterattack to capture the spells cast by the enemy and etch them onto the dragon scales to become part of the "Spell Storage".

 Two ways of “capturing”.

 First, the spell investment necessary for spell countermeasures, plus gem resources of 100 gold coins per spell level!

Secondly, the required spell investment for spell countermeasures, and at the same time, the "spell storage" of one's own dragon scales must also burn stored spells of the same level or higher!

 The latter is equivalent to a replacement, and it also consumes one's own spells. This has no practical significance for "spell storage".

  But the former is different.

 As long as you prepare enough spells and have enough gem resources, you can do this, batch "countermeasures storage"!

 Like Isaac.

 He has 7 9th-level spell slots, 4 10th-level spell slots, 4 11th-level spell slots, and 4 12th-level spell slots.

  There are three more 9th-level divine spell slots and one 9th-level domain divine spell slot.

In other words, as long as he is willing to invest 21,000 gold coins in gems, use up all these spell slots, and use them all to counter the enemy's spells, then he can even directly etch 23 level 9 spells overnight. Spell!

Of course, this premise must be that there are enough spellcasters who can cooperate with him to prepare the corresponding spells, and then cast them one by one, allowing him to counter and capture them one by one!

In addition, considering that he has many spells, which are unique to individuals, such as Du Bois and Dossal Manas, it is impossible to cast them, and it is even less likely to be countered. System capture…

 “Trinity Clone Technique!”

 “Cooperate with two clones!”

His current "power of the secret ritual" lasts for a full three minutes, which is completely enough to satisfy him. He can counter-capture level 9 spells 23 times a day!

“First, I smashed 90,000 gold coins of gems into it and captured a total of 100 level 9 spells and pseudo-level 10 spells!”

 This process requires him to invest more than four days.

However, I think that in the next few days, Sammaster and the Golden Dragon King's side should not directly engage in a decisive battle.

After weighing the time in his mind and making up his mind, Isaac then sent out some "text messages".

 After some orders and exchanges, he quickly returned to the demiplane base with an "alien teleportation".

 In the next few days, he started to spend resources according to the plan.

 The gem resources required for "Capture Spell" are in the range of less than a thousand gold, and are not high-end resources.

With his personal reserves and the natural green resource market, he quickly completed the preparations with just a few calls.

 With sufficient gem resources, the progress of "capturing spells" is completely within expectations.

  There are 23 Level 9 spells stored in one day, and there are also some normal prostitute stores. The density of the dragon scales on Isaac's body, the mysterious marks and runes, is doubling and increasing again.

However, he has not yet completed the expected storage of 100 rounds of 9th-level spells.

  A "SMS" came suddenly.

Kui Lu's message, asking him to go to Waterdeep City as soon as possible!

 “It shouldn’t be Mephistopheles’s business, or it’s not just this guy’s business!”

If he was going to attack this king of hell, Kui Lu would definitely mention it in the summons, and she wouldn't let him act at his will. The summons would definitely be held in advance so that he could have spells and Plenty of prep time for your gear!

With this thought, Isaac is not in a hurry to continue his magic research.

“I haven’t been to Waterdeep for a while, so I just wanted to go see Anasia.”

 After making some arrangements, Isaac quickly left the demiplane, passed through several landmarks that had been positioned between the kingdom and Waterdeep City, and quickly teleported directly to the castle on Waterdeep Mountain.

Kui Lu is already there, holding the overly lively Anasia in her arms.

 On one side sat Kelben and Laila again.

Seeing him appear directly after teleportation, the three people's eyes lit up and they all stood up. Anasia even stretched out her hands.

Although it has been some time since he arrived in Waterdeep, through the magic light barrier created by the spell, he was actually face to face with his precious daughter.

“The lady and the Archmage are also here. Could it be that they are looking for something to do with me?”

While taking over Anasia, Isaac also nodded with Kelben.

He already has some numbers, and Kui Lu's sudden summons may be due to the request of these two people. Regarding her relationship with Laila, if Laila opened her mouth, she would naturally not be able to refuse anything.

“There is indeed something that I need to ask His Majesty for advice, and I also want to ask His Majesty for help.”

Laila's expression was unusually urgent.

 This actually moved Isaac's heart.

Seems like Laila’s private matter?

 And what left Lyra and Kelben at a loss to ask him for help...

While pondering in his heart, Isaac did not speculate too much. Since this person was asking for help, he would naturally speak out.

Nodding slightly, Isaac said: "Madam, please speak."

Laila did not hesitate: "I wonder if your majesty knows Harash Narsin?"

 Harash Narsin!

With a thought in his heart, Isaac said slowly: "Are you referring to the ancient white dragon whose territory is in the far north?"

It is natural that Isaac would not be ignorant of the information about giant dragons, especially the information about this ancient five-color dragon.

It is also possible that the ancient white dragon has surpassed the ancient age group. Harash Narsin is the leader of the white dragon clan.

However, because the territory of the White Dragon Clan is in the extremely far north, it is much further away than the Great Glacier and the Supreme Glacier. It can be said that there are almost no human traces.

Therefore, neither the Dragon Witch Cult nor the Dragon Worship Cult have any contact with him, but Isaac’s understanding of this person is only on paper.

Laila suddenly asked about this person...

 This is a little strange.

 Normally speaking, in that far north, even if these white dragons fell into dragon madness, they would not cause any disaster, right?

 “It is this one.”

Laila nodded with a hint of pleading: "I wonder if your Majesty might send an envoy who knows the situation there to lead us to find this person as soon as possible?"

 The Far North is a vast expanse of icebergs, ice fields and glaciers.

To find this ancient white dragon quickly in that environment, naturally you still have to look to the Dragon Worship Cult.

Somewhat curious about Laila's purpose.

 He could see that Laila was a little anxious.

And the thing that makes this lady anxious is the uninhabited far north...

 “I’ll send a message first and let people confirm it.”

With a slight nod, Isaac then gave a message to Mrs. Miranda.

 Layla and Kuilu had blocked Nagisvirik for him before, and today was the time to return the favor.

 After the summons was arranged, he didn’t ask about the cause of the matter. He just hugged Anasia and sat down next to Kui Lu.

Although he was curious about this matter, if Laila and the others didn't tell them, he would never take the initiative to ask.

Things in the Cold Land were already too busy, and there were still hidden dangers from the City of Shadows and Gisverik. In addition, Baragas and the Entangled Talisman also had to be dealt with. At the moment, he didn't have the energy to pay attention. Go to the far north.

On the other hand, if Lyra and Kelben shift their focus to the Far North because of this matter...

  Isaac's heart moved again.

 Once Lyra and Kelben leave, Waterdeep City will have to deal with the drow Queen Valsaris and Mephistopheles, but it is possible that they will be stretched thin.

This is also a problem.

 After all, he had promised Kui Lu a long time ago that he would help her in the battle with Mephistopheles.

 Seeing this decisive battle, it should not be far away.

This happened suddenly, causing Laila and the two of them to become anxious and rush to the far north.

Of course, the Black Staff Tower should have a demiplane base. When the decisive battle comes, as long as these two people are not trapped there, they should be able to quickly come back for reinforcements, right?

 “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Taking a gentle breath, Laila calmed down.

Since Isaac has already made arrangements, he can only wait patiently for the news.

  “It doesn’t matter.”

Isaac nodded slightly, but looked at Kuilu again, and asked: "The Spider Queen has ended her silence, and the siege of Menzoberranzan has ended. Has Valsaris and Mephistopheles ever been there?" Are there any changes?"

Kuilu could tell that he was thinking about what if, in the unlikely event that Laila and Kelben were unable to return when the decisive battle came, would their preparations be sufficient?

 After all, the decisive battle may not necessarily be initiated by their side.

If it had been initiated by Valsaris and Mephistopheles, Lyra and Kelben might really be late.

 Coupled with the influence of Dragon Madness, the steel dragons and singing dragons in the Waterdeep City camp must also be hidden in the "Kingslayer Shield".

Facing Mephistopheles’ devil army, this is really possible.

 “I’m afraid war cannot be avoided on Lismaiasa’s side.”

"Before the Spider Queen ended her silence, Leylin-Evans rapidly grew with the three allied forces of Valsaris. But as the Spider Queen ended her silence, Valsaris and Mephistopheles The undercurrent among Lisi should have been temporarily suppressed. There are signs that Valsaris has reorganized his army, and his tentacles have even reached into the interior of Lismaia..."

There was no intention of hiding it. Kui Lu introduced the situation while secretly frowning.

 Originally, their side was fully prepared for war.

But who would have expected that the hidden elven city of Osiriel, which Prince Lanriel and Princess Mora secretly built in the far north, would be jointly attacked by the White Dragon Clan because of dragon madness.

In order to protect the elven treasure "Tree of Souls", Prince Lanriel had to return to Evermeet Island first, while Princess Mora resolutely led the elven warriors to the rear.

Two days later, Prince Lanriel led the reinforcements and returned to the city of Ocereal from Everjum Island. However, the city was in ruins. In addition to the corpses of a dozen white dragons in the city, Princess Mora and the elf warriors were all lost. Whereabouts.

Indispensable is the elf mages who conducted prophecy explorations, but to no avail.

Prince Lanriel immediately summoned Laila.

 But even Laila and Kelben could only use prophecy spells. They had a vague feeling that Princess Mora should not have died yet, but they were unable to determine her exact whereabouts.

At this moment, Laila finally reached Isaac's side.

 Princess Mora, this is Laila's daughter, and Prince Lanriel, the first crown prince of Evermeet Island, is her partner!

Since the matter involves the hidden city of elves, Oceril, and the "Tree of Souls", neither Laila nor Kui Lu can reveal the situation there without permission.