Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1458: Curse of the Ice King

Chapter 1049 The Curse of the Ice King

 “Why are they fighting among themselves? Still in Garel.”

When Isaac created an "eternal wheel" in the sky through a pseudo-level tenth spell, the wheel surface like a light mirror directly reflected Garel's situation.

 Beside him, Kui Lu had some doubts in her eyes.

She recognized Eleklia, and she also knew that the white dragons who were fighting against Elaklia and the ice demons were her allies.

These guys are actually fighting among themselves, and, at this very moment, they appear on Garel's side!

 “It’s a little weird.”

 Isaac pondered for a moment and then said: "Elaklia will appear in Garel. This should be related to the ice demon.

Although I thought that he could not directly send a message to Eleklia through command control, but as we entered Gariel and eliminated the frost djinn, the oath-bound control on him should have ended.

Eleklia appeared in Garel at this time, most likely because she had something to do with him, or even with the Winter Goddess.

 It’s even more wrong that these white dragons appear in Garel..."

Staring at the ancient white dragon lich in the light wheel, he saw that this guy was actually fighting with Wadsworth. At this time, these white dragons actually suppressed Eleklia and the others. Downwind…

There was a twinkle in Isaac's eyes. After thinking about it for a moment, he continued: "There are not many ice demons under Eleklia. It can be seen that she must have deliberately concealed this trip from Zelindo and the others. , so it will fall into the disadvantage at this time.

 But with her methods and Zelindo's magic ability, since she came quietly, Zelindo should not be able to follow her.


 Unless there is someone behind these white dragons!

Kui Lu immediately understood what Isaac meant.

 Who else is behind Zelindo?

Of course it should be Sammaster and the Cult of the Dragon!

 The only one who can figure out Eleklia is this one!

Kui Lu’s eyes suddenly widened.

 The relationship between Sammaster and their sisters is too deep.

 He was once a chosen one by the Goddess of Magic, he once studied magic in the Shadow Valley of Minnis, he was once a lover of Alustriel, and he wanted to kill Alustriel more than once!

It would be fine if Kui Lu didn't meet the former chosen one who betrayed the goddess of magic. For the time being, the sisters did not have time to take care of the cold land.

But if Sammaster really appeared directly in Garel at this time, in front of her...

“Ai, why do you think they are fighting among themselves?

 We have already searched Gariel's side, and apart from the abnormal heat in the ground, there should be no other abnormalities.

Eleklia and these white dragons should not be interested in this special environment. "

Kui Lu suppressed the fierceness in her heart and continued to question.

Eleklia is the chosen one of the goddess of winter, and the white dragon is also a dragon with ice attributes. Neither of them should be interested in a place where fire energy is active, even if it is a fire treasure.

 Let alone falling out directly over this, it is already a real fight.

“If the abandonment of Garrel really lies in the geothermal environment rather than the large glacier, I may have some suspicions.”

Isaac pondered for a moment, and without hiding anything from Kui Lu, he said: "Judging from some of the information left by the Frost Djinn on the Yotong King's City side, he regarded Garel's abandonment as the 'Ice King's'". curse'.

This Ice King is the God of the North Pole and the father of the subspecies of giants.

The frost djinn believe that the Arctic **** placed a curse on the Great Glacier, especially Gariel, before he fell into eternal sleep.

 Hence, the entire large glacier is constantly freezing, and only the Novolaron Mountains, where Garel is located, is constantly heating up, eventually leading to Garel's abandonment.

  What Eleklia, and even the winter goddess behind her, want to explore may be related to this.

 Only this kind of power can make Zelindo directly fall out with her. "

 The Curse of the Ice King!

 The power of the North Pole God!

Kui Lu’s expression couldn’t help but condense. Originally, after exploring Garel, she already thought that there should be nothing to do with the God of the North Pole, and it was not Eleklia's goal.

 But what Isaac said brought back this possibility.

Although it is somewhat difficult to judge how the God of the Arctic caused abnormal geothermal heat to appear in the ground of the Novola Dragon Mountains, since the frost djinn left this information and spent thousands of years exploring the secrets, it is impossible to guess. As for the deviation being too much.

“If this is the case, neither Eleklia can succeed nor Sammaster can take over this matter!”

While speaking, Kui Lu looked at Isaac again.

Eleklia, most importantly the goddess of winter, if she captures the power of the God of the North Pole, it will inevitably mean that the midwinter disaster in the North will become more and more severe.

 And if it were Sammaster...this time the Dragon Madness Disaster might also go completely out of control!

 No matter what the situation is, it is not a good thing.

 “Look at it first.”

"The power of the frost djinn is even greater than that of Eleklia and Zelindor, but it has not been able to solve the problem there for thousands of years. It can be seen that this matter is really related to the God of the North Pole. They It cannot be obtained easily.

Let’s first see who wins and who loses, whether both sides will suffer losses. "

Isaac nodded slightly and said.

Maybe the power of the God of the North Pole is not in line with him, but he certainly will not sit back and let it fall into the hands of Eleklia, let alone Sammaster.

 In fact, no matter who wins, it would be good if it can give him some direction in his subsequent exploration.

Kui Lu also nodded. She could hear what Isaac meant and had a judgment. At least for Sammaster, her lover would never let him gain more power.

Of course Eleklia can't defeat Sammaster!

Although Sammaster is powerful, he can't defeat her lover.

As for what will happen if Isaac gets the power of the God of the North Pole...

Kui Lu knew a long time ago that the goddess of magic had promised Isaac a magical position, so it would only be a matter of time before he left the material world. If he could gain some Arctic divine power, it would be nothing more than a matter of time. It's just the icing on the cake.

Nodding slightly, the two of them stared into the light mirror together again.

The white dragons and white dragon lichs were overwhelmingly numerous. Dozens of white dragons and white dragon lichs, especially the white dragon lich strengthened by Sammaster, had quickly gained the advantage in a fierce battle.

 Ice demons are constantly being torn to pieces.

Even the ice demon leader was suffering from constant injuries in the face of Zelindo's main attack and the encirclement and killing of many white dragon lichs.

Although Eleklia's magic is powerful, after killing and seriously injuring several white dragons in succession, she was unable to connect with more powerful magic in the face of the constant siege of many white dragons.

Seeing Garrel's battle situation, even if Sammaster didn't show up at all, there was a tendency to win for the White Dragon Clan...

Suddenly, an extremely dazzling ice-blue cold light bloomed on Eleklia's body.

The "Winter Dawn Apocalypse" flew out of her hands.

A huge prismatic snowflake appeared in the sky above this midwinter Bible.

  Eleklia was making a holy and commanding cry at the same time.


 (End of this chapter)