Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 192: I contribute to the goddess

   Chapter 192 I Contribute to the Goddess

The ghost ships are like huge gloomy fish, heavy black smoke shrouds the hull, and the powerful dark magic power gathers and condenses, forming terrifying tentacles like the tentacles of the giant squid in the deep sea. Waving out of the black smoke.

  The impact of the ghost ship, the grappling and smashing of the dark tentacles, these ships activated by dark magic are no different from the terrifying deep-sea monsters.

   With their center, the most elite power of the three pirate fleets, and most of the priests of the Sahuagin tribe in the Unmarked Sea, they are really desperate to attack the combined fleet.

  The skeleton undead of giant sea snakes, ghostly spirit creatures, all kinds of fear-like magic, all kinds of undead and conjuration spells, plus pirates and murlocs...

   The oracle of the sea goddess, the qualification of the storm horn.

   Pirates, murloc priests, this is really desperately attacking the combined fleet.

  Under their madness, on the side of the combined fleet, battleship after warship was constantly flooding and sinking.

   There was even a battleship, which was hit by the most direct and overbearing impact from the ghost ship from below, and was cut off by the middle.

   However, even if they work so hard, to a certain extent, they still occupy the geography of the ocean, but they still cannot beat them. The gap in hard power is too great!

   Under the auspices of the High Priest of Xiberai, a large number of sea elf casters and sea elf knights, using two adult blue whales as spearheads, constantly sniped at the ghost ship.

   The mage team of the Star Ring Islands, under the leadership of a second-level mage, is also casting targeted spells from time to time.

   A large number of warriors jumped directly into the water and fought side by side with the sea elves.

Although the   Taixi people are not very good at water warfare, their bravery is still higher than that of the warriors of the Star Ring Islands. As long as the pirates point to their spears, they will be shot with precision immediately.

   And some powerful warriors who had prepared "water breathing" equipment also jumped into the water.

   But the most shocking and deterrent is the fleet of the Commonwealth.

   There is a caster team commanded by Sinclair, a hunting team composed of elite shooters, a second-reformed dragon warlock team, and a green dragon beast led by Ah Da and Ah Er!

  When the kobold warlock flies in the air with high speed and flexibility, fear spells, lightning bolts, and ice breaths are cast in turns.

  When the armored green dragon beast hovered in the sky, swooping into the sea from time to time, the poisonous breath and the ice breath were mixed with fear spells, especially, there were as many as twenty such magical dragon beasts!

   At the same time, there are people from the northern business group who are assisting!

   "I can't beat it! I can't beat it!"

  The five parties joined forces, and Basarro could only whimper.

   It's not that he didn't try his best, and it's not that he made a mistake in his plan. The gap in strength is really too big.

   "However, if you can't beat it, you can't beat it!"

   But not the same as Red Shark and Ghost Wolf.

   Those two scum, they felt that if they couldn't complete the goddess oracle, they might be punished by Roderick's drowning.

  Basaro is different.

  As the controller of the revitalized ghost ship, he only stood on the first ship, shrouded in heavy black smoke. He was dressed in black robes, and he didn't even show the slightest shadow.

   Looking beyond the black smoke, the battle of life and death, the confrontation between magic and divine arts, all kinds of undead, all kinds of summoned beasts, all kinds of sea beasts, and even the collision of dragon beasts.

   There is blood everywhere.

   The casualties on the opposite side should be on your side.

   However, there are too many people on the opposite side, and the overall strength is too strong!

   is a time, and the casualties on the opposite side are indeed greater, but when this time passes, the situation will inevitably be completely reversed.

   However, Basaro was not in a hurry or panic, and still watched quietly, like an outsider.


  Boom! !

When a ghost ship smashed a battleship into the middle again, but did not wait for it to sink again, two blue whales attacked at the same time, four or five green dragon beasts were ready to dive, and some spellcasters Dispersed, the ghost ship was just taken down by the opposite side.

   At this point, Basaro closed his **** eyes.

  The gods are not omniscient, let alone omnipotent!

  An unfulfilled oracle does not mean that you will be punished by God!

   Being expelled by Roderick to the distant sea, Basaro's experience over the years has formed his own unique perception!

   "The great ocean goddess, the queen of the underwater world, the master of ocean storms and disasters, your most devout servant, I pray to you for the power of disaster to destroy everything..."

   How devout he is, only Basaro himself knows.

   However, knowing that the goddess of the sea is paying attention here, at least when praying, Basaro is not stingy to make himself more pious.

   closed those **** eyes, and with the most pious gesture, he directly prayed to the sea goddess for strength.

   The power of calamity that destroys everything, this is the symbol of the storm horn and the giant squid it controls!

   "With the power of calamity, I will cause never-ending storms and calamities over the ocean.

  All marine creatures can be spared only by kneeling down on you.

   Ships on the sea, ports along the coast, without your shrines and temples, there will be no need to exist.

   Great Goddess, start with this combined fleet, your servants pray for your strength! "

   is not an orthodox prayer. Basarro's prayer is more like a declaration. With storms and disasters, it will bring fear to all creatures in the sea and the coast. Only the believers of the goddess of the sea can be spared from this disaster.

  This is a mission statement!

   Not only that, "start with the combined fleet", this is in response to the previous oracle of the goddess of the sea, only because the power is weak and cannot be conquered, will the goddess be asked to give strength.

   While praying like this, Basarro also joined forces with the other five parties. His own strength was too weak, and even all kinds of strategies could not change the reality of the overall situation, and he truthfully reported to the past.

   At the same time, his "Election Manifesto" was attached under the mission statement!

  Gold is not for other purposes, I hope disaster will come.

  Like Roderick, earning some "money" business is by no means the teaching of the true Ocean Goddess Church.

   With disasters and storms, the fears of life are revealed, and then the teachings of the goddess are conveyed to the hearts of all creatures related to the ocean. This is the professional quality that a true goddess servant should have!

   "From the Wuhen Sea, to the south, to the Falling Star Sea, to the Glory Sea..."

   "Go north, to the Sea of ​​Swords, to..."

   "Go west, to..."

   "The sea of ​​everything belongs to you."

   "Storms and disasters are the real ocean!"

In Basaro's unusual prayer, suddenly, his body shrouded in the black robe trembled involuntarily. Inside the black robe, those instinctually wriggling tentacles shrunk into his body with a swipe. There is no more abnormality at all.

   Then, through his prayer, through the thread of faith, his soul seemed to be directly connected with an unimaginable vastness, unimaginable terror, and unimaginable viciousness.

   In just a moment, everything about his soul, like a blank piece of paper, was thoroughly displayed in front of that existence, and was read cleanly.

  Perhaps, the level of belief is not as good as some people, such as the wave waiter of his ghost fleet.

   However, his determination and courage to spread the teachings for the goddess is by no means comparable to anyone, especially the former pirate king Roderick!

  If the horn of the storm is in his hands, between advance and retreat, with conspiracy and disaster, he will be dedicated to destroying all sea powers, the sea belongs only to the goddess!

   Read it over and over again.

   didn't find anything unusual.

   Slowly, that existence finally retracted its sight, and the connection between him and Basaro was also disconnected.

   At this moment, Basaro slowly opened his eyes.

   prayed devoutly again, some kind of change in his soul, the blood-colored light in his eyes, a strange color flashed by.

Within   's body, those tentacles that quieted down couldn't wait to squirm out.

   "Chaos, evil, seas, storms... The goddess's teachings should correspond to her ministry."

   "The gods are really not omniscient and omnipotent. As long as there is a way, they can also hide from their eyes."

   "If you can deceive him, as long as you find a corresponding way, you should also have a way to deal with that person."

   "Go and receive the storm horn first! Then... it's up to that person's promise!"

   The sound of the ghostly horn sounded directly in the ocean.

   This voice that touched the soul was fighting fiercely, and the two camps suddenly shook at the same time.

  The evil camp heard the signal to retreat.

   The opposite camp, the soul has been affected to a certain extent.

  The two sides are separated.

  The six ghost ships stopped attacking and sank quickly, and the pirates and fish people hurriedly chased after them.

  The sea elves kept a distance after chasing for a while. Seeing that the other side was indeed retreating, they stopped their tracking.

   In the deep sea, after all, they are weak and weak, and the combined fleet is rarely capable. At the moment when the bronze dragon has not returned, it is difficult for them to be sure.

   When the ghost ship completely disappeared into the dark deep sea, the sea elves cleaned up the battlefield again and saved the wounded in the sea.

Each fleet of    immediately repaired the sinking warships and counted their losses.

When this side gradually slowed down, slowly, two giant dragons appeared in the sky. There were also some sea beasts and figures on the sea, but compared to the time of the attack, it was more than half damaged. .


   vented a lot on the murloc deserter, but because of the damage rate of the sea elf knight, it was a little difficult to face the high priest Sonas, and when he saw what was wrong with the fleet, his eyes glared.

   was transferred from the mountain!

   Damn pirates!

   His wings vibrated violently, and in the strong sound of breaking through the air, he instantly opened the distance from the green dragon, and flew straight towards the high priest.

  The bronze dragon can see that something is wrong over there, and Isaac, who has long expected it, will not feel it.

   However, he is not like the bronze reptiles who rush behind the sea elf high priest all day long. As long as the main body of the combined fleet is still there, even if there is a loss, he should be able to afford it.

   After all, the things he values ​​most are from the flying armies!

   flew over without hesitation.

  His figure appeared, and A Da A Er immediately roared, and flew towards him majestically with his younger brothers.

   led the crowd to destroy a ghost ship, they were the main force of this contact battle!

   Don't need to read their thoughts, just look at their expressions, Isaac can see their smugness and guess the source of their smugness.

The    claws grabbed each of the tops of both heads, sending a message of praise, he let out another long roar, and fell to the warship.

  Inevitably, there was an exchange of information on both sides, and some people speculated and guessed where the pirates were going, as well as their next plan.

  Isaac didn't give much thought to it.

   After learning about the changes in the ritual, especially the matters related to the confrontation with the gods, he languidly retracted the Dragonfly again, lay down like a rest, and even closed his eyes.

   "The ritual of all bodies may lead to the coming of the will of the gods!"

   "To a certain extent, the essence of Tesser's coronation ceremony should be similar to this to a certain extent, right?"

   "The development of the Dragon Queen's belief system, it won't be long before I can do some observation and research in this area, presumably... The great Dragon Queen will also support my research!"

   With his eyes closed, he seemed to be resting, but his thoughts kept flashing.

   Horn of the Storm! Crown of the king!

   At present, what he needs most is something similar to this.

   However, the king's crown is not easy to get. Although the storm horn has a chance, it is obviously linked to the gods. Just seeing a little will come, it will lead to changes like natural disasters, he must be cautious and cautious.

  The best way is actually the Great Dragon Queen.

  If he establishes a country, he must position the belief of the Dragon Queen as the orthodox kingdom, and he is now in the process of building momentum.

  Dragon Queen can't eat these for nothing, right?

   "Look at it step by step. First look at the storm horn, and the deep sea giant squid..."

   Thinking of the giant squid in the deep sea, one of the disasters in the deep sea, the green dragon's mind moved again, and it was projected into the spiritual laboratory.

   The same is a deep-sea disaster. The blood-sucking leeches that were ingested here are actually quite safe at this moment.

  These leeches seem to have a very strong ability to digest blood, and they are still full before being taken in.

   At this moment, quite a few of them have actually dried up.

   Maybe the projection has no flesh and blood, or it may be the reason for the mental laboratory. Even if Isaac observed at close range, these leeches did not respond.

   "The leech should be a hermaphrodite, but allograft species. When mating, it can be male or female. If you are male, I will be female, and if you are female, I will be male. And it reproduces by oviparity."

   "This blood-sucking leech, but I don't know if this is also the way of reproduction?"

   "Also, the nature of the ability to absorb negative energy should also be clearly studied. If a hybridization experiment is carried out..."

  The first thought, of course, is that dragon flies hybridize with it.

   However, the size of the dragonfly is on the opposite side of the size of the blood-sucking leech, which is a bit too big.

  True hybrid, which must be directly ruled out.

   So, Dragon worker IVF?

   Or, somatic cell cloning experiments, repeated many times?

   Or...is it possible to perform chimera?


  The deepest trench in the Wuhen Sea.

   A dark giant hole with no luster at all.

   "I have felt the call of the storm horn to me!"

   Several ghost ships were silently approaching.

   One of the ships, the soul of Basaro, was beating fast as if it had a heart.

   Something is calling out to his senses!

   (end of this chapter)