Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 2: Dr. Green Dragon

   Chapter 2 Dr. Green Dragon

   Being considered too lazy by both Long Ma and Long Jie, this is not without reason.

   Deep in the thick foggy jungle.

   As soon as the front foot got rid of Long Jie, Isaac on the back foot lazily crawls under the dense thorns.

   His eyes were closed, as if he was asleep, only his slender tail swayed unconsciously, and the surrounding thorns were also moving.

   But if you look closely, you can find that these thorns have no contact with his body at all, as if they are conscious, they are actively avoiding his tail.

   This is the supernatural ability of the green dragon family.

   Let the rattan branches and the like hit them, unless the speed is too fast, they have no time to "hide"!

  Forest, born to be the territory of green dragons!

   In this supernatural ability, even natural races like wood elves and fairies are inferior to them!

   "Dragon blood is inherently rich in magic power, and through blood circulation, this magic power is transmitted to every part of the body, and there may be an interaction with the mysterious power of the brain, and even with the inheritance of the 'true name'."

   "According to this line of thinking, I have spell-like abilities in the same young dragon stage, but Altana does not, so my blood 'magic concentration' should be higher than hers!"

   "If you analyze it like this, the components of this chain structure are very likely to be the material expression factors of 'magic'."


   With his eyes closed, he seemed to be asleep, but Isaac muttered some noises from time to time.

  In his spiritual world, in a modern biological laboratory, a black-haired man is concentratingly observing and analyzing the latest blood samples, constantly comparing with previous records, and adding more data.

The structure of    dragon blood is completely different from the biological system he has studied and the blood composition he has studied before. All the data needs to be experimented, observed and analyzed by himself.

   However, the difficulty is certainly there, but it will not make him helpless.

  How to say he is also a genuine Dr. Green Dragon!

Isaac is five years old this year. As a young green dragon who has just passed the hatchling stage, he feels that he is definitely educated, thoughtful, and more promising. After all, he is a real doctor of biology, and he is a step ahead. Step by step, it took more than 20 years to learn it solidly!

   That's right, more than 20 years!

  Although his physical age is only five years old, he has indeed been educated for more than 20 years.

   Over the years, from awakening his real name, accepting the inheritance of the real dragon, and breaking out of his shell, every time he fell asleep, he would integrate into another life, a human life, and it was continuous.

   In his dream, he seemed to be one body with the human race. From birth, to enrollment, to growth, he was personally involved in every step.

In the dream, he had read a certain philosophy, studied a certain election, watched a certain black, and with his passion, he was admitted to the hope of the new century, the life sciences that would be embarrassed to hand over a resume without a Ph.D. I really got a doctorate, and I followed the Daniel mentor to work on a certain targeted drug topic.

  It's just that something went wrong some time ago. In a mouse experiment, there was no clue. His role in the dream suddenly changed, and he turned into the mouse.

  Then, the long needle tube, once injected, can only watch the small belly swell day by day, as if something is about to burst out...

too scary!

   For the first time, he woke up from a dream.

   After that, the dream changed, and he never entered that life again.

   It didn't take long for him to enter a formative period.

   I don't know if it's because of the dreaming and learning all these years, when he entered the young dragon stage, he actually awakened the spell-like ability in advance and possessed the caster level.

   is more than that.

   I don't know if it is because of the caster level. Once, when he recalled what he had learned in his dream, when he thought about the laboratory where he was doing research with his mentor, a scene of shocking dragon appeared.

   In his mind, an illusory laboratory appeared, with the exact same configuration as the laboratory in his dream.

   Moreover, he was able to project into it, and the projected image was exactly the protagonist of the dream life, Dr. Fang!

   These days of trying, these days of experiments, he has gradually summed up the rules.

The    laboratory can not only be projected in, but also bring real objects into it.

  Single is just projected to the lab, almost no consumption.

   However, if he wants to use the equipment in the laboratory, especially the power is relatively high, it will make him feel the burden.

   The burden is even greater when bringing in real objects.

   He just started to try to bring a fist-sized stone in, but it only lasted for a few minutes, and his spirit couldn't bear it anymore, and the stone was immediately repelled.

   Now doing experiments, he just ingests a little bit of dragon blood every time to maintain as long as possible and record more data.

   Even so, his experimental data is intermittent, and a lot of time is repeatedly wasted on the previous processing steps, after all…

   A drop of light black, slightly glowing blood appeared in front of the green dragon without warning, but as if it had already been prepared, the green dragon spat out a syllable and pointed its front paw toward it.

Before the    dripped down, an invisible energy lifted the blood and slowly floated to the green dragon claws.

   Spell-Like Abilities: 0-level conjuration "Hand of the Mage"!

   Green dragons are born magical creatures. As long as they step into the corresponding age group, they can naturally master certain spells, but they can only master certain spells.

The number of spells they can master is very limited. Maybe it is related to their real name, maybe it is related to the structure of the dragon body, or both are indispensable. Their spells are more like an ability, which is somewhat similar to a warlock, and is similar to that of a warlock. Mage builds spells by themselves, or memorizes spells, there are essential differences, so they are called spell-like abilities.

For example, Isaac, according to the information in the inheritance, there are only five level 0 tricks he can master, namely: acid splash, phantom sound, magician's hand, magic trick, and increase resistance, he can't learn by learning , and then master any other level 0 tricks, unless... he goes to a multi-level mage class.

However, according to the inherited memory, although the Green Dragons are naturally powerful, as long as they eat, sleep, and eat, they will be able to stand at the top of the biological chain sooner or later, but correspondingly, they have to work part-time jobs and further improve their professional level, which is more difficult. Even to a certain extent, it will affect the growth of the dragon family itself.

   Without personal experience, Isaac can’t judge the essence of this “experience penalty” for the time being, but it should be related to effects such as “compatibility” and “rejection”, right?

   took the blood sample in front of him, and Isaac grabbed another animal bone from under him.

This is the rib of a ferocious deer. The quality is okay, and it can barely withstand the corrosiveness of the blood of the green dragon. However, looking at the small holes in the animal bone, which he had dug out with his claws, that point and point has long been Dry black bloodstains...

   "I am eager to learn, it's really hard!"

   Putting this blood specimen into a new hole, the young dragon sighed, his eyes showing a heaviness that should not be expected at this age.

   As a green dragon who is studious and motivated, he is really too difficult.

   There is only so much time for research each day, but there is no equipment to store the blood samples each time, which makes him have to take fresh blood every time before he can start the research again.

   And fresh blood... This is either to release his own blood, or to fight with Long Jie Altana, to be precise, it was tortured, finally got a little blood, and had to run away.

   The difficulty is not only that, he has fresh blood and enters the laboratory, but he has to repeat the preparation steps such as purification and centrifugation from scratch. He wastes too much time and energy on this.

   But there is no way, as a young dragon sheltering under the wings of the dragon mother, he can't get treasures such as glass cups and crystal dishes.

  Maybe there is in the dragon mother's treasure house, but...

  Dragon mother Sylvia is a typical green dragon!

  As the most cunning and selfish dragon among the five-colored dragons, any creature who dares to approach the green dragon treasure house, as long as it does not exceed her ability, even her cubs, will never have any reason to survive!

In fact, let alone asking for treasure from Long Ma, sister and brother Erlong only need to show a little bit of sparkle and be seen by Long Ma... Hehe, Long Ma who pays too much for the family needs some "reasonableness" compensation!

   This made them develop the habit of burying their collections far away from the dragon's nest since they were young.

   "It is never possible to accumulate real wealth under Sylvia's eyes."

"But now is not the time to leave. The surrounding area of ​​the Forest of Thorns is not a stable place. I have to be stable. When the research has made great progress and the life energy level can be greatly improved, I will consider leaving. "

   "The first step of the research is 'magic'. Although there are some speculations now, more specimen data is needed."

   "If only I could get Sylvia's blood sample..."

   "In addition, you need a 'guinea pig'..."

   The new book is out, thank you for the collection recommendation


   (end of this chapter)