Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 236: Frost Giant's Hammer

   Chapter 236 Frost Giant's Hammer

   "The Legend of the Gods!"

   "Black-robed Mage Association and White-robed Mage Association!"

   "Legendary creatures with local characteristics!"

  Stayed in Kelton City for a few days.

   Read various books in the library during the day and quickly grasp the outline of the world.

   At night, he changed his identity, and turned around in places like taverns, and there was inevitably a conspiracy such as suggestion.

   Soon, Isaac began to clarify his direction in this world.

   The most important, of course, is the legend of some mortals who conferred gods.

   Of course, the direct involvement of the gods is also the most dangerous.

   Then, the two mainstream spellcasters in this world are also very distinctive, and they are worthy of his attention and understanding.

Not to mention    legendary creatures.

   Often, behind the legendary creatures, it means the origin of the transcendent level.

  Whether it is stealing ability, researching the source, or even directly "realizing" the source, it will inevitably promote his further strength.

   "Mantis above the rose! Six-armed sword saint!"

   "Flowing flames! The **** of alchemy!"

   In the database, after recording the two legends of the gods.

   Finally, Isaac stopped staying here.

   With a rough map from Enchantment, he quickly made his way out of Kelton City.

   just walked out, not too far away, it was another shadow move, and the figure disappeared directly under the shadow of a tree.

  Shadow-walking technique, the secret technique of entering the shadow world with the help of the shadow channel.

  Because the shadow world has connections with many planes, this secret technique can also be used to travel to other worlds.

   And because the speed of the shadow world is many times that of the main material world, it is often used for long-distance travel.

   However, no matter whether it is a long trip or a shuttle to another world, because the shadow world is unpredictable and strange, except for some followers of the **** of shadows, even some high-level mages may not be willing to set foot here easily.

   The same goes for Isaac!

   But this time, he just left Kelton City, and almost immediately, he performed the shadow movement technique.

   After a winding path of shadows, he was already in the endless darkness.

  This darkness is made up of layers of shadows intertwined. Being in it is like a body, but it exists in hundreds of different layers at the same time.

   Just here, whether it is the body or the soul, there is a feeling of being eroded by indescribable all the time, and it is possible to completely fall into this darkness at any moment and be assimilated by this world.

   Here, it is the shadow plane!

  It seems that this world is an endless desolation, and almost a shadow of life cannot be seen.

   However, Isaac's telepathy, from within the layers of shadows, cannot be seen directly by the naked eye.

   has always maintained the True Seeing Technique, and his eyes moved slightly.

   "The shadow world and that world are connected!"

   "But that person's belief has never been spread in that world..."

   Being in the shadow world, he didn't dare to think about the name of Lady Dark Night directly. However, since the shadow world and the blue forest world are connected...

   "The reason for those three gods?"

   In his eyes, there was a little contemplation.

   From what he has learned during this period of time, the main gods of the three major gods should all be supreme beings with powerful divine power!

   Lord of the sky!

   Void Sage!

   Chaos Abyss!

   The mainstream beliefs of the blue forest world are almost all dominated by these three!

   If it was because of them, the lady's belief system, that they didn't have a foothold in the blue forest world...

   "It shouldn't be! There should be some other reason!"

   Soon, Isaac shook his head.

   At least in the world of Ashan, Lady Dark Night's power is at the peak of all powerful divine powers.

   No matter how noble these three are, it is impossible to completely exclude Him.

   There should be some other reason.

   However, what the reason is, this is not what he is now, and he can speculate.

The pondering of   's thoughts quickly converged again.

   can already sense that a lot of mysterious eyes have revealed the shadow level, and they are watching him.

  Isaac's figure flickered again, and after a flash of light, it turned into a mass of darkness, which directly merged into all levels of the shadow world, without any strange aura flowing out.

   At the same moment, his eyes were originally focused on him, and almost all the mysteries existed, his eyes quickly turned away, and the more intelligent ones simply fled silently.

  Amazingly, what Isaac changed was Winged Night Shadow!

   With his life energy level, the flying winged night shadow that has changed, even beyond adulthood, even in the shadow world, is an absolute "local" powerhouse!

   Ignoring those mysterious existences, he just turned into a flying wing night shadow, the "acceleration technique" that he can cast at will, he is already teleporting, shuttle between various shadow levels.


   Flying Wing Night Shadow's speed is even faster than his green dragon body, especially in the shadow world.

   High-speed shuttle for most of the day.

  Although he has encountered extremely powerful and strange shadows several times, one of them is a shadow giant with a body as huge as a hill. Even in the shadow world, he almost has a substantial body. Even he had to detour for half a circle.

   However, there was no direct collision after all.

   After all, no matter what, Feiyi Yeying is also one of the most tyrannical races in the shadow world, and even more, native!

   Guessing that the space to be crossed should be almost the same, Isaac directly released the shadow-walking technique, and his body suddenly returned to the main material world from the shadow world.

   It was almost dusk.

   On the other side of Kelton City, it is still autumn.

   This side has long been covered with snow and ice, or, it may be all year round, covered with snow and ice all the time.

   This is a snowy tundra.

   In the whistling cold wind, there is a heavy snowfall of goose feathers, flying overwhelmingly.

  Isaac, who was reincarnated in human form, was flying in this blizzard. He was not familiar with this world, and naturally he could not find accurate terrain positioning.

   "At least in the north."

   "Find an intelligent creature that can communicate first!"

  He put on a black robe against the blizzard, and quickly disappeared into the tundra.

  The night is also falling quickly.

  The snow-white tundra was gradually eroded by darkness.

   It was not until late at night that the violent snow finally began to subside.

  Isaac, who has never stopped, has found a continuous ice and snow mountain at this time.

   As a green dragon with rich experience of survival in the wilderness since he was a child, although he is traveling in this ice world for the first time, he is quite familiar with it.

  Where there are mountains, there is definitely much more biological complexity than the boundless snowfields.

   If you want to find intelligent creatures, you should naturally go to the mountains.

   did not wait for dawn, his figure floated lightly on the ice and snow, like a ghost, without a single footprint, he quickly penetrated into the mountain range.

  Powerful dark vision, and the faint reflection of the snow, the night could not stop him.

   However, when searching for living things, he did not observe with his eyes.

   At least this night, the range of telepathy is obviously far beyond his dark vision.


   quickly shuttled through the mountain peaks, and although the telepathy captured a lot of creatures, they were all unable to complete a clearer communication.

   At most, only in the consciousness of a few icefield predators, there is some fear of a certain direction.

  Isaac also pointed that way.

   After rushing for a while, after crossing a particularly steep snow-capped peak.

   Before he could see it, his spiritual sight lifted up at this moment, as if he was looking at the night sky somewhere.

   "It seems, the breath of faith!"

   "But...not like a temple!"

In the eyes of   , there is a little contemplation and pondering.

   In just a moment, his telepathy was slowly receding, and his footsteps became more light. Like a breeze, he silently disappeared under the night sky.

   gradually approached.

   This is a huge valley sandwiched between two peaks.

  At the entrance of the valley, far away from Isaac's dark vision, under the eyes of true knowledge, there are already slices of magical aura, all over the area.

   Among them, in the direction of the front, a large piece of aura is interlaced, forming a phantom, this form...

  It seems, door type?

   However, this is more than twenty feet, a giant gate that is close to thirty feet high...

   The scope of the target is rapidly narrowing in his mind.

   When thinking about a certain race, his footsteps stopped for a while, and his eyes slowly closed, and his spiritual consciousness, which was originally restrained, was projected into the past again.

   did not touch the magical aura, and soon, the two should be asleep, but even if they were asleep, the soul that still revealed a cold-blooded and violent aura fell into his induction.

   "Sure enough!"

  Inherited information, just a little observation of the nature of their souls, Isaac immediately reflected their identities in his heart.

  Frost Giant!

   He lives in a cold region, but he has a family of giants, even cold-blooded giants with a more violent nature than fire giants!

   "So, the belief behind..."

  The consciousness of the mind continues to spread forward, and at the same time it becomes more hidden.

When one frost giant after another entered the induction, and there were even a few of them, they had absolutely completed their inauguration, and the advanced giants with a sense of strength were also silently captured. Finally, a building that should be an altar, in the In his spiritual consciousness, it was gradually depicted.

   On this altar, it seems that a huge war hammer is enshrined upside down.

   His spiritual consciousness touched the past, and there was a furious roar in his ear. A frost giant as huge as a mountain, like a demon, with infinite power, directly impacted his mind.

   This frost giant is holding an ice blasting cold iron mallet in both hands.

   With a violent roar, what came from above the hammer was an aura that was almost at the conceptual level!

   However, Isaac has had too much contact with the power of concepts, let alone the approximation, it is the "Snake of the Universe", the "Origin of the Dragon", and he has come into contact with it more than once.

   It's just the breath of this big hammer that can't shock his soul at all.

   On the contrary, he also quickly deciphered the concept of sledgehammer breath.

   "Ice! Fury! Hate! Chaos and Evil!"

   "The one enshrined is indeed the one in the abyss!"

  The feud between the dragons and the giants, after he entered adulthood, the information he inherited from his inheritance also gave him a certain understanding of the giant gods.

The beliefs of the   frost giants are, in general, polarized.

   Part of the Frost Giants believe in the God of the Frost Giants of the Giant God Department. This is also the most orthodox belief since the creation of the Frost Giants.

   However, since the birth of an abyss lord, this "orthodoxy" has gradually declined.

   Pit Lord, Lord of Wrath, Koschurch!

   This abyss lord who combines all anger and hatred is the ultimate symbol of the evil and madness of the frost giants. From the day he was born, he replaced the **** of the frost giants and became the most orthodox belief of the frost giant family.

   He is also known as the King of Frost Giants!

   "It seems to be staggered from the lamentation Hanchuan."

   "The ancient white dragon may conquer some frost giant tribes, but he will never allow his servants to worship the King of Wrath like this. Such an instrument of faith must be directly put into his treasure house."

   However, it’s okay to stagger it!

   If he hadn't staggered, how could he see such a treasure!

   "With the combination of 'change form' and 'soul virtuality', I wonder if it can normally activate the power of this war hammer? If it can, it will be another killer!"

"Followers of the Lord of Wrath, in addition to frost giants, there are trolls and ogres of the giant subspecies. With the ever-expanding scale of the troll army, it is even faster to 'charge' it than this tribe of frost giants. ."

   "The only question now... The overall strength of this tribe, especially, how far can they use the power of this war maul?"

   As the thoughts floated, Isaac's eyes flickered a few times, and the figure was actually going backwards.

   "No hurry!"

   "First find out their roots, and then see how they can be won at one time."

   "The normal age of an ancient dragon is almost a thousand years. In the north, for such a long time, the ancient white dragon can accommodate them. It can be seen that this tribe is by no means a simple generation."

   "Looking at the magic prohibitions in the valley also illustrates this point."

   "First, get to know them indirectly. If necessary, maybe you can test the attitude of the white dragon!"

At the same time as the    figure disappeared into the darkness, another strange color flowed through Isaac's eyes.

   Save others by himself. If he were a white dragon, he would obviously never want to see such disgusting creatures exist around the territory, especially if such disgusting creatures were not his slaves!

   So, White Dragon should be a potential collaborator if needed!

   But this collaboration...

   "Either do it before returning to the world of Ashan. Then simply don't disclose the information about the 'White Dragon Envoy', and then pick him up when you get it!"

   "Either, consider Eugene and the others! Or, Haywards is also a possibility!"

   "But to use them, the ownership of that hammer will have to be re-discussed..."

   In the blink of an eye, Isaac soon tended to cooperate with White Dragon.

   Of course, it’s not too late to decide whether it is necessary to join hands with Bailong first!

   Thank you "Book Friend 151107083748377" for 500 coins, and "Free as a Wave" 100 coins, thank you brothers for your support!



   (end of this chapter)