Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 301: The Covenant of Thousand Dragons (6K for

   Chapter 301 The Covenant of Thousand Dragons (6K for subscription)

   Hearing the "Higher Dragon Covenant" instinctively, Sylvia had doubts, her son was probably going to take the opportunity to slaughter her.

  Although it was just a moment ago, she was still thinking, no matter what, her child is much more reliable than the guy next to her.

   However, the green dragon is a green dragon after all, no matter what thoughts in her heart, Sylvia still smiled, as if she was sure that her child would never cheat on her.

  After all...to regain the territory, she still has to rely on him!

   Merifiz on the side is also paying attention.

   Anyway, Sylvia has a good relationship with him. If the content of the contract is really strict, he will definitely speak up!

after all.

   Although he is not like Sylvia, he has a request here. To regain the territory, he must rely on this side. Furthermore, as long as the contract is not too much, Sylvia will basically accept it.

   However, if you can talk about the contract conditions to a certain extent, on the premise of having a real alliance with this side, you can really expand your wealth, preferably a big expansion.

   Merifiz felt that he was not unacceptable.

   After all, long before he came here, he had a considerable understanding of this green dragon with his bloodline.

   Establish a certain degree of covenant with this side, and Ben is also in his plan!

   "Of course!"

   "However, my dear Sylvia, you can always believe that, let's not say that the law is like me, I won't cheat any friends, even if I will, I will never cheat on you!"

   "I have already drawn up the contract, you and Merifiz may wish to have a look!"

   Isaac was sincere when he smiled at the dragon mother. How could he not know the suspicion and sensitivity of the green dragon, let alone the dragon mother.

   As he said, in a flash of aura, a scroll appeared in front of him, and under the support of an invisible energy, it quickly flew towards the dragon mother.

   Sylvia took it, and Merifiz naturally approached.

   "A Thousand Dragons Covenant?"

The first time the    scroll was opened, he didn't even see the text, and the eyes of the two dragons froze.

   A few words, but...

   This is really, really majestic momentum!

   However, does he really think that he has such qualifications to build such a covenant?

   Also, are there so many five-colored dragons, even giant dragons, on this side of Ashan World?

   After all, without questioning anything directly, the two of Sylvia looked down again.

The first article of the    contract is actually the secrecy regulation.

   Both parties to the contract are obliged to keep all the contents of the contract confidential, including the confidentiality of all identities, all sources, and all information of the other party.

   Sylvia took a look at it a little, and thought for a while, thinking that this is nothing, after all, it does not involve any interests!

   Continue to look back.

   First, the joint development right of all resources in the territory!

  According to the regulations, all resources in her territory must be jointly developed by both parties.

   She provides resources, Isaac provides human and material resources, and guarantees to purchase at normal market prices, and also guarantees at least the purchase volume of each year, and so on.

   and the final benefit distribution for each mining area.

   After removing the cost of development.

The first ten years will be distributed according to a 5:4:1 ratio, namely, Sylvia will take 50% of the income, Isaac will take 40% of the income, and the last 10% will belong to the Dragon Cult as a sacrifice Dedicated to the great dragon queen!

   Ten years later, this share will directly change to 8:1:1, and Sylvia can own 80%!

   Seeing this, Sylvia's eyes have lighted up a little, not only her, but Merifiz doesn't feel a little bit moving.

   It seems that it is not harsh, and even, after ten years, it is more about the conscience of the conscience.

   After all, this is in the form of a contract, which stipulates that it will be acquired at the "market price"!

   And this contract is guaranteed by the "Higher Dragon Covenant"!

Over the years, their territory has naturally produced resources such as minerals, but... the five-colored evil dragon has a good reputation, and they will trade with them to a certain extent, often only those businessmen who take huge risks and run for huge profits. , or, simply orcs, or some sort of evil sect.

   For these people.

   Market price?

  Don't even think about it!

   Therefore, not to mention 80% of the income after ten years, it is the current, if it is traded at the "market price", even if it is only a 50% share, it is actually not a loss at all.

   Not to mention, on the basis of production, Isaac also guaranteed the purchase volume!

   Once this amount comes up, what they can get...

   That's right, Merifiz has transformed "her" into "them"!

   However, everyone is a five-colored dragon, and everyone knows the basics. If there is more to be talked about, he will obviously not refuse, right?

   "Isaac, isn't 50% of the income in the first ten years a little too little? Not to mention that this is Sylvia's territory after all, she is your mother, and she has been wandering around all these years, impoverished..."

   Merifiz's gaze turned from the contract to the opposite side.

   As Sylvia's only spouse, he felt that it was necessary for him to fight for her greater good.

   "First of all, as you all know, I have to invest countless human resources to start production in each mining area. Not to mention transporting them out, whether it is the safety of the route or other aspects, it is also a huge investment.

   Within ten years, it will only occupy 40%. After ten years, it will almost be equivalent to quitting. Whether the benefits I can obtain and whether this investment can be filled is unknown.

   This contract for Sylvia, including yours, is actually the highest template of the "Covenant of Thousand Dragons".

   All other giant dragon contracts are based on age groups.

  50% within ten years.

   After that, 50% of adults and below.

   Sixty percent in prime years, seventy percent in old age, and 80 percent in very old age!

  Only in this aspect, the benefits I have given you are innumerable!

   Not to mention, in the regulations below, I will give you enough support in other aspects, and even teach you how to gain more powerful power! "

  Isaac said calmly.

   However, although his voice was calm, the eyes of Sylvia and Merifiz immediately swept to the regulations behind!

support! Even, power?

   After the joint development of territorial resources, it is a military alliance between the two sides.

All    are obliged to provide corresponding assistance when the other side is invaded by foreign enemies. Of course, if you choose to accept this help, you must also pay a corresponding price.

   There are also regulations such as choosing whether to participate in external actions or even wars.

   This is no longer an obligation, but after learning about it, it must comply with the most important principle of "secrecy".

   Sylvia and Merifiz's eyes swept over this quickly, and they quickly agreed.

   To a certain extent, this can really be regarded as Isaac's support for them. After all, compared to this side, their overall strength is very different.

   and later.

  Compared to the previous, complicated divisions on development and alliances, this is a simple and clear regulation.

   But it was this ordinance, and the eyes of the two dragons narrowed.


   "Replace our natural spell abilities with new ones?"

   Unable to help, the eyes of the two of them, as if by coincidence, were raised to Isaac's side at the same time.

   The rule is simple, Isaac will teach them how to master new magical abilities to replace spells that are not important to them.

   Accordingly, in addition to the principle of confidentiality, they must accept a condition.

  When Isaac needs it, they must serve Isaac unconditionally and with all their might!

  Although this "unconditional" is an abnormal premise, but...a new spell ability!

In their prime, they have only seven caster levels and can only cast third-level spells, but that's it, if they can replace all spells with "fireball", "lightning beam", "hailstorm" and the like Evocation spells, which are still a great complement to their poisonous breath.

   Not to mention, the further back this goes, when they have a higher caster level, they will obviously be stronger!


Facing the eyes of the two of them, Isaac could naturally see the hesitation that he couldn't suppress in the surprise, and said calmly: "No doubt, since I wrote them on the 'Covenant of Thousand Dragons', I naturally received them. The High Dragon Covenant' guarantee. As long as you agree, this secret art can be taught to you at any time."

   "I think, I don't have any problems." Long Ma nodded without hesitation.

  There is no five-colored dragon that would reject a stronger power!

   Only this contract, her son, is indeed a kiss!

   "Basically, I totally agree, but I have some ideas."

   Merifiz naturally regarded this contract as his own.

However, looking at Isaac, he had a slightly strange look, and seeing that there was nodding, he continued: "One, why do you want to let the Dragon Cult take up that 10% of the revenue? Give it to the Great Dragon Queen. Serve, we can too!

Also, this 'Covenant of Thousand Dragons', although you have added the 'Principle of Confidentiality', but to a certain extent, especially when some people are very old, they are no longer bound by the 'Covenant of Higher Dragons', then I am afraid that It's hard to hide from some people.

   No matter who you are, you want to participate in it, and you can control the alliance.

   Or those old guys from the good camp, or those metal dragons, who think it is a real threat.

   If you really want to develop the "Covenant of Thousand Dragons", it is also necessary to think about this stake in advance! "

  Merry Fitz is greedy, for example, he also thinks that he can save on the income offered to the Dragon Queen, at least he can't give up his name to the Dragon Cult.

   However, this does not mean that he has no vision.

   Just from the name of the "Covenant of Thousand Dragons", he knew that his son's ambition was unbelievable!

   However, ambition often requires enough strength to match!

   and can match the "Covenant of Thousand Dragons"...

   In the eyes he looked at Isaac, there was some warning.

  Under the premise that he himself does not have such strength and qualifications, he still prefers Isaac, no matter what, he is also related by blood!

   "These two problems are actually one!"

In Isaac's eyes, a ray of indifference revealed: "Sylvia knows, I have already held the green dragon crown, but you don't know, just ten days ago, the great dragon queen kissed her. Holy decree, hand over the Dragon Worship Cult to me!

Although the   red dragon envoy has some temper, but I have to persuade him personally, he has also decided that he will temporarily retire for a few years, and his people will also cooperate with my relevant orders! "

   After these words, Sylvia and Sylvia felt a sudden shock in their hearts.

   Take charge of the Dragon Cult!

  More, persuade the Red Dragon Envoy to quit!

   They naturally understand what this "persuasion" means!

  Although I don’t know how powerful the Red Dragon Envoy is, how could it be an ordinary Red Dragon who can take charge of the Dragon Worship Cult?

   And I can persuade the Red Dragon Envoy to retreat...

   For a while, Merifiz knew why he dared to launch this "Covenant of Thousand Dragons", and why he would give out a portion of the proceeds to worship the great dragon queen!

  Perhaps, behind this "Covenant of Thousand Dragons", there is the shadow of the great dragon queen, right?

Since he would never mention the 10% profit again, Merifiz nodded decisively: "Okay, since you are in charge of the Dragon Worship Cult, Sylvia and I will naturally give our full support. Everything about the 'Covenant of Thousand Dragons' , we all agree that when needed, as long as the Dragon Cult is still under your control, we can also provide corresponding assistance at any time!"

   Sylvia nodded and reconsidered.

  Isaac also smiled.

After the    green dragon crown was given a new ability, he was thinking about how to maximize this effect.

  Thinking about it, the influence on the person of the dragon vein, for him, a giant dragon in charge of a kingdom, although it is somewhat useful, but it is a bit big, but it is hard to say.

   In the end, he still made his mind up on those five-colored kinsmen!

   is another benefit, a covenant, and a brand new magical ability...

   Just looking at Sylvia and Merifiz, he knew that he should be able to make it bigger!

   In particular, he also worships the Dragon Cult in his palm, and has relevant materials and files for quite a few of the five-colored races, which provides enough convenience for his plan.

   As for that, he said to Sylvia and the two, it’s hard to fill in the investment and so on…

   That's it!

   Maybe because of the investment, he really didn't make much profit from the production of Yingying resources.

   But don't forget, what is produced is only the roughest raw ore!

   Of course, he purchased the raw ore at the market price, so that the five-colored compatriots could earn more, but... the in-depth development and utilization of the raw ore, what he could earn further, was actually far more than that of his compatriots!

   Not to mention, with the continuous expansion of the "Covenant of Thousand Dragons", the five-colored clan treats him individually, but he faces everyone...

   "The production, transportation, and deep utilization of resources will not only mean wealth, but will also drive countless teams and armies!"

   "When there are enough allies, when the scale of resources is large enough, so large that you can even master more aspects through monopoly..."

   "At the same time, this can also bring more and more belief to the Dragon Queen. Only this one, the Dragon Worship Cult is in my hands, it is unshakable!"

   "Not to mention, with the continuous expansion of the 'Thousand Dragon Covenant', there is only the promise of 'unconditionally make one shot'..."

  Isaac had already called out the green dragon crown, ready to formally complete the "Higher Dragon Covenant" with the dragon mother.

   In his heart, he was also smiling at the same time.

   With just one "full shot", he can switch to the secret technique of "replacing natural spell ability", and his five-colored kin obviously made a profit.

   However, he certainly didn’t lose much!

after all.

   One, this is knowledge, and knowledge will never be lost because of its dissemination!

   Of course, more importantly…

Turning his eyes slightly, while launching the "Higher Dragon Covenant", Isaac was still distracted, thinking in his heart, what kind of things and what kind of things are worthy of him to launch "Thousands of Thousands of Dragons". The power of the dragon!


It took    two days to sign the "Agreement of Thousand Dragons" with Long Ma and Merifiz respectively, and then taught them all the corresponding secret techniques.

  Isaac closed the door of his mage tower again and devoted himself to the analysis of dragon magic.

   It was only a month and a few days away from the time that Eugene agreed, but he wanted to speed up.

   "Breath Energy Replacement!"

   "Exorcism Breath!"

   "Wind Wings!"

   "Analyze all these three kinds of magic as much as possible in order!"

   "breathing energy replacement" needless to say, this will make his highly poisonous breath impossible to guard against.

Like a lich, like a lich, they all have resistance that is almost immune to poison. If he replaces the energy of the dragon's breath, he would not care about the highly poisonous breath, but when he sees the spout, it turns out to be a flame. If you breathe...

  Isaac can imagine their panic at that time!

   is more than that.

   Since he was able to complete the analysis of the "breathing energy replacement", and then trace the principle, he felt that it would be feasible to also complete the energy replacement for the corresponding element-based energy transformation spell!

   at most, how long it takes and how many resources are spent!

   As for the "Exorcism Breath".

  Remove magic is not only effective for some defensive spells and status spells, but also has a depressing effect on quite a few magic equipment!

   On this basis, add a large area, plus the damage of the poisonous dragon breath...

   This is naturally the top research priority!

   And "Wings of Wind", the only one "enhancing mobility" means that it is more effective than "Acceleration"!

   Not to mention, they can still be attached at the same time!

   A laboratory specializing in spell testing.

The fluctuations of the    element began very quickly.

   First, it is highly poisonous!

   After a few days, flames began to appear, followed by ice, lightning, and acid!

   To be done to a certain extent.

  In the soul, from the "light wheel of the sky", with the flashing of some elemental aura.

   "Fourth-level spell, breath energy replacement!"

  The mind's grasp of the special ability of "Universal Origin", Isaac has completed the analysis of this dragon's magic.

   is more than that.

   His eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was comprehending some kind of evolution, or perfection, in the "Light Wheel of Days".

   After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes, and the light of wisdom flashed and disappeared in his eyes.

   "The end of the 'breathing energy replacement' should correspond to the ability of 'element control'!"

   "However, with my current accumulation of knowledge in the field of elements, there is still a considerable distance to form this ability through 'Universal Knowledge'!"

   "To complete this accumulation, in addition to the in-depth study of the energizing spell, the study of the etheric plane and the elemental plane is also indispensable."

  Isaac's heart gradually became more certain.

   "Spraying Energy Replacement", or changing "Fireball" to "Ice Ball", this is just a single magic effect change, and it needs to be prepared in advance to a spell slot or the like.

The real height of    is still at the level of knowledge.

  Only with enough knowledge and the ability of "element control" can he replace all kinds of energy at will, and he does not need to prepare corresponding magic on the spell slot!

   Another topic! Again, it takes time and investment!

   Completed the record in the laboratory first, and Isaac continued his research on "exploitation and breathing".

This spell,   , is not the same as energy replacement.

   is also activated by breath, and energy replacement focuses on the direct transformation of dragon breath.

   And the expelling method spit...

   "It seems to be a kind of writing! Or rather, blending!"

   "One breath, two effects! If it wasn't behind the 'breathing energy replacement', which pointed to the control of elements, the meaning of 'exploding breath' might be even more interesting than it!"

   Day by day, the essence of the spell is gradually becoming clearer, but Isaac is getting more and more involved.

   He already felt that the study of "Exploitation and Breathing" was just an introduction!

   Since "dispelling magic" can be written into the dragon's breath, what about "higher dispelling magic"?

   Even, what about dissociation, cracking, energy absorption, etc.?

   Or, can the related energy spells be breathed together with the dragon breath?

   is another subject that requires time and investment!


   "There's no need to hurry."

   "It's all magic research, until the one who sends the inheritance of the four major advancements and the two rituals to study them together, they should be able to promote each other!"

  Thinking of that one, Isaac finally distracted himself and looked at the timing.

   It is only about a week away from the two-month period he made with Eugene!

   It is estimated that both Stadt and Rodnick should have arrived!

   It seems that Wings of Wind is too late to complete the research!

   "With the arrival of the inheritance of immortality, the obligations I need to undertake will also unfold accordingly!"

"Dugas' Magic Research Institute, you can switch to Natural Green. First, start with a small-scale magic branch in the First Academy of the Kingdom, and then continue to absorb outstanding students who are suitable for the profession of inaugural mage. On the contrary, The followers of the God of Knowledge..."

   In the light of his eyes, there are some thoughts.

   He has never rejected the obligation of being the chief controller of the inheritance base, and he planned earlier.

   However, he was also negotiating with his plan a few days ago. As far as he knew about the relevant information on the Green of Nature, the belief in the God of Knowledge was spread within the Kingdom's First Academy.

  The God of Knowledge, the powerful divine power of the absolutely neutral camp, has many beliefs in the North, and among the mages who believe in this, there is also a considerable base!

As far as he knows, among the professors recruited by Kingdom First Academy, there are several believers of this one, and one of them, the spell caster, has no doubt already held a considerable position among the students. !

   "The Church of Knowledge generally adheres to the principle of absolute neutrality. If it is not necessary, there is no need for conflict."

   "On the contrary, maybe you can pull them into the kingdom and bring more knowledge reserves!"

   "With projects such as academic libraries and city libraries to disseminate knowledge, they should actively support them!"

   After planning for a while, the thoughts slowly settled down.

   continued to devote himself to the analysis of "Exorcism Breath".

   It wasn't until a few days later that a shadow beacon was activated that he finally stopped all this.

   Eugene's side is finally done!

   After a little tidying up and banning, Isaac quickly appeared in the sky above Dundrum after an electric light.

   Thank you "xiaotang246" for the 100 coins, thank you brother for your support!



   (end of this chapter)