Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 303: first sight

   Chapter 303

  Eugene left soon after.

Before    left, he informed Isaac and the others. If nothing else happened, he and Teacher Satan would return to the Tower of Shadows, and they should have passed through half planes.

   Therefore, Isaac did not intend to indent the laboratory for a while.

  Stater's Mage Tower, the parlour.

   "The Tower of Shadows follows the rules of the organization, but I have no intention of changing it.

   However, I intend to plan a magic academy on the green side of nature. Initially, it will only be in the name of the first branch of the Kingdom's Academy. After everything is on the right track, it will become independent.

   In this way, the Magic Academy can not only select outstanding students for the Tower of Shadows, but also enrich the heritage of the kingdom.

  I wonder if you are interested in participating? "

  Isaac looked at the two opposite.

   To this old friend for many years, he did not hide his purpose. Of course, his purpose was within the allowable range of the place of eternal life, and even, to a certain extent, he was encouraged by the person behind Eugene.

   Based on the Magic Academy, the top students are absorbed into the Tower of Shadows. Although it is basically impossible for ordinary students to be absorbed, as the scale of spellcasters continues to grow, the overall strength of the kingdom is undoubtedly growing.

   This is naturally reflected in the background of the kingdom!

   "Your plan, we have to support it."

   "However, for the time being, it is not convenient for us to actually show up."

   "If everything goes well, I can put a name on it when the work on Altana's side is completed."

  Stater nodded slightly.

  As she was promoted to the legendary rank and truly stepped into the rank of those who are in control of immortality, her name has also been heavily bolded by the other three institutions!

   At this juncture, it is not suitable for direct appearance.

   The same goes for Rodnick.

However, after a look of contemplation came out of his skinny old face like a skeleton, the legendary real necromancer said again: "Stater is right, although the four of us are sitting in the tower, the tower of ghosts It will never be inferior to any branch of the synthesis place, but for the time being, there is no need to attract their attention.

   However, just like your plan, the success of the Magic Academy is indeed related to the future of the Tower of Shadows.

   Although it is inconvenient for us to come forward directly, it is still possible to secretly arrange some members of the organization to go in to teach. "

After all, Rodnick has not yet undergone the transformation of the Lich, and he is not like the old antiques of the Necronomicon. .

  Stat pondered for a while, and nodded slowly.

   The connection between Isaac and them, although never really made public, is still evident.

Under the premise of   , just arranging ordinary members of some institutions will not attract much attention.

   "Okay! Since that's the case, I will officially start preparations. Give me the list you arranged as soon as possible, and I will try to hide their identities as much as possible."

After Isaac and the two discussed this aspect for a while, he gradually turned his words to another aspect: "It is reported that Eltana was imprisoned in the third research tower of the synthesis place, and her The tower master is the 'Messenger of All Things' Shanar, one of the seven masters of the synthesis place, I wonder if there is more detailed information on this?"

   "The seven masters correspond to the seven research towers in the synthesis place."

"'The Messenger of All Things' Shanar is in charge of the third research tower. He has a legendary expertise in the field of change and creation, which is not only reflected in his transformation of creatures and even creation, but also means that he has a unique Legendary magic!"

  Statter didn't hide anything in this regard. Not surprisingly, because of Altana's affairs, their primary goal in the future should be this third research tower!

   And the place of immortality and the place of synthesis pay attention to each other, the level of the messenger of all things is high enough, and it will naturally receive more attention.

   Although he doesn't say he is sure of everything, at least, as long as he has revealed abilities, spells, and magical equipment, there are definitely relevant records in the archives of the synthesis place.

   An introduction, a memory, and some more inquiries from time to time.

   Gradually, even among the top-level controllers of the synthesis place, there is a legendary mage with a splendid name. In Isaac's heart, a general image is being formed.

   A master in the field of golden scroll research!

   is more blue than blue, and has a decisive contribution to the creation of the Rakshasa army of synthesis!

   You should have taken up the legendary job "Life Mentor" in the place of synthesis!

   Take the scepter of a legendary spellcaster!

   And the robe of the Crimson Archmage!


   Soon after a few days.

   is arranging the servants to start preparations for the "Covenant of Thousand Dragons".

   And through the Consulate and the independent body, the relevant information of the Magic Academy is released to the outside world.

   Suddenly, Isaac's heart moved.

   In his ear, a text message: "Isaac, we are about to return. See you in half."

   is Eugene's voice.

   That one is finally here!

   will not only bring about a legacy, but also…

   "Okay, I'll go over immediately."

   Thought, while Isaac responded quickly, his eyes flickered slightly again.

   Whether the Endless Curse Satan is the absolute number one in the place of immortality, he is not sure yet, after all, how many old-fashioned Lichs there are in the place of immortality, and how powerful, at least he is now, it is definitely impossible to count them all.

   However, just look at this legendary spell research note... There is no doubt that this person definitely has something worth his time and energy to study and research!

  The thought flashed for a moment, with some anticipation, after a flash of electric light, Isaac's figure disappeared from the dragon's nest.


  No, it's the Tower of Shadows!

  Stater and Rodnick apparently also received the "SMS", Isaac was teleporting, and the two had also flown out of their respective mage towers.

   Almost the three of them just came together and arrived before Eugene's Mage Tower.

   A wave that prohibits dissolution.

   A dark aura flashed above the obelisk, and the tower door opened on its own.

   Another shadow servant greeted them and led them to the lift platform quickly, heading for the very core of the Mage Tower.

   At this time, Isaac's keen perception could actually sense a hint of restraint from the two legendary mages beside him, as if... the students went to see the tutor!

   "The fruit is extraordinary!"

   "I haven't really seen it yet, so I can make Stutter and the others look like this!"

   "In reverence for his profound knowledge?"

   "Or in awe of its power?"

   "Or, should he also be regarded as a teacher, right?"

   In my heart, while Isaac moved slightly, that expectation became more profound.

Driven by    magic power, the lift platform arrived at the destination soon.

  Two figures immediately entered Isaac's eyes.

  Eugene was directly ignored by Isaac. Holding the dark scepter, he was taking a step back at the moment, standing behind the front one, as if he was headed by this respectful gesture.

   And this...

   Wearing a dark purple robe of an archmage, not only is that magical aura, it is incredibly powerful, it is definitely a robe of legendary quality, and it is ancient and gorgeous.

  Isaac's Eye of True Knowledge looked at it at a glance, and was almost dazzled by the aura of this archmage's robe.

   "Absolutely inscribed countless spells!"

   "There should be a trigger, even a chain trigger!"

   "Although it's 'just' legendary equipment, if you only look at the power, it's just as difficult to say that the ordinary holy weapon is compared with it!"

  The most important thing, this kind of equipment must be directly from this person!

   And the holy artifact and the like are related to gods and god-like powers!

After   's eyes were involuntarily dazzled by the legendary robe, Isaac really looked at this face.

  Like the most orthodox big necromancer, the muscles of this face have also completely withered, like a layer of gray skin, set on a skeleton skull.

   The smell of old age and death, but at the same time…

   "Not a real undead yet!"

   "No Lich Transformation yet!"

   When Isaac's eyes met the pale yellow and dead eyes on the opposite side, a thought came to his mind.

"Respected King Reid, Respected His Majesty Isaac, I met for the first time, but I have long been fascinated. I am Satan, and I officially welcome you to join the place of eternal life." The skull's lips did not move, but there was peace, and then Wei Xiao's respectful voice seemed to come from his soul.

  Just listen to this voice...

   It doesn't look like the big boss of the evil camp at all, but rather looks like a neutral camp!

  Isaac's heart moved slightly.

   But for a while, he didn't speculate too much.

   The opposite side gave him respect, and naturally he would not fail to respond.

With a slight smile, Isaac showed respect in his eyes: "It's my honor to join the place of immortality and swim in the sea of ​​magic. It's something I've been looking forward to for a long time to see Teacher Satan. You The magical tome I wrote, especially from the field of 'heart', the direction of the discussion of legendary spells, is a great guide for me to take a step out of my destiny."

"The destiny has always been within yourself. Your Majesty can take this step because you have reached your own level. You and I are at the same level. This 'teacher' is called, but it is not necessary." Satan's skull cannot be completed. The expression expressed, however, in his eyes that were dead, but always indifferent, there was a kind of friendliness, and, a ray of equality!

   Although the green dragon has a very low attitude, but his long life experience will never really put a dragon of conferred gods on the level of his "student"!

   Especially, he has great expectations for this one!

  Isaac's mind can naturally grasp the transmission of this person's thoughts.

   couldn't help but be right, Stutter and the others have come to understand why they respect this guy.

Another smile: "Teacher doesn't have to be like this. Maybe we have our own strengths in other aspects, but in the field of synthesis, in the field of magic, in the field of knowledge, you are a symbol of profundity and authority. Master, I am also looking forward to the day when I can truly learn from you."

   Not to mention respect for this person, not to mention the importance of the inheritance brought by this person, Isaac also really has the intention to ask this person for advice!

   This person is highly skilled in the field of legendary spell research. If he can absorb something from it, not to mention that it will greatly promote the improvement of his "experience", and he will definitely improve it, and even improve the level of "The Wheel of Days"!

   If he has this opportunity, he is really treating him like a teacher, but he is absolutely happy!

  Thinking back then, he was willing to regard that Master Dunlow as his teacher just for those low-level spells!

   is also the destiny, and the mind also touches the height of the idea.

  Isaac could grasp the equal respect of Satan.

  Satan can also grasp Isaac's most sincere yearning for knowledge.

For the first time, in his pale yellow eyes, there was a gleam of wisdom in his expression, and there was some emotion in his voice: "I heard about His Majesty's focus on magic earlier, and when I see you today, it is really sincere. And sincere. Only with this eternal sincerity, not only the natural domain of dragons, but also the magic domain will definitely have a place for Your Majesty!

  It's a pity that there is civil strife in Rayloran. I can't stay here for a long time, and it is not convenient for you to go there at this time. To discuss the mystery of magic, I am afraid that you will have enough time after all the waves have subsided.

   However, the inheritance of the Tower of Shadows should also allow His Majesty to study for some years.

   If your Majesty has any doubts, you can discuss it with the three of them first. "

   After all the waves have subsided!

The meaning of    is obviously to finish the final battle before watching it!

  While Isaac nodded slightly, another hint of regret appeared.

However, he didn't insist too much on this, his eyes flashed, his words followed a certain sentence of Satan, and turned to the other side, with some questions in his eyes: "Teacher is here, come here, I don't know how long we can stay? We have something to do, and we want to ask you for advice, or we also need your support."


   Three legendary mages and a dragon of conferred gods are unable to grasp it, and you still need to invite him to stand up?

   In Satan's lifeless eyes, a strange color moved slightly: "What's the matter?"

   "It's related to the ancient witches, and there is a high probability that the witches and witches are involved, but the most important thing is that there is a belief in an unfamiliar god..."

Although    has already obtained the will of the great dragon queen, Isaac, who has always liked to be outnumbered, obviously will not give up pulling this one.

   At the moment, I introduced the general situation there, and also summarized the civil war of the snake people.

   "The Lord of Evil! Jackal! Giant Serpent! Resentment!"

   "It involves the golden scroll again!"

  Satan's eyes finally fluctuated.


After a short pondering, his voice came out from his soul again: "My clone in Rayloren can only maintain normal for three days at most. However, if it involves witches, it is more likely to involve gods, but it must not be rushed. and negligence. The preparation that should be made must be as complete as possible..."

   The implication is that the fruit is also intentional!

   "As it is!"

  Isaac has already made relevant preparations.

   Now is another exchange.

   You should know that in addition to the people here, there are also two young green dragons, a winged night shadow, and a legendary shadow assassin.

   There is also an elite army, golems, and undead golems.

   Finally, Satan nodded.

   (end of this chapter)