Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 314: Integrated advanced faded gauze (1.1W wo

  Chapter 314 Integration and Advancement Fading the Light Veil

   "The mana is powerful, which can raise the caster to an effective caster level. This ability... comes from the research results of the Red Robe Mage Association!"

  Isaac was analyzing and studying the essence of this ability, and there was another strange color floating in his eyes.

   The Red Robe Mage Association, this is also a very powerful force, or an alliance, or a country, everything is completely controlled by the Red Robe Mage Club!

The    Red Robe Mage Society is divided into eight major factions, corresponding to the eight major schools of magic!

  Each faction means absolute specialization!

   That's right, the red-robed mage, it is the specialization mage that goes further, or even the continuous improvement of the specialization enhancement and specialization advancement!

   "The red-robed mage, by choosing the opposite school for the second time, and by giving up, got the advanced enhancement of the specialization school!

   So it's mana potent, it's only focused on the specialization school!

   For every two red-robed mage levels, you can get one increase in effective caster level. With the upper limit of ten levels of red-robed mages, the highest level can even be increased by 5 effective caster levels! "

   The so-called only focus on the specialization school, which means that if the specialization school is the necromancer, no matter how many red-robed mage levels, it will not improve the spells such as the evocation system.

   But for necromantic spells, this specific strengthening is too powerful!

The meaning of the highest five effective caster levels... This means that as long as 16 overall caster levels are required, you can have the spellcasting power of a legendary wizard, and this spellcasting power can affect all effects on fortitude, countermeasures, resistance, damage, In addition to the distance and other appraisals, in addition to not having extra spell slots, not being able to possess spells that the actual caster level cannot master in advance, and not having corresponding specialties, its effective ability is 5 levels higher than that of Caster, no other difference!

   In addition, the red-robed mage also has abilities such as school specialization and school defense!

  This is also them, even though the north has always been the most active region for the voters of the God of Magic, they are still able to powerfully rule their own capital!

   Of course, if there is gain, there must be loss!

  An incredibly powerful red-robed mage in specialization often means that it is not comprehensive enough.

   There are two choices of opposing schools, which means that at least two of the eight major schools must be given up, and some specialization schools must even be given up three!

   is not comprehensive enough, and sometimes, it is easy to be targeted!

   "By giving up, gain strength!"

   "The Archmage absorbed this achievement, and also completed the enhancement by giving up!"

   "However, unlike the opposing school of the Red Robe Mage, the Archmage obtains the ability of powerful mana by giving up the spell slot!"

"Archmage has five level caps, and each archmage level can choose a higher arcane ability up to five times. However, even if they all choose Mana Empowerment, they can only choose up to three times. The first time you need to give up For a fifth-level spell slot, you need to give up a seventh-level spell slot for the second time, and a ninth-level spell slot for the third time! Moreover, if you have both the sorcerer and mage professions, the magical power you get will also increase. You can only choose one to strengthen..."

  Isaac's eyes, a little contemplative color flowed out.

   First of all, the powerful mana of the red-robed mage, although it has an increase of the upper limit of five, is only for the specialization school.

   And the Archmage, although there are only five levels in total, and all abilities are extremely powerful, the number of times that can be invested in the selection of Mana Power is very limited, but the Mana Power of the Archmage is aimed at all schools!


   "The archmage can absorb the research results of the red-robed mage, and I can naturally absorb its results!"

   "There is only a 5-level upper limit for the advancement of the Archmage, and you can only make five choices, but my Wheel of Days, as long as you continue to absorb knowledge and do not choose to improve, there is almost no upper limit!"

"And, since it can be improved by giving up the spell slot. With the reverse application of the universal source, in theory, it should also be possible to use the number of times of daily casting of the divine spell slot, or even the ability of the sorcerer. If you give up, you can get the same boosting effect!"

"If there is no problem with this theory and apply it in reverse, the upper limit of 'Magic Potency' I can choose should be 9 times! For the three occupation lists, give up the 5th, 7th, and 9th level spell slots respectively. one of each!"

When    aura flashed in his mind, Isaac thought of the abilities in front of him.

  Ao Huo, this requires giving up a ninth-level spell slot!

  Elemental control, which requires giving up an eighth-level spell slot!

  The Arcane Hand can be selected multiple times to expand the contact distance. Each time you choose, you need to give up a seventh-level spell slot!

   Magic counter, also need to give up a seventh-level spell slot!

  Shape Control is giving up a sixth-level spell slot!

   Coupled with the renunciation of Power of Mana for 5th, 7th, and 9th level spell slots...

   "If the profession of the archmage can be integrated into the wheel of days, and then the high arcane ability that exceeds the upper limit of five times can be obtained..."

   "The profession of a mage has the least number of spell slots, and I have the most powerful intelligence bonus. The spell slot is obviously the most valuable. If you give up the spell slot, you can't choose it first!"

   "Complete the integration first, and then analyze the reverse application. If you can succeed, you should give priority to the daily number of warlock-like abilities!"

   On the one hand, the number of times per day of the sorcerer-like ability is the most, and it is affected by the charm attribute, which is far less than the intelligence bonus of the mage, or even the perception of the priest occupation.

  Secondly, sorcerer-like abilities have little variability, and every time a spell needs to be replaced, the caster's level must be upgraded, which is far less convenient than the mage and cleric professions.

  If you want to give up, naturally choose it first!

   "As for the enhancement of powerful mana, you should focus on the mage profession! The upgrade of the highest nine effective caster levels will eventually greatly narrow the gap between me and Satan and the others!"

   caster level, not only means the power, or the suppression of tough resistance, but also the overcoming and penetration of spell resistance.

   The so-called spell resistance.

   This is different from elemental resistance and energy resistance, which are magic damage reduction.

   is also different from resistance like fortitude and will.

  Spell resistance, in the final analysis, is the resistance to all damage, all changes, all oppression and other spells against oneself, including spell-like abilities.

  Such as Fireball, Malicious Transfiguration, Charm and Domination, if the spell resistance is sufficient and the opposing caster is not of sufficient level, it will have no direct effect when applied to him.

   Further, such as elemental resistance, tough resistance, will resistance, etc., this does not need to be activated at all.

  Spell resistance, often found in some powerful creatures.

   Just like, dragon!

  The legendary resistance of the dragon is spell resistance, and it will continue to increase with age. The caster level is too low, and there is no specialization such as spell penetration, or specialization in certain fields, and thus cannot overcome this resistance, then casting spells on the dragon, it is very likely that the dragon will not even feel it. produce.

   Of course, spell resistance is not omnipotent.

  The spells that are not aimed at him, such as illusion, such as protection magic, such as summoning, etc., as long as they do not directly change the target, they will not be affected by spell resistance.

   In addition, the professional ability of the archmage, through the abandonment of the ninth-level spell slot, the obtained "arcan fire" ability!

  Because this ability is a special ability, it does not belong to spells and spells, so spell resistance is completely ineffective against Arcane Fire!

In addition, Ao Huo belongs to the original spell energy, and most of the elements and energy resistance have no reduction effect on it. Furthermore, even if the overall power of Ao Huo is often lower than that of the transformed spells of the same level, it is not effective against it. High life energy level targets, especially those legendary creatures, the effect is absolutely obvious!

   Therefore, this ability, even if it is a ninth-level spell slot that needs to be given up, as long as it is an archmage, no one will choose it!


  Dragon Breath, which is not a spell or spell-like, is not affected by spell resistance.

   And the gods...

The moment the    thought unfolded, Isaac's eyes flashed suddenly.

   There has always been a saying about the gods. If the gods don’t want to accept it, any spells against them will not take effect!

   This "don't want"...

   "Maybe it can also be regarded as a transcendent level of spell resistance, or in other words, God's resistance!"

   "Since it is resistance, there is a possibility of being penetrated!"

   "It doesn't count if they are both gods."

   "High enough caster level for legendary spells?"

   After pondering for a while, Isaac finally put aside this idea for a while.

   continued to look behind.

   "Spell-like abilities..."

   "That's kind of interesting!"

   His eyes moved again.

  Spell-like ability, by giving up a 5th-level spell slot, you can store a specific spell forever in any empty 9th-level spell slot, essentially turning it into a spell-like ability!

   This type of spell ability can be used twice a day!

   In addition, the selected spell slot can not only store spells of the same level, but also low-level super magic spells, or directly store low-level spells.

   Take the ninth-level spell slot as an example.

   Give up a 5th-level spell slot and convert a 9th-level spell slot.

   There are several types of operations that can be selected.

   Needless to say, you can use the ninth-level spells of the same level. This can be used twice a day. In addition to the daily conversion, it is equivalent to using a fifth-level spell in exchange for a ninth-level spell!

The same is true for storing super magic. If you use the fireball technique to perform the triple super magic of "strong", "extreme" and "silent", and then you need a ninth-level spell slot to prepare, it can also be stored forever. And use it twice a day!

   And if you only store ordinary low-level spells, it is still fireball, because fireball is level 3, then 3*3*2, with this ninth-level spell slot, you can release fireball 6 times a day!

   This ability is actually very interesting!

   "Other archmages, limited by the upper limit of the number of choices, should rarely choose it."

   "However, after I complete the integration, and the other abilities are almost the same, I can choose, and, like the Arcane Hand, I can choose repeatedly!"

  Isaac did a little calculation.

  It takes nine times to strengthen the mana, once for the arcane fire, once for the element control, once for the magic countermeasure, once for the shape control, and once for the arcane hand, that is... level fourteen!

  Thinking like this...

   Forget it, for the time being, he doesn’t want to think about it so much!

   Fourteenth level, that is to ask him to raise the wheel of days to fifteenth level.

   is still under the premise that he already has 35 total life energy levels, and it can be predicted that the age group and the level of the dragon of conferred gods will continue to improve...

   Even if it is him, with three sources of "experience", within thirty or fifty years, there should be absolutely no possibility, right?

"Step by step! I need resources and resources, knowledge and knowledge, and the guidance of the dragon father and the dragon queen. I already have countless advantages that the dragons can't even think of. Accumulate, transform it into one's own abilities, and further expand and sublimate!"

   "Completing the integration of the Archmage is the first step now!"

   "Then... the realm!"

   Interpret all the scrolls of the Archmage and record them in the Mind Lab.

   did not immediately read the two transformation rituals of the lich and the dracolich, Isaac's eyes narrowed, but he closed his eyes and pondered.

   He already knew all of the four advancements in his heart. Of course, he only knew it. It was still too early to complete a comprehensive analysis.

   However, with the understanding, he might as well expand and associate his spiritual sense.

   "Shadow Followers are associated with the Shadow Realm."

   "True necromancers are related to the realm of death."

   "The Recorder is the priest advancement of the Recorder of Death."

   "The words of the archmage...although there is no requirement for alignment and belief, but it also involves the essence of magic. To a certain extent, it should be related to the field of magic!"

   "The essence of the legendary seed seems to be related to the realm!"

   "The vocation, power, and magic of the gods seem to be expressed through the realm!"

   "It's me, the advancement of the Dragon Conferred God is also related to the three major domains, lawful, evil, and dragon!

   It should take the dragon as the core, so the nature of the dragon should be completely attributed to itself!

   And because it is a green dragon, the two fields of law and evil are also summarized at the same time!

   If it turns into a golden dragon and a silver dragon, then in addition to the realm of dragons, the realm of evil must be changed to good or neutral! "

   "Interpretation and further thinking in terms of realm... The destiny of orthodox mages should be based on the magic realm as the core, and there are additional fields such as death, lich, evil, neutrality, etc., right?"

   "And to complete this advance..."

  's slightly narrowed eyes wrinkled a little thoughtfully.

   "It should be the essence of magic, related to mysteries such as legendary seeds!"

   "However, my Wheel of Days has long been more than just an advanced mage. To fully express it, there are too many fields that need to be perfected and in-depth!"

   "That is, I have advanced to the Dragon of the Conferred God, and I am expected to achieve immortality, and then have unlimited time to study..."

   "However, the Conferred God Dragon continues to advance in the direction..."

  Isaac's eyes opened at an unknown time, and he turned into a human figure, with countless flashes of wisdom in his eyes.

"If the divine vocation and power of the gods are all expressed through related fields...the ultimate goal of the dragon conferred on the gods, the direction of the dragon's divinity, and even the further divine vocation, the advancement towards the true god... From Theoretically, research should be based on one's own nature in some way, and complete projection, negotiation, interaction with related fields?"

   "Just like, if the seeds of legendary spells are not rooted in gods, but in the realm... Perhaps the study of legendary spells will also help to promote the transformation and sublimation of this divinity!"

   "However, if the gods cannot fully represent the realm..."

  Isaac's heart jumped suddenly, and in his soul, the aura of that day's light wheel flashed along with it.

   He seems to have some direction, how to interpret and unify the outer plane of thought and inner plane of materiality, even the transition plane, and the main material plane!

   And this direction, first of all...

   "Three places to start!"

   "Raise the caster's level to the legendary level as soon as possible, and then directly start the exploration of the legendary seeds. With the infinite imagination of legendary spells, it should be the most direct way!"

   "Explore the realm of dragons, the realm of law, and the realm of evil with the dragon of conferred gods!"

   "When the turmoil mentioned by the great dragon father is over, keep a low profile, continue to travel around the outer and inner planes, and perfect the wheel of days as much as possible!"

   After a long time of contemplation, the general ideas and general directions have been straightened out.

   In Isaac's mind, he basically knew all of the mysteries of the four major advancements.

Even more than the four major advancements, just meditation, there is no need to have any more relevant materials, as long as his theory is correct, as long as he is given enough research time, he can completely summarize all related advancements from any field, In each field, there should be more than one!

   is like the realm of dragons!

   "Evil Dragon Domain, Good Dragon Domain, Neutral Domain."

   "The dragon of law, the dragon of chaos..."

   "With the five-color evil dragon priesthood in charge of the dragon queen, and the related evil dragon field, there are no more than two advanced directions."

"One, the evil advancement after inauguration as a priest of the Dragon Queen is likely to integrate the sorcerer-like abilities into the priest's level, and then have abilities such as evil aura, evil abilities, and abilities related to the super-breathing feat! But this Advanced, if you want to go to the destiny... maybe there is only one possibility of the Dragon Queen's voters!"

"The other word, it should be like me, the life energy level advancement within the age group, including the upgrade of the warlock level, and finally entering the age group of the ancient dragon, there is still the possibility of continuous improvement. . This applies not only to evil dragons, but also to any giant dragon, regardless of good or evil, only related to the origin of dragons, or... the realm of dragons!"

"And this, the Dragon of Conferred God is exactly its destiny! The ultimate abilities, such as majesty aura, change immunity, life enhancement, damage reduction, spell resistance, steel soul, super breath ability, and even immortality, etc. They are the most fundamental evolutionary directions of the giant dragon family!"

  The flow of thoughts is gradually gathering up.

  Isaac continued to look behind.

   Lich Transformation and Draconic Transformation Rituals!

   is just a ritual, not a profession.

   only features, not levels.

   Just like the human race, elves, and dwarves, to a certain extent, the lich and the dragon lich can also be regarded as a kind of undead race.

   However, this race is not formed naturally, but transformed by magical rituals, and the ability of this race is a bit too powerful!

   "Fate Creation!"

   "Soul Extraction!"

   "Supernatural abilities! Undead traits! Immunity!"

   "Full inheritance of spell abilities!"

   read the materials of the two ceremonies and combined them to compare.

  It should be said that although the process of these two kinds of rituals is very different, and although the charisma has different creation methods, the other essences are very similar.

  More... It's incredible!


   "Character and Soul..."

   Suddenly, a strange color flashed in Isaac's heart.

   Once again, he actually thought of the scene where Satan blocked the will of the Lord of Evil.

   "Forced! Teleport?"

   "And to recreate and bestow?"

   His eyes revealed contemplation unconsciously.

   The incredibleness of these two transformation rituals can never be exaggerated in terms of legendary spells.

   However, no matter whether it is a lich or a dracolich, the minimum requirement to preside over this ceremony is that only a second-level spellcaster is needed!

   This is a bit... the taste of golden scrolls!

   "Similar to the transformation of the Golden Scroll of Variant Scales, it is also a dismantling and weakened low-profile version of some legendary spell?"

   "Using rituals to induce some evil spirits, or some higher evils, or directly induce the power of some domains, and then complete the transformation?"

   As Isaac pondered, he felt a desire to take part in it himself.

   Of course, he didn't want to transform himself. Although the dracolich is powerful, it also means that the age group will not increase, which is completely meaningless to him.

   What he cares more about is...

   "The essence of the phylactery, if it is somewhat similar to the legendary spell of Satan, with the infinite possibilities of the legendary spell, if you change it, can you achieve a reshaped body, not necessarily the essence of the undead?"

"Similarly, the special abilities such as fear aura and paralyzing touch, immunity to cold, lightning, deformation, and spiritual aspects, if the analysis of their essence can be completed, they should be able to be extracted separately, and even further transformed, It is theoretically possible to transform the fearful aura and the touch of paralysis into the opposite divine ability full of positive energy!"


   A strange color suddenly flashed in Isaac's eyes.

   He doesn't seem to be short of experimental subjects!

  Although the transformation of a lich and a dracolich requires the absolute cooperation of the target, and even more specific targets, he has not been able to find a suitable candidate for a while.

  However, these two rituals are not the only ones in his hands!

Although the    dragon vein giving ritual is not enough to compare the strength of these two evil rituals, in the process of actual operation, he can constantly change and improve some ideas!

   doesn't need to go too deep, if you can add those immunity abilities of the Lich Ritual into the dragon veins.

   Those servants under his command, as well as those green dragon beasts, the overall ability will be truly transformed!

   "The ceremony of giving dragon veins is related to the origin of dragons and involves the field of dragons!"

   "It is the first step in the preliminary exploration and analysis of the nature of the field!"

   "It's a pity for the golden scroll. Although it is possible to continue the renovation with the golden scroll, it is not possible to visit there directly. After all, it is separated by an entire mountain!"


   After half a month.

   The first batch of renovations.

  Because they were the first batch and had a bit of an experimental nature, all four candidates were from Barrett's Shadow Assassin Group.

  Dubizrant, Isaac's personal mage tower!

  The four assassins, three men and one woman, all had only silk threads.

  Isaac did it himself, after tattooing them with dragon magic, he sealed them on the altar.

  This altar is also where he transforms the green dragon beast on a daily basis.

  Return to the true body, using his own blood as a guide, and activate the magic crystals distributed on the altar, in a dazzling emerald green light.

   did not follow the normal steps of the ceremony to sacrifice to the great dragon queen. The will of the soul, through the real name, directly passed through the barrier of authority, and completed the communication with the origin of the dragon.

   The basic setting of the ritual is used again, and it is activated with the word of the dragon.

   is full of mantras with strong decrees, and through the link of spiritual will, a certain power of the origin of the dragon quickly resonated!

   Above the altar, in the emerald brilliance, a familiar but different form, or the energy of frequency!

   "The power of the real dragon, but not the dragon domain at the conceptual level, it is a derivative of it, just like the transformation of the green dragon beast,"

   "However, unlike the direct energy infusion, this frequency should be equivalent to a further 'functional code', corresponding to this 'dragon vein'!"

   I hold all of this in my heart, and I’m still observing and recording it.

  Isaac remains firmly in control of the ritual.

   With his current accumulation, even if he only looks at the field of magic, he is by no means inferior to Eugene and the others, but because of the spell level, he lacks some higher-level knowledge.

   Changed to the red dragon envoy and others, most of which are rituals that can only be performed by manipulating them wholeheartedly.

   In his hands, he can control it freely without even going through the Dragon Queen!

   As the ceremony continued, especially the burning of the blood of the green dragon, the green brilliance continued to interweave on the altar, and the strong and pure power of the true dragon had already enveloped the four experimental subjects.

   On the body of the experimental subject, the magical tattoo inscribed by Isaac, under the constant stimulation of the power of the real dragon, also burned like a flame, and a magical aura of emerald green flames rose up.

   This magical aura and the power of the true dragon are constantly negotiating with each other.


   From their flesh and blood, an indescribable aura was born.

   From their skin, hardened, shiny, even, vaguely scaly texture, and still intense.

   From behind them, at the double ribs, at the tail vertebra, the peristalsis of flesh and blood.

   This process seems to be accompanied by severe pain.

   Even if the four experimental subjects are elite assassins, they have long been numb to the pain, but at this moment, they are still gritted their teeth and their faces are hideous.

   "Green Dragon Bloodline!"

   "The ability to have a poisonous breath is born."

   "Resistance to toxins."

   "Strength, physique, and toughness are improved."

   "However, the sorcerer-like ability should not be directly formed!"

   "It's... human form and dragon form, the ability to change between the two forms!"

   "The flying ability of the dragon man form, the resistance effect of the dragon scales, and the dragon claws can also be regarded as natural weapons!"

   "It can already be regarded as a scaly ethnic group, and it should be possible to further strengthen it with a golden scroll!"

   "However, for them, there is no need to rush for a while. Enough contributions can continue to the next step!"

   As the ceremony continued, Isaac had already ended the part of the law, except to continue to summon the power of the origin of the dragon, so that they could continue to transform, or to give them.

   Most of his attention was already carefully weighing everything that this ceremony had given him.

   "Compared with a single golden scroll, the improvement is even greater. The most important thing is that you do have the green dragon bloodline, and you can further develop more abilities, even the abilities of a dragon vein warlock!"

   "Now, what needs to be understood more is the meaning of its frequency. And how can it be modified to add more abilities!"

   Several hours, less than half a day, finally, the brilliance that enveloped the altar was dissipating.

   The ceremony officially ended as Isaac unchained the will of the mind.

On the altar, there are green scales all over the body, wings on the back, and a crocodile tail. The face has also turned into a half-dragon shape, and even the eyes have turned into four experimental subjects with vertical pupils, although they are all wet. , and one is still half-kneeling, but the strong aura is visible to the naked eye.

   Acknowledged the strength and tenacity of the dragon man form for a while, the four of them kneeled down in unison: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for giving us strength!"

   "You deserve it. But this is just the beginning."

At the same time as the sound of    sounded, on Isaac's claw wrist, a kind of power that the dragon queen bestowed on the green dragon's crown naturally activated. A certain degree of command power for a five-colored dragon whose life energy level is less than 21!

   His voice was the same, his eyes could see, and the respectful expressions of the four dragon men suddenly became more awe-inspiring.

  Isaac looked at it and continued: "Two directions are the way for you to continue to improve your strength.

   First, continue to contribute to the kingdom, no matter which aspect, to a certain extent, I will directly give you more powerful power, and will also grant you the corresponding power!

Second, while honoring the lady of the dark night, you can also worship the great dragon queen, and your devout belief in the dragon queen is not only expected to improve the awakening possibility of the dragon vein warlock, but also hope that after awakening, you will have the ability to further advance level opportunity. "

   Continue to contribute to the kingdom!

   Dedicate your faith to the Dragon Queen!

   With the activation of the power of the green dragon crown, the four dragonmen bowed their heads again without any abnormality.

   "Follow your orders!"

   "Yes, Your Majesty!"


   Once, there will be countless times!

   With the success of the first dragon vein granting ceremony, Isaac carried it out again in the following two months.

There are not only awards for his most effective subordinates, such as Miranda, who is in charge of Anbu and Dragon Cult, and Beasley, who is in charge of the Kingdom Security Bureau. Further dragon vein enhancement.

   With some real experimental subjects, he tried to change the rhythm and frequency.

  No luck, the experimental subject was directly torn to pieces under the raging power of the true dragon.

   However, through the dragon vein ceremony, we can further explore the essence of the dragon domain, although there is no substantial breakthrough for the time being.

   In other respects, Isaac is going well.

After a period of rumors, there was almost unanimous support, not in the name of the Magic Branch of the First Academy of the Kingdom, but directly in the name of the "Royal Magic Academy of the Red Kingdom", in the Consulate and the Green of Nature Management Committee. With full support.

   Kaishan Pingling, located in the valley on the west side of the Grand Canyon, with the mobilization of a lot of manpower, the college has been rapidly built.

   At the same time, the first batch of professors and tutors have also been gradually prepared.

  Isaac himself served as the first dean of the academy.

   There is also Sinclair who has been studying at the Dugas Institute of Magic all these years. With the results of these years, this person has already been promoted to the second level and served as a professor of magic, so there is no problem.

   There are other mages from the research institute.

  Isaac also recruited several students arranged by Eugene and the others in the name of external employment.

   There are also true external spellcasters, such as the believers of the God of Knowledge from the First Academy of the Kingdom, among them.

   slightly changed some of the traditions.

   is no longer in the way of "Mage, plus assistant, plus apprentice".

   Instead, let them explore the feasibility of how to teach directly and charge the students attending the lecture the corresponding lecture fee based on the value of the content of the class.

   Indispensably, the Consulate also participated in the discussion.

   But Isaac himself did not interfere all the time.

   The nominal dean, he just needs to make a final decision!

half year later.

  The Royal Academy of Magic was officially launched.

  The number of tutors is limited, and the first batch of students are naturally the people of the kingdom who are admitted first, and most of the high investment in magic learning and research must come from wealthy families.

   Of course, the green of nature is a commercial city. There are too many rich businessmen, but there is no problem.

   about the same time period.

   I am paying attention to the official operation of the academy, but I am only paying attention. More time is still devoted to the research of the dragon field and the integration of the archmage profession. Isaac has finally taken the most critical step.

   "The second level of the wheel of days begins, each level has a higher arcane ability!"

   "The reverse application of the Universal Source is almost complete. Except for the priest profession, because the level is not enough and the magic slot is not available, it cannot be deployed temporarily. The 'magic slot' of the sorcerer-like ability can be given priority!"


  The tower of the Royal Academy of Magic is also recently, Isaac has been personally sitting in the office, lest any accident happen, which directly affects the normal operation of the academy's office.

   With the wheel of days, the basic unification of the archmage profession has been completed, and then the professional ability has a clearer grasp.

  He is condescending, and he can look down on the entire academy, and he can also see a strange color in the eyes of the canyon capital not too far away.

   "The powerful mana, if it is added to the ability of the warlock, it can directly increase the level of the true warlock!"

   This means that the powerful mana added to the mage profession can only bring about an increase in the level of the effective caster, and will not affect changes such as mage status.

   But when added to the green dragon's natural sorcerer level, it can really boost that level, bring new spells, and bring more daily counts!

   The essence of this should be that the sorcerer-like ability of the dragon itself is not actually a real sorcerer profession, but an ability with a caster level!

The effective caster level increased by    Mana Potency is the real spellcaster level upgrade for it!


  Isaac still shook his head.

   Even so, he still won't add "Magic Potency" to the Warlock class!

  Whether a mage, a warlock, or a priest, all have the upper limit of spell slots.

   Not counting the extra spell slots such as intelligence, a single profession itself, when it reaches level 20 of a single profession, has already reached its respective upper limit, and there will be no further increase.

   Therefore, adding Mana Potency to the Warlock class is just to make it reach the upper limit earlier.

  Maybe there may be some advantages in the short term, but in the long run, it is the most correct choice to invest all in the mage profession!

   Moreover, after level 20, although there will not be any new spell slots added, but among the feats brought by the legendary level, there is the legendary feat of "improving spell slots".

  This feat, and then repeated selection, can still obtain 10th-level spell slots, 11th-level spell slots, and higher.

   Once these spell slots from legendary feats are formed, the additional spell slots brought by the intelligence bonus will also be generated synchronously.

   His intelligence is high enough to affect spell slots above level 9!

   Whether it is the bonus effect of intelligence on spell power, or the additional increase of intelligence on "improving spell slots", obviously, it is impossible for him to invest the power of mana on the warlock class!

   "The integration of the Archmage profession has been completed, and the upgrade of the Wheel of Days is not far away."

   "Giving up the warlock position first, with 2 days wheel levels and 9 warlock levels, I haven't been able to bring sixth-level spells."

   "So, you can only choose between giving up the power of mana and the spell-like ability of the fifth-level spell slot. The spell-like ability is not in a hurry."


   Soon another half year passed.

The    Academy is basically functioning normally. With the vigor of the new Academy, the students are energetic and motivated.

   And Isaac.

While    concentrates on research, he goes out quietly from time to time.

   Every time I go out, within a few days, I directly use another world teleportation to return to the Tower of Shadows, and then use the teleportation circle to continue to return quietly.

   But that's it, in only half a year, he has completed his final accumulation.

   is still in the Academy Tower.

   "Magic Power!"

   "Metamagic Specialty Spell Power!"

   "Make a magic scepter!"

   "The priest's second-level magic position, treats moderate injuries!"

   "Warlock spell addition and replacement, second-level 'Wings of Wind', third-level "Blind Breath", fourth-level "Spell Expelling, Breathing Energy Replacement, Sharp Teeth", fifth-level "fang vortex"!"

   "Mage 7th-level spell slot!"

Level 1 Conferred God Dragon, Level 1 Priest, Level 11 Mage, Level 2 Wheel of Days, this time the level upgrade brings all-round enhancements, even more than when the profession of Wheel of Days was just formed. obvious.

   The 15th occupation class level, bringing two feats at once!

   Complete the higher arcane abilities of the Archmage profession integration!

   The priest's magic position heals minor injuries and heals moderate injuries!

  The Warlock spells have been greatly replaced, especially, in addition to the dragon magic, a force field attack spell from the witch has also been added!

Not to mention the seventh-level spell slot of the    Mage!

   Not only that.

   After strengthening the advanced one should be, after knowing everything in your heart.

  Isaac in human form still did not open his eyes and mind, even in a state of meditation, immersed in the essence of magic.

   "The Composition of Spells!"

   "That's it!"

   "Simple, yet infinitely complex!"

   "In-depth, yet easy to explain!"

   At the same time that he obtained the first high-level arcane ability, Isaac at this moment finally understood why the profession of archmage was named "archmage"!

  The principle of shaping control!

   The essence of magic countermeasures!

  The Mystery of Elemental Control!

  The transformation method of Ao Huo!

   All kinds of things were unfolded in front of the "Archmage".

   Further, the will of the mind visited this magical essence again. Although it was still on the surface, he also really saw something, where the core of the magical essence lies.

   "The true constitutive essence of spells!"

   "Different fields within the school!"

   "And these...the origin of domain magic!"

   All kinds of things, at this moment, Isaac, it is a feeling that the veil draped over magic has finally been undone in front of his eyes!

   Before visiting and touching the essence of magic, he had to constantly interpret and try.

   At this moment, with the acquisition of high-level arcane abilities, and visiting here again, he has been able to directly push back from the source of composition!

  This means that it is not only possible for him, through the essence of magic, to reverse the spells "uploaded" by others.

   If he can complete the deep analysis of the secret of spell composition, he can even construct spells out of thin air based on principles and needs!

   Of course, this analysis, this principle, how to summarize, how to verify it in practice, is obviously not a matter of three to five days and seven or eight years.

   But even so…

   Regardless of the deep feedback brought about by cognition.

   On the other side of the soul, the wheel of days is perfect again.

   Even if he was just advanced, he felt it again. Such a fast feedback range is only dependent on the supply of the mage profession. He should upgrade again, and it should not exceed three or five years!

   "And this!"

   "The difference between divine art and domain divine art is the root cause here!"

   "Dragon Domain is also here!"


   The five-color temple at this time.

   "Madam, urgent news from Carlindsay, the forces of the Dragon Cult over there have been bloodbathed."

   "The reason is still unknown, and there is no clear suspect."

   A team of dragon-shaped kobolds hurried into the upper floor.

   One of the dragon wing leaders quickly met Miranda.

   has completed the granting of dragon veins, and is obviously young and energetic, but at the same time, Miranda, who also has some dragon-born characteristics on his face, took the relevant urgent news and only swept it a little.

   When he saw some descriptions, his eyes suddenly became solemn.

   Anbu and Dragon Worship have crossed, but they have not really merged.

   And she, not only directly in charge of Anbu, but also has a very high control over the information channels of the Dragon Worship Cult because of Isaac.

   has an intuitive understanding of many deep shadows in the world of Ashan, especially some forces that are also evil organizations like the Dragon Cult.

   Even some evil organizations have been lurking under the shadows!


   "Why did you suddenly attack the Dragon Cult?"

   "What violated them?"

   "Is... the recent layout of the Dragon Cult, or its purpose?"

   (11,000 words, please subscribe)

   Thank you "DND Le" for 1500 coins, "xiaotang246" for 200 coins, "me" for 100 coins, "X Leaves X1" for 100 coins, and "Stable as Taishan Gambler" for 100 coins, thank you for your support!



   (end of this chapter)