Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 396: strong bombing

   Chapter 396 Powerful Bombing

   "The Subversive of the Gods!"

   "The Last King of the Ancient Kingdom!"

   "In the darkness, the goddess who brings light and future!"

   "The Supreme Dark Lady!"

  The sky, in just a few seconds, changed like an earth-shaking.

   High Priest!

   God-King Chosen!

  Great bone dragon!

   Legendary characters who have not seen each other for many years are appearing one after another, and they are all kinds of legendary powers.

   However, all of these should be brilliant and shocking, and the legends are even more legendary.

   But, when under the death sword of the Reaper, the "Reid" Archmage, from the form of Sla's white toad, transformed into a green dragon...

   Infinite majesty!

   The supreme power!

The    green dragon just appeared, and with the movement of that mysterious aura, in an instant, the entire battlefield suddenly became silent!

  The High Priest walking in the sky, the God-King Chosen who is wielding a giant sword, a number of golden-robed priests, there are also mages and warlocks, and even the Legion of Glory advancing in an all-round way on the ground...

Within the range of the    majestic aura radiation, everything, with the obvious differentiation of the enemy and the self, was divided into two parts in an instant.

   On the one hand, the people of the hostile camp all looked up, with infinite awe and infinite fear, forcibly looking up at the arrival of the Dragon God.

   On the other side, people from our own camp...

  The Queen of God has come!

   Even a high priest like the Demon Dragon Princess Su Da-Aba has this thought at this moment.

   is not only because of the supreme majesty of the green dragon that transcends the material plane, but also because of... some kind of divine aura that is in line with the queen of gods!

   "The Dragon of Conferred God!"

   "Aura of majesty!"

   "Legendary Spells!"

"This guy……"

  Aleskele's pale as electric soul eye, the first color change.

   In the entire battlefield, he was probably the only one who could vaguely grasp the essence of Isaac's current form.

   This guy turned out to be the third conferred **** dragon!

   The majesty and aura of the Dragon of Conferred God can distinguish between enemy and foe, so the people of the enemy camp are in awe, and the people of your own camp, except for admiration, will not be affected by any negative effects.

   But this is not pure majesty.

  Aleskele has been in contact with those two, and naturally has a considerable understanding of majesty and aura.

   Even if it is his life-long enemy, the majesty aura has been raised to the highest third rank, but all the effects are impossible to penetrate the spiritual immunity of the high priest and the god-king elect!

   This one has combined legendary spells with majestic aura, and he should even use the green dragon crown as a sacred weapon!

   "I'm afraid... it's even more incredible than the sacred halo of some true gods!"

The level of   Aleskele has a long enough existence time. Most importantly, the ancient kingdom has always had manifestations of gods.

   As a result, he did not completely understand the divine ability "Holy Aura" that the true God must possess.

According to his estimation, the strength of the sacred halo should be related to the "divine level" and "charm attribute" of the gods. From this point of view, the destiny of their giant dragon family and the further dragon gods, if the same At this level, the "Aura of Majesty" they sublimate from "Dragon Might" is actually more incredible and higher in intensity than the "Holy Halo"!

   After all, the strength of "Aura of Majesty" is not only affected by the "Charm Attribute", but also linked to the dragon's life energy level! (divide by two)

   Obviously, the accumulation of life energy level is much easier than the promotion of godhead, and the upper limit is also higher!


If Aleskele's judgment on these two breaths is correct, this guy combines the legendary spell with the holy artifact, and then further changes the essence of the majestic aura, this unprecedented form... It is really better than the real one." "Holy Aura", even the "Holy Aura" of the Dragon Queen, is even more incredible and stronger!

   Plus the aura of majesty is for Will saves.

   The main occupation of the God-King Chosen is Warrior, the Warrior Profession. The basic will saves derived from occupations are far inferior to Fortitude saving throws. Similarly, the "perception" attribute corresponding to Will saves is not the strength of the God-King Chosen.

  These double effects, when the mind is immune to being pierced...

   Forced to look up at the green dragon in the form of a dragon queen, Aldridge and Sharupak both lost control of their bodies.

  Even with the addition of "walking in the air" and "flying", the body was falling on its own.

Aleskele immediately released the "Higher Shadow Evocation" that was being performed, although with his various specializations in the field of illusion and professional abilities, his "Higher Shadow Evocation", The transformed "Emulsion Spell" is so powerful that as long as it is not seen through, it will even surpass the real Elastomeric Spell.

   In this situation, I really want to blast it out. If the target is the high priest, I will blast it without saying a single blow. At least the injury will not be light.

   But... Who knows if there will be any triggering on this guy?

   Moreover, in this situation, the top priority should be the God-King Chosen!

Instantly stopped the "Higher Shadow Evocation Technique", Aleskele flew down, followed by the flying figures of the God-King Chosen and the High Priest, while silently reciting the incantation, raised his Huge bone claws pointed at the high priest.

  Dimensional Anchor!

   And while he was moving, Isaac didn't stop.

   Calling "Dragon Queen's Power", he hovered with his wings on one side, instantly expanding the area where the majestic aura radiated.

   Seeing that the old guy stopped the "Higher Shadow Reshaping Technique" and turned to "Dimension Anchor".

  Isaac immediately knew what the old guy meant.

   But he has the same habit as him, cutting people off first, and then solving it completely!

   also recited the incantation silently, the strong death atmosphere condensed infinitely in his eyes, his eyes pale as electricity.

   Paralyzing gaze!

   The same choice as Aleskeler, Isaac's "Paralyzing Gaze", is also the first choice for Aldridge High Priest.

   has been looking up at his high priest, and he has not yet been able to break free from the "forced" state, first the "dimensional anchor", and then suddenly meet his gaze...

  Ben still had a body with a little self-defense instinct, and at this moment, it was completely rigid, like a stone, and it flew and fell.

   Prepare for the "Paralyzing Gaze" in the mage spell slot, which is more powerful than "Aura of Majesty", especially, "Paralyzing Gaze" corresponds to "Fortitude Save"!

   Obviously, the High Priest who can't even resist Will saves, not to mention tough saves!

   stared, completely imprisoning the high priest, Isaac turned his eyes and stared at Shalu Park again.

   However, it was even faster than him. Ales Kler, who had just shot a "dimensional anchor", raised his claws again for the second time.

   "Instant-Legendary Dispel!"

   His first target has always been this voter!

   The reason why the "dimensional anchor" points to the high priest is precisely for this record!

   A shimmering green light shot out, and suddenly, the target Shalu Park...

  The Sword of Death!

   Cloak of Resistance!

  Giant Belt!

  Mind Protection Amulet!


  Everything, even the dimension bag, even the various spell states attached, whether it is a death-proof barrier, or whether there is any trigger...

   All spells are being dispelled!

   All effects are being suppressed!

Just for a moment, Isaac's eyes were staring at the moment, it can be seen that the dazzling magical aura on the body of this God King's elector has completely disappeared at this moment, only, under the black robe, still There is a distinctive aura, even divine light, shining spontaneously against the green light.

   Armor of Eternal Victory!

   The Holy Artifact of the God King!

   When suppressed by the legendary dispelling technique, this holy artifact resisted spontaneously!

   It seems that this holy artifact battle armor of the God-King Chosen is by no means a second-class holy artifact, even Alesquer's legendary dispelling technique failed to suppress its divine effect immediately!

   With his wings stretched, he circled the approaching Isaac, and his gaze was immediately projected onto him.

  The eyes are opposite to each other, and a strong atmosphere of death is instilled.

   It's just... I still look up in awe, but I still haven't been paralyzed!

  Shalupak's Fortitude save is too high!

  Whether it is the physique enhancement of the elector, the physique enhancement of the Armor of Eternal Victory, the enhancement of the immunity of the "wrath of God" state, and the corresponding speciality effect, the most important thing, 30 occupation levels, the main occupation is still a warrior...

   Even at this moment, his resistance cloak was suppressed, and various status spells were forcibly dispelled.

   His fortitude saving throw is probably still more than the normal ancient dragon.

  Isaac's "Paralyzing Gaze" could easily imprison the High Priest, but when it was used on him, it was the first time he missed in so many years.

   Not only misses.

   looked at him, the God-King Chosen who was "looking up in infinite awe". Behind the blood-colored mask, he first performed the legendary dispelling technique, and then stared numbly. In his eyes, a struggling expression was distorted.

   Chosen is an extension of the power of the gods. To a certain extent, they are also extremely resistant to the majesty of the gods.

The reason why he was shocked by Isaac's "Tiamat's Divine Aura" was because of the particularity of "Aura of Majesty", and it was strengthened by "Legendary Spell". Divine Aura" is even harder to fight.

   However, no matter how difficult it is to fight, when he is now affected by spells twice, especially when the Armor of Eternal Victory is also showing divine power, his will is struggling violently.

   At this moment, his resistance cloak and the blood-colored mask with the attribute of "perception" were all suppressed, and it was only for a while, it was still difficult to break free from the shock.

   "Deal with him first!"

  Aleskele's soul eye wrinkled slightly.

   To Isaac's "paralyzing gaze", which is similar to the natural ability of the dragon lich, he can perceive the intensity of the aura of death.

   is definitely stronger than his own paralyzing gaze!

   But using it on a piece of equipment, except for the holy artifact, on Shalu Park, who was temporarily suppressed, was still ineffective!

   can only... point to the will to bind!

   And, Forced Spell Bombing!

   With a deep drink, Aleskele, who did not stop, immediately recited the incantation silently.

   He is best at the illusion department, the ninth-level spell "Shadow Killer"!

   Just struggling with will, God-King Chosen’s eyes suddenly changed.

  Isaac didn't slow down.

   A high-level instant scepter pointed under the finger, and a strong super magic aura was activated!

   Again, take damage, exceed limit and super magic!

   "Instant - Extreme - Withering!"

  The huge area, centered on the Chosen of the God King who fell to the ground, the infinitely terrifying negative energy suddenly enveloped a large number of the Legion of Glory who were looking up at the sky.

   In an instant, except for the chosen people of the God King, almost all living beings within the range were annihilated, and their flesh and blood suddenly shrank into dry bones.

After    one blow, it didn't stop.

   The previous note was instant, and Isaac followed by chanting the mantra again.

   Level 7 Spell "Delayed Burst Fireball"!

   However, it has long been known that the holy artifact of the God-King Chosen has flame resistance, and the "delayed burst fireball" he prepared was replaced by energy and transformed into the opposite "ice" attribute.

   Once again over-the-limit spellcasting.

   "Extremely Effective - Ice - Delayed Explosion Fireball!"

  Extreme forest cold, even more terrifying magical energy!

   "Eleventh-level spell slot!"

   "Did you choose the legendary feat of 'improving spell slots'?"

   The green dragon’s continuous high-intensity spells were critically attacking. Although Aleskele didn’t stop his spellcasting, his thoughts flickered for a while.

  Extremely Effective - Wither Death!

   This is the strength of the spell slot ready at level 11!

   Even if they are dragons, they are born with a caster level. After level 20, they can automatically obtain a higher spell level for every three caster levels.

   To meet this requirement, you must have at least 23 caster levels, and then choose a feat of "improving spell slots"!

   Otherwise, that's 26 caster levels!

   No matter which one it is... Compared with him, except for the age group of the dragon race, this guy is not inferior in other aspects!

   Including the study of legendary spells, including knowledge in the field of magic, including various forces...

   "Casesa's return, is it possible for this..."

   "Maybe it's not impossible!"

  Some thoughts flashed by, but the spell did not stop.

   On Isaac's side, the extremely effective delay ice puck was blasting down.

  Aleskele's spellcasting was also completed.

   is not a simple spell bombardment.

   The skeleton dragon witch had a huge bone mouth, and a strong acid breath full of infinite negative energy suddenly swept the location of the God King's chosen people in a large area.

  Eighth-level dragon magic "Mixed Energy Breath"!

   On the basis of the power of the dragon's breath, it is mixed with other attributes, but the energy of the same intensity!

   This spell, the more powerful the dragon, the more powerful the dragon's breath is, the more powerful it is!

   The strong acid breath of the black dragon, even if it is absolutely powerful, is only ranked fourth among the five-colored dragons.

   But the ancient black dragon, with this "mixed energy exhalation", in particular, Aleskele has also modified this spell, replacing the elemental energy with the "death energy" that he is best at!

   In addition, there is also the super-breathing feat "Extreme Breathing" being activated at the same time!

   (end of this chapter)