Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 438: Willen and his party (Part 1)

   Chapter 438 Wei Lun and his party (1)

   Although it was decided to travel to the Northland.

   However, at the level of Isaac, it is impossible to move.

   Even in recent years, he hardly interfered in any political affairs.

   But the research, the proper arrangement of the various experimental subjects, and the sealing of the numerous top-secret materials, or the storage in a secret box...

   Until ten days later.

  This trip to the Northland finally really started.

  Trade routes.

   is in an endless stream, passing through the traffic on Wells Forest Avenue.

   "In the kingdom, there is basically no room for bandits."

   "Needless to say, the Rift Mountains are filled with the people of Lord Kurz, and there is no room for strangers to live for a long time."

"The same is true of the land of the forest. Under the arrangement of Your Excellency Consul for many years, various villages are dotted in it. Every village has a militia team, plus regular patrol troops, and the existence of our secret agents. For many years, there was no looting."

   "The only exception, north of the forest, the gravel wasteland between the Twin Mountains, because it is too barren, barbarian bandits occasionally appeared in the past few years, harassing the trade route.

   However, with Wobar and Dunbar's continuous conquest of the southern mountains of the Troll Mountains, and our continuous clean-up and collection of the wasteland, cases of barbarian bandits have been rare in recent years.

   With this strategy and cooperation, it is expected that it will not be long before they become the bandits who can completely cut off the gravel wasteland. "

   This is a large caravan with dozens of large trucks, but only more than 20 people are officially escorted.

   In the middle of the caravan, on the side of one of the two carriages.

  Beasley, who was not wearing a mask, was on the side of the car window, introducing something a little.

   Their caravan was directed at Willun and belonged to the "West Coast United Company". All the goods were for the new route and trade materials with the New World.

   Half of this route is in the kingdom, and the remaining half is mainly by water.

   Therefore, at least half of the distance from the kingdom to the Twin Mountains does not require much guarding power.

   Across the Twin Mountains, there is another company fleet in Port Mead on the Nabru River.

  The caravan went over and sent the materials to the fleet, and the goods unloaded from the fleet were sent to the green of nature with the return of the caravan... This is not a waste of transportation power.

   Although Isaac did not directly interfere in business affairs, with his extraordinary intelligence, he could naturally hear what Beasley meant.

  The biggest source of savage bandits in the gravel wasteland lies in the depths of the unconquerable mountains such as the Twin Mountains and the Troll Mountains. There are ogres and trolls, as well as goblins and kobolds.

Bandits like   , with the continuous conquest of the Troll Mountains by the two-headed ogre, are continuously included in his army.

   With the relationship between the two-headed ogre and the kingdom's merchants, as long as there are resources that are continuously developed there, it is inevitable that there will be supplies including food and weapons, which will continue to be delivered.

   Furthermore, the savage bandits from the Troll Mountains are naturally scarce or even cut off from the source!

   In addition to the Twin Mountains, the Twin Towers, because of the relationship of Port Mead, will clean up the monsters in the mountains, at least the mountains close to the trade route, from time to time.

   In recent years, the route from Natural Green to Port Mead is rare, and even a green route without **** arrangements!

   "How's the progress over there in Port Willen?"

   "Can the shipbuilding technology promised by the Selanchat family and the development of the Maztec continent catch up with the Amri?"

  Isaac's voice came through the car window.

   did not intend to alarm anyone, the identity he used on this trip was an important member of the United Company.

   Of course, although the joint company is mainly aimed at the development of the New World, there is no rule that the key personnel of the company cannot have other identities, and cannot have other trade transactions with the Northland.

   "Although Rhodes is a representative of the Selanchat family and has become a member of the Council of Six, he still doesn't dare to directly deceive everyone with the many aspects of the joint company's composition!

   In addition, the company planned to give him a very large share.

  The scale of the shipyard invested by the company in Port Willen is comparable to that of the shipyard of his Selanchat family, and it is still expanding. "

"However, since the joint company has only been established for a long time, even if the scale of the fleet continues to expand, the development of the Maztec continent is still one step behind the Amri, and the progress of Waterdeep City and Baldur's Gate is also A little bit ahead of us by half a step."

   "The Amnites are over there, and they have completed the construction of a port city called Heim Harbor, and they have established an inland city called Kolar!"

   "The Flame Fist mercenary group at Baldur's Gate established a base called Flame Fortress."

   "The merchants of Waterdeep City, the port that was first built there, was named New Waterdeep City."

Beasley did not dare to lie and lie, but, although it was a little behind, the joint company would not be in vain: "With the support of the Consulate, the company has also increased the investment in manpower, named 'Saint' -Klovic's port city, the site selection has been preliminarily completed..."

   Maztec, this is the name of the New World.

   And "Klovik", which is part of Isaac's real name.

   This is the name of the planned port... Archon Thomas is also interested!

Isaac nodded slightly, but there was a sigh of contemplation in his eyes, and said slowly: "Amn people have a natural geographical advantage, there are many port cities, Baldur's Gate and Waterdeep City are also the most prosperous and most convenient. The port city, we are really behind them in this regard.

  Even if we seized the opportunity to cooperate with the Selanchat family this time, in the final analysis, Port Willen is still from Amn!

  The development of the joint company, the kingdom wants to catch up and overtake them on the sea, and have a port city that is entirely our own, which is ultimately a must!

  The end of the trip to the north, you have some secret discussions with the Consulate to see where it is suitable to develop into a port, or, where is it suitable..."

   stopped before he finished speaking.

   However, Beasley understood what he meant.

  The main territory of the Red Kingdom is either the Rift Mountains or the Wells Forest, and the rule over the gravel wasteland is not complete.

   In these territories, it is hard to say whether there is any suitable seaside land where large-scale ports can be developed.

   And even if a suitable place can be found... From the port, there is no doubt that we will continue to develop trade routes and communicate with the green side of nature. This is another huge project!

   So...if Beasley's understanding is correct, once the site selection cannot be completed with the Consulate, then whether there is a land near the kingdom as an "alternate" target, this will undoubtedly be discussed!

   Therefore, His Majesty's explanation will be a "secret discussion"!

   While nodding and taking orders, Beasley has already pondered in his heart. If he really wants to explore the outside world...is it to the south or the north?

   After the carriage.

   Barrett, who followed the convoy slowly, looked around casually.

   The main purpose of this trip is to go for Drow Dragon.

   There is a little contact with Dragon Studios, and he has been looking forward to Zhuoerlong's secret for many years. This one will not miss it.

   A few days later, the convoy first drove out of the forest and then through the wasteland, and arrived at Port Mead without encountering any accidents.

   There is an exchange of goods.

   With Beasley's entourage on the left, and Barrett's **** on the right, Isaac has already boarded the fleet heading for the city of Willen.

   (end of this chapter)