Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 439: A group of heroes (middle)

   Chapter 439 Wei Lun and his party (middle)

   From the Blue River, starting from Port Mead, it has entered the territory of Amn.

   However, the destination of the caravan was only the city of Wellen along the coast of Amn, so it did not stop at the various port towns along the River Bleu.

   all the way to the west to the sea, and then to the north.

   In less than a week, there has been no storm or pirates, and the city of Velen is in sight.

  Looking from the sea.

   The first thing I saw at a glance was the precipitous city wall that was integrated with a steep cliff on the coast.

   A solid defense that is visible to the naked eye even though it is still far away.

  The coast is never a peaceful place.

   Whether it is sea creatures, such as murlocs, such as sea monsters, or the pirates who will never be short.

  The primary premise for the durability of a port city is whether it has a strong enough defense!

Undoubtedly, as the core of the Selanchat family's territory, the strong defense of Port Willen is not as good as Askatra, the capital of Amn, even if it is far from Baldur's Gate and Waterdeep City, but it is stable. But it's more than enough!

  Beasley pointed to the sea over there, entering and leaving the busy ships, and said: "There are two deep-water docks in Port Willen, and there is a naval base in the inner bay."

"The company mainly leases the southern dock and maintains it here. At any time, there are at least four new warships to deal with the pirate islands in the Wuhen Sea in the south and the pirates in the Naluskan Sea in the north of Sword Bay. threaten."

   "However, this is still not enough. There is still a considerable gap in the number of our battleships compared to Amn and the Alliance of Lords."

   "This also limits the company's development progress on Maztec to a certain extent."

  Beasley led the way, and his dealings with the Selanchat family were no strangers to Willen City.

  Similarly, through the skin of the United Company, the Kingdom Security Bureau is also constantly involved in Maztec, so he is also familiar with the new route.

   At this time, it is very handy to introduce Isaac.

  Isaac looked away, pondered again, and nodded slowly.

  Only from the point of view of the fleet, there is no large port, and there is no real naval base. In this regard, the kingdom is indeed quite behind the Amnites.

   It's not just here.

   On the coast of the giant dragon, pointing to the route to the ancient kingdom.

   Boltan and the Star Ring Islands, and the route of the Sea of ​​Brightness and Steam Lake.

  If it wasn't for the loyal servants of Longyi in his hands.

  If it weren't for the past few years, he had activated the power of a group of giant dragons several times in a row.

   If it wasn't for him in the green of nature, the earthquake would have deterred many aspects.

The various routes of the    Kingdom, it is impossible to be as stable as it is now!

   However, shock and deterrence are always effective, and it has been more than five years since the dazzling eyes. For the latecomers, I am afraid that they are already on the verge of being forgotten.

   We must fundamentally maintain stability and even expand externally...

   One, or even multiple, its own port, its own official naval base, which is absolutely indispensable!

  Isaac nodded slightly, but didn't say much.

   Soon, with the sound of the horn, the fleet entered the pier in an orderly manner, and then moored to the shore.

  The southern wharf has basically been leased by the joint company. Here, there is a special person in charge of the loading, unloading and handover of the goods.

  Similarly, Isaac and the others, who came as key members of the United Company, gestured for a code somewhere in Beasley facing the port.

   Soon, someone also greeted them.

After another handover of secret words, the secret agent arranged by the Security Bureau on the side of the company, a woman with short brown hair and wheat-colored skin, with a rather sassy temperament, just because of her enthusiasm for the company's top management, she was familiar with him. They communicated, and while leading them, they quickly walked out of the dock area and pointed to the real city.

   With the cooperative relationship between the company and the lord family, she personally led her, and since she didn't have any guards, she would obstruct them.

   soon entered the city.

   Then, the spy's guidance was no longer needed. After receiving the hint from Isaac's eyes, Beasley thanked him, and the two sides quickly separated.

   "Sir, what are we next?"

  Beasley immediately asked for instructions.

   didn't call him "Your Majesty" again. Likewise, knowing that His Majesty came out in hiding, he didn't ask for instructions, whether he wanted to visit the lord's castle.

   "Take a walk and take a look."

   "First look at our shipyard, then look at the naval base of the Selanchat family, and then..."

  Isaac's eyes were looking around with some interest.

   This port city may be less prosperous than the natural green.

   But...more breath of life!

Unlike the natural green construction, the streets were planned neatly. The streets and alleys of Willun City are interspersed with many hills and highlands. The citizens are also different from the natural green. On the other side of the natural green, Almost everyone is related to business and trade, here...

Isaac's eyes turned from the laughing children, from the show-off performers, to a shiny and clean full-body armor, the chest of which also marked a A team of clerics with giant golden eyes.

   This team came out of a huge fortress-like military building.

   is clearly visible, and there are more of them, clerics who also wear such armor and also wear helmets without visors.

   "Then, visit the temple of the guardian **** again!"

  Isaac's eyes lit up slightly.

  The guardian god, one of the main beliefs of the Amn people, their first port colony city in the Maztecs was named after him.

  These priests are his followers!

  Similarly, that military fortress-like building is also where his temple is located, and it is also the largest temple in Velen City!

  The reason why he paused at the side of Willen City.

  A joint company is mainly developed here. The shipyard is also here. In addition, Weilen City is still on the route to Deepwater City.

   However, it is undeniable that this temple is a well-known guardian even in the whole of Amn, and it is also one of his long-planned visit targets!

   His eyes narrowed slightly at the sacred sign of the "giant blue eye" in the temple. In the depths of Isaac's eyes, there was a strong color of interest.

  The God of Guardians, also known as the Watcher, the Eternal Watcher!

   This giant blue eye has exactly the symbolic meaning of the "eye of surveillance".

   And the "Watching Eye"...

   "Bystander Beholder!"

   "The only, the only, eye-like magician who can associate with the good camp!"

   "Guardian of the Temple of Heim!"

   "It is also the Church of the Lord of Darkness, and their beholder alliance, the most hated and angry enemy!"

   Undoubtedly, no matter what kind of creature of the eye magic department, for Isaac, it has the meaning of observation and even research!

   (end of this chapter)