Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 440: Willen and his party (below)

   Chapter 440 Wei Lun and his party (below)

   "It's the 'Single Truth Order' of the Guardian God Sect!"

   "They were staunch supporters of the Amnian strategy for the Maztecs, and the successful establishment of Naheim and Kolar had their strong participation."

   "According to reliable information, the Amnites also participated in the suppression of the indigenous people there in Maztec!"

   "On the side of Velen City, the local forces of Amn headed by them, to a certain extent, also constituted a little hindrance to the joint company, or it can be said to be competition."

  The appearance of the silver armored knights with the giant eye emblem.

  Beasley's lowered voice came from Isaac's side immediately.

   On the side of Wellen City, not everyone welcomed the arrival of the United Company.

   For example, those local nobles who cannot participate!

   Another example is this Heim Church!

   Conflict of interests, this attitude, even the Serangat family, the Lord of Velen, cannot be reconciled in the middle.

   Of course, the Selanchat family doesn’t necessarily mean to reconcile.

  To the left, they have a partnership with United.

  To the right, they are also involved in the actions of the Kingdom of Amn.

   Therefore, no matter which side has the upper hand, there is no need for them to make a clear statement.

   "It seems to be searching for something, in the middle of their team..."

  Barrett's voice also sounded, but before he could finish speaking, the words stopped again.

   Some of them mean…

   "In the middle of the line?"

  Beasley's heart moved, and his eyes suddenly observed the past covertly.

   That array, that footstep, that gap...

   "It's a bystander beholder!"

   "It seems that something has triggered their vigilance."

  Isaac's gaze was withdrawn from there.

  Barrett is only sensitive, his true eye can see directly.

   In the center of this knight order, a spherical creature with a tough body was hidden and suspended in the air.

   It also has four slender tentacles, each with a small eye at the top of the tentacle, and the four eyes point to the four directions, but it has the vision of the whole field.

   In front of the sphere, above a big mouth with huge teeth, it is much bigger than the four small eyes, and one eye is shining brightly, observing the front.

   This is the Beholder Beholder, a native creature of the Mechanic Realm of the Outer Planes.

  The material world is extremely rare, and basically only some of the core temples of the Heim Church may have them and exist as guards.

In Isaac's Eye of True Knowledge, this eye-like magical creature with a normal human size, even though the fangs in the giant mouth, even though the four eye stalks and the huge one-eyed are completely different from ordinary creatures, but... there is no The brutal and violent, on the contrary, a faint quietness and gentleness!

   It’s just the visual experience, which is completely different from the traditional beholder!

   "I'll go take a look."

   Over there, the "Single Truth Religion" was passing by in a hurry. Here, Barrett's eyes were on Isaac.

The   Him Sect has always been the mortal enemy of the Dark Night Sect. Although Barrett has not yet, he intends to attack these clerics directly in the city of Velen.

   However, for this clergy team, there are bystander beholders following the action... He is also quite curious, who or what has touched the sensitivity of these guys!

   Of course, the movement of the mind is the movement of the mind, and he still has a posture. After all, the master of this trip is not himself!

   The old killer's slightly suggestive gaze...

Naturally, Isaac would not object, he nodded slightly, looked at Beasley again, and said, "In this way, we will go our separate ways. You decide on the ship, as soon as tomorrow, no later than three days. Time, we end here and head straight for Baldur's Gate."

  Beasley obeyed.

   After confirming the meeting place a little, the three of them left separately.

  Although Isaac has a little bit of research on bystander beholders, he is not in a hurry during the day.

   First, we headed to the inner bay where the shipyard is located and the naval base is located.

The essence of   Welen City is a port city.

  The naval strength of the city is even higher than that of the army.

   In addition, the top secret shipyard of the Selanchat family and the joint company is also there. The inner bay, whether on land or in the water, is as vigilant as it is a military restricted area.

   not only has layers and staggered patrol networks, but also has multiple magic alarms and even anti-detection prohibitions.

  Isaac did not sneak in directly.

   Of course, the main thing is that he doesn't need to sneak in either.

  How to say, he is also an "important member" of the joint company!

  Into your own territory, what are you doing sneaking?

   The real identity of the "VIP" was revealed, and he was soon greeted by several persons in charge of the shipyard.

   Accompanied by them again, they toured the shipbuilding pier.

   is just a dock, not a blueprint or something, which is not a top secret.

   Finally climbed a tower in the shipyard.

   Overlooking the inner bay from the tower.

  Not only the docks, but also the warships that are under construction or have been launched.

   The outline of the Naval Base in Port Velen in the distance, as well as the array of organized warships, were also clearly displayed in Isaac's self-expanded and adjusted eyes.

   "Our battleship, the Veeron Navy, the fleet of the Kingdom of Amn, and those from the North, in terms of technology, are there any gaps and rankings?"

   After some inspection, Isaac's eyes turned to Charles, the head of the shipyard, who was one of the members of the Commonwealth and maintained a close relationship with the Consulate.

   And his identity on this trip is not only an "important member" of the joint company, but also a secret identity of the "Security Bureau", Charles knows how to cooperate.

   Weighing the meaning of the words in his heart, Charles quickly said: "The difference with the Willen Navy seems to be that Senator Rhodes is not above technology and has something to hide from us.

However, if you are with the main force of Amn's navy, as well as the most powerful ocean-going fleets among the northern lords, such as Waterdeep City, Baldur's Gate, and the ocean-going fleets of Neverwinter and Luskans Compared with the fleet, I am afraid there is still a certain gap.

   The main aspect of this lies in two places.

   First, we are relatively weak in the technology of applying magic to battleships.

   In addition, the rise of the sect of the gods of craftsmanship in the Northland was also a major factor.

  Relevant sources show that the people of the North seem to have been experimenting with some new type of naval artillery technology..."

  Can be in charge of the core shipyard of the joint company, Charles will not be incompetent.

   A reply is an introduction.


  Isaac's heart moved, is this his intention to use him, and then the Kingdom Security Bureau, to secretly investigate the new technology of the people in the North?

   But he wasn't disgusted by such an intention.

   On the contrary, as the person in charge of the shipyard, it is truly competent to have such intentions!

   nodded thoughtfully, but did not give this accurate letter.

   After another consultation.

   Basically, we have a general grasp of the essence of the shipyard, and the most important thing is to confirm that the Selanchat family did not dare to do anything extra in this regard.

The main purpose of   Willon's trip was basically achieved.

   will prepare the information related to the battleship in your mind.

   The sky was already dark at this time.

  Isaac also said goodbye and left the shipyard.

   And it was just returning to the city.

   Somewhere in the city.


   accompanied by a thunderous noise.

   A huge circle of flame explosions suddenly rose up, and even the falling night light instantly evaporated.

   (end of this chapter)