Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 454: reach deep water

   Chapter 454 Arrived in Deep Water

  The coast of Sword Bay, if there is any other city that can surpass Baldur's Gate in all aspects in terms of prosperity and power...

   No doubt, only Waterdeep!

Not only the coast of Sword Bay, but also the entire Northland, and even the entire Ashan plane. If you want to say it is powerful, you want to say it is prosperous, you want to say it is rich, and you say that Deepwater City is the second, there is no other city that dares to say that you are Be the first!

In this metropolis, which is even known as the "City of Glory", it is said that the business district never closes. There is one group during the day and one group at night. Under the light of the extinguishing flame... This is the real city that never sleeps!

   This city.

   Numerous shrines meet here.

   Countless dark forces have never ceased to be greedy for them.

   There are more lawful and good forces, defending the order here with their lives.

   The ruler here, or, more precisely, the ruler, is a council of sixteen lords.

Moreover, because the lord of Waterdeep City was born with the hostility of countless dark forces, except for a powerful paladin of the "God of Justice" who is an open lord, everyone else is a masked lord, hiding his true nature. identity.

   Speculation about the identity of the masked lord has always been one of the daily entertainment methods for the citizens of Deepwater City.

   Undoubtedly, a few days ago, the identity of a masked lord, or a former masked lord, was completely revealed by himself!

   Of course, even if he didn't reveal it himself, in fact, among many people's guesses, just like the information Isaac had, this one should be one of the masked lords!

   Black Staff Archmage, Kelben-Orosan!

   One of the leaders of the harpists!

   is also one of the most powerful mages on the Ashan plane.

   However, in Waterdeep, this "one" is still there!

after all……

  Although the Mage Guild of Waterdeep City "Anmin Mage Guild" is basically headed by "Black Staff Tower"!

  Although the dark side of Waterdeep City, what kind of evil power exists in the underground skull port, it must not be fully revealed!

   But, it's just the legendary leyline lost city, and it's just the "mad mage" who created this legendary place...

   No spellcaster dares to say that he can surpass this "mad mage" in the depth of the magic field, at least, when he is sober!

   Except for this mad mage.

  Isaac has been paying attention to it secretly all these years. One of the two the Dragon Queen referred to back then, it is very possible, is also hidden here.


   The elector of the Magic Goddess who has been recuperating in Waterdeep City a few years ago, Ms. Laila in the "Seven Sisters of the Northland", is undoubtedly at this level!

   Therefore, even if he is as powerful as the Black Staff Archmage, in places like Waterdeep City, he can only be described as "one of the most powerful mages".

   Of course, "one of the strongest" is definitely right.

   However, if you want to add another word on top of it, "the strongest mage combination"...

   "These two old guys who are hundreds of thousands of years old and have children and descendants, actually made a pair!"

   "The two of them are together, as well as Kelburne's right-hand man, and the caster level is probably more than the 25th-level Archmage Marjo..."

In the    information, in addition to the announcement of the Black Rod Archmage's resignation as the lord of the deep water, there is also news that he and the lady Laila are truly united!

   These two come together, and then have the power of the Black Wand Tower...

   Even though Isaac didn't have any direct thoughts on that side, his eyes wrinkled slightly for a while.

   Such a tight combination…

   "Now that Rayloran's side has crashed."

   "I am afraid that only the combination of the strongest voter and the Storm Queen can beat them a little bit!"

  Thinking of those two, some strange colors flashed in Isaac's eyes.

   The goddess of magic, which is notoriously popular with voters.

   The strongest voter is said to be a thousand years ago.

   There are even rumors that the "Seven Sisters in the North" were all raised by him!

  And then...he made a pair with the "Queen of the Storm" in "Seven Sisters"!

   "The combination of Kelburn and Laila, the 'Tower of the Black Rod', and the 'Tower of Order' of the Anmin Mage Society, are not suitable for direct visits!"

   After all, either Kyleben or Laila, in the Dragon Worship Cult data, they are not the kind of people who will fight back only after being offended.

   On the contrary, these two people are often active in various active schemes. When necessary, even temporarily cooperate with the evil camp, which has happened.

   If you go directly to the Black Staff Tower... Although Isaac has enough confidence, he is not arrogant!

   "So this group from Waterdeep City... Leyline Labyrinth may be the only target!"

   His eyes swept across quickly, and he quickly read the information.

   In Isaka's heart, a decision was soon made.

   Leyline Labyrinth, which was created by "Crazy Mage" Helast in the endless dark area.

   It is said that there are countless planes in it, not only the planes of the Underdark, but even various demi-plane connections.

All the treasures of    "Crazy Mage", including all his magical research, are hidden in it.

   Of course, there are more, there are countless monsters and constructs created, summoned, and enslaved by "Crazy Mage".

   This is Waterdeep City, and even the entire Northland is well-known as a place for exploration.

   That "Crazy Mage"'s accomplishments in the field of magic are definitely not inferior to Kelburn.

   "Black Staff Pagoda" is temporarily not suitable for visiting. Taking a step back, perhaps this "Landline Lost City" is more suitable for him.

   After all... "Crazy Mage" doesn't care if there are any taboos in terms of magic research!

  Thinking like this, he put his intelligence together and looked at Beasley: "How much do we set foot in over the deep water? Is there anything related to the 'Landline Lost City'?"

   Knowing that the next stop is Waterdeep City, Beasley was well prepared: "We mainly set foot in three parts there."

   "In the business district, there are real businessmen and spies who only carry out trade activities. There are not a small number of them. Some once belonged to the Dragon Cult, and some were specially developed by the Kingdom Security Bureau."

"The port area and Skull Harbor are the dark places of Waterdeep City. Naturally, there are our spies lurking in them, especially the Exanza Guild who was deported to Skull Harbor. According to our lurking and infiltration over the years, some clues point out that , The top level of the Thieves Guild may be related to the Beholder, and then, it may also be related to the Zhentarim and the Church of the Lord of Darkness."

   "In addition, we have also infiltrated the city guards and the Adventurer's Guild."

   "Related to the 'Landline Lost City', it can be explored from two aspects."

   "On the one hand, adventurers' exploration of Leylines has never stopped. From within the Adventurer's Guild, some gold coins should be paid to obtain certain information."

"On the other hand, the Skull Harbor has an underground water area directly connected to the Lost City of Leylines. If you need it, as long as you activate those lurking spies to discover some information related to the Lost City of Earthliness, there will be no problem. "

  Beasley introduced it clearly and neatly.

  Isaac nodded slightly: "I'll leave it to you. Let's start from both sides."

   He doesn't have much time to solve puzzles slowly in the Leyline Lost City.

  Beasley took the lead.

   After a while, he also left the room.


   The next morning.

   With the long sound of a horn.

   On the passenger ship that left the pier and continued to accelerate towards the ocean, the four of Isaac would not miss it.

   Relatively speaking, the route between Baldur's Gate and Waterdeep City is obviously more stable and safer than the route between Baldur's Gate and Amn.

   All the way to the north, after three or four days.

   With the outline of Waterdeep, it gradually became clear in the distance.

   This way, not to mention pirates, even the murlocs and sea monsters in the sea have not encountered anything.

   On the contrary... Twice, I met with the fleet that was constantly patrolling the waters of the Sword Bay!

   From this, it can also be seen that the Sword Bay area, especially between the two powerful city-states of Baldur's Gate and Waterdeep City, still has considerable stability.

  Whether it was a sea monster in the sea, or even further north, those pirates related to the Luskan people rarely dared to act in public here.

   Of course, this has little to do with Isaac, and he doesn't care about that either.

At this moment, with the crew's reminder, with the presence of Waterdeep City, he is also looking at the one in the distance, completely surrounding the entire bay, and continuously extending inland, the continuous building complex is ups and downs, even if separated by a distance. It is still far away, and it can be easily seen that this is an unprecedented scale, whether it is Baldur's Gate, or his natural green, including the Port of Carlin and Askatra he has visited, and even The two major cities in the north and south of Ense... No city can match the one in front of me on this scale.


  While Isaac looked into the distance, he squinted slightly and took a long breath, as if he was distinguishing some breath that spread from there.

   Then, he looked at the location of the bay port, and some vague sensations made his eyes move slightly: "Waterdeep City also has the temple of the goddess of the sea?"

   The will of the mind is sensitive enough to sense, there, the closest place to this place, there is a little familiar atmosphere!

   "It should be the shipwrecked sailors, where the widows prayed to him."

   "It should not be called a real temple, and it should not be comparable to the Palace of the Queen of Water at Baldur's Gate."

   was not Beasley, but Barrett.

   After all, among the well-known temples in Waterdeep City, these "shrines" formed by sailor widows have no influence at all, and they will not let Beasley know about it in advance.

   On the contrary, it is Barrett, who has rich enough adventure experience, and he still has a certain understanding of this kind of thing.

  Isaac pondered for a while, then nodded slowly.

  Shipwreck, this is with ocean trade and ocean adventure, forever.

  Whether it is because of natural disasters at sea, or because of pirates, or because of sea monsters, there is no port city that can avoid the occurrence of maritime accidents.

   And every time there is a shipwreck... it often means that a ship of people suffers.

As a result, they were originally together, and the wives and children of these sailors naturally came closer. Over time, they spontaneously prayed to the goddess of the ocean, and gradually transformed into the goddess of the ocean. , is also reasonable.

   And Isaac's perception of the intensity of some of the aura over there is also in line with Barrett's statement.

   didn't say more, his eyes were from the bay, and he looked out of the port, the terrain was rising rapidly, the castle area like a mountain city,

   This should be the original urban area of ​​Waterdeep City, and it is now the most central urban area.

   It is said that this castle area, especially the Deepwater Castle, which is located on the top of Deepwater, has many powerful catapult arrangements.

The power of this sling is far beyond imagination. It is hard to say whether it is combined with any magical craftsmanship. In short, all the attacks from the ocean, whether it is a pirate fleet or ocean monsters, including those sahuagins, including those deep-sea squids and aboleths Fish, no one has ever broken through their firepower from the ocean.

   Also, Beasley's profile.

  The two armed forces of Waterdeep City, the headquarters of the City Guard and the City Sentinel, should also be in this castle area.

   And the only open lord, the paladin Pierre Galen of the "God of Justice", his residence is the center of the castle district, the Deep Water Castle on the top of the Deep Water Mountain!

   is separated by this castle area.

The    side of the bay is the port area.

   Then there is the southern part of the transportation center.

  From left to right, there are the coastal area of ​​the noble center and the commercial center of the city that never sleeps.

   Continuing to the north, it should be the northern area where the wealthy classes and minor nobles live.


   Go down to the ground.

   There is also the Dark Skull Harbor that connects to the waters of the Underdark.

   and the more mysterious Leyline Labyrinth.

   For a moment, Isaac's eyes, according to Beasley's information, completed the division of the city in the distance,

   And then...

   Looking at the port that is already approaching...

   "The development ideas of these lords..."

   A strange color appeared in Isaac's eyes.

   is not the same as the port of Baldur's Gate.

   Even Port Wiren is better.

   This notoriously prosperous city, the filth and roughness of the port area, compared with the city area in the distance, even compared with the adjacent transportation center, it is like two different worlds.

  The huge port has only a few guards, and even wild dogs can be seen wandering among the chaotic low houses.

   "I was worried about the attack of the sea monsters, so I moved the transportation center to the north and set up the southern area?"

   "Or...is it because of that underground skull port, the never-ending obstruction?"

   After all, Skull Harbor is known as the dark side of Waterdeep, all kinds of smuggling, all kinds of evil, and there will never be a time to stop.

   The port area is in conflict with the interests of Skull Harbor!

   Or maybe... it might have something to do with the people who control the transportation industry in the southern district, right?

   in the divergence of thought.

The horn of the    passenger ship berthing and docking was also humming.

   (end of this chapter)