Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 564: Alisa

   Chapter 564 Alisa

   Just when the Hell Gate Castle was surging again, Isaac returned and stayed in the Kingdom of Reid for a while.

   Not only because of the successful research of "Storage Dragon Ball", but also... Industrial College!

After a lapse of one year, the Kingdom cooperated with the Craft Church, and received all-round support from the Consulate, as well as many human and material resources from Lantao Island and the Palace of Supreme Miracles, and was also favored by many commercial forces. It is finally officially launched.

   A delegation from the Crafts Church, headed by Archbishop Elanis, and several great inventors participated, especially the Master Gunsman who invented the printing machine...

   Naturally, Isaac wanted to meet in person, not to mention exchange of knowledge.

   Of course, the affairs of the academy have always been a long-term plan. It has just started, and it is naturally too early to actually produce results.

In this regard, Isaac is not lacking in patience. The resources that should be given out, and the policies that should be given, will be given vigorously. Even if there are not enough students, they will give student aid support. remain in the kingdom.

   And it was when he grasped magic in one hand and education in the other, and both sides were in full swing.

   "Mr. Angus, there is an urgent matter, I want to meet you in person."

   A voice from "SMS".

  Alsa Alisa!

   but to meet face to face...

   is Hell's Gate Castle, what is going to happen again?

   After all, for the past year, it has been a simple exchange of "text messages", and this suddenly has to be met in person, or because of "urgent matter"...

   "These Tanaris and Demons are really worrying!"

   Having some estimation in his heart, Isaac shook his head slightly, but his voice was transmitted to Ai Lumo's side through the "SMS" link: "Not there. Contact me when you return."

   not here?

   Not sure when to return?

It was the secret letter from Kenil Walker, who knew that the "Ms. Blue Bear" had already been persuaded there. Now the most crucial point is Alisa on her body, her lips pursed lightly. For a moment, in the eyes, the bead, which was as beautiful as a gem, blinked several times in succession.

   A decisive look quickly passed by.

   Once again, another "SMS": "Teacher, it is about the summoning of Greensack and the secret of the elves in the longer era of Esko Horn!"

   She knew that this was always the center of attention.

   Sure enough, a response came quickly: "Within three days, wait for my news!"

  Three days, this is too late.

   The launch of the Blue Bear Tribe and the Flaying Legion had to be coordinated overtly and covertly, and the three days would definitely not be complete.

  Alisa let out a sigh of relief, her eyes flashed for a while, and she quickly disappeared, sneaking into the dark cave without anyone knowing.

after a while.

   Outside the Lich's Hidden Tomb.

   Facing the little devils guarded by two dark undead guardians.

  Alyssa nodded slightly and said, "Modas, I'm here to visit Mage Wilder."

  Although the appearance of Angus, the importance of the lich has already come to a second place, but on the Angus side, after all, if there is no certainty, Alisa will naturally not miss this place.

   As for the little devil taking over the defense around the mausoleum, she, who has always had secret contact with this side, is also not surprised.

   A slight smile, naturally, is purely due to the natural charm of Al-Almon, rather than any magical effect.

   The tricks of the little devil were all smoothed out in her smile.

   The fangs split open and said: "Wilder he..."



   The words all reached the throat, and suddenly, the little devil's soul seemed to be stabbed by a needle, a sting, the instinct was to make a sound, and then the soul became alert again.

Looking at Ai Lumo again, there was already a bit of suspicion in his blood-colored eyes, his eyes rolled again, he snorted, and said, "Master has important research, and I haven't seen outsiders recently, you have something to do. , you can tell me directly, or contact you when the master finishes his research."

   Wilder sees no strangers?

  Alisa's eyes flashed, this is not common in contact with the lich, or, more simply, at least what she knows, seems to have never happened.


   Is this little devil deceiving? After all, no matter the little devil, this is also Barthez, and deception has always been their specialty!


   At a time like this, could it be a lich, with those Tanari...

   "Should be impossible!"

   "It should be that I think too much!"

   "No matter what the situation, Wilder can't be in the same camp with Tanari!"

   "The reason for this little devil? Or is it really doing research, or...isn't it here?"

   "If he's not here, then he..."

The thoughts in her mind flashed quickly, and Alisa frowned slightly, a look of anxiety and anxiety, through her natural charm, she said: "I don't know how long it will take him to complete? Some of them are related to the agreement of the year. The most important thing must be to discuss with him as soon as possible."

She frowned, the little devil on the opposite side, the vigilance and doubt in her heart could not help dissipating, and there were more kinds, the opposite side was the companion, the companion was in an emergency, he naturally had to immediately report this matter to the The feeling of the owner's report.


   Wilder is really gone!

   His master is no longer Wilder!

Modas shook his head gently, put away his bat wings, and stood on the top of the undead guard, his eyes were a little hesitant, but he still said: "Forget it, let me tell you the truth, it has been almost half a month since he left here. Time is running out, no matter how urgent you are, you have to wait for him to come back before I can transfer it to him."

   Sure enough, he is not there!

  Alisa did not doubt what the little devil was saying now.

   Ai Lumo's innate spell-like ability "Charm", with her charm bonus, is even stronger and less detectable than a real succubus.

   No matter how cunning and suspicious the little devil is, he is only a little devil after all, how could he possibly resist her "charm"!

   "Then did he go?"

"have no idea."

   Modas really doesn't know.

  If it was Wilder, it might be to go to the Forest of Terror to meet that one.

   But the current master...he can't even say his name, how could he know where he is going!

  Alisa tried several times, but after finding nothing, finally, she left temporarily.

After all, Wilder is only the second choice. First, wait for the news from Angus, and wait for Kenil to come back to see what kind of secret contract he and the Blue Bear tribe have reached. "Information Technique" to urge the lich, but it's not in a hurry.


   Ai Lumo is continuously hitting a wall.

  Isaac's side is quickly ending the incident and preparing to go back to Hell's Gate Castle.

   "Greensark was summoned, and it is also secretly related to the elves in the long-term Escohorn..."

  Ai Lumo's description, the first reaction, Isaac was thinking of those ancient secrets that were preserved in the way of murals in the tomb of the "Three Swords Family".

  If there is anything else to say, the elves of the corner of Esko can be linked to the Tanari Demon King... In the murals, those demon elves who oppose the Yeerlan Kingdom are undoubtedly the greatest possibility!

   And if what Alumu was referring to was really the words of those demon-born elves...

  Isaac has never forgotten, the sealing barrier of Hell Gate Castle, the "Techira Stone" in his hand, behind it, its deep...

   "The Supreme Magic of the Elf!"

  Thinking of this, Isaac's eyes flickered slightly.

   Of course, the research on the "Legendary Dispelling Technique" requires at least one or two months of accumulation and growth at the peak speed before it can be carried out.

   It also takes nearly 20 days and more sufficient resources to complete the research.


   The creation of "Storage Dragon Ball" has been completed, the function card of the "master control terminal" can be extended to itself, and through the "functional weaving" of Dragon Ball, I have a deeper understanding of the elf magic system...

  If Alisa was referring to, it is really closely related to the demon-born elves, and the existence of the supreme magic of the elves... This may be the breakthrough opportunity for his research on "Techira" and "Serukira"!

   "Just look, what have you done?"

   Soon arranged a series of matters to the Consulate and the First Servant, and sent a secret order to Beasley and Heath who were still in Amn through the Kingdom Security Bureau.

   Lightning flashed, and Isaac's figure quickly disappeared from the mage tower.


   One day later.

   Lich Tomb.

   "Your Majesty, you are finally back."

   "Ms. Alisa, the leader of those Al-alum demons in Hellgate Castle, came over yesterday and wanted to discuss something with Wilder."

   "I dismissed Wilder because of her absence, but I didn't reveal anything about you."

   "Look, what is it now?"

   As soon as Isaac returned, the little devil flew to show his allegiance immediately.

  Although Ai Lumo's "charm" is secretive and more difficult to resist, but the devil's suspiciousness and vigilance always make him feel wrong afterward.

   However, he had doubts. In front of Isaac, he did not dare to reveal the possibility that he was influenced by others.

   "On the same day, at a similar time, she visited me and this lich one after another. She wants to..."

   "Or, they are ready to..."

   The little devil's report made Isaac's heart move.

   I was already suspecting that these guys who could never stand it were once again worrying about it.

   Now... as expected!

   After a little thought in his heart, Isaac said, "The message, let her come over!"

  I’m not going to go to the underground chamber, so Isaac is going to wait in this Lich Tomb, wait and see, what will Ai Lumo’s reaction be when he sees everything here?

   "Yes, Your Majesty!"

   The little devil hurried to arrange it.

   After a while.

After receiving the news, Ai Lumo, who came in a hurry, wore a leather coat, daggers, leggings, and an elf sword. He looked neat and tidy, dressed like a wanderer. abjection.

  A figure who was introduced to the tomb by the little devil, walked into the library-like tomb, saw a magic gem on the stone seat, closed his eyes slightly, and was thinking about something...

   "Wilder... ah? No, you? Mr. Angus?"

   Just as she greeted her, Alisa's eyes suddenly jumped again, with a strong surprise on her face.

   Not a Lich!

   Most importantly, this figure...

   For a while, her mouth couldn't close, and if half of the vampire's fangs were exposed, there was no special charm in this surprised expression.

   "Long time no see, Alisa."

  Isaac smiled lightly.

   To this Ai Lumo, he is not the same attitude when he first met.

   On the one hand, in the many "text messages" contact, some of his gestures and some of Ai Lumo's catering, the two are still in good communication.

Second, and most importantly, he will give Ai Lumo the opportunity to "cater" and be commensurate with his "teacher"... From Ai Lumo and that Cambion, there are some things that I have a vague premonition about. It is the most fundamental!

  Because of this, he looked at Ai Lumo's astonishment, and Isaac's expression at the moment was quite peaceful.

  's secret observations on Ai Lumo's expression and mind fluctuations are not obvious.

   "Mr. Angus, are you back? But this? Are you?"

  Alisa's complexion changed continuously, and finally, she suppressed the surprise, but another series of questions.

   "Wilder was ignorant, so I imprisoned him."

   "These are not important, tell me, you urged me to come back and come to Wilder's side again, what are you doing?"

  Isaac said lightly.

   Imprisoned Wilder! !

  Alisa finally calmed down and was shocked. For others, this is unacceptable, but for this one... it seems reasonable and reasonable!

   quickly organized some words in his heart, and Alisa replied: "Teacher should also know that the Silver Moon Alliance has defeated the evil coalition. There is a message from the Blue Bear tribe, and they are most likely to turn their attention to this side.

   Therefore, Mowassis and the others, prepare to strike first.

   is the preemptive strike that drives us and the Flaying Legion to charge, and they reap everything behind. "

   "Kenir and Gevox don't want to endure forever, so this war is our most critical counterattack against them!"

   "In order to whip the future of the Legion, for the future of our demons, I came to Wilder's side again after seeing you urgently to no avail, but..."

  Alisa explained with a wry smile.

   She had all kinds of speculations about Wilder's whereabouts, but she never expected that a powerful lich like Wilder would be imprisoned and sealed.


   "It's still this kind of preemptive strike..."

  Isaac shook his head slightly, showing a little mockery, but at the same time...

   "I've said that, at least for now, I'm not going to agree with the civil war with those Tanaris."


   His gaze was directed towards Ai Lumo's eyes.

   is a bit, "so I won't interfere".

   But at the same time, it's a bit like, "So, come up with your terms".

   Under his gaze, Ai Lumo's eyes flashed: "Teacher, do you know how the mage who first performed the Tanari Summoning Ceremony during the Esco Horn change came up with this ceremony?"

   "Teacher, have you ever heard of the civil war "Battle of the Seven Castles" between the ancient elven kingdoms?"

   (end of this chapter)