Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 58: visitor

   Chapter 58 Visitors

  After two weeks, some black tadpoles appeared in the pool.

On the same day, in the late-night meditation, there was huge feedback that his mage level was directly advanced to the second level, and the connection between the essence of magic and his consciousness was unprecedentedly close. Some contexts of layers.

   The second level, that is, the second level of spells, the mage level is raised to the third level before you can directly touch it.

   A large number of magic words and magic inscriptions related to this unfolded before his consciousness, and his consciousness absorbed this knowledge greedily.

   At the same time, his intelligence has also received a significant enhancement, which is far more obvious than when he took office.

   The number of first-level spell slots has been directly increased to four!

   Two of them come from the mage profession itself, and the other two are brought about by intelligence.

   Slowly adapting from this wave of ascension, Isaac quickly withdrew from meditation and immediately entered the laboratory to record various magical knowledge.

After everything was completed, he closed his eyes again, used his consciousness to simulate some veins of the second layer of the magic essence, and continuously filled in the magic knowledge related to a certain spell with his own accumulation. .

   I don't know how long it took, but gradually, this spell began to take shape.

   "Dragon Fly Enlightenment Technique!"

   "The essence should be to use the power of magic to stimulate the dragon flies to produce 'evolutionary hormones', which in turn produce weak intelligence. In this process, there is also a constant charm effect."

   "Second-level spell, the effect should be better than manual operation, but the mage level is not enough, and it is not enough to really build it now."

   "The cloning of the forest frog has been completed, and we will continue to work harder. First, we will complete the clone of this species of dragonfly, and then we will find a suitable different species for hybrid cloning. We will try more, hoping to find a species that greatly promotes their individual strength."

   While thinking, Isaac slowly closed his eyes.

  Woke up the next day and felt that the new love was not as good as the old love after all, the wood frog and the tadpoles were immediately left behind by him, and the dragonfly children became his heart again.

   In one year, I don’t know how many forest frogs have been used. Isaac has become very proficient in cloning of the same species.

  Dragonfly is much more difficult to deal with than the wood frog, but after dissecting several "victims", he quickly set up a plan and tried to prepare a culture medium for recombinant embryos.

   So, everything went back to the old rhythm of continuous experimentation and continuous improvement.

   In the process, Isaac kept searching and recording all species on the island.

   Whether it is huge or tiny, whether it is insects or animals.

  Can be used or not, you will know after you try it.

   As long as there are advantages that may promote the strengthening of dragon flies, record them first.

   Not only those on the islands, but even some creatures in the ocean were included in his list of investigations.

   On this day, after placing a new set of reconstituted embryos into the newly configured culture medium, Isaac comforted the experimental mother first, then flew off the cliff again and swept towards the beach.

   In the past few days, he has been observing an octopus that lives near the coast. Not only is it extremely resilient, it can even regenerate a broken limb, and its vitality is extremely tenacious.

  There is another kind of millipede, which usually hides in the soil. When the prey passes by, it will flash out with lightning. The lethality of the four huge fangs is astonishingly large among the same size.

Inevitably, we must continue to observe some other creatures with special skills, and finally enjoy a rich and delicious meal in the sea, and bring some nutritious blood food to the experimental mother before flying out of the sea again and heading for the lair. go with.


   A sound like the roar of the yin wind suddenly appeared in his sensitive hearing range at this time.

   First reaction, Isaac looked at the sky first.

  Although there are some white clouds, it is clear enough and the sea breeze is not strong.

   Unable to help, his eyes turned to the direction of the sound, and he pulled up his body higher, and soon, his sight crossed a mountain above the island.

   Then, his eyes straightened, and his pupils were even more enlarged, pulling the sight distance further.

   In the distance, a sailing ship with multi-faceted sails!

   Even if he was far away, he could see that the tonnage of the ship was definitely not small.

  Don't think about it, wise creature!

   Moreover, it is definitely not those intelligent creatures at the bottom of the sea!

   "Could it be the 'person' related to that harpoon?"

   "Will there be a caster on board?"

   "There must be many treasures, right?"

   "Their purpose is..."

Countless thoughts flashed in his eyes. Isaac pressed his head and flew back to the lair first. After feeding the experimental mother, he stuck to the woods again and flew to the top of a distant mountain, where he was hidden again. In the woods, I adjusted the sight distance and continued to observe.

   "This is a naval battle?"

  The speed of the ship was not fast, and it took a while for Isaac to vaguely see some of the situation over there.

   It seems that the people on the boat are blowing horns and shooting into the sea, with bows and arrows, as well as harpoons.

  In the sea, the fight seems to be more intense, and from time to time, you can see large sea beasts rushing out of the water to collide, and there are two groups of sea creatures fighting.

   "So, one group is allies with the ship and the other group is hostile?"

   "Above the ship, it looks like a human figure."

   "In the sea, there are giant sharks, most likely there should be murlocs."

   "And they are hostile to them, are they neutral or good murlocs? Or mermaids? Or sea elves?"

   is watching, gloating over the misfortune, wishing they would fight more fiercely, it's better to lose both, and then he will be very considerate to clean up the battlefield for them.

  A sphere of light exuding azure blue light suddenly floated in the sky.

   Being illuminated by this brilliance, one of them seemed to have a surge in fighting spirit, while the other one was dodging one after another, and the speed of the ship also sped up a lot.

  Isaac's eyes narrowed slightly.

   seems to be a spell, but also like magic, with some different fluctuations.

   "Divine magic?"

   "Which of the sea gods is the priest?"

   In his eyes, not only was he not disappointed, but he became more curious.

  I don’t even hope that both sides die cleanly, it’s better to leave one or two priests.

When    was still in the Black Mist Forest, he had certain judgments and conjectures about the nature of professionals.

   Master, he is himself.

A    sorcerer, a green dragon's natural caster level is similar.

   warriors and the like, also have some understanding from the war lizards, or other human races.

  Only priests such as priests, he has not really come into contact with them.

   I vaguely understand that this profession should be related to faith.

   Moreover, unlike other professions, if their source really comes from the gods...the gods have self-consciousness and great consciousness!

   "Observe first, and make records and notes."

   "After the cloning experiment is completed, think about the researchability of this topic."

  The ship is getting closer and closer, and the destination is this island.

  The murlocs who were driving the sharks gradually began to retreat, but they did not leave, and they could still see their heads emerging from time to time in the distant sea.

   As if guarding the ship, some people and some creatures leaned out of the water.

  When the figures of these people fell into the eyes of the green dragon, instinctively, his throat gulped.

   Thanks to the two brothers "xiaotang246" and "Reincarnation of the House" for their support, thank you.

   Ask for a recommendation!



   (end of this chapter)