Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 601: Greensack resurrected

  Chapter 601 Greensack Resurrection

   "Teacher, I can follow you to learn magic, of course I should, and I am more than happy to serve you."

   "As for those troublesome things, if you think they are troublesome, I am also willing to share some of these troubles for you."

  Isaac's hint.

  Alisa didn't hesitate, but responded quickly.

   The first half of the sentence was still solemnly promising, but the second half of the sentence changed his voice, revealing some playful and intimate meaning.

   After all, the only student...

Why should    have a special status than the Fly Demon?

   At least, when the flies are around, it is necessary to show it.

   Of course, that's what the words say, and the attitude is also expressed in the same way, but it's too early to say that Alisa really made a clear choice.

  Although she knew very well that even if this guy, who is currently in the Hell Gate Castle, has almost no real power to grasp, but with the cooperation of the Fly Demon, it is not difficult to quickly expand his influence.

   If she really takes refuge now, it may be possible, and she has a greater prospect than Walker's side.


   After all, she is still thinking of some former love!

   Of course, although she was still reciting that previous relationship, she also did not reject Isaac's suggestion.

   On the one hand, for Walker, she has lost the enthusiasm she once had, and is already thinking about the way forward.

  Second come...she is Ai Lumo!

   The choice in my heart has not really been decided yet, but deception, lies, and fooling, aren't these normal things for Ai Lumo?

   The previous one is not easy to deceive, because there is a fly demon who is familiar with the situation of the Hell Gate Castle.

  Now... Who else can reveal the thoughts in her heart?

   Especially, she is not actually a deceit, even if it is a fool.

after all……

On the one hand, it was playful, showing some intimacy, on the other hand, when Alisa made this response, there was still a secret feeling quietly Yayoi... This "choice" of hers may really be possible. It's her final choice

   Isaac took a deep look at Ai Lumo's pretentious gesture, then shook his head and smiled: "You can count. Later, you will cooperate with him on Samuel's affairs."

   As he spoke, his eyes turned to the Fly Demon again.

  Alisa nodded naturally.

   At this moment, a dark red light flashed in the eyes of those giant flies.

  Isaac's eyes looked over, his filthy and uglier face, a look like a request.

   Ai Lumo can climb a high branch by selling his face, and he also needs to show more in order to have a higher status.

  Fly Demon's usual interests, when he spoke, Samuel bowed slightly: "Sir, I have an idea for occupying the Hell Gate Castle..."

   These words made Alisa look at him.

  Isaac moved in his heart and nodded slightly: "Speak!"


  Samuel continued to bow: "Hell Gate Castle, the strong are respected, with your great power, she is naturally her ruler without a doubt.

   However, there are always some people who are naturally more rebellious and rebellious. Even if they obey on the surface, it is hard to say whether they are colluding with something.

  So, since I was accepted by you, I have been thinking about how to better tame them, so that you can save more worry and trouble.

   After thinking about it, I came up with an idea, but I don’t know if it will offend you…”

   As he spoke, he raised his gaze slightly, meeting Isaac's interested gaze, and then lowered it a little further.

"go on."

   There was no happy voice.

Samuel then continued: "You know, those Tanaris and Tanaroks are mostly guys who advocate violence, and there are too many rebellious and rebels. After hundreds of years, , the only one who can make them produce unshakable obedience from their souls, only that one!

   And you, not only your power is greater than him, but you also possess the essence of Balor.

   If you were in his name…”

   Samuel's voice stopped here.

   However, whether Isaac or Alisa, both of them moved their eyes.

   In the name of "Greensack"!

   This fly demon is still cautious enough.

   Although he said "may be offensive" in advance, he still didn't say anything, in the name of "son of Greensack" and so on.

   In the name of Greensark... This means that Greensark is suspended animation!

As for Isaac, his mastery of the form of the Balor Flame Demon, whether it is various spell-like abilities or the fire of purgatory, is certainly not comparable to that of Greensac, who has advanced "King of Demon Flames", but said He is the real Balor, but he won't arouse any real suspicion.

  Has this identity, and then with his magical power...

   Not to mention the common Tanar'ri and Tanarok, born to obey the Balor.

   is a powerful high-level, with this level, it is also easier to accept, and naturally it will default.

   And those who disobey... that must be the opposite of absolutely disobedience!

   For this kind of person, of course, it is a strong suppression.

  Zheng can also give those defaulters a warning!

  The idea of ​​the fly demon, Isaac pondered for a while, but nodded secretly.

  If he is really "Angus", he may be proud of his identity and strength, and disdain to use the identity of "Greensack".

  But..."Angus" is just an identity to him!

  The only thing to consider, if Greensack is not dead, those elves...

   "The elf holy sword is in my hand, they are born to point here, and it's not bad for 'Greensack is not dead'!"

With such a flash of thought, Isaac did not agree on his face, and only said lightly: "You have followed Greensac for many years, and you can see that he has already carried out an investigation to transform the essence of life from the seal of the enchantment into the The way of sacrifice, deprivation and conversion?"

   These words seemed to be irrelevant, but Samuel and Alisa's eyes moved at the same time.

   This is tacit approval!

Since the essence of    Greensack's life has been replaced by sacrifice, it is naturally the premise of resurrection.

   And because the replacement has not been carried out to the full extent, after the resurrection, many memories are lost, which is also normal.

   As for why, until now, he has come to take charge of the Hell Gate Fort... The civil war between the Seven Giants is too absurd. If he doesn't come out again, the Hell Gate Fort is probably going to disappear!

   This is enough for most demons and fiends, a reason that can even be called perfect!

  Even, Samuel can add a better "sacrifice"

   "The great king of magic flames, finally waiting for your return!"

  The bowed body of the fly demon directly bowed down.

   Angus - King of Magic Flame - Greensack II!

  Alisa blinked twice, thinking about the name in her heart, and suddenly... I have a feeling that Walker is getting farther and farther away from his goal!

"time to go!"

  Isaac waved his hand and let the fly demon get up on its own.

   "Where's that over there?"

  Alisa's gaze looked at the direction of the barbarian camp.

   "Ignore them."

   "Since they are well prepared, they will return to Hell's Gate Castle."

  Isaac smiled faintly, and waved his hand again as he spoke.

   Prepared for the "advanced teleportation technique" in the spell slot, and with sufficient control, there was almost no turbulence, only a flash of aura flowed, and it disappeared here with the fly demon and the Ai aluminum demon.

   didn't even give Ai Lumo time to explain to the people below.

   (end of this chapter)