Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 602: grab (4)

   Chapter 602 Grab (4)


   was when the three of Isaac disappeared.

  The camp of the Blue Bear tribe.

   The three hag sisters, and Kenil Walker, were also gathered together.

   The hags have been stalking Gao Shu for many years, and there are inevitably various secret arrangements there. Especially at this time, all arrangements can be said to be activated, and they are closely watching everything on both sides of the camp.

   But when Erathrow made a comprehensive weaving change to the guardian enchantment of the treetop capital.

   Almost all the arrangements were completely disturbed.

   Naturally, the three hag sisters were also alerted at the same time.

   And the relationship between Walker and Haggs was also called over immediately.

   However, it was when they were urgently and excitedly conducting secret discussions in the field of anti-detection magic effects.

  Suddenly, Tanta Haggs, who was directly manipulating this magical effect, moved in his heart, and with a suspicious look, he turned to somewhere on the side of the camp.

   That direction...


   Ms. Blue Bear's action made Kenil Walker's heart move, and his eyes wrinkled.

   The hags here are observing the change of Takashu. Although that one may not have prepared in advance, with his magical ability, it is not impossible that he is not monitoring Takashu now.

  So, Haggs's sudden action... is that person doing something?


   The hag quickly looked away.

   But Kenil Walker still asked.

   "There seems to be a sign of spellcasting, but it's hard to stare at that, for a while, I can't be sure."

   The ghost hag shook her head lightly, but her face was clearly still suspicious.

   That person's perception is more powerful, and easily, she would not dare to monitor there directly.

And, because they were still discussing just a moment ago, under the counterattack of Erathrow, how much Muvassis and the others might escape, and how much the Tanari Legion lost, and their attention is basically here. .

   At this time, the attention to the other side is naturally even more insufficient.

   But that's it... She still trusts her intuition, there must be something moving!

   The face of the ghost hag, Kenil-Walker and the green hag, can all see what she means.

   And at times like this, if that person moves, this refers to...

   "Tall tree!"

   "Or... Hell's Gate Castle!"

This thought flashed, Kenil Walker's eyes suddenly condensed, and then looked at the three ghosts, he said solemnly: "I will ask Alisa, if she is not there, Samuel Not here, then... we should prepare to retreat immediately."

   In the past few days, because of the existence of that person, the Mist Fortress has counterattacked several times, but it always retreats after one try.

   But now, if the news of that person's absence is confirmed over there...

   Moreover, Kenil-Walker is not only concerned about this, the departure of that person, if he also brings Alisa and Samuel, I am afraid that there is a high probability that he is pointing at the Hell Gate Castle!

   The three hag sisters looked at each other and nodded.

   They can grasp Walker's concerns, and Walker's control of Hellgate Castle, at least dominant, is also of great significance to them.

   Haggs's dark eyes flashed, and a cold voice said: "He wants to reach out to Hell Gate Castle, those two are of great significance to him. How to solve it depends on your choice!"

   The ghost hag never thought that when Walker married her, the two would be able to trust each other.

   Especially, she is not ignorant of the relationship between Walker and Ai Lumo.

   This is also an opportunity!

   "I can count!"

   Kenil-Walker's expression remained still, only the coldness in his eyes flickered and disappeared, and then he strode out.

   And he arranged for someone to test the situation over there.

   Behind, the two green hags let out a strange laugh like a nighthawk.

   Not much time.

Although    was as concealed as possible, there was still a lot of movement, and the evil coalition began to retreat.

   And the movement here, within the foggy fortress, although there is a perception, but it has not chased out.

   On the one hand, it’s hard to tell if he’s seducing something again.

  What's more important...From Takaki's side, some communication has arrived!


  Isaac has completely put aside the affairs of the Mist Fortress.

   Although he is still interested in whether the Mist Fortress is an ancient elf fortress, he is also interested in the "sacred artifact crystal" of the Mist Master.

   However, under the circumstance of being on high alert there, he was not in a hurry to start immediately.

   There is time and opportunity in the future.

At this time, with the arc flash of the "Advanced Teleportation Technique", he had already reincarnated into the form of the Balor Flame Demon, and he who was engulfing the raging fire of Purgatory was carrying the Al-alum and the Fly Demon, unconcealedly evil and arrogant. , appeared in the sky above Hell's Gate Fort.

   Their appearance is more pressing immediately.

   That high-ranking demon's innate terrifying deterrent...

Hell's Gate Keep is guarding the demon orcs, let alone the fly demon and the Al-alum demon, even if not, in the face of the Balor Flame Demon, who stands at the highest position in all Tanari, without slaughtering on the opposite side , it is impossible to carry out any attack at all.

   "The great King of Demon Flames is back, why don't you come to see him immediately?"

  When the figures of the three people landed on the site of the former arena.

  Samuel's sharp voice first broke the surface fortress, a sudden silence.

  The King of Magic Flames! ! !

   The moment before was dull, this moment... the fortress was in an uproar!

  Most Tanaroks are suddenly excited and restless, but also inexplicably confused.

   However, the expressions of some of the top leaders of the Flaying Legion, as well as the very few Tanaris who were still here, suddenly changed.


  The King of Magic Flames!

   Also, Samuel and Alisa followed.

  This means...

   From silence to uproar, however, the current Hell Gate Fort belongs to Muvassis.

  In the absence of the first person to stand up, for a while, although the atmosphere was agitated, there was no situation where everyone bowed in response.

  Seeing this, Samuel was not in a hurry. His blood-red compound eyes were already locked on an "old friend".

This is a humanoid demon that looks so thin that it is covered with a layer of skin on top of a skeleton. The skin of this demon is full of disgusting sour mucus. The acid occasionally drips on the ground, and the ground is immediately sour. Rotten, highly poisonous and more foul smelling.

   Even if Tanarok is not a clean creature, there are no people around him.

   However, this demon doesn't care about being withdrawn. He sits alone, and is actually sharpening a magic dagger with the "acid explosion" attribute. His eyes are also completely indifferent, unlike the usual madness of Tanaris.

   This is the most common killer and assassin among Babu, Tanari!

   When Greensack was still around, Samuel was the most direct commander of these Babu Demons, and naturally he would not be unfamiliar with these old friends!

   "The tall tree has changed, Moissis and the others have fallen into the capital of the treetops, so Malus, your choice is..."

  The fly demon is born with the ability to "telepathy" only with Tanari and demons.

  Samuel's voice sounded directly in the heart of Babu Momarus.

   The Big Four of Tanari have fallen! !

   Even with the indifference of the Babu Demon, Malus' mummified face couldn't help showing a little expression.

   It's no wonder that people like Samuel and Alisa will jump out now!

   Without much doubt about Samuel's words, a strange color flashed in the eyes of Babu...

   "Meet the King!"

   (end of this chapter)