Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 623: Start

   Chapter 623 begins

   "Two things."

   "First, collect all the information related to Dosal-Manas as detailed as possible."

   "Secondly, there are those demon-born elves back then, dig deep into everything related to them!"

Although Isaac has no clue as to how to conquer the ghost mage, but he already has a certain idea in his heart. If this person is really "Dosar-Manas"... then he must analyze the "high-energy core" for him. , is of great significance.

   After all, according to the demon-born elf in Aiwen Harbor, the magicians of Eskohorn, the permanent summoning of Greensac and other demons, the root of their ritual is precisely the "high-energy core"!

And as the host of that summoning ceremony, since Dosall-Manas can use the power of this "high-energy core", no matter whether it is secretly guided by a demon elf, at his level, he will not Maybe you don't understand this at all!

   Once, Isaac didn't have much interest in how the mages of Eskohorn summoned Tanari.

   After all, with his magical attainments, there is absolutely no problem in designing a ritual with a similar function.

   However, since Ai Wengang and his party, from the place of the demon elf, he vaguely had a considerable degree of judgment on the essence of "elven high magic", all this has changed.

And since the "Tanaari Summoning Ceremony" led by Dorsal-Manas was guided by the demon-born elves and involved the "high-energy core", it is very likely that it will be the same as the real The "elven ritual" is related to the same degree, and it can be manipulated with higher intensity...

   Looking back, he also paid a lot of attention to this "Tanaari Summoning Ceremony".

  If you can directly get the relevant information of this ritual from Dossar's side, this may be more meaningful than the "reverse solution" mentioned by the demon-born elves in Aiwen Port.

  After all...this is a ritual that truly manipulates the "high-energy core" to a certain extent!


  The Fly Demon took the command immediately.

He waited and waited, seeing that there was no further instruction from above, he continued to report: "Your Majesty, the 'Flaming Horns' retreating from the foggy fortress, and the blue bear barbarians of Haggs, and that Bellrose, controlled by the two green hag, is now parked in the southern forest dozens of miles away.

  There are signs that the blue bear barbarians may retreat to the tribal camp, and the 'Flaming Horns' lost contact with Walker and Gugriev at the same time, and also fell into a panic.

  Look, we should…”

   Due to the connection between the hag chapters, the blue bear barbarian and Tanarok's coalition could sense that something was wrong, which was naturally normal.

The barbarians are arrogant, and Tanarok is even more rude, but in the environment where the Hell Gate Castle has changed hands, they have also lost Lady Blue Bear, lost Kenil Walker, and even Gugriff. Is it not... how could they be forced to maintain some order!

   "Let Gugriff go."

   "Tell him, if he can't bring back the 'Flaming Horns', there is no need for the 'Flaming Horns' to continue to exist!"

   "As for the Blue Bear tribe, and those two green hags..."

  Isaac looked at the fly demon and said indifferently: "On the premise of not releasing Haggs for the time being, you can decide for yourself how to contact them."

  The blue bear barbarian may be a potential breeding tool for Tanari, but for him, he is not very valued by him.

   On the contrary, the hag warband, with the ritual of the warband and the enhanced manipulation of spell-like abilities, can make him take a few more glances.

   However, although he has some interest in the hag warband, at least now, Isaac can't squeeze out the time and energy to study how these three hags are.

  Simply, he directly threw all related matters to the fly demon to deal with.

   Samuel was not ambiguous on these matters. He asked the "King of Demon Flames" for a little instruction.

   Then, he made some reports on the various preparations and development of the defense of the Fire Castle.

   All were approved by Isaac.

   Finally, in recent days, everything he has been busy with is almost finished.

   With a series of new instructions, the fly demon quickly retired.


   The next two days.

   Not only was there a large-scale movement of the whipping army, but also some wind movements inside the fortress, a heavy atmosphere that was about to come, was rapidly forming in the military camps on all levels.

   However, this is only in the barracks, only in the fortress.

  Isaac on the side of the Flame Castle is like nothing at all unexpected, except for the occasional connection with the first loyal servant of the kingdom, and Miranda of the Five Colors Temple, who has some "text messages" connection.

   Almost all the time, he was hidden in the depths of the Fire Castle.

   "After the matter of the Big Four is resolved, before we start the next match with Gaoshu, we must return to the kingdom again!"

  In the depths of the castle, there is a newly opened magic laboratory.

  Various resources, various materials, are arranged in an orderly manner.

   These days, he has already cleaned up the treasure house of Muvassis, including the two fortresses of the three giants.

   The harvest is undoubtedly amazing.

   It's just... but it has a lot of shortcomings!

   The Big Four, or even the earlier Greensack, in the real magic research, after all, there is a weak point.

  Because of this, even if they devoured the wealth of Esko Corner and completed the destruction of Yeerlan and Amarinda, it stands to reason that there will be absolutely no shortage of most magical resources.

   But, at least Isaac is sorting and summarizing it now. In many key areas, there are quite a few vacancies in the treasure trove that he "recaptured".

  These vacancies and deficiencies... Not to mention the second stage of the "rising dragon transformation", the most imminent "legendary dispelling technique", he must return to the kingdom.

   Then, either complete the research directly in the kingdom, or if necessary, transfer the relevant resources that have been prepared in the kingdom over here.

   "The Hell Gate Fortress must be changed!"

   "Even if this side remains unchanged, such as Amarinda, or other goals in the future, if you really have it in your hands, it is necessary to change!"

He didn't want the city in his hand to have no creativity except for endless plundering, and because of this, it also lost its circulation and commerciality. In the end, like the current Hell Gate Castle, it is almost isolated from the world. outside.

   He is lawful evil, not chaotic evil like Tanari!

   "Amarinda's plan, it should be an open dungeon."

   "A dungeon that connects Hell's Gate Castle, Grey Dwarves, and even those drow elves and monsters from the Grey Peak Mountains!"

   "In this way, not only the wide circulation of resources and information, but also with the Kingdom Security Bureau and with the Dragon Cult, to have a certain relationship, and it also saves a lot of inconvenience."

   "At the same time, the opening of this portal... Whether it is for the Silver Moon Alliance or the Yeerlan Elves, as long as they have similar concepts here, there is also a way to contact each other!"

  It's like...he is on the side where he is secretly guiding with the "Shadow Moon Project"!

   If you can take this opportunity to get in touch with there... This is definitely, killing two birds with one stone!

   "Yes, Kenil Walker?"

   "Or, Gevox?"

   Thinking of the city plan of "Amarinda", Isaac's eyes wavered slightly again, and two names appeared.

   To be honest, he doesn’t hold many positive views on Kenil Walker.

   However, he did not want to keep him imprisoned for some interest in this Cambion.

Compared to Walker, although Ji Vox's "loyal" tolerance is more optimistic about him, but... At least for now, Isaac has not seen that this Tanarok has mastery of Amarin. Da, the ability to step in the direction he wants to see!

   As for the other two...

   In Isaac's heart, the Fly Demon, the Al-alum Demon, the Soul Reaver, and even the current Big Four... all the names flashed and disappeared.

   After all, it’s not really determined, and it’s not in a hurry, it’s settled now!

   "Wait for another day, really go there, and after meeting with Barrett, then come..."


   It was this thought that flashed, and suddenly, a spiritual link came from a distance, and Isaac's eyes flashed.

   "Is this here?"

   A faint sneer passed through his eyes.

He didn't continue to count resources and information. Isaac waved his hand and opened the laboratory's ban. The multiple magic enchantments were still being formed rapidly, and his figure was already a big step. away.


   "Mowassis, it is clearly said that it will be three days later, why is the call to war issued now?"

  Underground tunnel.

   Accompanied by the flashes of transmitted aura, head-to-head demon silhouettes appeared in the darkness.

   Another muffled sound like thunder rolled and vibrated in the tunnel.

In the    voice, there is an obvious unpleasant meaning.

   Even the tanari demons that are constantly being transmitted are avoiding the sound.

   And their avoidance, where the voice is, the huge figure is also clearly defined.

   That giant body like a hill, even if he was half-bent, almost blocked the tunnel.

   And the wild and more brutal aura of violence is spreading the endless terror.

  This is... a slaughter demon!

   In the unpleasant voice, the cold insect eyes of the slaughter demon were staring at the six-armed snake demon.

  Three days of preparation time, this is the consensus reached by the four of them in the last meeting.

   At this time, all his injuries will basically be fully recovered.

   But... It was clearly stated that the attack would be launched three days later, but at this moment, Mowassis sounded the horn of this war...

Although the slaughtering demon is far inferior to other high-level tanaris, it is not as low-minded as a troll. He also vaguely guessed something about the actions of Muvassis, and therefore... even more inconvenient. Rejoice!

   "I received a secret message, the fortress already knew our attack plan in advance!"

   Facing the slaughtering demon's unpleasant sip, the six-armed snake demon's cold eyes were always indifferent.

   This gloomy gaze first faced the slaughter demon, and then slowly swept across each tanari, causing most people to stagger her gaze, as if they were guilty.

   She continued: "So, I think you should also know why we have to act in advance!"

   Leak! !

   Of course, it’s hard to say whether it’s an active leak or a real leak!

   However, this does not hinder Mowassis, just use this to change the plan!

   "The leak, no matter who among you is intentional or unintentional, I will not pursue it any further."

   "Because you leaked secrets, it helped me mislead the other side."

   "With this misdirection, whether there will be no more trust in you, you must know it yourself."

   "So, throw away those flukes, don't think about going to the team on both sides, give me a good snack, and bring Hellgate Castle back into our Tanari's rule, that's your only way out!"

After Muvassis gave a cold and stern shout, his voice suddenly became high again: "Now, it's time! It's time for these slaves to know why Tanari is their eternal master! Everyone follows me. , use your brutality and slaughter to make them accept the abyss reality of blood and fire!"

The six arms of the six-armed snake and demon are raised together, the "evil aura" that can be turned on for a long time, and superimposed with the "darkness of despair" of the dark guards, the terrifying dark power and evil atmosphere, instantly ignited all Tana Angry.

   Every place is roaring, and every place is surging with killing intent.

   In the end, as Muvassis said, they are Tanari, those devil cubs who whip the Legion, but they are their real cubs!

  These little brats want to come on stage too... Do they really think they are vegetarians?


   "Vikas, you already knew she would be like this?"

   The six-armed snake demon is launching a call to the demon.

   Although the slaughtering demon did not continue to provocatively, the expression on his face was still extremely unhappy, and his eyes turned to the soul judge on one side.

   The wild boar head of the Soul Judge, ordinary people can't understand the change in his expression.

   However, the relationship between the slaughter demon and him for hundreds of years can be seen at a glance, and the soul judge has already expected this change!

   Not only the soul-judgment demon, but the seductive demon Grishinas also had an extremely calm look.

  This is... Among the Big Four, is he the only one who doesn't know about it?

   "What are you doing with so much thought?"

   "Our goal is to attack."

   "As long as the goal can be achieved in the end... Moissis is what we want to do, we watch her jump up and down."

   "As for why she didn't tell you in advance... Maybe she was worried about your frankness and whether it would really leak any rumors. After all, Samuel is there, but he is in power."

   "As for me and Grishnas..."

  Soul Judgment's small eyes, squeezed by the fat and squinted, looked at the seductive demon, and a ray of cold light flickered in it: "Grishnas, what do you think?"

   (end of this chapter)