Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 662: Seven Days (Part 1)

   Chapter 662 Seven Days (Part 1)

   In the eyes of others.

   Isaac's identity as "King of Red" or "King of Demon Flame" should undoubtedly be regarded as enlightened.

   Especially the former, not only know how to make good use of people, willing to delegate power, but also good at unity and mobilization, often can lead the companions, keep the cake bigger, but also lawful enough to share this cake with everyone.

   This is an absolute leader even in the relatively enlightened Northern Landlord Alliance.

The latter, even if the time is short, can be seen in the eyes of Tanari, Tanarok, and others, such as demons and tieflings, who can invest in him. The subordinates are all being reused one after another, and they are all of the kind that can truly master the power and have a fairly autonomous reuse.

  Only from this style, it can be seen that this "King of Demon Flame II" is different from the former Greensack.

   It is also for this reason that in the current Hell Gate Castle, people are constantly taking the initiative to surrender, and Alysana's succubus mother even took the initiative to apply for "domination" to show her sincerity.

   Of course, there will be this phenomenon, and it must be closely related to his easy suppression of the Big Four. Even, this is the premise of everything.

   But there is no doubt that in the current Hell Gate Castle, the influence of "King of Demon Flame II" has obviously replaced Greensark, let alone the exiled Muvassis.

   In a short period of time, this kind of influence can be formed, and this is not just his power.

   It is also a very important factor to let people see the day of their early days!

Therefore, whether it is the "King of Reid" or the "King of Demon Flame", in the horizontal comparison, in the comparison with those lords, in the comparison with those demon kings, Isaac can definitely be regarded as an "enlightened" Evaluation.

   Of course, this "enlightened" is only in the eyes of others.

  Isaac himself has always had a clear understanding of himself.

   In terms of behavior, his "enlightened" is not false.

   However, this does not mean that this is his character!

   In more respects, he's all about long-term, sustainable benefits, and... time and energy!

   He doesn't have the time, and wastes too much of his precious energy on this kind of thing!

   His time and energy, there are too many things, at least for him, more important things, waiting for him to invest!

   is also because he doesn't care much about these.

Whether   Talia's surrender, Nissi Enri's visit, and quick hookup with Variermore, all of these did not affect Isaac's established plans.

   explained a little to Alisa and Samuel, and asked the Lich Wilder to cooperate with them when they needed it.

   In response to the elf attack that may come, he also made some arrangements for the slaughter demon Panrono who was forced to stay in the fortress and then separated from the soul judge.

   Quietly, once again in the name of "magic research", Isaac's figure disappeared in Hellgate Castle again.

   And he returned at about the same time period.

   On the trade road that runs through Wells Forest, ten miles north of Nature Green, there is an endless stream of motorcades.

   "No wonder this natural green is known as the Pearl of the South by more and more people."

   "The royal cities of Tethyr and Carlindsey are far from prosperous."

   "Silvermoon City is just like that!"

   Inside a gorgeous carriage.

   Through the curtains, he observed everything outside, and looked at the towers that stood on the distant mountains.

   A girl with dark and smooth skin like black jade, with long silver-white hair and beautiful eyes flashing with mysterious purple light, she should be a half-drow girl, with a look of surprise on her face.

  I have heard of it, but I have always been skeptical.

   Today's first sight, this capital, known as the "Pearl of the South", is even more prosperous than rumored.

   In the absence of port conditions, it can be prosperous to this extent!

   The same conditions, I am afraid that only the "Pearl of the North" Silver Moon City can be compared.

  Because of this unexpected prosperity, Kyriani couldn't help but think of the one they were about to visit.

   In the surprise on her face, there was some curiosity floating in her purple star eyes.

   The creator of such a trading capital is actually a giant dragon, and even more... a five-colored dragon!

   even got the Black Rod Archmage, and...the active visit of the person beside him!

Beside her, she is beautiful and graceful, noble and knowledgeable. Even though Kyriani is beautiful enough in daily life, in front of this one, there is still a silver-robed woman who is dwarfed and even feels ashamed. Who else could the lady in the tower be?

   At this time, Laila seemed to be concentrating, those eyes that were as beautiful as the moonlight, and had the ability to change color, were just slightly restrained.

   Kyriani's eyes quietly glanced over there, did not disturb her, and continued to keep quiet.

   She is the core member of "Moon Star", and she is still studying magic in the Black Wand Tower. Naturally, she knows that recently, the forces of Waterdeep City, headed by the Black Wand Tower, have been fighting fiercely with Entangling Symbols.

   At this time, Ms. Laila visited here, I am afraid that is also for this reason!

  But...how to convince the legendary Green Dragon King to join forces with them to fight against the Entanglement Talisman, this is by no means an easy task!

   Even, in turn, they have to consider whether the green dragon will have contact with the masters of those symbols!

  Thinking of this, Kyriani also frowned secretly.

   She didn't know why Laila was taking her with her.

   However, since she brought her, since she also participated, it is natural to consider what contribution she can make.

   "Not to fight!"

   Kyriani was the first to determine this.

  Although she has conceit about herself, even among the core members of "Xingyue", she is an absolute elite.

   In turbulent years, she was even taught by Lady Silver.

   In recent years, in the Tower of the Black Wand, Mrs. Kelburn and Mrs. Marcho have also often instructed her and her close friend Tasara.

  Power, she is in a period of rapid ascension.

   But, this is only relative.

   She still has enough self-knowledge. Like Lady Laila and King Reid, she is a legendary powerhouse among legendary powerhouses, so there is no need for comparison at all.

In addition, this is the territory of the King of Reid. The tens of thousands of dragon-turned kobold army of the King of Reid, as well as the cooperation of the troll army and the dragon beast army, have always been regarded as "Xingyue" by "Xingyue". The most powerful legion in the southern countries, this kind of power is far from what she can do alone.

  Therefore, Ms. Laila will bring her, definitely not for the battle.

   is more likely to be…


   "It is rumored that there is also a drow in the dungeon of Reid Kingdom, and the belief in the spider queen is strongly restricted here..."


   Once again, Kyriani frowned again.

   She vaguely knew that the drow elves of the Reid Kingdom seemed to gradually shift from their belief in the spider queen to the dark girl and the masked king.

  But...she is a believer of the Silver Moon Goddess!

   Could it be that she, a follower of the Silver Lady, can go to the drow and spread the faith of the dark girl?

  Ms. Silver's church and the dark girl's church, of course, have a generally friendly relationship, but things related to faith are not friendly or unfriendly, and can be handled.


   As if she could feel her confusion, a peaceful voice sounded behind her.

   (end of this chapter)